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Empower- simplify your workforce with empower HRMS

 an overview.
 About Empower HRMS.
 About ESPL.
 What we do?
 Usability
 Whey HRMS required?
 How do we help various industries?

Retail outlets.

Call centers / BPO


Software industry of cooperate Engineering of manufacturing industry.

 Salient features of Empower HRMS.

 Modules.

Empower – Simplify you workforce with Empower HRMS

In todays world every organization expects & demands talented, Proactive employer to be a
part of them. Also if the various departments of the Organizations are linked with the HR department it
will ease many tasks with out much consumption of time, simultaneously if there in a tool to provide
accurate date for each employer required interms of their appraisal & for their career growth it will be
really helpful to the organization.

We understand the workforce of the complication involved with the same, henceforth we are
coming up with this most advanced, updated, customizable, all-in-one HRMS. Empower HRMS will be a
boon companion to all the employees. There by increasing the productivity, consistency and ROI.

When you purchase this are tool, we can ensure that you are saving you time, absolute
enhancement in the talent pool, productivity which ultimately influences the ROI to the fullest.

Starting from process of recruitment or hiring to the exit of the employee. Our HRMS takes
care of all you deeds with stringent time of in an more effective manner.
Manpower in the priority of any Organization. So lots and much efforts are takes by the
recruiter to engulf the right talent. Implementing Empower HRMS in sure of simplifying the tedious
process of hiring. On boarding, induction or orientations. Ultimately giving out the best results with
regard to that of the manpower capture.

When hiring is this much tiresome, the HR’S certainly knows that the processes following the
hiring in again a head breaking our HRMS pays way to all your processes resulting in 100% accuracy in
the final data.

Another major impact of this software if that it restricts the interference of the consultancies by
allowing the HR’S to work an their own way to get the adequate, skillfulled manpower companies
around the world are increasing their investment in HR work ease tools.

Irrespective of the size of type of the company. Where ever we install/implement our HRMS
tool. Our objective is to attain workforce excellence.

Instead of inverting in individual software for a specialized function. Our in an integrated one
which enables the employees and the HR’S to perform all the required activities on a single platform.

About Empower HRMS:

Empower HRMS in a HR tool of extolution software pvt ltd having its establishment at
Technopark, Trivandrum.

About ESPL:

We believe that success comes from perfect analysis and specifications. A well established
development process knowledge of the latest technologies, expert management, effective
communication of full cycle quality assurance. ESPL have very good expertise quality product
development and delivery.
We have build an off shore out sourcing house capable of delivering high quality project
management services on the largest software projects, backed up by strong processes of capabilities
that help clients manage through rapid changes in technologies.

Our experience of working in education sector in design of development of campus

management software and also in designing courseware, instructional designing of consulting. Hence
there is a clear Understanding of how the education institution performs of the factors influencing it.

We also have a strong hold in web application development and deployment. Hence we can
develop the simulation as a web bared application also without any risk of additional effort. With its
varied expertise of technical platform, we would be able give the output in higher quality, better cost of
stringent time line. Our business analysts who have extensively experienced with different domain
would give you a complete selection. Customer services rendered 18 hrs a day. Our USP in strong
management practices documentation of testing teams available with all projections. Our track record in
quality strengths in our strength to with stand any new challenge.

ESPL promoting a new brand of computing wave which it feels would face over the world soon.
The empower would be an affordable platform for SME’S to utilize.

Prime vision of Empower in to ease the work of HR’S of the small of medium sized companies by
setting upon ideal platform for them to work. This eventually results in the enhancement of the
organizational efficiency of productivity, ultimately the ROI in improvised.

Empower takes in the crude data of the organization and moulds it into a finer output very
effectively. This in an user friendly management tool.

What we do?

No matter how complex is the hiring and on boarding process of the organization, Empower
makes it thoroughly simple for the convenience of the HR’S. There by saving the productive man hour.

We don’t cease our services with the entry of the employee. We render our absolute assistance
in terms of the payroll, appraisal, training, transactions, asset budgeting, workflow process, mail
services, bulletin, settings of exit. We also aid services with regard to staff information system,
attendance, travel and conveyance.
Irrespective of the no of employees our software is capable of performing with 100% accuracy.


The tabs and drop down menus enables the user to navigate to their desired page of any
module. In certain pages the employees can do the updation of their personal data’s. Same way there
are certain pages for the administrator where in they can make up the required changes.

It in a simple, accountable human asset management solution that brings in value to the
organization by joining stake holders and providing centralized process which attracts of retains

After making through analysis of the HR market, knowing what their difficulties are ,we have
come up with empower HRMS.

The various modules present in our HRMS will serve all the managements’ purpose, and a
single way out for all the difficulties of obstacles that the HR industry faces.

Our software enables the companies and organizations in the employee retention thus
minimizing attrition. At last the company owns a well established human asset with a increased ROI.

