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Daily Journal Reflection

Dates Descriptions

Week 1 Today is the first day of my school. Actually, I arrive at school on time. However, I have to go back to AIU because I do not
Jan 10, Monday have the ATK test result. I have to wait until the MC mark opens so that I can buy the ATK pack. Luckily, the result shows
negative so I could not to school. 

When I arrive at the classroom, there are no students who are not in the classroom, instead, they have to join the class through
the zoom due to the virus outbreak. The teacher teaches and defines the students some important vocabulary including
 Eerie: strange and scary
 Growth: the act of growing 
 Layers: levels or folds on top of each other 
 Lively: full of life or energy
 Location: a certain place or position 
 Region: a large area
 Seasons: one of four parts of a year
 Temperate: not too hot or too cold 

At the same time, the teacher asks them to copy down the vocabulary by providing a limited time (5 mins). In this case, the
teacher counts down the time e.g., 4, 3, mins left by reminding the students. The students who do not finish, have to copy the
vocabulary from the wonderful book. 

Jan 11, Tuesday Today is the second day of my school. The teacher asks the students o read the paragraphs about Animals in Alaska including
walrus, and polar bears. It is interesting to see that the teacher asks the students to compare and contrast Alaska and the places
where the students live. For example, Alaska is cold since it is full of ice, whereas, the place where students live is not cold as
Alaska since there is no snow. 

At the same time, the teacher asks the students to compare and contrast “Apples and Orange” 
For similarities
 Both grow on trees
 Both can make juice
 Both are fruits
 Both apples and oranges also have seeds. 
Regarding the contrast, orange is orange in color, has a non-edible outer peel, and Soft 

Then, the teacher also asks the students to compare and contrast the two animals (e.g. 1) dog and tiger, 2) bears, 3) bugs, and
4) rabbits. Now, the teacher divides three students per group. It is such a good idea because the teacher does focus on both
individual and group work. 

Jan 12, Wednesday I can see that the teacher asks different questions when she teaches about celebrating the new year between US and China. In
this case, the students have to compare and contrast the US and China new year by reading the paragraphs in the book. Indeed,
people celebrate both new year by doing fireworks and arranging exciting activities. Then, the students are asked to search for
the 5 pictures of how people celebrate the new year on google. E.g., fireworks, make a party, eating cake, lion dance, family
gathering, etc. After searching the pictures, the students have to explain the meaning of the pictures.

Jan 13, Thursday Before the teacher teaches, she reviews the previous lesson e.g., what are the consonant letters? (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p,
q, r, s, t, v, w, h, y, z = use the article “a”) and what are vowel letters? (a, e, I, o, u = use article “an”). Plus, the teacher also
explains what does mean by “Blend in End”. For example, Lf = gulf, gift; St = dust, lest, fist, gust. List, cast, must, best, fast,
rest; Ft = rift; Sk =ask, risk, desk, musk, tusk, husk, bask, cask. 

Additionally, the teacher also explains to the students “Where and when to use a common” 
 To split serious of words (e.g., I have an/a apple, orange, and mango in my yard.)
 Before repeated/multiple subjects 
 Use of comma before ‘but’
 Use of comma with or/nor
 Use of commas before ‘and’ 

Jan 14 Friday I observe math, especially fractions. The teacher defines that “A fraction is a part of a whole.” Then, the teacher also gives the
example of pizza (e.g., a whole pie of pizza, but when we cut the pizza into two, it will become a fraction).
Plus, I also observe the teacher teaching science about the plant. In this case, the plant needs energy from sunlight, air, water,
and nutrients from the soil to make its food. In a similar vein, the teacher reminds the students to take care of their plants.
Then, the teacher also explains the plant life cycle such as seed, sprout, seedling, and plant.

Week 2 I observed the teacher teaching science about the frog. In this case, there are the paragraphs about a frog, the students have to
Jan 17, Monday read until they understand so that they can answer the questions.
I also observe the teacher teaching Math about "Whole, one-half, one-third. Plus, the teacher asks them to do the homework in
Google classroom.

Jan 18, Tuesday The teacher teaches “Grammar” and reviews what she has taught from the last week regarding “verbs, sentences, pronouns,
plural, and singular”. Verbs are words that express an action or state of being, and they are an essential part of a complete
sentence. A sentence is a group of words with a subject (noun/pronoun) and a verb (tells what the subject is doing). The
teacher also asks the students to write “10” word for verbs (action words), and submit it for next week. Coming out with 10
words (individually) is crucial because it does not only help the students remember what does mean by “verbs”, but also, helps
them to be more creative.

Further, the teacher also teaches the students “Math” to determine the equal pattern of triangles, squares, and rectangles. For
example, the students have to circle the correct equal patterns. Plus, the students also have to determine What fraction of the
pie is purple? What fraction of the rectangle is shaded?

Jan 19, Wednesday As usual, I observe teaching “Vocabulary” which are synonyms and antonyms. Synonyms include good - fine, infant - baby,
select - choose, accurate - correct, always - forever, connect - join, & large - big. Antonyms include hot-cold, dark-light,
event-odd, day-night, fail–pass. Plus, it is nice to see that the students learn the story of Abraham Lincoln, the best president of

Additionally, the teacher also teaches “contraction” means a word or phrase that has been shorted by dropping one or more
letters. E.g., Do not = don’t, I am = I’m, you are = you’re, where is = where’s, had not = hadn’t. learning “contraction” is
essential because it helps prepare the young grade for their future learning. 

