Question 1. (2 Scores) : 1 Answer Mark

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Question 1.

(2 scores)
Look at the figure below

Is it an e-commerce system? Why or why not?

Question 2. (2 scores)
Regarding Operation Management concept, point out two examples which
- Could decrease quality of output of a traditional taxi service (1 score)
- Could be used an e-commerce system to overcome this (1 score)
Question 3. (2 scores)
How many components of a domain name? Give example to illustrate the purpose of
each one.
Question 4. (2 scores)
Look at the web page below.

Is it a smart page? Why or why not?

Question 5. (2 scores)
Suppose that you are going to sell digital products. What should you do in terms of
giving better solution for your selling products?

Question Answer Mark

According to the definition conducted from the textbook, e-commerce 0.5
is a process of selling things on the Internet. Thus, the e-newspaper
shouldn’t be an e-commerce system in this case.
However, we could identify lots of ads displayed in the page. Suppose 1.5
that a user clicks on an ad and then be redirected to another website. In
case of the new system is an e-commerce system, the original website
should be an ‘indirect e-commerce’ platform.
Total 2
Regarding quality factor, the problem could be ‘impolite attitude’. 1
Assuming that a customer gets a taxi, and his destination is quite near
from the starting point. This, therefore, couldn’t generate much money
for the taxi driver. In some case, the service provider may express his
unhappy status by speaking bad words, leading to the quality of the trip
be negative affected.

Grab, with their clear pricing function, could work in this situation. 1
First, customer would know exactly how much they need to pay. In
driver side, they can’t reject the short distance trip without leaving
reasonable comment on the App. In other words, the driver should feel
comfortable when meeting their guess, which could increase the
quality of service.

Total 2
There are two components in a domain name. They are brand and 0.5
extension part.

- Regarding brand part, it should be named in a way to help customers 1.5

easily aware about business. For example, uef stands for University of
Economic and Finance.
- Speaking of extension part, firms should utilize this to show their
users the major operation of them. For instance, edu is primarily used
by educational institute such as university, school, college, etc.
Total 2
First, smart page is web page which could dynamically generate smart 0.5
content. Thus, Amazon’s product page in this case should be a smart
Clearly, the final goal of Amazon in this case is to sell suitable product 1.5
to the right person. With similarity function, the company could
suggest related products, which could be better solutions for buyer. By
clustering clients sharing the same taste, the firm could dynamically
generate this function each time client visit a particular product page.
Total 2
First, we need to understand that giving better solution includes several 2
tasks such as market research, product design, etc. In the context of
selling digital product, steps below may work
1. Focus on groups discussing about our product. However, we
need to find out correct keywords describing what we are going
to sell
2. Collect negative comments. Such feedbacks could express the
problem of our products, or the way the items be delivered to
3. After clearly understand which could be useful for our target
audiences, we need to explore alternatives to improve current
poor status.
Total 2
Question 1. (2 scores)
Look at the figure below

Is it an e-commerce system? Describe some characteristics of this.

Question 2. (2 scores)
Regarding Operation Management concept, point out two examples which
- Could decrease quantity of output of a traditional taxi service (1 score)
- Could be used an e-commerce system to overcome this (1 score)
Question 3. (2 scores)
Look at the figure below.

Is it a lead generation landing page? Explain.

Question 4. (2 scores)
How many ways we could use when developing a website? Provide some
characteristics of each.
Question 5. (2 scores)
What is drop shipping on the Internet? Explain key points of this technique.
Question Answer Mark
According to the definition conducted from the textbook, e-commerce 0.5
is a process of selling things on the Internet. Thus, Lazada should be an
e-commerce system in this case.
- First, user can join Lazada as seller or buyer. This means that 1.5
customer could find out the best product provided by different
competitors. Give example.
- Another positive point of the system is that it supports wide range of
products. The site’s visitor could buy many things in this environment.
Give example.
- Generally, selling price in such e-commerce exchange is cheaper than
that of offline shop. Give example.
Total 2
Regarding quantity factor, the problem could be ‘long waiting time’. 1
Assuming that a customer book a taxi, and his taxi arrives too late.
Generally, the man could call another taxi firm to support his need
because he doesn’t know the current location of his booking taxi. The
fact that the first taxi arrives and can’t pick up customer could decrease
the quantity, travelling trip in this case.

With digital map in e-commerce app such as what Grab provides, 1

client could easily know where’s his driver and when the taxi should
come. This leads to the cancelling-trip ratio would decrease. In other
words, quantity factor should be improved.

Total 2
First, landing page is a web page with focused content to help business 1.0
reach their goal easier. Regarding information related to contacting
page, UEF is being in the right direction with 3 communication
channels, including telephone, email and address.
However, the page should be improved more to become a lead 1.0
generation landing page. Successful stories, lecturer teams should be
displayed in impressive ways to convert potentials customer to actual

Total 2

There are two common ways when developing a website. In the first
option, we could use a CMS such as WP, Haravan, etc. to build our 0.5
site. If programming is our favourite, front-end, and back end language
would work.
- With CMS approach, we need to manually prepare content for our
website. Moreover, constructing a site with CMS is fast and
convenient for non-IT users. Therefore, digital marketers, and who
primarily work with content, may choose this. 1.5
- Programing alternative, on the other hand, needs some background
knowledge to start. Also, function-focused support is generally a signal
of this type of web site.
Total 2
Drop shipping over the Internet is the technique in which sellers don’t 1
need to import selling products and put their effort in inventory
management. The steps below would briefly describe this
1. Customers purchase a product from drop shipping website
2. Order would be redirected to partners
3. Partners choose the correct product in terms of quantity, color,
size, etc. for the order, and then package them.
4. Packaged products are delivered to the clients with YOUR
Company Info
With characteristics above, drop shipping is fit for those don’t have 1
much money to set up a direct selling business. However, they need
- To be an expert of their selling products
- Well understand about their target audiences
- Always find out how to add value to their customers
Total 2
Question 1. (2 scores)
Look at the picture below

Is it an e-commerce system? Explain.