Considering all these parameters in mind we have come up with this simple and friendly software
which enables the HR to attain the maximum in their profession.

Why HRMS in required?

The various factors that influences the usage of HRMS are the external and internal pressure
prevailing in the work environment, introduction of new products, escalating salaries, under these
circumstances the HRMS came into existence. So in every present workplace HRMS had become an
inevitable tool. This software enables the organization to tackle the difficulties on an easier note.
On the other hand HRMS acts as a link between the pinnacle of the organization of the tail end
employees. Thus delivering the output as expected and instructed by the top level management.

The aid of HRMS enables the management to take a proactive decision thus avoiding rink.

How do we help in various industries?

HRMS in widely used in diversified industries, such as retail outlets, call centers BPO’S, FMCG,
Pharmaceuticals, software of cooperates, engineering & manufacturing.

Retail Outlets:

In retail stores HRMS predicts the requirement of stocks in the fore coming days. The demand
of the product can be soughed out in advance, No problem of non availability, enhanced service.

Call centers / BPO’S:

The thorough purpose of call centers / BPO’S are fulfilled to the fullest by means of this HRMS.

The targeted and deserved sales of the organization in attained by usage of this software. Quality in
service in also attained at the fullest. Thus getting more customer base. Most importantly the quality of
each call can be tracked and updated.

The roles of responsibilities are cleanly portrayed. The shift allocation of the employees can be
done perfectly.

HRMS occupies a top most priority in the phama industry. This software enables in the
enhancement of the production of quality, control of cost, the composition of each drug in known easily
tapping the talented employees. These are the major role of HRMS with the pharmaceuticals

Software industry of cooperates:

Implementation of HRMS with the small of medium sized companies enables them to complete
their projects within a short tenure of time, payroll and appraisals cycle is clearly tracked. Shift rooster
of the employees can also be updated.

The details of the projects can also monitored with the provisions available with the HRMS.

In cooperate companies the sales, services; quality can be tracked through the HRMS software.
Also it acts as a helping tool to educate the HR requirements to the employees.

Engineering of manufacturing industry:

Installation of HRMS enables the manufacturing industry to come up with more production with
a control in cost and efficient manpower.

Delivery of the products to the clients well in advance. The work potential and the output
performance of each employee can be viewed.

Ultimately resulting in low wastage and increased profitability.

Salient features of empower HRMS:

 Enable to improve employee satisfaction and administrative efficiency.

 Systematic efficiency of the HR process.
 Thoroughly automated.
 100% accuracy in end result data.
 Minimized man hours in terms of recruitment/hiring, on boarding, induction/orientation of
various other processes, till the exit of the employee, therefore reduced indulgement of
 It also reduces the cost of benefits and provides a value added human resource planning facility
with the attention on each employee.
 Checks efficient and simplified work force.
 Improvement in workforce productivity and morale.
 The programming that we have used is dot net which ensures source code safety.
 Retrieve archive files.
 Greetings are auto generated.
 Auto reminders for ‘to do’ notification.

The various modules present with the software enables you to carry out each task with out any

The modules are much friendly and provide you all the required data’s in terms of personal,
career growth, knowledge updation, Income tax filing (etc).

The important modules of empower HRMS are help desk, bulletin, procedure, document,
knowledge, workflow, settings, staff information system, employee self service, Hiring, On boarding,
payroll, benefit, appraisal, Transaction, Asset, Training Budget of planning, Travel, conveyance, exit.

Modules like employee self science, Attendance, Hiring, On boarding, Payroll, benefit ,
appraised, asset, training, budget of planning, Travel, conveyance play a significant role in assisting
the concerned departments of the organization.

Employee self service:

This module has a diversified sub models starting from the profile of the employee, organization
structure, health record, company policy, org information, job openings, employee directory,
password resetting, list of holidays, IT calendar, my still matrix ,my attendance, missed punch
request, service record.

My Profile:

This screen exhibits the personal information of individual employees, education, job history,
employment information, and bank details (etc). All the data’s available are liable to changes and
can be changed by the employee himself.
Payroll Module:

 The configuration of the payroll module of Empower HCM helps the organization to meet
their requirements in an effective and accurate way
 Our payroll system work inasystamatic way. With just a button click the pay slip of the
employee gets processed and generated.
 The payroll module have provision for the employees to submit their tax declarations
online, for sake of verification the required documents copy can also he scanned by making
use of the facility available with this module so that it can be authorized by the concerned
 Tasks like add (or) edit can also be carried with this software
 all the basic required templates are available with our HCM at the same time the needed of
required ones can be customized based on the client requirement
 The salary generated in the pay slip will be of all deductions inclusive of PF,PT,ESI and IT
the calculation of these are done on a dynamic basis
 Facility of forwarding unclaimed bills in also possible with our HCM
 The pay slips reaches the employees through e-mail in form of pdf file.
 Income tax in calculated based as investment declaration of the tax calculation settings can
be altered based on the current date tax slabs.
 If there is any loan deductions the same will reflect in the pay slip and there will be a
deduction in the pay for the same .
 The salary structure can be modified as per the company’s requirement.
 Company’s logo can be incorporated in the pay slip.
 Existing salary type can be changed and new version can be updated as per the companion
 Penalty, LTA, LOP deductions also reflects in the pay slip and the pay gets varied
accordingly with the respective deduction.
 The IT calculation can be viewed by the employee himself.


