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Revolution Times



V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1
Will Louis
XVI be a

Louis XVI Becomes King!

better mon-

Are the
going to win
the war?
It is a historical day ning to criticize especially in these
in France, Louis times. Others say
Louis XVI Has
been found
XVI has taken the he
guilty of trea- throne. Having has good intentions
none of the leader- and will do a better
Louis has sent ship job than the last
mercenaries qualities a French few monarchs. But
ruler is going to France’s problems
need to cope with are going to require
the Nation’s trou- lots of work and ef-
Louis XVI with his awesome
News Articles 1-3 bles, people have fort to fix. But only
Pages (1-3) clothes and hair style
lost time will tell if Louis
Louis XIV 4 hope that this na- XIV will make that
Biography tion will ever re- effort.
solve its many him. Some say he
problems. Many is unprepared to
Louis XIV 4
BioPoem are already begin- lead the country,

Opinion and
Americans Declare Independence
The Americans have wrote a tion, plummeting royal treasur- philosopher John Locke.
document exerting their inde- ies, which Hopefully they will repay their
pendence from their colonial come largely from taxes paid debt to France, right..?
father by the third estate. News has
Great Britain. The war is still risen that the Americans are
taking place, and men are going
fighting hard and dying for the to become a Federal Presi-
freedom dential Constitutional Repub-
of their country. France still lic, and will borrow lots of
continues to fund this revolu- ideas from the

Declaration Of The Rights Of Man And Citizen

“The Declaration of the English philosopher
Rights of Man and the John Locke. The docu-
“… and protect
Citizen” was recently ment even dared to people before
passed in the National guarantee the law”
Assembly. This docu- freedom of thought,
ment, quite similar to speech, religion, secu-
the American Declara- rity and property. It
tion of Independence, even sets power limits
sets for the
out some basic human government. This is a
rights for everyone. It big change for France,
protects people before a good one…
The Declaration OF the law. It has taken
The Rights Of Man many ideas from the
And Citizen

Louis XVI Found Guilty Of Treason

Louis has already been Convention had decided
“He has also been removed from The Royal to put Louis on trial. The
Palace, which was re- consequences for trea-
stripped of his cently raided by the Paris son are always the
mob. He has also been same; death. Louis is set
title, and now
stripped of his title, and to be guillotined January
called “Citizen now called “Citizen Louis 21, 1793. Rumors have
Capet”. But he was been spreading
Louis Capet” recently found guilty of about a possible trial for
multiple crimes against Marie Antoinette.
France. The newly
elected body; the Na-

Louis XVI Sends Mercenaries Away

It is no secret that riots have sume that he them, and the Bastille soon
Angry Mob
been sparked over the high will use the mercenary fell to the mob.
Is Storming cost of living. The fact is the troops against the revolu- After the governor surren-
The Bastille riots tion. This scared the mob dered, his head was cut off
have been growing ever and they began to and paraded around the
since they started. The mob arm themselves. They have streets. Louis was
claims Louis has responded recently just stormed the frightened by this act of re-
to all of royal prison and fortress bellion and has agreed to
this by sending foreign mer- known as “The send his mercenaries away.
cenary troops to the coun- Bastille.” Soldiers sent to
try. This makes people as- break up the riots joined


Mob Forces King & Queen To Move To Paris

Continuing not to ac- women decided to
knowledge the angry march 50 kilometers to “Crowds of
mob, Louis has not Versailles. They de- angry
made any real effort to manded that the King women de-
solve and Queen
France’s issues. He and move to Paris so they cided to
Marie Antoinette are still can see the poor living march 50
living their lives extrava- conditions of their sub- kilometers to
gantly in Versailles. jects. Not having much
While in the mean time choice, they agreed. Versailles”
people in large cities like
Paris are starving. Re-
cently, crowds of angry

Biography - Louis XIV “The Sun King”

Louis XVI, known as the “Sun King”, ruled vor, they would be invited to the royal ceremonies of the day.
France for a long time of seventy years, taking the These ceremonies include: The royal getting up, the royal
throne at age four. He reigned in the period of abso- breakfast, the royal lunch, the royal supper, the royal going to
lute monarchs. During his seventy year reign, the bed, and all the special occasions in between. Nobles even
power got to his head, and he started to believe he took daily ballet lessons in order to learn how to move and
was the center of the nation. He gave himself the gesture gracefully in the presence of the King. Louis also de-
name “sun king”. Which justifies how he views his pended on his own judgment, as he only had a few important
position as the monarch of France. ministers in the country. His personal judgment was the law.

But absolute power was not enough for After ruling for 72 years, Louis died of gangrene at
Louis XIV. He wanted to be remembered as the Versailles on 1 September 1715, four days from becoming 77
greatest monarch in Europe. Following this dream, years old. He left France in terrible debt, poverty and pushed
he built the vast palace of Versailles and made it the the nation to disaster.
capital of France. Of course the expenses of the vil-
lage was paid by tax money. He also forced nobles to
live there with him. The nobles had to do everything
with Louis XVI’s consent. If Louis was in their fa-
Martin Wan

Louis XIV
A King, A Tyrant, A father, and an Absolute Monarch
King of France, Enemy of Peasants, Disgrace to the nation
Lover of: Power, Wealth, and Ballet

Louis XIV
Who feels: the need to be remembered as the best king of France, to force nobles to live in his pal-
ace, and to build a village with tax money
Who needs to: be less stubborn, listen to other people, and stop thinking “he is the nation”
Who “fears” nobody but God

Louis XIV
Who gives no: money, food, or sympathy to peasants
Who would like to see: himself as the best kin of France, more wealth, and larger French borders
Resident of Versailles
Louis XIV

French Revolution

Opinion and Reflection

The French revolution was
This newspaper project was not
a period of radical violence, in at-
fun to do. Probably because the
tempt to overthrow the government.
The main reasons for the upheaval criteria sheet was extremely
were: the lob-sided social structure, vague, not giving an accurate de-
high price of bread, a burden of taxes, scription of what needed to be
poverty, famine and a lack of control done. It took lots of effort to try
in political decisions. and understand.

When a new government It is worth mentioning that I

was established, and Robespierre was spent countless lunch hours doing
put in power. France became ex- this project because I DO NOT
tremely left-wing, creating new legis- have Microsoft publisher at
lations to regulate business, granaries home.
and bakeries. Many people were guil-
What I truly don't understand is
I think change was definitely why I had to write what I thought
needed in France but, not the changes
about the project…
that actually took place. France ended
up having similar civics to commu-
nism. (Which is not good)

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