Question 2. (2 scores)
Regarding Operation Management concept, point out one example which
- Could increase operation cost of a traditional taxi service (1 score)
- Could be used an e-commerce system to overcome this (1 score)
Question 3. (2 scores)
Look at the direct selling website below.
Speaking of inventory management, what should the business do?
Question 4. (2 scores)
What is website, web page? Give example.
Question 5. (2 scores)
How business could utilize YouTube to support them? Describe some cases.
Question Answer Mark
According to the definition conducted from the textbook, e-commerce 0.5
is a process of selling things on the Internet. Thus, Grab should be an
e-commerce system in this case.
- First, the firm offers services such as Food delivery, transportation, 1.5
etc. over the Internet.
- Customers could easily request and use the service they want with a
smart phone connecting to the network.
Total 2
Regarding cost factor, the problem could be ‘long waiting time’. 1
Assuming that a customer book a taxi, and his taxi arrives too late.
Generally, the man could call another taxi firm to support his need
because he doesn’t know the current location of his booking taxi. The
fact that the first taxi arrives and can’t pick up customer could increase
operating cost, time and petrol in this case.

With digital map in e-commerce app such as what Grab provides, 1

client could easily know where’s his driver and when the taxi should
come. This leads to the cancelling-trip ratio would decrease. In other
words, operating cost should be improved.

Total 2
First at all, we need to aware that the company are selling physical 2
product, technological good in this case. Thus, to implement inventory
management tasks, the business should find out answers for following
- How many remaining items in the warehouse?
- With poor performance products, how to release their occupied
resources such as space, maintenance team?
Total 2
- Web page is a document which could be accessed over the Internet 1
by using a web browser such as Google Chrome, Safari.
- Web site is a set of many web pages. Each web site needs to have a
topic, and web pages in it should be supporting material to help visitors
better understand about the subject of the website.
- There are several types of website. In the context of e-commerce
module, the site of FPT shop could be used an illustration example.
+ First, it is a site to sell product online.
+ Supporting web pages in this case would be: phone, laptop, and
smart pages. The purpose of this is to help customers easily find out
the product they want to buy.
Total 2
At this time (2020), YouTube is being the second largest social 2
platform in the world. Business could utilize such environment in
several ways, including:
- Help customers better understand about their product. For example,
Shiseido set up a channel to serve their clients who purchased their
- Business could work with famous channel to introduce their product
or service. Win-win solution such as ‘Xe hay’ channel and Mercedes
would be a good instance in this case.
Total 2
Question 1. (2 scores)
How are the SSL/TLS protocols used in securing Internet communications?
Question 2. (2 scores)
What risks do Bitcoin users face?
Question 3. (2 scores)
What are five of the major differences between the early years of e-commerce and
today’s e-commerce?
Question 4. (2 scores)
What is nonrepudiation and why is it an important dimension of e-commerce security?
What technologies are used to establish nonrepudiation?

Student can choose either of the following questions (5 or 6) to do:

Question 5. (2 scores)
What are five generic business strategies for achieving a profitable business?
Question 6. (2 scores)
What are four methods that online advertisers use to behaviorally target ads?
Question Answer Mark
Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL, was the original name of the protocol 0.5
when it was developed in the mid-1990s by Netscape, the company
that made the most popular Web browser at the time. SSL 1.0 was
never released to the public, and SSL 2.0 had serious flaws. SSL 3.0,
released in 1996, was completely revamped, and set the stage for what
Encryption is necessary in order to communicate securely over the 0.75
internet: if your data isn't encrypted, anyone can examine your packets
and read confidential information. The safest method of encryption is
called asymmetrical cryptography; this requires two cryptographic
keys — pieces of information, usually very large numbers — to work
properly, one public and one private. The mathematics here are
complex, but in essence, you can use the public key to encrypt the
data, but need the private key to decrypt it. The two keys are related to
each other by some complex mathematical formula that is difficult to
reverse-engineer by brute force. Think of the public key as information
about the location of a locked mailbox with a slot on the front, and the
private key as the key that unlocks the mailbox. Anyone who knows
where the mailbox is can put a message in it; but for anyone else to
read it, they need the private key.
Because asymmetrical cryptography involves these difficult 0.75
mathematical problems, it takes a lot of computing resources, so much
so that if you used it to encrypt all the information in a
communications session, your computer and connection would grind to
a halt. TLS gets around this problem by only using asymmetrical
cryptography at the very beginning of a communications session to
encrypt the conversation the server and client have to agree on a single
session key that they'll both use to encrypt their packets from that point
forward. Encryption using a shared key is called symmetrical
cryptography, and it's much less computationally intensive than
asymmetric cryptography. Because that session key was established
using asymmetrical cryptography, the communication session as a
whole is much more secure than it otherwise would be.
Total 2
 Financial Loss 2

