Exercise Unit 3

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1. Chris Evans _______ as captain of the Avengers series.

A. Has appointed
B. Appointing
C. Appoints
D. Has been appointed
2. Northeast Community Finance _______ an on line system in order to shorten service lines at
branch locations.
A. has implemented
B. to be implementing
C. to have been implementing
D. is implemented
3. The recruitment advertising meeting that was scheduled for tomorrow has ___ until next week.
A. postponed
B. been postponing
C. postpone
D. been postponed
4. The supervisor asked Steven to check the spelling of Mr. Kamashi's name when he _______
the document.
A. will revise
B. revised
C. have revised
D. was revised
5. Ms. Hyun is reviewing the training manual to see if updates _______
A. have need
B. needing
C. are needed
D. to be needed
6. A special sale on stationery _______ on the Write Things Web site yesterday
A. was announced
B. announced
C. was announcing
D. to announce
7. If you have recently _______ a digital camera and want to learn how to use it, this course is
for you
A. purchased
B. purchase
C. purchasing
D. to purchase
8. After the lease _______, customers have the option of purchasing the car or returning it to
their local dealer.
A. expired
B. is expiring
C. will be expiring
D. expires
9. Ms. Choi would have been at the keynote address if her train _______ on time.
A. arrives
B. will arrive
C. had arrived
D. arriving
10. Over the past ten years, Bellworth Medical Clinic _______ Atlan Protection officers for all
security needs
A. is hiring
B. were hiring
C. has hired
D. was hired
11. All the storage rooms are scheduled to undergo renovations and _______closed for several
days next week.
A. will be
B. was
C. are
D. has been
12. The Ford Group's proposed advertising campaign is by far the most _______ we have seen so far
A. innovate
B. innovative
C. innovations
D. innovatively
13. Even though Smithton Electronics' second quarter was not _______, the company plans to
invest large sums on research
A. profitable
B. profiting
C. profitability
D. profitably
14. The team's contributions to the Ripton Group's marketing plan were very _______ acknowledged
A. favor
B. favorably
C. favorable
D. favored
15. The manager said that it is _______ to test emergency equipment frequently to avoid any
A. appropriate
B. appropriateness
C. appropriately
D. most appropriately
16. Even if residents in the area have shown strong _______ to the project, the city government
may not be hesitant to proceed with it.
sức đề kháng mạnh mẽ
A. resisting
B. resistant
C. resisted
D. resistance
17. When leaving the auditorium, please exit _______ the doors on the lower level.
A. except
A. ngoại trừ
B. inside B. bên trong
C. without C. không có
D. through D. thông qua

18. Ireland's largest software producer will _______ be opening a large facility in Cork
A. soon
B. such
C. ever
D. like
19. Solei Landscaping announced that the design for the Cherry Hill building complex is
_______ complete Solei Landscaping thông báo rằng thiết kế cho khu phức hợp tòa nhà Cherry Hill là
A. almost _______ hoàn thành
B. nearby A. gần như
B. gần đó
C. anytime C. bất cứ lúc nào
D. yet D. chưa
20. Ashburn Bank's online service has been in high demand _______
A. lateness
B. later
C. lately
D. latest
21. The library has announced a new _______ that all borrowed books must be returned 5
business days from the checkout date.
A. accommodation
B. policy chính sách
C. handling
D. measure
22. In preparation for Mr. Kumar's retirement at the end of March, the Carolex Corporation will
need to _______ a new facilities director
A. resume A. sơ yếu lý lịch
B. compete B. cạnh tranh
C. tuyển dụng
C. recruit D. dẫn
D. conduct
23. Please read the list of _______ qualifications to ensure that you have the necessary education
and experience for the position.
A. slight
B. equal
C. obliged bắt buộc
D. essential
(obliged (adj): biết ơn)
24. The long-awaited Weka 2XG digital camera will finally be _______ at a product exhibition
on August 16.
A. reduced
B. unveiled
C. consulted
D. resolved
(unveil (v): tiết lộ; consult (v): cố vấn)
25. _______ the last ten years, Bay City's population has grown by about 27 percent.
A. As
B. Against
C. During
D. Below


Text 1 (ETS 2019 TEST 1/8)

As a Hanson -Roves employee, you are entitled to sick absences, during which you will be paid
for time off work for health (1) _______. To avoid deductions to your pay, you (2) _______ to
provide a physician-signed note as documentation of your illness. (3) _______ should include the
date you were seen by the doctor, a statement certifying that you are unable to perform the duties
of your position, and your expected date of return. Your supervisor will then forward the
documentation to Human Resources

(4) _______. Employee health records can be accessed only by those with a valid 138. business
reason for reviewing them
Là employee (nhân viên) của Hanson-Roves, bạn entitled to (có quyền) được sick
1. absences (nghỉ ốm), trong khi đó bạn vẫn được trả lương cho thời gian nghỉ vì health
reasons (lý do sức khỏe). Để avoid (tránh) deductions (các khoản khấu trừ) vào lương,
A. reasons bạn được yêu cầu provide (cung cấp) physician-signed note (giấy khám sức khỏe có
B. origins chữ ký của bác sĩ) như là documentation of your illness (bằng chứng về bệnh tình của
bạn). Giấy đó include (bao gồm) ngày bạn thăm khám bác sĩ, statement (bản trình bày)
C. senses xác nhận rằng bạn are unable to (không thể)thực hiện duties (các nhiệm vụ công việc)
D. contributions và your expected date of return (ngày trở lại làm việc dự kiến của bạn)ngày trở lại làm
việc dự kiến của bạn). Sau đó supervisor (giám sát viên)của bạn sẽ chuyển giấy tờ này
2. đến Human Resources (Phòng Nhân sự). Hanson-Roves luôn ensures (đảm bảo) the
A. were required privacy (tính bảo mật riêng tư) về thông tin sức khỏe của bạn. Employee health records
B. require (Hồ sơ sức khỏe của nhân viên) chỉ có thể accessed (được truy cập) bởi những người
có thẩm quyền để xem xét chúng.
C. are required
D. are requiring
A. Those
B. They
C. I
D. It
A. Hanson -Roves ensures the privacy of your health information.
B. Absences may be caused by a number of factors.
C. You should then explain why a physician's note is not available.
D. Take note of the duties you were originally assigned.

Text 2 (ETS 2019 TEST 2/38)

To: Staff
From: Amy Henwith
Date: 15 January
Subject: Exciting news

Dear Staff,

Thanks for a great year! In case you haven't heard, Henwith Home Supply will be __(1)__ our
second store this spring. This additional retail site will be located in the shopping centre at the
corner of Aberton Parkway and Sutton Avenue in Derbyshire.

We will be accepting applications for cashiers and sales positions __(2)__ 1 April. The
personnel director will review applicants' qualifications from 2 April to 6 April, and __(3)__ is
scheduled to begin one week later. __(4)__ .


Amy Henwith, CEO

Henwith Home Supply
A. moving
B. renovating
C. expanding
D. opening
A. until
B. following
C. according to
D. for
A. trainer
B. training
C. train
D. trained
A. Feel free to share this news with any interested friends
B. Make sure you have received all of the material
C. Contact Henwith Home Supply if you are still waiting for a response
D. Access to the main entrance will be blocked by construction

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