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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

10(04), 117-126

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Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/14524



Seydou Faye, Babou Dione and Papa Touty Traore

Laboratory of Semiconductors and Solar Energy, Physics Department, Faculty of Science and Technology,
University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History In this study, we propose an analytical method of heat transfer for the
Received: 05 February 2022 determination of temperature and heat flux density of a typha-clay
Final Accepted: 11 March 2022 material. The expression for the temperature and the heat flux density
Published: April 2022 are obtained from the resolution of the heat equation. The influences of
the exchange coefficient at the front face and of the depth in the
Key words:-
Analytical Method, Typha-Clay, material are highlighted in the transient dynamic regime in two
Temperature, Heat Flux Density, dimensions.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2022,. All rights reserved.

The misuse of energy [1] due to the significant energy demand for industry and domestics has disastrous
consequences on climatic conditions [2] of planet earth [3]. Reducing energy consumption in buildings is a major
challenge. Indeed, the construction materials of habitats in tropical countries pose a problem of energy efficiency[4].
Their thermal insulation will not only reduce the energy bill but will also contribute to improving thermal comfort.
Several materials are proposed in the field of thermal insulation, these materials can be of synthetic origin
(polystyrene, polyurethane, etc.) [5,6] or natural (vegetable, animal, mineral) [7,8]. Methods for characterizing local
materials of plant origin are proposed in frequency modulation [9-11] or in transient dynamics [12,13]. For building
energy efficiency, we offer a thermal insulation material [14,15] based on compressed typha-clay. We consider that
the different faces in contact with the external and internal environments are subjected to climatic stresses modeled
in transient regime [16,17]. The influence of the heat exchange coefficient on the front face and of the depth on the
interfaces of the typha-clay panel are proposed.

Study model
Study device
The fiber-plaster material is assumed to be homogeneous and of parallelepipedal shape. The depth of the material
isL=0,05m; the initial temperature of the material Ti=100Cand that of the external ambient
environmentsTa1=Ta2=300C. The heat exchange coefficients at the front and at the rear are respectively h1and h2.
The average thermal diffusivity is α and the thermal conductivity is λ.

Corresponding Author:- Seydou Faye

Address:- Laboratory of Semiconductors and Solar Energy, Physics Department, Faculty of
Science and Technology, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(04), 117-126

Figure 1:- Study model.

The unidirectional heat transfer in the yarn-plaster thermal insulation is governed by equation (1) below:
 2T ( x, y, h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , t )  2T ( x, y, h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , t ) 1 T ( x, y, h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , t )
   0; (1)
x 2 y 2  t
T  T ( x, y, h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , t ) is the temperature inside the material; x the depth and t the time. Equation (2) gives the
expression of the diffusivity α.

 ; (2)
2 1
 is the coefficient of thermal diffusivity ( m .s )
 is the thermal conductivity ( W .m 2 .c 1 )
 is the density of the material ( kg.m )
Boundary conditions

 T ( x, y, h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , t )
  h1 T (0, y, t )  Ta ; (3)
  x x  0
 T ( x, y, h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , t )
   h2 T ( L, y, t )  Ta ; (4)
 x xL
 T ( x, y, h , h , h , h , t )

1 2 3 4
 h3 T ( x,0, t )  Ta ; (5)
  y y 0

 T ( x, y, h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , t )   h4 T ( x, L, t )  Ta ; (6)
 y yL

T ( x, y, h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , t  0)  Ti ; (7) 118

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(04), 117-126

Dimensionless heat equation

T ( x, y, t )  Ta
 (u, v,  )  ; (8)
Ti  Ta
with  (u, v, ) : reduced temperature;
u ; is a space reduced variable
v  ; is a space reduced variable
and   2  F0
F0 : Reduced time variable or Fourier number
The heat equation (1) becomes:
 2 (u, v,  )  2 (u, v,  )  (u, v,  )
  ; (9)
u 2 v 2 
The boundary conditions (3), (4), (5) and (6) become (10), (11), (12) and (13):
  (u , v) h1x. L
    (0,  ); (10)
 u 0 
  (u , v) h2 x. L
   (1,  ); (11)
  u 1 

  (u , v) 
h1 y . L
 (0,  ); (12)
  u 0 

  (u , v) h2 y . L
    (1,  ); (13)
 u 1 

Let us find the solution of equation (9) in the form of reduced variables separable in space and time given by relation
 (u, v,  )  U (u)V (v)W ( ); (14)
Using the relations (9) and (14) we obtain that of (15)
1  2U (u ) 1  2V ( v ) 1 W ( )
    2 ; (15)
U (u ) u V (v) v W ( ) 
 is a positive constant.
From relation (15) we obtain two differential equations:
- The differential equation in time is given by (16):
1 W ( )
  2 ; (16)
W ( ) 
- The differential equation in space (17) is written:
1  2U (u )
   2 ; (17)
U (u ) u
The boundary conditions space:

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(04), 117-126

  (0,  )
   Bi1x (0,  ); (18)
 u  0
  (1,  )
   Bi 2 x (1,  ); (19)
  u 1

  (0,  )  Bi1 y  (0,  ); (20)
  u 0

  (1,  )
    Bi 2 y  (1,  ); (21)
 u 1

h1 y .L h2 y .L
Avec Bi1x 
h1x .L
; Bi 2 x 
h2 x .L
; Bi1 y  et Bi 2 y 
   
respectively the Biot numbers on the front face and on the back face.
The general solution of the reduced temperature is in the form
 (u, v,  )   a n cos n u   bn sin(  n u) c n cos( n v)  d n sin(  n v)e   ; (22)

 n bn  Bi1x a n ; (23)

  n a n sin  n L    n bn cos n L    Bi 2 x a n cos n L   bn sin  n L ; (24)
sin n La n  n  Bi 2 x bn   cos n Lbn  n  Bi 2 x a n ; (25)
b   Bi 2 x a n
tan n L   n n ; (26)
a n  n  Bi 2 x b n
The following transcendent equation x:
h1x L h2 x L
n  n
tan n L     ; (27)
h1x h2 x L
  2


ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(04), 117-126

Figure 2:- Curve of the following transcendent equation.

