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“60 Minutes” Removes Possible Inference That APS Endorses “Cold Fusion”
sbkrivit | Uncategorized | Friday, April 24th, 2009

Following a temporary removal, “60 Minutes” has placed the “cold fusion” video program back
online after the American Physical Society distributed a press release Wednesday denying that APS
endorses “cold fusion” experimental findings.

The American Physical Society was mentioned in the original video clip at 07:17.

“We asked the American Physical Society, the top physics organization in America, to recommend an
independent scientist,” the narrator said. “They gave us Rob Duncan.”

The sentence referring to the American Physical Society has been removed from the video and replaced
with the following text, “We asked another distinguished physicist to have a look at the research.” There
were no other apparent changes to the video.

The odd thing is that CBS never said in the program that APS endorses “cold fusion” experimental findings.

New Energy Times asked Tawanda W. Johnson, APS press secretary, for clarification.

“Because [”60 Minutes”] stated that APS ‘gave’ CBS Dr. Duncan as an interviewee,” Johnson said, “one
could reach the conclusion that APS does endorse ‘cold fusion.’”

New Energy Times has learned that Allen Goldman, professor of physics at the University of Minnesota and
vice chair- to chair of the American Physical Society division of condensed matter physics, 2006-08, gave
Duncan’s name to CBS. At that time, Duncan was a “cold fusion” skeptic.

Since then, Duncan studied “cold fusion” research, changed his mind and told “60 Minutes” of his revised
opinion. CBS, in turn, told the world that Duncan, a reputable, independent scientist - and member of APS -
endorses “cold fusion.”

APS responded with a press release denying that it endorses “cold fusion” experimental findings.

What if Duncan had not changed his mind? What if he appeared on “60 Minutes” expressing continued

Would APS have issued a press release denying that it had officially referred Duncan to “60 Minutes”?
Video Interview with Mike McKubre on 60 Minutes aired April 19, 2009!
Cold Fusion is Hot Again

A report by CBS News' 60 Minutes program on April 19, 2009 states: "When
first presented in 1989 cold fusion was quickly dismissed as junk science. But,
as Scott Pelley reports, there's renewed buzz among scientists that cold
fusion could lead to monumental breakthroughs in energy production."
In a surprisingly positive reivew, CBS gives out high hope for this long-
maligned field of study. As of today, April 20, 2009, the day following their
report, this story was listed #1 in their "Most Viewed Videos" at the bottom of
each page, even more popular than their two recent stories on the singing
sensation, Susan Boyle (which would have won had it come out the same
day), which was produced 4 and 5 days ago.
“We asked [Rob] Duncan [of The American Physical Society] to go with
60 Minutes to Israel where a lab called Energetics Technologies has
reported some of the biggest energy gains yet. Duncan spent two days
examining cold fusion experiments and investigating whether the
measurements were accurate. Asked what he thought when he left the
Israeli lab, Duncan told Pelley, ‘I thought, 'Wow. They've done
something very interesting here.’” [
To recap, since the thread is gone after moving the video from :

Terry sounds right, but I can't seem to get many experienced proponents to step up here,
and I think I know why. They are sick of being falsely debunked no matter how many
papers they publish. They can't get a detractor to answer Terry's observation #1. They
know, as I have observed here, that the hound dogs won't read the results or simply won't
believe them. They have better things to do. The field is exploding and they are doing the
work to be the household names in the near-future of physics. With the SPAWAR
neutron production,
the DARPA proof, SRI, ENEA and so many others, the tide is turning. How ironic that
the government, so often a force of suppression itself, has to be the ones to bring the truth
because the establishment brainwashing has been so effective.
U.S. Navy scientists claim cold fusion breakthrough
“Our finding is very significant,” says study co-author and analytical chemist Pamela Mosier-Boss, Ph.D., of

the U.S. Navy’s Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWAR) in San Diego, Calif. “To our

knowledge, this is the first scientific report of the production of highly energetic neutrons from an LENR


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