 Limited Use

 Block Withholding

 Technology Reliance

 Little or No Regulation

 Fraud

 Cybertheft
 Young Technology

 The Volatile and Fluctuating Market

Total 2
The major differences between the early years of e-commerce (the 1
Innovation stage), the period between 2001-2006 (the Consolidation
stage) and today’s e-commerce (the Reinvention stage) are:
• During the Innovation stage, e-commerce was primarily
technology-driven. During the Consolidation stage, it was primarily
business-driven. Today’s e-commerce, while still business-driven, is
also audience, customer, and community-driven.
• During the Innovation stage, firms placed an emphasis on
revenue growth, quickly achieving high market visibility/market share.
During the Consolidation stage, the emphasis was on building
profitable firms. Today, audience and social network growth are being
• Startups during the Innovation stage were financed by venture
capitalists, while those in the Consolidation stage were primarily
financed by traditional methods. Today, startups are once again being
financed by venture capitalists, albeit with smaller investments. In
addition, many large online firms are now entering the market, and
acquiring early stage firms via buy-outs.
• During the Innovation phase, e-commerce was, for the most
part, ungoverned. In the Consolidation stage, there was a rise in the
amount of regulation and governmental controls by governments
worldwide. Today, there is extensive government regulation and
• The Innovation stage of e-commerce was characterized by the
young entrepreneurial spirit. During the Consolidation stage, e-
commerce was primarily dominated by the retail giants. Today, large
purely Web-based firms are playing a major role.
• The Innovation phase was characterized by an emphasis on
deconstructing traditional distribution channels and disintermediating
existing channels. During the Consolidation stage, intermediaries
strengthened. Today, there are a proliferation of small online
intermediaries that are renting the business processes of larger firms.

“Perfect markets” in which direct market relationships with consumers, 1

the decline of intermediaries, and lower transaction costs resulted in
intense competition and the elimination of brands, are being replaced
by imperfect markets. Imperfect markets are characterized by a
strengthening of brand name importance, increasing information
asymmetries, price discrimination, and network effects.
• The early years of e-commerce saw an infusion of pure online
businesses that thought they could achieve unassailable first mover
advantages. During the Consolidation period, successful firms used a
mixed “bricks-and-clicks” strategy, combining traditional sales
channels such as physical stores and printed catalogs with online
efforts. Today, there is a return of pure online strategies in new
markets, as well as continuing extension of the “bricks and clicks”
strategy in traditional retail markets.
• The early years of e-commerce were dominated by the first
movers. In the Consolidation stage, e-commerce was dominated by the
well-endowed and experienced Fortune 500 and other traditional firms.
Today, first-mover advantages are returning in new markets as
traditional Web players catch up.
Total 2
Nonrepudiation refers to the ability to ensure that e-commerce 0.75
participants do not deny (i.e., repudiate) their online actions.
In most cases, because merchants typically do not obtain a physical 0.75
copy of a signature, the credit card issuer will side with the customer
because the merchant has no legally valid proof that the customer
ordered the merchandise.
Digital signatures (combined with other measures) can offer non-
repudiation when it comes to online transactions, where it is crucial to
ensure that a party to a contract or a communication can't deny the
authenticity of their signature on a document or sending the
communication in the first place. In this context, non-repudiation refers
to the ability to ensure that a party to a contract or a communication
must accept the authenticity of their signature on a document or the
sending of a message.
Total 2
 Differentiation - refers to all the ways producers can make their 2
products or services unique and different to distinguish them from
those of competitors
 Strategy of cost competition - offering products and services at a
lower cost than competitors
 Scope strategy - competing in all markets around the globe, rather
than just local, regional, or national markets
 Focus/market niche strategy - competing within a narrow market or
product segment
 Customer intimacy - focuses on developing strong ties with
customers in order to increase switching costs
Total 2
There are four methods that online advertisers use to behaviorally 2
target ads: search engine queries, the collection of data on individual
browsing history online (monitoring the clickstream), the collection of
data from social network sites, and increasingly, the integration of this
online data with offline data like income, education, address, purchase
patterns, credit records, driving records, and hundreds of other
personal descriptors tied to specific, identifiable persons.
Total 2
Question 1. (2 scores)
Define and give examples of B2C, B2B, C2C E-commerce?
Question 2. (2 scores)
What is the Internet of Things and how is it being created and enabled?
Question 3. (2 scores)
What is the man in the middle attack?
Question 4. (2 scores)
Identify and describe the five main steps in establishing a company’s security plan.

Student can choose either of the following questions (5 or 6) to do:

Question 5. (2 scores)
What are five generic business strategies for achieving a profitable business?
Question 6. (2 scores)
Name and describe three different types of search engine advertising.
Question Answer Mark
B2C- Consumer shopping on the web (eg. Lazada, McDonalds, Tiki) 0.5

B2B- Transaction between web users (eg. Amazon) 0.75

C2C- Individuals selling and buying among themselves (eg. Facebook, 0.75
Total 2
The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing 0.5
devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people
that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to
transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or
human-to-computer interaction

An IoT ecosystem consists of web-enabled smart devices that use 1.5

embedded systems, such as processors, sensors and
communication hardware, to collect, send and act on data they
acquire from their environments. IoT devices share the sensor
data they collect by connecting to an IoT gateway or other edge
device where data is either sent to the cloud to be analyzed or
analyzed locally. Sometimes, these devices communicate with
other related devices and act on the information they get from
one another. The devices do most of the work without human
intervention, although people can interact with the devices -- for
instance, to set them up, give them instructions or access the data.

The connectivity, networking and communication protocols used

with these web-enabled devices largely depend on the specific
IoT applications deployed.

IoT can also make use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
learning to aid in making data collecting processes easier and
more dynamic.

Total 2
Man-in-the-middle attack (MITM) is an attack where the attacker 1.0
secretly relays and possibly alters the communications between two
parties who believe that they are directly communicating with each
An example of a MITM attack is active eavesdropping, in which the 1.0
attacker makes independent connections with the victims and relays
messages between them to make them believe they are talking directly
to each other over a private connection, when in fact the entire
conversation is controlled by the attacker. The attacker must be able to
intercept all relevant messages passing between the two victims and
inject new ones. This is straightforward in many circumstances; for
example, an attacker within the reception range of an unencrypted Wi-
Fi access point could insert themselves as a man-in-the-middle.