I also learn that learning Bible is important for the students because it helps build students’ morals and ethics. For example,
learning the 10 plagues are crucial because the students know, “God is so powerful”. Last, not least, I also help my homeroom
teacher with making “flowers” to decorate the classroom. Indeed, to attract the students in learning, maintaining classroom
decoration is highly essential.

Jan 20, Thursday Again, I attempt to observe the teaching of my homeroom. The teacher often reviews what she has taught from the previous
lesson. In this regard, the teacher reviews Consonants and Vowels, and what the sound of (lf, lk, mp, & nt) will be like.
Indeed, I learn that the review is significantly important. Further, I make the tape around the plastic cupboards for the safety of
the students. When it comes to school, teaching alone is not enough, but also, the safety of the students is highly demanded.
Jan 21, Friday Today, I have observed some interesting lessons in which the teacher let the students present their projects about their cookies,
cake, or pizza. For example, I have one whole pizza and I divide it into 3 equal pieces and I share one piece with my brother,
one-piece with my sister, and one piece to myself. Plus, the teacher also corrects the students regarding how to present their
work as she records the video. It is a good idea because the students learn to speak which prepares them for their future
learning. At the same time, the students also can listen to the recording.

Second, it is the first day of my teaching which I teach science: the needs of the animals. Before, I teach, I get some of the
suggestions from my homework teacher regarding how to interact with the students at my very first teaching. For example, the
teacher tells me that I need to be very serious and strict, thus, it will be effective for my further teaching. Plus, I also must
provide the specific rules so that the students will know how to behave and maintain proper behavior when I teach them.

Regarding my teaching, I am not satisfied with it because I start late which results in time to finish up my lesson. Plus, I also
forget to end the class with “IFL” which means I should relate the things that I teach with Integration of Faith and Learning.

Week 3 Today is the first day of the school that is held through face to face. The moment, I reach the school, I wait for the students in
Jan 24, Monday front of the door to greet/welcome them, and help bring their staff. I also help bring the students to the bathroom because some
of the students do not know the location of the bathroom. Plus, it is such as busy and tired day because I need to be with the
students all the time.

Additionally, I also attempt to observe the teaching of my homeroom teacher. I can see that the teacher usually reviews the
previous lesson before she starts to teach the new lesson which is a very helpful strategy because it helps the students
remember what they have learned from the previous lessons and also help them connect the old information with the new

The teacher also makes sure that all the students are involved in the lesson by asking questions based on the vocabulary that
she teaches (common, costume, customs favorite). E.g., what is your favorite subject? What the school is surrounded by?
Then, I also learn that when the teacher teaches “Cause and effect”, she does not only use the resources from the textbook but
also, attempts to find outside resources to help the students understand better. E.g., there is a rainbow, because it is rain. She
raises her hand because she wants to ask a question. Last, the teacher also lets the students build the sentences by using
subject & verb agreement through setting up group work. E.g., they eat. She eats. I also believe that collaborative learning is
highly essential because it does not only help promote different perspectives for certain topics but also enhances students’
group work.

Jan 25, Tuesday Today, I help the students with sticking their apples on the vines that they are assigned. In the apples, the students have to
write the title of the book, names of the author, illustrator, character, and have to summarize about the book. It is interesting
activity because the students do not only read, but also, they have to record and write what they have read about. Plus, by
doing this, the information that they have read, last long in their head.

Additionally, it is good to see that the young students learn about IT e.g., having “Password” is important for the safety of our
account e.g., Facebook, Gmail, student account, etc. or else, anyone can use our account and can upload the inappropriate
things. I also observe “Grammar” present, past, and future. It is interesting to see that the students know how to create the
Last, not least, I also teach today by continuing the previous lesson plan from last week. I believe that I attempt to manage the
students well. I, again, attempt to introduce the rules and make it a bit strict, so that it is easier in managing the students.

Jan 26, Wednesday Today, my homeroom teacher is absent because she has to go to the embassy to intend her visa. I work with the substitute
teacher (Eddy). Plus, I prepare the example of the butterfly life cycle by using clay. In this case, I teach the students about the
life cycle of a butterfly, then, I distribute different colors of clay to all the students to create the butterfly life cycle. All the
students enjoy working on the butterfly life cycle.

Jan 27, Thursday As the students arrive at the school, the teacher lets the students read to keep them busy. Then, the teacher opens the song of
God and lets all the students sing. For instance, the teacher divides the students into three groups (purple, green, and blue) and
asks what is subject? Then, the teacher teaches the students about Grammar to identify the word "Subject" within a sentence.
Further, the teacher also teaches the students about irregular verbs (stand=stood, take=took, sit=sat, go=went). last, not least,
the teacher teaches the students about the present (happening now e.g., Jackie cooks breakfast.) past (Already happening e.g.,
He played football yesterday.), and the future (not happen yet e.g., She will do her homework.)

