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I, Kirby Keith Clyde Caccam Catulin of legal age, Filipino citizen, single/married, a resident of
Brgy. Andarayan North, Solana, Cagayan, Philippines, do hereby depose and say:

1.That I am a Registered a nurse in the Philippines and I applied for a job bound to Germany
through a recruitment Agency named SAISY PROFESSIONALS UG with office address at
Zähringerplatz 36, 78464 Konstanz/ Germany;

2. That SAISY PROFESSIONALS UG will find me an employer and is committed to place or send
me for work to Germany within one and a half (1 ½) years;

3. That SAISY PROFESSIONALS UG will provide me the following:

• Free German language training (A1-B2 Deutsch, Telc/Goethe/ÖSD Certificate)

• Free preparation for the recognition test in German
• Free translation of documents
• Free Visa Application (with the authorization of the applicant that Saisy Professionals UG
will initiate the registration for the recognition as well as for the visa)
• Free Consultation
• Free plane ticket for the trip going to Germany
• If there is no testing center near me, Saisy will provide free transportation and hotel
accommodation when taking B1/B2 exam.

4. That even if SAISY PROFESSIONALS UG have not yet found an employer for me yet, I am
opted to avail of their free German Language Training Program in advance for free thru their

5. That if I will avail of the SAISY GERMAN LANGUAGE SCHOLARHIP PROGRAM to be given by
SAISY PROFESSIONALS UG, I will undergo such German Language Training (A1-B2 Deutsch) for
free in advance even if I do not have an employer yet or without an employer contract;

6. That I hereby commit to comply with the Language training requirements and will finish the
course and take all the needed language examination;

7. That if I start or finish the German Language Training Program of the SAISY PROFESSIONALS
UG through the SAISY GERMAN LANGUAGE SCHOLARHIP PROGRAM but transfer to another
Recruitment Agency which is also recruiting nurses bound to Germany, I hereby undertake to
payback or reimburse to SAISY PROFESSIONALS UG the full amount of Two Thousand Euros
(€2,000) for the language school or depending on the level that I am at.

1 of 4 | P a g e Deed of Undertaking with SPA and Language Scholarship

A1: 500 € B1: 500 €
A2: 500 € B2: 500 €

(If SAISY PROFESSIONALS UG cannot place me to Germany or find me an employer within one and a
half ( 1 ½) years, I do not have to pay SAISY PROFESSIONALS UG anything back for the language

8. That in any case, should I finish the German Language Training Program and Saisy
Professionals UG had also find me an employer in Germany, I will report to my employer for
work immediately as scheduled upon completion of my German language training as well as
passing the German language examination and completion of all my travel documents needed
for going to Germany;

9. That in case of failure to do so or if I will back out at any time with my employer and will not
finish my language training at any stage or if I will not report for work to my employer, I hereby
undertake to pay back SAISY PROFESSIONALS UG for all the cost of damages which will be
charged to them;

9.1 Overview of damages costs

If I drop out of the language school, no matter what language level I am in, I am obliged to pay
back the school fees in which language level I am.

A1 = 500.00 €
B1 = 500.00 €
A2 = 500.00 €
B2 = 500.00 €

9.2 Other costs that come to me should I withdraw my application are for the recognition & visa
application: 450.00 €. As well as general administrative damage of € 360.00. It depends on the
stage at which the I, the applicant, withdraw;

9.3 I also understood that Saisy Professionals UG is committed to placing me as applicant to

work in Germany within one and a half (1 ½) year, but If Saisy Professionals UG could not make
it, there are no costs for me as an applicant to payback or reimburse anything;
However, there may also be delays, such as in a pandemic where Saisy Professionals UG has no
influence or control due to any unforeseen events caused by force majeure.

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I, Kirby Keith Clyde Caccam Catulin, called here as a Principal hereby authorize Saisy
Professionals UG, with office address at Zähringerplatz 36, 78464 Konstanz/ Germany (name
of company, called here as an attorney-in-fact), to represent me at the
____________________________________________ (name of the State Administrative Office
for Recognition) in all matters regarding the equivalence of my foreign educational qualification
and the issue of using the professional title in a health care profession, in particular to submit
the application on my behalf and to submit all required documents as well as all documents and
to accept modesty. The Attorney in Fact undertakes to pay all fees and costs incurred to the
_________________________________ (name of State Administration Office).

This power of attorney is valid until the written revocation vis-à-vis the power of attorney (Saisy
Professionals UG) and the ______________________________ (name of State Administration

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have here unto set our hands and seal this ______day of
_______________ in_____________________________________________________.



Identification No. 0791797
Issued by: Professional Regulation Commission


____________________________ ________________________________
Managing Director/ CEO
Chairman of the Board of Directors Saisy Professionals UG


_____________________________ __________________________


3 of 4 | P a g e Deed of Undertaking with SPA and Language Scholarship

BEFORE ME, A Notary Public for and in ________________________, personally
appeared _____________________________________ to me, personally known to be the
person whose name appears in the foregoing document with his/her valid identification card
No. written below his/her name, to me known to be the same person who executed the
forgoing instrument consisting of three pages and acknowledge to me that the same is his/her
own free and voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on this __________ day of _______________2020.

Doc. No._________
Page No._________
Book No. ________
Series of _________

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