Total 2
 Perform a risk assessment - an assessment of the risks and points of
 Develop a security policy - a set of statements prioritizing the
information risks, identifying acceptable risk targets, and
identifying the mechanisms for achieving these targets.
 Develop an implementation plan - the action steps you will take to
achieve the security plan goals.
 Create a security organization - educates and trains users, keeps
management aware of security threats and breakdowns, and
maintains the tools chosen to implement security.
 Perform a security audit - involves the routine review of access
logs (identifying how outsiders are using the site as well as how
insiders are accessing the site’s assets).
Total 2
 Differentiation - refers to all the ways producers can make their 2
products or services unique and different to distinguish them from
those of competitors
 Strategy of cost competition - offering products and services at a
lower cost than competitors
 Scope strategy - competing in all markets around the globe, rather
than just local, regional, or national markets
 Focus/market niche strategy - competing within a narrow market or
product segment
 Customer intimacy - focuses on developing strong ties with
customers in order to increase switching costs
Total 2
Organic search: inclusion and ranking of sites depends on a more or 0.5
less unbiased application of a set of rules imposed by the search
engine. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving
the ranking of Web pages with search engines by altering the content
and design of the Web pages and site.

Paid inclusion: for a fee, guarantees a Web site’s inclusion in its list of 0.5
sites, more frequent visits by its Web crawler, and suggestions for
improving the results of organic searching.

Pay-per-click (PPC) search ads are the primary type of search engine 1.0
advertising. In keyword advertising, merchants purchase keywords
through a bidding process at search sites, and whenever a consumer
searches for that word, their advertisement shows up somewhere on the
page, usually as a small text-based advertisement on the right, but also
as a listing on the very top of the page. Network keyword advertising
(context advertising), introduced by Google as its AdSense product in
2002, differs from the ordinary keyword advertising. Publishers accept
ads placed by Google on their Web sites, and receive a fee for any
click-throughs from those ads.
Total 2
Question 1. (2 scores)
What is the difference between HTML and XML?
Question 2. (2 scores)
What does omni-channel mean in terms of e-commerce technology?
Question 3. (2 scores)
What are Java and JavaScript? What role do they play in website design?
Question 4. (2 scores)
Identify and describe the five main steps in establishing a company’s security plan.

Student can choose either of the following questions (5 or 6) to do:

Question 5. (2 scores)
What are five generic business strategies for achieving a profitable business?
Question 6. (2 scores)
What are four methods that online advertisers use to behaviorally target ads?
Question Answer Mark
HTML is used to display data and focuses on how data looks. XML is 0.5
a software and hardware independent tool used to transport and store
data. It focuses on what data is.
HTML is a markup language itself. XML provides a framework to 0.75
define markup languages.

HTML is a presentation language. XML is neither a presentation 0.75

language nor a programming language.
Total 2
Omni Channel by literal meaning would mean ‘Available in all 2
channels’. This concept is used primarily in retail sales wherein
channel refers to a selling site like physical store, website,
marketplace, call center, etc.

From a customer view point, this means that a customer can visit any
sales channel like physical store, website, etc. and find same brand
experience while making the purchase.

From a business stand point, it means that I can sell the product to the
customer irrespective of the product being available in the sales
channel where customer is currently in.

Total 2
- Java code must be compiled, and JavaScript code is all-text. Each 2
language requires different plug-ins.
- JavaScript code is run on a browser only, while Java creates
applications that run in a virtual machine or browser.
- Java is an OOP (object-oriented programming) language, and
JavaScript is specifically an OOP scripting language.
Total 2
 Perform a risk assessment - an assessment of the risks and points of 2
 Develop a security policy - a set of statements prioritizing the
information risks, identifying acceptable risk targets, and
identifying the mechanisms for achieving these targets.
 Develop an implementation plan - the action steps you will take to
achieve the security plan goals.
 Create a security organization - educates and trains users, keeps
management aware of security threats and breakdowns, and
maintains the tools chosen to implement security.
 Perform a security audit - involves the routine review of access
logs (identifying how outsiders are using the site as well as how
insiders are accessing the site’s assets).

Total 2
 Differentiation - refers to all the ways producers can make their 2
products or services unique and different to distinguish them from
those of competitors.
 Strategy of cost competition - offering products and services at a
lower cost than competitors.
 Scope strategy - competing in all markets around the globe, rather
than just local, regional, or national markets.
 Focus/market niche strategy - competing within a narrow market or
product segment.
 Customer intimacy - focuses on developing strong ties with
customers in order to increase switching costs.
Total 2
There are four methods that online advertisers use to behaviorally 2
target ads: search engine queries, the collection of data on individual
browsing history online (monitoring the clickstream), the collection of
data from social network sites, and increasingly, the integration of this
online data with offline data like income, education, address, purchase
patterns, credit records, driving records, and hundreds of other
personal descriptors tied to specific, identifiable persons.
Total 2

1/Describle strategy which teespring is utilizing (Explain) .

Stategy of Teespring is complenmentor and low cost .
Complenmenter is
Low cost is redesign our model which it based on prototype with low cost.

Firstly, student should introduce the revenue model of the company. In case
of Teespring, profit of the firm comes from two factors: (1) complementors and
(2) …
Next, you should state which strategy the business is utilizing. If it is product-
focus, you should explain in the following way
- Why not Teespring didn’t choose a strategy focusing on customer?
- What happens if the firm applied “complementor” strategy?
 Remember that a strategy could fit in current context (at present), but it may
not be the best choice in the past.
2/ Traffic source analysis
Direct: Perform promotions to attract customers.
Search : We can use SEO to increase search performance . We can buy a lot of
keyword to increase search efficiency.
Email : We have to check the percentage of customers who see the content or
subject, thereby improving the redesign of subject or content.
Social network :We can share and post a lot of posts , redesign posts’s content
According to the textbook, cost of attracting a new customer is much higher
than that of retaining a close client. Therefore, we should focus on high
performance channels first. After that, remaining budget could be allocated to
the others.
Direct channel.
- This is a source that has the highest traffic. This means that a large proportion
of marketing budget should be used here. Since ABC (for example) is a service
company, we should implement some activities such as ….