Jan 28, Friday I have learned that the teacher usually does quizzes on Friday. In this regard, since the students have learned about the present,
past, and future tense yesterday, the students have a quiz on it today. After having the quiz, I bring the students outside the
classroom to play. When it comes to education, learning alone is not sufficient. To help the students physically, mentally, and
emotionally active in their learning play (physical activity) is highly demanded.

Week 4 It is such a blessing to have a holiday during the Chinese New Year. I can really feel how exhausted for doing the
Jan 31, Monday internship. At the same time, there are plenty of things to learn in walking toward my professional job. Indeed, being a teacher
is not difficult, but it is so hard to be a good teacher.

Feb 1, Tuesday Basically, we do not have school today since the school organizes the workshop for all the teachers to discuss the problem
that different teachers have to encounter. In this regard, the teacher mainly discusses “Dismissal of the Students” which means
it is time for the students to go home. I can see that AIMS attempts to do its best. For example, they strive to set up the audio
in the classrooms, and toilets so that the students can hear their names which helps them know that their parents are arrived to
pick them up. However, things sometimes turn to be chaotic. For example, some parents come earlier than their dismissal time
which makes things a kind of chaotic. Therefore, if it is possible, let the parents come at the dismissal time so that the
homeroom teachers can easily manage the students. The principal also reminds all the homeroom teachers to let the students
be ready as soon as the bell rings so that the parents do not have to wait too long to pick up the children.

On the other hand, one teacher states that it is much easier and less time-consuming by setting the audio within the classrooms
and bathroom. In this case, the students do not only hear their names but also, can see their names on the screen. It really
makes things much easier. For instance, I can see that when it comes to school, teaching alone is not enough, it highly requires
the safety of children from the moment they arrive at school until they go back home.

Feb 2, Wednesday I can see that the moment the students arrive to the classroom, the teacher lets the students to read the passage to keep them
busy. Otherwise, the students keep playing and running around the classroom. It is such as helpful activity because after the
students read, they need to draw base on what they have understood from the passage.

As usual, the teacher lets starts the lesson with prayer because we all are under the hand of God. Thus, it is crucial to pray to
God to overcome our day with full of energy and wisdom. Plus, I attempt to observe the teaching of my homeroom teacher.
The teacher reviews what she has taught the vocabularies (eerie, growth, lively, location, region, active, explode, island, earth,
public, united, and, writers) from the previous class.
The students also learn about the causes of tsunami which is very dangerous for the people. As the teacher teaches, she asks
the students question. For example, when tsunami occurs, it will destroy the road, building, rush over land, and so on. Then,
the teacher also discusses the ten plagues e.g., the death of the first-born son.

Feb 3, Thursday Students usually start their daily activity with silent reading and take notes regarding what they have read. Then, the teacher
starts with prayers before she begins to teach the lesson. In teaching present, past, and future tenses, the teacher asks the
students to come out with different verbs e.g., run, listen, sleep, jump, swim, drive, sit, fly dance, read, drink. The teachers
also explain, when it comes to singular, we need to e.g., s, es, or ies in the verbs. On the other hand, we don’t need to add “s,
es, and ies” if the subject is plural (more than one). 

Plus, the teacher comes out with different sentences to help the students understand better regarding singular and plural. For
example, Torch sleeps. Sam sings. San and Ter study. The teacher also reminds the students that they don’t need to put “the’
in front of the name e.g. The Peter is incorrect. The teacher also reviews the linking verb (am, is, are). When the linking verb
(am, is, are) are with the action verbs, we need to add “- ing” to the action verb e.g., Peter is doing his homework. 

Further, I also help my homeroom teacher in delivering the homework to the students by putting in their homework files.
Having homework folders for every student is essential because it is easier for the students to check whether they have
homework or not if they go back home. I also learn that review is significantly important especially for young students
because their attention span does last long. Therefore, it is more possible for them to lose the content during the certain period
that they learn. Indeed, the review does not only help in recalling the memories but also helps the students to re-learn the part
that they have missed. Last, not least, I also learn that we usually have a meeting, especially on Thursday. It is such as great
opportunity to participate because I have learned so many things from the meeting. For example, during the meeting, the
teachers and administrators discuss school rules and policy e.g., wearing the correct uniform, hairstyles – (short & uncolored)
and students’ behaviors, and so on.

Feb 4, Friday I started my day with having worship about “Promise of Predation” which talk about we should fully trust in God. Starting our
day with worship is good because when we give all ourselves to God, the things that we will encounter throughout the day will
be smooth. Further, I observe and help assist my homeroom teacher.

Plus, I also teach “Grammar” about singular & plural, regular & irregular verbs, present, past, and future tenses. I, again, do
not satisfy with my teaching because I have not finished up the things that I have planned. Although, I try to make sure the
length of the lesson, since some students are slow, things do not go smooth. Therefore, I attempt to finish the rest of the parts
that have been left for the next period. Fortunately, the lesson goes smooth.

Week 5 I go for vaccination at Mission Hospital. It is tiring and painful as a consequence of getting the vaccine (Pfizer). I get about
Feb 7, Monday three days of side effects e.g., get fever and pain in the areas that get vaccinated. I could get lift my arm that getting vaccinated
because it is hard. Plus, as I get a fever, I go for teaching at Thairath Wittaya 68 School on Tuesday and Wednesday. It is such
as challenging but it is all about life.

