Third Term Xam

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Middle School Time 

: 1h30m
Full name : ……………………………… Level : 1ms…
Third term English exam

Hi, I am Sandra . I am from England.I study at Henry James Middle

School.My school is big .We have eleven classes , a stuff room, a physics
lab ,a biology lab, a computer room, a sport ground and library.

The stuff room is next to the computer room and the library is between
physics lab and biology lab . Sport ground is behind classes. I keep my
class clean and I do not destroy school property.

Part 1 : A- Reading Comprehension

Task1 : I read the text and say ‘’true or false’’ : (3pts)
a- Sandra studies at the middle school.
b- The stuff room is next to the library.
c- Sandra does not keep her class clean.
Task 2 : I read the text again and complete the following table : (2pts)

Name Country School Number of the classes

Task 3 : I find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to : (2pts)
*Small#.............. *dirty#.................
B-Mastery of language :
Task 1 : I choose the correct verb :( 3pts)
a- My mother (is- am- are) preparing lunch.
b- He (play- plays- playing) football.
c- They are (have- having-has) English now.
Task2 : I cross the odd word out : (2pts)
a- Next to- teacher- between-behind.
b- Classroom- canteen- sport ground- on .
Task 3 : I classify the following words in the right column : (2pts)
« Biology - girl- Algeria- good »

/ dʒ / /g/

Part 2 : Situation of Integration (6pts)

Now, you know about Sandra’s school. Write an e-mail to her talking about your school name,location
and school parts.

Dear …………,

Hello, ……………………………………………………………………………………………........











Your best friend,


Good Luck 

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