3/ Content in lesson plans
Type of E-Commerce Example
B2C – business to consumer Amazon is a general merchandise that sells
consumer products to retail consumers
B2B – business to besiness Go2Paper is an independent third party
marketplace that serves the paper industry
C2C – consumer to consumer Auction sites as eBay and listing sites such
as Craigslist , enable xonsumer to auctuon
or sell goods directly to other
consumer.Airbnb and Uber provide similar
platfotms for services such as room rental
and transpotation
M - commerce –mobile e-commerce Mobile devices such as tablet computers and
smartphones can be used to conduct
commercial transactions.
Social e-commerce Facebook is both the leading social network
and social e-commerce site.
Local e-comerce Groupon offer sibctibers daily deals form
local businesses in the form of Groupons ,
discount coupons that tame effect once
enough subcribers have agreed to purchase.
Firstly, students should choose table or figure matching with the questions in
relevant lesson plan files. Second, you should explore the textbook to get more
information supporting your answer.

4/ Marketing process

Search (MailChimp)
In offline marketing, customers tend to search their desired products by following
their habit OR their friends’ habit. Online consumers tend to look for key words which
are relevant to scanning products (2).
In order to develop customer list at this stage successfully, a digital marketer have to
do several things such as: SEO your company site, conduct FB marketing, analyze
possible keywords for your campaign, etc.
In case of e-mail marketing, (2) could be translated to: GIVING customers keywords
(or information) that could satisfy their demand. You could use MAILCHIMP to
accomplish this.

Evaluation of alternatives ( Use Word Press).

Purchase and Post Sale (Use Word Press),

A professional website which support a comprehensive e-commerce functions may
help you to receive several orders at this two stages.
 Word Press with Woo Commerce plugin is a very good option here.

First at all, 5 steps should be presented.

After that, WP and MC will be examined in each step to find out if their functions could
help business to enhance their marketing purpose.
5/ Payment system
One benefit of using an e-wallet is that you don’t need to look for your debit/credit card or
bank information every time you want to make a purchase. Plus, if you want to make two
payments using two separate cards, you can switch between both at your leisure if they are
both kept in your e-wallet. A common feature in e-wallets is the use of QR codes. QR codes
allow for the quick completion of transactions since all users have to do with one is scan the
code. Not every e-wallet will use QR codes, however, so be sure to do your own research
before committing to a decision, if QR codes are a feature you are looking for.
In short, e-wallets are easy and secure to use. You should use an e-wallet if you plan on using
e-money and making digital transactions. Not only will it offer your strong levels of security,
it will also boost overall convenience for carrying out purchases.
4P model is required to support your analysis as mentioned in the class. The more detail you
contribute, the higher result you will get.
CÂU 1. (2 điểm)
The figure below is a result of a request to Google Trends in Vietnam on 30th July, 2019.

As a business man, what should you do to utilize chance generated from that?

CÂU 2. (2 điểm)
In order to grow up the amount of visitors, what should “Dien May Xanh” corporate should
do based on the information conducted from Similar Web?

CÂU 3. (2 điểm)
At the present time (2019), Teespring is being a popular e-commerce platform where clients
could easily sell their own-designed products. Could you please explain how the business
operate by describing the relationship between their supply chain and e-selling/buying

CÂU 4. (2 điểm)
In order to ‘enjoy’ a product, how many stages does an online buyer generally go through?
After identifying the process correctly, students are required to point out stages in which Woo
Commerce and Mail Chimp could help businesses to implement their Marketing task
efficiently. Explain.

CÂU 5. (2 điểm)
What is the business strategy that Grab company is utilizing? Explain.
Câu 1 Nội dung đáp án Điểm
ý1 - Visit all links, from the one has the highest search to the 0.5
lowest link.
ý2 - Choose link that has contain is relevant to your business, or 0.5
your interest
ý3 - Generate possible relevant keywords 0.5
ý4 - Build up an e-commerce site 0.5
Cộng 2
Câu 2
ý1 - Identify sources generating lots of traffic: Direct and Search 0.25
ý2 - In case of Direct source, the business could focus on two
+ Retain old customers: promotion, customer service 1.25
+ Attract new customers: offline marketing activities, affiliate
ý3 - Regarding Search source, we need to explore more by
checking performance of every marketing channels. After that,
we may decide if we should inject money into SEO, FB
Marketing or Google AdWords, for example.

Cộng 2
Câu 3
ý1 At the first glance, students need to point out that Teespring has
to stock a number of goods which are easily to customize.
Besides, the company set up a professional e-commerce system
which really help clients to sell corporate products. That is,
users could modify on available templates of the company, and
then sell it to potential customers.
ý2 In order to selling products in Teespring platform, clients need: 1.5
- Set up e-stores in Teespring platform. This step requires users
to purchase some products from the company. In other words,
purchase orders will be forwarded to production team of
- Customers purchase products. When the system receives
orders, finished products will be packaged and then shipped to
address of customers from the company’s stores.
- Delivering goods. This stage is based on third-party
- Transaction complete. Depending on the payment mode that
customers selected, they are required to completely pay for their
orders when their desired products arrive.
Cộng 2
Câu 4
ý1 There are five steps, including Need recognition, Search,
Compare alternatives, Purchase and Post-sale.
ý2 Since Word Press (WP) could help e-sellers design a
professional web sites, hence they could attract potential
customers at the Alternatives step.
If we add Woo Commerce plugin to our WP site, clients could
purchase our products easily. Moreover, this plugin could help 1
us to track order status. Therefore, Woo Commerce could help
us at the Purchase stage.
Finally, WP users could easily communicate with shop owner.
This could enhance Post-sale activity of a business.
ý3 Mail Chimp is a system which help us to implement a
marketing campaign as well as measure its performance easily.
Submitting e-mail register form on ‘right’ FB group could help
marketers to reach customers easier. In other words, it is an
active Search.
The process of identifying customers demand could be
implemented through a survey targeting at a set of leads. With
Mail Chimp, we could do it quite simple.
… 2
Câu 5
ý1 Introduce Grab company and Delta model. 0.5
ý2 Best-Product. Why or why not? 0.5
ý3 Customer Focus. Why or why not? 0.5
ý4 Complementor. Why or why not? 0.5
Cộng 2
Question 1. (2 scores)
What are 8 unique features of e-commerce technology? Does an e-commerce
company need all 8 features above or not?
Question 2. (2 scores)
What does omni-channel mean in terms of e-commerce technology? Let's give a
specific example.
Question 3. (2 scores)
What is Java and Javascript? What role do they play in website design?
Question 4. (2 scores)
Define CTR, CPM, CPC, CPA and VTR
Question 5. (2 scores)
What types of services does Amazon provide for businesses? Which e-commerce
business models do Amazon’s services fall into?
Question Answer Mark
Ubiquity, Global reach, Richness and complexity of content, 0.75