Feb 8, Tuesday It is such as nice experience to get to teach at the public school called Thairath Wittaya 68 School. Considering carefully, the
Feb 9, Wednesday students at Thairath school are totally different from AIMS. They are really poor at English because I don’t think they have an
opportunity to learn English like the students at AIMS. It is hard to manage them but they somehow listen and show respect to
the teachers. The teaching Grade – 2 goes pretty well compared with teaching the Grade – 3, and Grade – 4.

The next thing that I have observed is that the students have to do the cleaning by themselves e.g., clean the classroom, and
around the campus. Plus, it is nice to see that the government provides free lunch for them so that those who could not bring or
buy their lunch would be very helpful for them. Unlike AIMS, the students also do not get proper care from the teacher e.g.,
the students line up by themselves and go for lunch by themselves without getting assistants from the teacher. It is nice
because they are being independent which prepares them to be ready as they move forward with their lifespan development.
Feb 10, Thursday As usual, I pray with my friends before we start the new day. Again, I pray with the students before we start the lesson. Plus, I
teach Grammar about the “linking verbs”. I confidently can claim that it is the best teaching ever because I could not only
maintain classroom management but also, I can effectively manage the length of the teaching to the different levels of the
students. I am highly appreciative of what I have taught the students. Indeed, the lesson is short but it obtains a lot of practices
and drills that help the students understand deeper concepts regarding “to be’ linking verbs (Present Tense - am, is, and are).
Last, I also help my homeroom teacher with making the bookmarks for the students. It is fun because the students come out
with different designs/ideas in order to win the prize. Last, we also have a meeting in which we breakout the room to pray due
to God keeps all of us from deadly outbreak diseases. Then, the teachers also discuss budget requests and approval. 

Feb 11, Friday Today, all the internship students have a meeting with the school principal. The principal (Mrs. Foster) ask all the internship
students about the reason why they choose teaching. Then, she also encourages us to come out with the questions that we want
to ask her. I ask the question including 
1. As a principal, how do you manage the school to run effectively and efficiently including students, teachers, and
2. Are there teachers needed for the next coming year, if so what the applicants are required to submit in applying for the
Other internship students ask the questions including 
1. Does AIMS provide the recommendation letter for interns in terms of applying for a job or scholarship?
2. What should we do to be good at classroom management as a teacher at AIMS?

Plus, it is nice to learn something important for the principal. For example, she tells us that “Don’t confuse what you want, but
what you need! If you want to buy a bike but if you think that you can walk then, don’t buy a bike, if you want to buy a fancy
computer but know that you can work with a cheaper computer then, buy a cheaper one. 
Further, she also talks about your issue is to take care of yourselves and be on time. Before you teach get the attention of the
students first and don’t teach until you get all their attention. When you teach them, you are given a full authority. You can be
tough but not mean. Last, she also tells us before you teach practice your English and let others listen to you first. Or else, the
students will correct the teacher, and parents will complain. 

Week 6 Today is an exciting day for me because it is the first time that Dr. Nalton come and observed me for my mid-term teaching.
Feb 14, Monday Indeed, I feel nervous, however, I try to teach my best with full of my confidentiality.
I teach “Linking Verb” to be – past tense (was and were). In this case, before I start to teach (to be – past tense), I review” to
be – present tense” (am, is, are). Reviewing the previous lesson helps the students to link the ideas between present and past
Feb 15, Tuesday Today, the school organize a parade for all the students from different classes including my class (Grade-2 Beryl). The
students have to walk around the school wearing different costumes. Since I assist my homeroom teacher in managing the
students, I also have to walk around with the students.

Plus, I also teach "to be" e.g., how to identify present and past sentences. Then, I teach the students science about animals
without backbones.

Feb 16, Public holiday

Feb 17, Thursday I have learned that the homeroom teachers use many different methods and activities in teaching the students math. For
example, the teacher organizes three sets of activities for the students by dividing them into three groups. Each group
rotates/moves a different set when the time is up. It is a nice teaching method because it helps the students collaborate with
groups as they perform the test with their peers.

Feb 18, Friday As usual, I help bring the students to the library. I can see that the teacher organizes an activity called “build the words”. The
more letters for each word, the more scores the students will get. For example, the teacher encourages the students to come out
with the words such as “animals or disappointment” rather than the words such as “eat, or want”. It is a great activity because
it helps the students to carefully think and be creative regarding what words they are supposed to come up with to gain high

Week 7 It is interesting to learn that the teacher uses for classroom management. For example, if the teacher wants
Feb 21, Monday the students to be quiet, she uses to silence the students. Plus, if the students are still noisy, they have to stand
beside the door. It is a good technique to manage the classroom because it helps the teacher to move forward with the lesson
and helps the students to behave properly and obey what the teacher says. For instance, the teacher also checks the homework
with all the students by correcting their mistakes. It is a good strategy because it helps the students to know what they do
wrong. At the same time, it saves time because the teacher does not have to talk to one by one which might consume a lot of

The last thing that I have learned is, they also organize the other teachers to observe how the homeroom teacher teach. The
homeroom teacher highly focuses on game-based “Who Am I?”

