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School: Setta Aissa Middle School Level: 2 AM Name/Class: ……………………………..

The First Term Test 2

Hello! My name is Lydia and I am twelve years old. I want to tell

you about my aunt Sally.
Sally is my father’s sister. She is a lovely woman. She is thirty five
years old. She has got red hair and blue eyes. She is elegant, her clothes are
always fashionable.
She lives with her husband John and their daughter Anne. Their
house isn’t very big so I have to share the bedroom with my cousin Anne
when my parents and I visit them. Anne and I enjoy a lot when we go to
the cinema and eat pop corn. We love watching funny movies.

Task One: (7 pts)

A- I read the text and I color the right answer: (3pts)
Sally is Lydia’s:

mother Aunt friend

John is Sally’s:

brother son Husband

Anne is Lydia’s:

sister cousin daughter

B- I read the text and say “true “ or “false”: (3pts)

1. Aunt Sally is 12 years old. ………………….
2. Their house isn’t very big. …………………
3. Sally has got fair hair.
C- I find in the text : (1pt)
small ≠ ……………. like =…………………
Task Two: (7pts)
A- I match each sentence with the corresponding expression: (2pts)
1. She likes reading books. a- Ability
2. I can’t ride a horse. b- dislike
3. We can play tennis . c- inability
4.You don’t like practising sport. d- like

B- I circle the right answer: (3pts)

1. This is Anne and this is (her/ hers) sister.
2. We love (our/ ours) family.
3. Is it (you/ your) book? - Yes, it is (my/mine).

C- I classify the following words: (2pts)

Hand – hour – why – white
……………….. ………………..

Silent ‘h’ ……………….. Pronounced ‘h’ ………………..

……………….. ………………..
… …

Task Three: Written Expression (6 pts)

Your friend Miriam sent you an e mail in which she described her
grandfather. At the end of the email, she asked you to tell her about your
grandfather. Respond to her e-mail

Here are some ideas you can write about: Hello Miriam! Thanks for your e-mail. Now it’s my

Your grandfather’s name turn to tell you about my grandfather.

.Your grandfather’s name
His My grandfather is called………………….
.His ageage
.Build (slim)
build (slim) ………………………………………………………………
.Hair (short grey straight)
Hair(small black eyes)and
(grey/bald) eyes ………………………………………………………………
.He lives with (me, my parents,
sister whom he lives
and my brother)
.House (small and
His house lovely
(big house)
house/small/ ) ………………………………………………………………

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