Information density, Price and cost transparency, 0.75

Personalization/Customizability, Social Networking (Technology)
No need, just a few of them. 0.5
Total 2
Omni Channel by literal meaning would mean ‘Avaialble in all 1
channels’. This concept is used primarily in retail sales wherein
channel refers to a selling site like physical store, website,
marketplace, call centre, etc.

From a customer view point, this means that a customer can visit any
sales channel like physical store, website, etc. and find same brand
experience while making the purchase.

From a business stand point, it means that I can sell the product to the
customer irrespective of the product being available in the sales
channel where customer is currently in.

Website, App (Android, iOS), Customer Center (Hotline 1


Total 2
Java code must be compiled, and JavaScript code is all-text. Each 2
language requires different plug-ins.
JavaScript code is run on a browser only, while Java creates
applications that run in a virtual machine or browser.
Java is an OOP (object-oriented programming) language, and
JavaScript is specifically an OOP scripting language.

Total 2
CPM (Cost Per Mile/Thousand) 1
A confusing one this as many assume it means cost per million, when
in actual fact it means cost per thousand or mile (another term), the
amount is based on impressions and the base unit is one thousand.

CTR (Click Through Rate)

CTR (%) from your page = Number of clicks/Number of impressions,
page views or queries (%)

Cost-per-click (CPC) bidding means that you pay for each click on
your ads.

CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) is a marketing metric that measures the 1

aggregate cost to acquire one paying customer on a campaign or
channel level. CPA is a vital measurement of marketing success,
generally distinguished from Cost of Acquiring Customer (CAC) by its
granular application.

VTR (View Through Rate)

VTR or (view through rate) is a way of measuring the actual number of
post-impression views or responses or ‘view-throughs’ from and sort
of display media impressions viewed during and following an online
advertising campaign.

Total 2
Question Amazon offers its business operations – such as its warehouses, 1
5 packaging, shipping, advertising and checkout services – to other
businesses. So Amazon is also in the "fulfillment" business, helping
other companies take care of their customers from the point of sale to
delivery of the product. In 2013, the company revealed that outside
sellers accounted for 41 percent of units sold on the Amazon site in a
recent quarter, according to the Bloomberg article "Amazon Surges to
Record High on Global E-Commerce Growth."
Amazon provides an array of products and services to businesses and 1
individuals worldwide. As an online retailer and third-party, Amazon’s
products range from books and music to furniture and clothing. This e-
business operates under several business models, all of which are
designed to capture and retain customers while keeping up with
evolving technological customer demands. Amazon creates business
relationships with businesses of all sizes, from sole proprietorships to
corporations. New and un-established businesses can start with
personal accounts and then upgrade to a business account when their
sales increase. Amazon’s various platforms and services are the
foundations for many of Amazon’s businesses and affiliates. These
businesses benefit from the customer exposure and increased sales
opportunities while Amazon earns income through its own product
sales, as well as through earnings from memberships, fees, royalties
and commissions.

Total 2
Question 1. (2 scores)
Define and give examples of B2C, B2B, C2C, C2B E-commerce?
Question 2. (2 scores)
What are the primary differences between online and offline consumer behavior?
Question 3. (2 scores)
What is the man in the middle attack?
Question 4. (2 scores)
What disadvantages are faced by “first-mover” companies entering a marketspace?
Question 5. (2 scores)
What is an unfair competitive advantage?
Question Answer Mark
B2C- Consumer shopping on the web (eg. Lazada, McDonalds, Tiki) 0.5

B2B- Transaction between web users (eg. Amazon) 0.75

C2C- Individuals selling and buying among themselves (eg. Facebook, 0.75
C2B – Consumer to Business (eg. Pinduoduo)
Total 2
The same customer, shopping both online and offline, can display 1
completely different behaviors in each case. The time of day when
they shop is one of the biggest differences – and we will explore this in
more detail further down – but there are other factors as well.

Unlike offline shopping, where finding and traveling to a physical

store is key, those who purchase online can be more easily inclined to
‘shop around’ – after all, the competition is often only a click away.
For businesses, the challenge then becomes finding ways to keep their
potential online customers’ attention.
Online customers also generally expect a much quicker purchase 1
journey, from finding the products and services they are looking
for, all the way through to checkout. This means businesses
should always try to make the process as simple and fast as
possible – giving customers unnecessary friction could well lead
them to leaving and making the purchase elsewhere.

A common area of frustration for online shoppers is the

quality/lack of customer service and support they get on a
website. In a traditional brick-and-mortar store, staff are always
at hand to help shoppers with their queries, but having an online
version of that is much harder – although not impossible. Having
useful content, FAQ sections and multiple ways for customers to
contact the business are some of the ways of providing them with
as much clarity as possible when they shop online.