Feb 22, Tuesday As usual, I help the homework teacher with assessing the students by placing the flashcard of playing “Opinion or Fact” on the
table. The teacher tells the students to list down 1 from 30 so that directly write down the answer “Opinion or Fact” when they
see the sentence that has numbers 1, 5, 8, etc… It is a nice activity, it helps the students to move around which motive to be
more active through movement. Plus, I also help the students with marking. It is a nice experience to learn from checking
because some of the handwriting is chaotic and hard to write.

Further, I also review “Helping Verbs” that I have taught last week. It is hard to manage them because most students want to
take a break since they do not have any break from the first class. Anyhow, the lesson has finished well, although I could not
check the answer with the students. At the same time, I also help review and teach vertebrate and invertebrate animals.

Feb 23, I teach vocabulary and reading today. I strongly believe that the lesson goes so well in teaching the students vocabularies
Wednesday including notes, determination, responsibility, rights, issues, volunteered, champion, and promises. As I explain the
vocabulary, I also include with the example e.g., It is my responsibility to clean the room every week. This helps the students
to develop a deeper understanding of each vocabulary. At the same time, I also ask the question e.g., Why is it important to
keep your promises? Then, I also teach the story of “A Difficult Decision” as I let different students read different paragraphs
and explain the meaning. For instance, to check their understanding, I also encourage them to summarize the story into 3 or 4
sentences. Last, I really like the way how I plan and teach because I try to implement different approaches to help understand
the students understand the context better.

Feb 24, Thursday The teacher teaches the students the “Lord’s Prayer” lyrics that they sing every morning since they don’t sing the words
correctly. It is good to see that because the students who do not know the correct words, can able to learn again. Plus, I also
help the teacher with making the butterflies for the classroom decoration. I have learned that in learning, the teacher should
come out with different ideas regarding how to make the classroom nice and beautiful to attract the students’ interests.

Feb 25, Friday As usual, I bring them to the library, it is nice to see that most of them enjoy reading. The library is also rich in reading
materials because the students have a lot of choices regarding the book that they like to read. Plus, it is fascinating to see that
the teacher lets the students work in a group to come out with action as they say out the bible verse. Using rewards really
works because the students turn to listen and work to finish the work on time to get the reward. For instance, the students
enjoy forming up the action with their group mates because the teacher rewards them by giving ‘fake money’ one hundred for
each. With fake money, the students can buy real staff on Friday every last week of the month. Indeed, group work encourages
social interaction within/among the students.

Week 8 The teacher simply reviews the lessons that she has taught for seven weeks to help the students recall their memories regarding
Feb 28, Monday what they have learned. Helping the students review the materials is significantly crucial because coming next week is exam
week. Plus, it is fascinating to see that the teacher uses the “Picker Wheel” in picking up the students to answer the meaning of
the vocabulary. In addition, the teacher also includes an activity called “Rotate” by displaying the flashcards from 1 to 30 on
the tables e.g., 1) Thomas (play/plays) at the football field. The students simply need to look at the number of the sentence and
write down which verb is appropriate for the certain sentence.

Mar 1, Tuesday I assist the homeroom teacher in reviewing the lesson. It is interesting to see that the teacher creates the “Flies’ Flashcards” by
writing down each vocabulary on each flashcard. As the teacher read out the meaning of each vocabulary, the student tries to
catch the “fly” that has the correct vocabulary. It is nice because the students work in group so that they can help one another
which help enhance their collaborative learning with peers, I also help the teacher with “Marking” because it is time for the
students to review what they have learned mistakes that they made. It is tiring because there are different booklets to mark.

Mar 2, Wednesday As usual, I help the teacher with marking the booklets in math so that the students can see what the mistakes they have done
and what they are supposed to review and practice more to be ready for the exam. Honestly, marking takes time, but I enjoy to
mark and look through the interesting answers from different students. Then, the teacher also gives all “booklets” including
math, reading, grammar, and phonics so that the students can review what they have learned. Indeed, being teacher is not only
to teach, but also, need to collect the “worksheets” and “booklets” to help remind the students know what they are supposed to
study for their exam.

Mar 3, Thursday As the students perceive the new day, the teacher starts with a roleplay about “Three Billy Goats”. In this case, the teachers
form the students into two groups. Every student read out the certain role that they are being assigned. I believe it is a nice
practice because the students need to maintain their voices to match with their character e.g., the students who take a tiger role,
will sound like a tiger when they read out the text. Roleplay is such a nice activity since it helps prepare the students for their
future learning as they move forward to the further grade level.

Plus, I also like the way the teacher teaches math. For example, how to solve “1/2 of 10” by using counters and disks. It is
such as creative and innovative activity that I have never thought out before. The activity certain helps the students to think
and reason regarding how to solve the problem. Last, it also helps increase the students’ fine motor skills because they have to
divide small counters on the disks when solving the problem. Last, we also have a meeting by discussing the categories that
certain school needs to have. I also point out that good/outstanding education does not only develop the young generation
with an active and creative mind, but it also helps bring the young adult to be willing to serve the needs of the community
as they move forward with their lifespan development. 

