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500 word formation exercises for Advanced

111. She's feeling much better thanks to that medical ________. TREAT

112. Tom's explanation was very ________. CONFUSE

113. We ________ arrived in England. FINAL

114. There must be some ________ to the problem. SOLVE

115. Violence against anyone is ________. ACCEPT

116. Our ________ depends on finding drinking water soon. SURVIVE

117. John walked ________ through the forest. SILENCE

118. Tom filled out the job ________ form. APPLY

119. It was ________ of him to break a promise. RESPOND

120. Tom speaks five languages, ________ Spanish. INCLUDE

121. Robert told the judge he wanted a different ________. LAW

122. The colony declared ________ and became a republic. DEPEND

123. Roger has many ________ friends in Washington. POWER

124. They know the ________ of protecting the earth. IMPORTANT

125. Dragons are imaginary ________. CREATE

126. The situation called for quick, ________ action. DECIDE

127. The dictionary is ________ It only goes to the letter J. COMPLETE

128. I applied for ________ in the association. MEMBER

129. Tom's parents were very ________ of him. SUPPORT

130. Be careful not to ________ the problem. ESTIMATE

131. Country life is very ________ in comparison with city life. PEACE

132. English has become an ________ language. NATION

133. We were late for school because it rained ________. HEAVY

134. He soon got used to the new ________. SURROUND

135. What ________ options are available? PAY

136. The Internet is an ________ source of information. VALUE

500 word formation exercises for Advanced

137. It sounds like you learned a ________ lesson. VALUE

138. Tom looked at the tall man ________. SUSPICION

139. It was such a ________ day that we went for a walk. PLEASE

140. I have read the article and now I am writing a ________. SUM

141. Why do some people have an ________ desire for power? OBSESS

142. She is ________ in a trading company. EMPLOY

143. He couldn't stand the ________ of the coffee. BITTER

144. Catching bugs can be a fun ________ for children. ACT

145. The ________ bans the use of chemical weapons. TREAT

146. The old man standing under the tree seemed ________. CONFUSE

147. We are ________ by his bad manners. DISGUST

148. People's life ________ grows every year. EXPECT

149. Timothy watched the plane ________ into the distance. APPEAR

150. He seems to be ________ to politics. DIFFERENCE

151. The internet is a wonderful source of mindless ________. ENTERTAIN

152. He decided to ________ in physics at college. SPECIAL

153. He is a very ________ writer. IMAGINE

154. The company has consistently shown a callous ________ for the law. REGARD

155. It's your ________ to finish the job. RESPONSE

156. Robert is ________ very wealthy. SUPPOSE

157. He is an absolute ________ to us Americans. EMBARRASS

158. People with low ________ tend to interpret everything in a negative way. ESTIMATE

159. I suggest replacing the full stop with an ________ mark. EXCLAIM

160. Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out a ________ of coins. HAND

161. These claims lack a scientific ________. FOUND

162. Steve tried to hide his ________. ANNOY


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