Total 2
Man-in-the-middle attack (MITM) is an attack where the attacker 1.0
secretly relays and possibly alters the communications between two
parties who believe that they are directly communicating with each
An example of a MITM attack is active eavesdropping, in which the 1.0
attacker makes independent connections with the victims and relays
messages between them to make them believe they are talking directly
to each other over a private connection, when in fact the entire
conversation is controlled by the attacker. The attacker must be able to
intercept all relevant messages passing between the two victims and
inject new ones. This is straightforward in many circumstances; for
example, an attacker within the reception range of an unencrypted Wi-
Fi access point could insert themselves as a man-in-the-middle.

Total 2
1. Everyone goes after the first movers 0.75
2. Being first is expensive
3. Educating a new market is expensive. Navigating unknown
regulatory & legal territories is expensive. Setting up
production for a new product at scale is expensive.
4. There’s no prior experience to fall back on. When you’re doing 1.25
something new, you’re bound to make mistakes.
5. All your eggs are in one basket
6. Being the first to do something usually requires significant
7. Someone has to pay for the up-front investments
8. Regulatory resistance
9. When you shake up an industry, you’re bound to face
resistance from lobbyists, politicians and, of course, other
businesses. Not to mention legal systems that might not even be
ready for you.
10. The price of educating your customers
11. Selling products or services that people don’t trust or
understand has never proven to work…

Total 2
Question 1. (2 scores)
What is an on-demand services company?
Question 2. (2 scores)
What are the primary marketing functions of a Website?
Question 3. (2 scores)
What are four internet protocols beside HTTP and SMTP?
Question 4. (2 scores)
What are five of the major differences between the early years of e-commerce and
today’s e-commerce
Question 5. (2 scores)
What are three concerns about the Internet of Things?
Question Answer Mark
Providing goods and services is almost instant or in minimal time. The 0.5
service request to destination is performed using an app.

Allows consumers to customize computing capabilities, such as server 0.75

time and network storage, as needed automatically, without requiring
human interaction with the cloud provider.
On-demand self-service allows users to obtain, configure and deploy 0.75
applications themselves using cloud service catalogues, without
requiring the assistance of trained person.
Total 2
Search Engine marketing and Advertising 1
Display ad marketing

Email Marketing

Mobile marketing and advertising

Affiliate Marketing 1

Viral marketing

Lead generation marketing

Social, Mobile, Local marketing and advertising

Total 2
SSH, Telnet, RTP

Total 2
The major differences between the early years of e-commerce (the 1
Innovation stage), the period between 2001-2006 (the Consolidation
stage) and today’s e-commerce (the Reinvention stage) are:
• During the Innovation stage, e-commerce was primarily
technology-driven. During the Consolidation stage, it was primarily
business-driven. Today’s e-commerce, while still business-driven, is
also audience, customer, and community-driven.
• During the Innovation stage, firms placed an emphasis on
revenue growth, quickly achieving high market visibility/market share.
During the Consolidation stage, the emphasis was on building
profitable firms. Today, audience and social network growth are being
• Startups during the Innovation stage were financed by venture
capitalists, while those in the Consolidation stage were primarily
financed by traditional methods. Today, startups are once again being
financed by venture capitalists, albeit with smaller investments. In
addition, many large online firms are now entering the market, and
acquiring early stage firms via buy-outs.
• During the Innovation phase, e-commerce was, for the most
part, ungoverned. In the Consolidation stage, there was a rise in the
amount of regulation and governmental controls by governments
worldwide. Today, there is extensive government regulation and
• The Innovation stage of e-commerce was characterized by the
young entrepreneurial spirit. During the Consolidation stage, e-
commerce was primarily dominated by the retail giants. Today, large
purely Web-based firms are playing a major role.
• The Innovation phase was characterized by an emphasis on
deconstructing traditional distribution channels and disintermediating
existing channels. During the Consolidation stage, intermediaries
strengthened. Today, there are a proliferation of small online
intermediaries that are renting the business processes of larger firms.

“Perfect markets” in which direct market relationships with consumers, 1

the decline of intermediaries, and lower transaction costs resulted in
intense competition and the elimination of brands, are being replaced
by imperfect markets. Imperfect markets are characterized by a
strengthening of brand name importance, increasing information
asymmetries, price discrimination, and network effects.
• The early years of e-commerce saw an infusion of pure online
businesses that thought they could achieve unassailable first mover
advantages. During the Consolidation period, successful firms used a
mixed “bricks-and-clicks” strategy, combining traditional sales
channels such as physical stores and printed catalogs with online
efforts. Today, there is a return of pure online strategies in new
markets, as well as continuing extension of the “bricks and clicks”
strategy in traditional retail markets.
• The early years of e-commerce were dominated by the first
movers. In the Consolidation stage, e-commerce was dominated by the
well-endowed and experienced Fortune 500 and other traditional firms.
Today, first-mover advantages are returning in new markets as
traditional Web players catch up.

Total 2
Question Three of the main concerns that accompany the Internet of Things are 1
5 the breach of privacy, over-reliance on technology, and the loss of
jobs. When anything is put on the internet it will always be there. Of
course there are security measures that are taken to protect
information, but there is always the possibility of hackers breaking into
the system and stealing the data. For example, Anonymous is a group
of individuals that hacked into federal sites and released confidential
information to the public. Meanwhile the government is supposed to
have the highest level of security, yet their system was easily breached.
Another argument against IoT is the over-reliance on technology. As 1
time has progressed, our current generation has grown up with the
readily availability of the internet and technology in general.
However, relying on technology on a day to day basis, making
decisions by the information that it gives up could lead to devastation.
No system is robust and fault-free. We see glitches that occur
constantly in technology, specifically involving the internet.
Finally the connecting of more and more devices to the Internet will
result in the loss of jobs. The automation of IoT “will have a
devastating impact on the employment prospects of less-educated
workers” (Schumpeter, 2010).
Total 2