Mar 4, Friday As usual, the students go to the library every Friday morning. Developing reading habits for young children is significantly
essential because aside from the knowledge in the school’s curriculum, the students can also learn the knowledge from the
books through their own readings. Plus, it also helps the students’ further development as they move forward with their life
course development. With this in mind, the more the children read, the more ideas and knowledge they will gain which will
help them to apply those ideas and knowledge as they grow up.
Further, the teacher attempts to review “grammar – does, do” to help them remember and be ready for the exam as the teacher
includes different activities and worksheets to assess their understandings. Maintaining frequent review does not only help
students to know, learn, and remember, but, it also helps master the students regarding the knowledge that they have learned.
Additionally, it is interesting to see that the teacher lets the students identify whether it is 1) inform (fact), 2) persuade (apples
is the best – opinion), or 3) entertain (story) by reading the paragraph.

Week 9 It is nice to see that the teacher review vocabularies as she attempts include the interesting activity. For example, the teacher
Mar 7, Monday writes down the wrong spelling of the words “roa, utsrb, cerkl” as she explains the meaning. The students need to write the
correct words “oar, burst, clerk” as they get the explanation from the teacher. It is such as wonderful activity because it helps
the students to deeply think and recall their memories regarding what they have learned.

Moving forward, the teacher also reviewed grammar especially “contractions” e.g., was not = wasn’t, it is = it’s, I have = I’ve,
and I am = I’m. Plus, the teacher also reviews “subject-verb agreement” by letting the students construct the sentences using
“grows and grow”.
After reviewing, the teacher let the students take some breaks by playing outside. It is such as great idea because it helps the
students refresh their minds would result in better thinking and reasoning. Last, not least, the section of the exam about the
“Bible” is interesting because the students have to answer the different questions based on what they have watched from the
short video clip. I can learn that this particular section requires high concentration in order for them to answer the questions.

Mar 8, Tuesday I help bring the students to the computer room for their IT class. I have learned that learning IT at this certain age is highly
crucial because the students learn to know the basic knowledge about IT which would prepare them in the future learning.
Plus, the teacher gives “Fake Money” as a reward for those who have completed the most reading logs. It is such as nice idea
because it helps encourage the students to focus and do their reading logs so that they can receive the reward from the
teachers. I can see that all the students want “Fake Money” because they can buy the real staff by using the fake money. The
teacher will deduce fake money for students who misbehave.

At the same time, the teacher rearranges the chairs in order for the students to work individually and prevent cheating. Plus,
the teacher also reviews math before the students start to take their exams. As the students take an exam, the teacher attempts
to explain the meaning of the questions. Last, it is interesting to see that the teacher also includes questions such as “How do
you feel about the exam today?” The students need to circle the face (e.g., big sad, sad, big smile, or smile).

Mar 9, Wednesday As usual, the teacher reviews “subject and verb agreement” before the students start to do their exam on “reading and
vocabularies”. Plus, it is nice to see that the teacher gives the students several minutes to check the exam paper that they have
done yesterday (Math and Grammar).

It is nice to see that the teacher lets the students do a project about the “food chain” in pairs. The teacher provides a future
board and clay for the students to construct their food chain in their own design. Last, the students present their food chain
project as the teacher provides them the rubric for the scores.

Mar 10, Thursday Today, I am absent from the school due to I have to meet with finance offers since they have charged me 16,000 baht instead
of 8000 baht. Plus, I also meet with the university counselor to discuss my resume/CV for the job application.

Last, I also join the meeting which mainly discusses school policies, substitutes (need to submit lesson plan ahead of time),
application for leaves (when you should return), and grades & openSIS (recheck comments for students’ name, gender, and for
typographical errors), and ratings.

Mar 11, Friday No school due to COVID-19 outbreak at AIU Campus.

Week 10 Since today is the Teacher’s workshop: the students do not have to go to the school. Plus, as internship students, we are not
Mar 14, Monday allowed to join the workshop at the school because of the COVID-19 outbreak. However, my homeroom teacher calls me to
join the morning worship through zoom which is about “The solution to the church’s Laodicean condition”  

After the worship, my homeroom teacher tells me the subjects that I have to teach during this week, which are reading,
science, and grammar. 

Mar 15, Tuesday On March 15, I simply plan the lessons that I am supposed to teach during this week. For Grammar, I need to focus on "What
& Mar 16, is an adjective? For science, I have to plan on "What is the Sun?" For reading, I develop a lesson about Soccer Friends." I have
Wednesday learned that When it comes to the teacher, a lesson plan alone is not enough, we also have to prepare teacher materials to teach
e.g., PowerPoint, searching for ideas from YouTube, and searching worksheets to assess the students' understanding.

On March 17, the teacher checks my lesson plan, teaching material (PowerPoint), and worksheets. After the teacher re-
corrects everything, the teacher sends it back to me to see the errors. Plus, the teacher also will ask me to eliminate the
worksheets that are not appropriate for the students' level.

Mar 17, Thursday I teach the students Reading about Soccer Friends and Science about the Sun. Teaching the students about soccer friends helps
them know group work is so important because to achieve something, sometimes, we can do work alone, instead, we need to
work with our friends e.g., playing soccer cannot be done alone but requires group work.
For science, the students get to know how what is the sun? Why do we need the Sun, and what causes day and night? Indeed,
all people need the sun to keep surviving, without the sun all living things will not be able to survive.