Be a consistent Performer always.

An employee of an organization is desired to be consistent rather than performing at the

extremities during the course of his/her career. Consistency in performance is expected always.

Empower HCM enables you employee to be a consistent Performer. The appraisal module
designed by empower HCM makes your employees do well through out. By the consistent and frequent
updations of the employees performance and his lag to attain his desired level of target or next level of
designation our software provides absolute assistance.
The performance can be very well understood by means of the histograms having the
competencies along the X-axis of the rating / scores along the Y-axis.

The various competences that can be analyzed by this module are team handling skills, target
achievement skills, planning of execution skills, communication skills (etc). Improvement in the quality of
rate of completion of appraisal by each employee can be analyzed by the simplified workflow process of
our appraisal pattern.

Our HCM assists you in setting own apprainal modal, by setting up the apprainal forms according
to the companies requirement with out the interference of an external vendor.

Above al l the user will find this software to be very feasible one for them to work with.

Our appraisal module consists of the performance summary and an appraisal management system. The
performance summary includes journal, goal, core competencies ,development plan and skill.

Journal, shows the publication of the employee towards the end of the project completion. The journal
publications can be viewed by the employee ,his team manager and his team mates. This page can not
be subjected to any changes ,but the comments can be posted by the viewers.

Goal: Here the user’s personal goal and corporate goal can be updated by setting up mile stone for each

In corporate goal the user can find the goals set by the company and the level of achievement of the
goals in % can be also viewed in this page.

Core competency helps the reporting authority to view the employees performances and the rating
given by the immediate which will be displayed in this screen . The frequency of review of the
competencies can be also selected according to the team managers interest.

Development plan: This can be a short term / long term one, which can be setup with the milestones by
the employee (or) his superior. The employee can also set up his own milestones to complete his given
task or as decided by his superior.

Skills: This displays the type of skill that the employee possesses and his level of knowledge in
percentage in that particular skill.

Not stopping with the above this module has appraisal management tab too, which in turn has got
manage evaluation, ? bank, initiate appraisal and view appraisal.
Here the questions can be famed by the employer itself the way they desire. So the appraisal module
provides you all convenience to do the needful pertaining to enhance the productivity, career growth of
the employee, retention of employer with increased talents.

Employee self service:

This is a very preliminary module where the profile of the employee with contact detains and photo can
be viewed. In addition companies policy ,organization information, skill matrix, bank information can
also be viewed. Pay history of payslips can also be downloaded.

This page provided the convenience to the user to add/edit/details subjected to his profile. This module
enables the user to have a look at his attendance track record too, In addition if the employee has
missed out his attendance punch that can also be updated by providing a reason in the respective space
allotted for the same.

With the aid of the ESS the employees and managers can view the changes of the updates of the
employee online.

With the implementation of ESS cost of completion time of the task goes down, mean while service will
get improvised.

This module provides a facility to the employees to view their pay slips, loan out standings, claims and
reimbursement details. Employees feed back with regard to the companies (or) department wise
improvement can also been performed in this particular module. Also the corporate dashboards with
announcements of reminders will get displayed in this particular module.

This facilitates online adherence to policies and procedures and guidelines. The contents of the
dashboards can be customized as per the requirements. The pervious employment history can be very
well updated and also the educational details.

The presence of this module with our HCM reduces the administrative burden of the restricted usage of
thick register.

The attendance module of an HCM has very configurable features. It facilitates to create many leave
types and choose from a wide range of configuration options. This module has an option of marking
leave by the employees an behalf of their subordinates. Histogram representation for the leave track
record of individual employee in % can be viewed with respect to the corresponding months. Along
with this a tabulated attendance track record is also ported.

Not ceasing with this the histogram and tabulated team attendance is also displayed in the same screen

Simultaneously the various tabs of this module gives a vivid description of the leave report in terms of
late leave, early leave, OT report, and productive loss report also of the individual employee and also the
teams leave report.

The mires attendance punch can also be updated for a particular date by posting the reason of the same
can be approved / declined by the administrator.

This module also enables the employee to apply for leave. The leave request, leave summary history
can be seen, along with the pending leaves to be approved.

Work schedule option of this attendance module allows the employee to view his shift details, shift
request and approval for the same .Manage employee shift in a single platform along with the time
sheet reports.

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