Professional Skills Self-Assessment - End-Of-Year

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From: Google Forms <forms-receipts-noreply@google.

Subject: Professional Skills Self-Assessment--End-of-Year.
Date: April 28, 2022 at 8:38:00 AM EDT

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Professional Skills Self-

From September:
The senior project is a powerful experience in more ways than just
career or topic exploration. Most seniors find that they grow in all
sorts of ways--with their workplace professional competencies
associated with career, life, time and resource management
(organization, time management, goal setting, etc.); with their formal
communication skills (professional emails and presentations); and
with their soft skills (relationships with people, approach to life and
work, and one's inner dialogue). The practice of self-assessing and
having an honest internal dialogue about one's areas of strength and
areas for improvement, helps us grow--especially when coupled with
the intentionality of one's actions to earnestly work on our executive
functioning, communication, and soft skills.
End-of-Year Follow-Up:
For your reflection, I'd like for you to think about specific instances of
growth and the personal skills that you've honed this year. These
responses should be saved in your senior project portfolio, so be sure
to select to have your responses emailed to you.
Your email ( was recorded when you
submitted this form.
Name (Last, First) *

Cavanagh, Drew
Workplace Professional Competencies
When you all were in eleventh grade, you probably took the workplace readiness
assessment. There are a host of goals associated with workplace readiness.
Those goals I want you to think about now are associated with career, life, time,
and resource management. To learn more about workplace readiness skills, you
can visit:

Check those skills you have had to employ during your

senior project work. *

defining efficiency and productivity as they relate to time and

resource management

✓ developing a plan of work

✓ differentiating between high- and low-priority tasks

✓ adapting work goals based on time and resources

✓ considering resources

human (personnel)—capitalizing on strengths; respecting

professional goals

capital—maintaining equipment to ensure longevity and


natural—using responsible and sustainable

managing personal growth and wellness (e.g., stress

management, self-care, financial planning)

setting goals (e.g., specific, measurable, attainable, realistic,

time-bound [SMART] goals).
Pick one area that you feel demonstrates your growth in this
area most and explain how you have exercised that skill
during senior project. *

I had to differentiate between high and low priority tasks when I

decided how much time to spend making my portfolio look nice as
opposed to making my product look nice because the product was
more important than the portfolio.
Are any of the above still struggles for you, explain how you
may have struggled with that area thus far. Were you able
to develop any tools or strategies to mitigate those
struggles? *

Setting goals are a struggle for me because I tend to just go with the
flow instead of making a plan, which is not a good practice.
Communication Skills
From September:
So many of your courses have been embedded with transferable skills--meaning
the skills you use to complete your coursework are also used in the workplace.
From reading comprehension to problem-solving, to collaborating with peers to
complete a task, you all have been building your communication skills resume for
a long time! Hopefully this summer you have been honing those communication
skills. What follows is not an exhaustive list; it is meant to get you thinking about
your professional communication. In preparation for this assessment, I came
across a fabulous list created by a career counseling program at a community
college in Arkansas. If you'd like to see that list, you can find it here: https://
college-61517.pdf . It could be a great resource when preparing for a job or
internship interview in the future.
End-of-Year Follow-Up:
Let's celebrate those communication skills that have grown and determine what
to do to "work on your left" in this area.

Check those skills you have noticed improvement in during

your senior project work. *

✓ Professional written communication, such as emails

✓ Public speaking in a formal setting

✓ Expressing ideas in informal conversations

Responding appropriately to positive feedback and

constructive criticism

✓ Formulatting questions

Following up with others to evaluate progress and determine

next steps

Expressing ideas succinctly and

What skills above will you continue to work on and what
tools/strategies will you employ to improve in those areas? If
you need my help in these areas, this is a good place to
express that desire. *

I will work on expressing ideas succinctly and precisely in trying to

use less filler words and be more clear when I speak without a script.
Soft Skills
From September:
When you all graduate and head off to college, you'll be swimming in ponds filled
with high-achieving fish, just like you! When you graduate college and begin
applying for your first professional experience, you'll be among an applicant pool
with similar educational backgrounds. The professional skills you've been
thinking about for this self-assessment are often the factors interviewers are
looking to evaluate when determining the best candidate for a job--especially
when the resumes often list similar experiences and qualifications. The most
difficult to define of these skills are soft skills. For this skills assessment, I was
referred to a resource by a local human resource executive who is on the Old
Dominion School of Business Board of directors. Before answering your final
questions, please read this article:

End-of-Year Follow-Up:
I'd love to know if you feel like senior project has helped you move the marker on
the self-assessment of your soft skills. You'll need to look at the article above
again prior to answering the final question.

Self-Management Skills-- How would you categorize the self-

management skills below?
These are pretty personal, so if you would like to not categorize a particular skill,
that is up to you. This section is really intended to help you think about your
thinking and take a personal inventory in these areas.

I felt
This is an
confi I've used This was an
dent tools to work extreme
challenge for
in on this area challenge for
me. I'm
this and have me, and while
working on
area seen growth still a struggle,
developing the
in during my I do feel like
tools I'll need
Sept senior I've improved
to grow in this
emb project work. in this area..



awarenes ✓





awarenes ✓



confidenc ✓

managem ✓

Resilience ✓


and forget

ce and


Patience ✓



People skills--conventional and tribal--after reading about the

people skills listed in this article, which ONE skill did you
work on improving this year through senior project? What did
you do to work on it and how did it go? *
I know that the list provided is pitched towards professionals, but think about the
notion of transferable skills from the previous section. "Savvy in handling office
politics" could be applied to a team or a classroom.
I worked on improving my interpersonal relationship skills in dealing
with others in my small group and others involved with my senior
project. I feel as through I definitely improved in working with others
by connecting with them.

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