Mar 18, Friday I teach the students about an adjective e.g., I explain what an adjective is, and help them identify which word is an adjective,
and let them create their own sentences by using adjective words. The students enjoy the lesson because they are involved in
the class activities.

Week 11 On March 21, I simply plan the lessons that I am supposed to teach during this week. I work on a lesson plan on science (What
Mar 21, Monday causes seasons to change?) and Grammar (explain the difference between a noun and an adjective, and identify adjective of

Mar 22, Tuesday On March 22 and 23, I teach "What causes seasons to change?" In this case, I help the students to recognize four different
& Mar 23, weather (Summer, spring, winter, and fall/autumn). Then, I ask them to draw and present "What causes season to change?"
Mar 24, Thursday On March 24 and 25, I teach the students difference between a noun and an adjective and help them identify adjectives of
& Mar 25, Friday quantity. In this case, I try to provide different examples to help the students understand the concept deeper. For example, I
provide different examples from YouTube regarding adjectives of quantity.
Week 12 On that day, I work on my lesson plan to teach social studies about Good Decision Making. It is challenging because there is
Mar 28, Monday no textbook. I simply need to figure out the teaching materials by myself. I can say that it took a lot of time because I do not
get any help from the teacher since the teacher is busy with her own lessons. However, I try my best by creating an attractive
PowerPoint and worksheet for the students.

Mar 29, Tuesday I teach the students “Good Decision Making” by explaining what decision-making is and how you will make smart
decisions/choices. Plus, I also give them different examples of decisions/choices in daily life. Last, but not least, I encourage
them to identify how decisions/choices that we make can affect people around us?

Mar 30, As usual, I plan the lesson on math about the “Measurement of length”. I can say that this lesson plan takes a lot of time
Wednesday because I want to make it perfect since the supervisor will observe me for this class. I try to search a lot of different examples
on YouTube because I want to come out with an effective lesson plan. Although it took a lot of time, I appreciate the result.

Mar 31, Thursday On March 31, I asked my homeroom teacher to check the lesson for me so that I can know which part I need to change and
what kind of error I have made.
April 1, Friday On that day, the supervisor comes and observe me. In this regard, I teach the students online by clarifying what does mean by
measurement and length; explaining two types of measurement (ruler metric scale & measuring tape); giving the different
examples about the measurement of length using various objects; describing the relation between centimeters and meters. I
believe I do well with my teaching, but the only problem is my poor internet connection.

Week 13 On April 4, the teacher asks me to prepare science lesson 4 "The Constellation and Moon Craters". Therefore, I could not able
April 4, Monday to join the class due to preparing the lesson and searching for the teaching materials and creating the PowerPoint that would
attract the students' interests.

April 5, Tuesday On April 5, I teach the students about "The Constellation and Moon Craters". I can clearly see that the students are eagerly
involved in discussing “What are the constellation and moon craters” and discovering different constellations such as
Leo/Lion, Little Dipper, Big Dipper, Scorpio, Cancer, Libra, and so on.
As usual, I review the previous lessons 1, 2, and 3 that I have taught, before I carry out the new lesson 4. Review strategy does
not only help the students to fresh and revise the previous information but also, helps connect/link the old and new
information. After review, I do not straightly distribute the new lesson, instead, I ask a related question such as “What can you
see in the night sky?” to build a report with the students. 

I personally believe that I have felt great about the overall lesson by seeing the students eagerly engage in-class discussion and
willing to share their knowledge and ideas as much as they could. One of my beliefs is that learning only occurs when the
students question and share their ideas and thoughts. 

April 6, Chakri Day (No School)

April 7, Thursday As usual, I just assist the teacher online since I could not go to the school due to the outbreak of COVID-19 on campus. I just
simply look at the way how the teacher teaches e.g., how she interacts with the students and what kind of materials she uses.
Through this, I can get different ideas regarding how to teach effectively and efficiently.

April 8, Friday Since today is the day of the Songkran Festival Program, the teacher does not ask me to join the class online. However, the
teacher sends me the video about the students. The students dress up the color shirts that symbol for the event. The students
seem to be very happy. I wish I could be with them on that particular day.
Week 14 Songkran /Water Festival Holiday (no school)
April 11, Monday
April 12, Tuesday Songkran /Water Festival Holiday (no school)

April 13, Songkran /Water Festival Holiday (no school)

April 14, Thursday Songkran /Water Festival Holiday (no school)

April 15, Friday Songkran /Water Festival Holiday (no school)

Week 15 Since week 15 (April 18 to 22) is teacher to teacher (TOT) observation, my homeroom teacher does not allow me to teach,
April 18, Monday instead, she asks me to assist her online. It is nice to see that the students come up with a different presentation by presenting
about "Mosses and the Red Sea". I can see that although they are young, they also have ideas regarding how to make the
PowerPoint and present the topic to their classmate. Honestly, I have no idea what is PowerPoint and presentations when I was
in grade 2.

April 19, Tuesday As usual, I assist the teacher online. Since some of the students do not able to present their presentation on "Mosses and the
Red Sea" yesterday, the teacher give them time to present it. I am so interested in listening to the students' presentations. In
this case, a student presents that, "On the way some time, the people who follow Mosses are hungry, So God send them a
bread to eat from the sky which is so yummy and sweet." I can say that they are such creative students when it comes to
presentations because they are not hesitant to share their ideas. At the same time, God sends a pillow of fire at night and a
pillow of cloud in the morning.

