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The desire for knowledge serves as the root cause of curiosity.

Straight from childhood to old

age, there is always a visible yearning depicted by all people and some animals. "The important
thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing" - Albert Einstein. I love
this quote and try to apply as much in my life as possible.

In my schooling days, l particularly enjoyed solving math problems especially geometry ones
which is my favorite topic in Mathematics. This reflected in my score of 99 in Mathematics
during my 10th standard, the best score of the school for the year 2009. I loved solving tough
geometry problems and even participated in the Mathematics Olympiad for my school. These
early experiences instilled in me a mathematical bent of mind which was my guiding compass
for the career choices I made.

I chose Electronics and Communication Engineering because of its practical applications in real
world like Embedded systems and Image Processing. I really liked the Image Processing and
Mathematics courses offered as I was curious how the images can be processed so
fascinatingly to solve many real world problems, especially using mathematical functions like
Fourier transform, Convolution which have profound effects. After my graduation I joined as an
Assistant Systems Engineer in Tata Consultancy Service to explore the industry standards and
practices. I worked in an aviation domain which had a lot of data to deal with on a daily basis
and was pipelined using a tool called SPLUNK. The work made me curious about computer
science topics like Automation, linux commands and Analysis of large data like generating
reports for the business heads to draw insights. I started applying my programming skills in
python to automate most of the repetitive tasks in the project and saved 25 percent man hours
in the project. After working on automation tasks, I got curious about machine learning to know if
I could use the knowledge to get better at my job. I enrolled for a course in machine learning
and artificial intelligence foundation by IIT Kharagpur from March 2019 to September 2019. In
that particular course I got an opportunity to relearn math related topics like linear algebra,
statistics, probability along with the basics of machine learning, deep Learning and their
applications in solving problems involving Images, text data. The course also sparked a unique
interest in deep learning, especially working of neural networks as to how such ideas can be so
impactful in solving problems in every field. At the end of the course, I did an industry project
with Philips health works and the project was to understand and implement a deep learning
model based on UNET and perform image segmentation on a lung image dataset from scratch
using Keras. The project made me realize that AI can have a large impact on various fields,
especially the biomedical field, however there is a large need to make or improve algorithms
for computation. After completing the course, I joined, a healthcare startup working on
blood histology images in January 2020 as i was inclined towards solving problems which
involved using innovative and novel methods.

I started working on building AI models to solve problems like object detection at for
segmentation, classification, registration of images. It was challenging at first to apply the
concepts to real world problems but I rose to the challenges by improving my problem-solving
ability and I realized that real world problems require a lot of efficient data processing and
cleaning techniques which is generally neglected. The work included object detection of blood
cells into three classes like RBC, WBC and platelets and then deploying the deep learning
model on USB Accelerator developed by Google for faster inference. I eventually was able to
help the team in building AI models to deploy on EDGE TPUs. With this experience on my back,
I wish to gain expertise in the field of Computational Sciences which is why i want to study in the
Master program in Computational Sciences and Engineering at Technical University of

As it is well known that German research is one of the leading in the world, I would love the
opportunity to grow and learn from the best. The challenges I faced in the startup have inspired
a research mentality in me as I worked on health care Industry problems involving biomedical
computing, along with a good understanding of foundational theory for Scientific Computing
makes me well suited for the program. The research being carried out in TUM particularly in the
computing field especially like ‘3D-reloaded’ By Professor Daniel Cramers and “Whole body
image analysis for diagnosing patients with monoclonal plasma cell disorders" have been
fascinating and striking. I would like to conclude that the Master program in Computational
Sciences and Engineering at Technical University of Munich is in line with future

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