The intersection of the two curves fh (βn ) and ft (βn ) corresponds to the solution.
Table 1 summarizes the eigenvalues found of βn
Table 1:- The eigenvalues βn the equation.
n 1 2 3 4 5
βn 4,5 7,5 10,4 13,4 16,5

Transcendent equation following y

 n d n  Bi1 y c n ; (28)

  n c n sin  n L    n d n cos n L    Bi 2 y c n cos n L   d n sin  n L ; (29)

sin n L c n  n  Bi 2 y d n   cos n L c n  n  Bi 2 y c n ; (30)

d n  n  Bi 2 y c n
tan n L   ; (31)
c n  n  Bi 2 y d n
h1 y L h2 y L
n  n
tan n L     ; (32)
h1 y h2 y L
 n2 

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(04), 117-126

Figure 3:- Curve of the following transcendent equation.

The intersection of the two curves fh (μn ) and ft (𝜇𝑛 ) corresponds to the solution.
Table 1 summarizes the eigenvalues found of μn
Table 2:- The eigenvaluesμn the equation.
n 1 2 3 4 5
μn 4,5 7,5 10,4 13,4 16,5

T x, y, h1x , h2 x , h1 y , h2 y , t   Ta
 u; v,    ; (33)
Ti  Ta
T x, y, h1x , h2 x , h1 y , h2 y , t   T  Ta  Ti  Ta  u; v,  ; (34)
The general solution of temperature:
  h1x L   h1 y L 
     t
 x   x    y   y    L2  2
T  Ta  Ti  Ta  a n cos  n  
  sin   n  c n cos  n   sin   n  e ; (35)
   L    L     L    L  
    
n n n

   
Heat flux density:
We get the expression for the density of the heat flow (or surface heat flow)
Which is the heat flux per unit area (W.m-2) as follows:

 x, y, h1x , h2 x , h1 y , h2 y , t    gradT x, y, h1x , h2 x , h1 y , h2 y , t ; (36)

 x, y, h1x , h2 x , h1 y , h2 y , t    x x, y, h1x , h2 x , h1 y , h2 y , t    y x, y, h1x , h2 x , h1 y , h2 y , t ; (37)

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(04), 117-126

From these two expressions we get, the final expression of the heat flux density
  n  x  Bi1x  x    y  Bi1y  y   
2 2
  an  sin  n   cos n  cn cos n   sin  n     t 2
 n  L  L L  L    L  L  L      L2 
 x, y, t    Ti  Ta 2  e ; (38)
  n  y  Bi1y  x    x  Bi1x  x   
  cn  sin  n   cos n  an cos n   sin  n   
 n  L  L L  L    L  L  L   

Results And Discussion:-

Evolution of the temperature and the density of the heat flow as a function of the depth for different values of
the exchange coefficient
Figures 4 and 5 show the evolution of temperature and heat flux density as a function of depth under the influence of
the thermal coefficient at the front face in the typha panel.

We note a weak variation of the temperature and the density of heat flow according to the depth for the weak values
of the depth. In this zone the temperature and the heat flux density are maximum. The temperature is close to that of
the ambient environment, i.e. 300 C. This zone corresponding to a long period of excitement, the typha does not
have time to relax. Thus, it behaves as a thermal conductor.

Beyond this depth, the temperature decreases and tends towards that of the material in the initial state. This favors
the heating of the latter, translating the storage of a large quantity of heat. This is more accentuated at the surface but
decreases at depth. Consequently, the most favorable depths for heat storage are values greater than 0.01m. The
influence of depth is highlighted.

Figure 4:- Temperature as a function of material depth. h2=0.005W.m-2.C-1 ; t=10s.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(04), 117-126

Figure 5:- Heat flux density as a function of material depth. h2=0.005W.m-2.C-1 ; t=10s.

3.2 Evolution of the Temperature and the Density of the heat flow as a function of time
Figures 6 and 7 give the temperature and heat flux density as a function of time under the influence of the heat
exchange coefficient at the front face.

These figures show that the wall heats up as a function of time, reflecting the storage of thermal energy. The
temperature exchange for the different values is all the more important as the thermal coefficient is high.

The heat flux density decreases inside the material as a function of time under the influence of the coefficient at the
front face. This decrease is due to a loss of heat in the typha-clay material.

Figure 6 : Evolution of the temperature as a function of material time. x=0.01m ; h2=0.005W.m-2.C-1

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(04), 117-126

Figure 7:- Evolution of the heat flux density as a function of time. x=0.01m ; h2=0.005W.m-2.C-1

The quality of the material in thermal insulation is highlighted by studying the thermal behavior of the typha-clay
material through a modeling of the temperature of the heat flux density.

The influence of the external parameter such as the heat exchange coefficient is given from the temperature and heat
flux density profiles in the typha-clay panel. The modeling of the temperature and the heat flux density made it
possible to highlight the quality of the typha-clay material in thermal insulation.

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