April 20, It is nice to see that the teacher has Google Classroom for the students to complete the things that they are supposed to do. The
Wednesday teacher mainly uses Google Classroom for an in-class activities. For example, the teacher creates a place for each student to
add their ideas at their place regarding what the Red Sea looked like when Mosses cross the sea with the children of God. The
students also add the ideas that the fish are swimming around like people across the sea. As the students are working, the
teacher could check the work of the student one by one since the teacher control the monitor. Plus, the teacher tells the
students to work on the work, especially the students who do not start adding their ideas yet.

April 21, Thursday As the teacher teach the student about the Bible verse, the teacher explains the meaning of the verse. I can see that it is hard to
understand the meaning, but the teacher provides a certain example to help the students understand the meaning.
Plus, the teacher asks the students to take notes of some of the Bible - verses. e.g., Isaiah 41:13, Isaiah 49:16, and Psalm 75: 9.
So, that the students can memorize the verses.

April 22, Friday When the class starts, the teacher asks the students to read out the Bible verses that she have taught yesterday without looking
at the verses. The students who can memorize earn 100 points for each verse. For those who could not memorize, the teacher
extends the time for them until tomorrow, or else, they will lose the points.

Week 16 Today is my first day of school after locking at the AIU campus for several weeks due to the outbreak of COVID-19. It is such
April 25, Monday as pleasure to get to see my homework teacher and Grade-2 (Beryl) again. At the same time, the teacher changes the
classroom position which is helpful because the students can able to conduct with different partners since the tables are
arranged in pairs.

As usual, I go for the worship before the day begins. After that, I assist the teacher and guide the students with the lesson
throughout the day. Maintaining different activities for the lesson is highly demanded because it can catch students’ attention
and keep track of their learnings. The lessons are mainly focused on discussion, and collaboration so that it can upgrade
students learning since they learn the lesson through speaking and sharing their opinions.

Plus, I also teach science, lesson 5 about the phases of the moon. It seems like the students really feel excited to learn with me.
However, I have to hurry up with the lesson since it is the last period and have only 30 minutes to complete the lesson. Indeed,
it is such as pleasure to get to teach on-site again.

April 26, Tuesday Every teacher has to take a charge of looking after the students every morning. I am also one of them. My duty is every
Tuesday. Since I am in charge of taking care of the students and I do not have a chance to go for worship.

Plus, today is the day that I get to work with the substitute teacher because the homeroom teacher has to go to the embassy for
a visa extension. I can see that the students feel more relaxed and flexible when there is a homeroom teacher. They think that I
can do whatever I want since there is no teacher Rose. As usual, I bring the students to other rooms including IT, Music, Art,
and PE. Indeed, it is a nice experience by bringing them to different classes. After bringing them, I come back to my main
classroom (Grade-2 Beryl). Plus, when the time is up, I go and pick up them.

Last, but not least, I teach the students chapter 6 (solar system). I can see that they enjoy learning science because they ask a
lot of questions and are willing to do the activity e.g., drawing. In this case, I ask them to “Draw and describe what you might
see if you traveled around the solar system.” Last, I remind them to do and present a project about the solar system in class
with a Rubric on Friday.
April 27, Today, I help the teacher with cutting and arranging the future boards for all the students to work on the constellations. I draw
Wednesday different constellations on the future board for every student. Then, the students add the students' stars to the drawing pattern
to see the connecting patterns form of the pictures.

After the students add the students, I check whether all the students completed adding the stars on their future boards. Then, I
and my homeroom teacher display the work of the students on the bulletin board, in front of the classroom where all other
students can see it.

April 28, Thursday I can say that I get a lot of experience by doing an internship at AIMS because we are not only assisting the teacher and doing
occasional teaching but also, we are asked to participate in the school meeting. Usually, although we have a meeting on
Thursday, we do not have a meeting today.

However, staff from the administrator's office told me, you can use the time for your personal work. At the same time, she
reminds us to return for the intern ID since April 29 is the last day of our school.

April 29, Friday As usual, when I reach the school, I greet the students. Then, I go for worship since we have to worship every morning before
the class start. I assist the teacher with her teaching. For example, when the teacher is teaching, I walk around to make sure all
the students listen to the teacher. Plus, I also help the teacher with distributing the working sheep to the students.

At the same time, April 29 is the last day of my school. I am so thankful that the teacher organizes the welfare party. We eat
the fruits brought by the homeroom teacher and students together. As an internship student, it is hard to say goodbye while the
students are crying.
Additionally, I have received the video created by my homeroom teacher. I want to say “Thank you so much for this precious
and lovely video. It is such a special thing I have ever received. The video is very heart-touching. The memory of the video
will always remain in my heart. Plus, it is such an honor to have you as a homeroom teacher. You are such a great and
supportive teacher throughout my internship. I will always remember your love and kindness for me. I also hope to meet you

Last, I will always remember our lovely students (Grade-2 Beryl) Shaun, CingSan, Zamira, Ter, Torch, Samatha, Jay Jay,
Thomas, Khun, Kawin (Leo), Seen, Ang-Ang, and Bua.

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