Question 1. (2 scores)
What is multivariate testing and how does it differ from A/B testing (split testing)?
Question 2. (2 scores)
Identify the key security threats in the e-commerce environment. Describe in detail any
three of them.
Question 3. (2 scores)
Which are the E-commerce Web site features that annoy customers? (List 8 features)
Question 4. (2 scores)
Identify and describe the main technologies that support online marketing.
Question 5. (2 scores)
What types of services does Amazon provide for businesses? Which e-commerce
business models do Amazon’s services fall into?
Question Answer Mark
Multivariate testing is a much more sophisticated form of testing than 2
A/B testing. Multivariate testing involves identifying specific
elements, or variables, on a Web page, such as a headline, image,
button and text, creating versions for each element, and then creating a
unique combination of each element and version to test. A/B testing
(split testing) involves showing two versions of a Web page or Web
site to different users to see which one performs better.
Total 2
 Malicious code—viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware, and 2
bot networks are a threat to a system’s integrity and continued
operation, often changing how a system functions or altering
documents created on the system.
 Potentially unwanted programs (adware, spyware, etc.)—a kind of
security threat that arises when programs are surreptitiously
installed on your computer or computer network without your
 Phishing—any deceptive, online attempt by a third party to obtain
confidential information for financial gain.
 Hacking and cybervandalism—intentionally disrupting, defacing,
or even destroying a site.
 Credit card fraud/theft—one of the most-feared occurrences and
one of the main reasons more consumers do not participate in e-
commerce. The most common cause of credit card fraud is a lost or
stolen card that is used by someone else, followed by employee
theft of customer numbers and stolen identities (criminals applying
for credit cards using false identities).
 Identity fraud—involves the unauthorized use of another person’s
personal data, such as social security, driver’s license, and/or credit
card numbers, as well as user names and passwords, for illegal
financial benefit.
 Spoofing—occurs when hackers attempt to hide their true identities
or misrepresent themselves by using fake e-mail addresses or
masquerading as someone else.
 Pharming—involves redirecting a Web link to an address different
from the intended one, with the site masquerading as the intended
 Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
attacks—hackers flood a Web site with useless traffic to inundate
and overwhelm the network, frequently causing it to shut down and
damaging a site’s reputation and customer relationships. Sniffing—
a type of eavesdropping program that monitors information
traveling over a network, enabling hackers to steal proprietary
information from anywhere on a network, including e-mail
messages, company files, and confidential reports. The threat of
sniffing is that confidential or personal information will be made
 Insider jobs—although the bulk of Internet security efforts are
focused on keeping outsiders out, the biggest threat is from
employees who have access to sensitive information and
 Poorly designed server and client software—the increase in
complexity and size of software programs has contributed to an
increase in software flaws or vulnerabilities that hackers can
 Social network security issues—malicious code, PUPs, phishing,
data breaches, identity fraud, and other e-commerce security
threats have all infiltrated social networks.
 Mobile platform security issues—the mobile platform presents an
alluring target for hackers and cybercriminals, and faces all the
same risks as other Internet devices, as well as new risks associated
with wireless network security.
Cloud security issues—as devices, identities, and data become more
and more intertwined in the cloud, safeguarding data in the cloud
becomes a major concern.

Total 2
 Requiring user to view ad or Flash introduction before going to 2
Web site content
 Pop-up and pop-under ads and windows
 Too many clicks to get to the content
 Links that don’t work
 Confusing navigation; no search function
 Requirement to register and log in before viewing content or
 Slow loading pages
 Content that is out of date
Total 2
• Web transaction logs—records that document user activity at a Web
site. Coupled with data from the registration forms and shopping cart
database, these represent a treasure trove of marketing information for
both individual sites and the online industry as a whole.
• Tracking files—Various files, like cookies, Web beacons, Flash
cookies, and apps, that follow users and track their behavior as they
visit sites across the entire Web.
• Databases, data warehouses, data mining, and profiling—
technologies that allow marketers to identify exactly who the online
customer is and what they want, and then to present the customer with
exactly what they want, when they want it, for the right price.
• CRM systems—a repository of customer information that records all
of the contacts a customer has with a firm and generates a customer
profile available to everyone in the firm who has a need to “know the

Total 2
Amazon offers its business operations – such as its warehouses, 1
packaging, shipping, advertising and checkout services – to other
businesses. So Amazon is also in the "fulfillment" business, helping
other companies take care of their customers from the point of sale to
delivery of the product. In 2013, the company revealed that outside
sellers accounted for 41 percent of units sold on the Amazon site in a
recent quarter, according to the Bloomberg article "Amazon Surges to
Record High on Global E-Commerce Growth."
Amazon provides an array of products and services to businesses and 1
individuals worldwide. As an online retailer and third-party, Amazon’s
products range from books and music to furniture and clothing. This e-
business operates under several business models, all of which are
designed to capture and retain customers while keeping up with
evolving technological customer demands. Amazon creates business
relationships with businesses of all sizes, from sole proprietorships to
corporations. New and un-established businesses can start with
personal accounts and then upgrade to a business account when their
sales increase. Amazon’s various platforms and services are the
foundations for many of Amazon’s businesses and affiliates. These
businesses benefit from the customer exposure and increased sales
opportunities while Amazon earns income through its own product
sales, as well as through earnings from memberships, fees, royalties
and commissions.
Total 2
Question 1. (2 scores)
Name the four main types of e-commerce presence, the different platforms and
activities for each type.
Question 2. (2 scores)
What are the primary differences between online and offline consumer behavior?
Question 3. (2 scores)
Identify the key components of a successful business model. Describe in detail any
three components.
Question 4. (2 scores)
What are four methods that online advertisers use to behaviourally target ads?
Question 5. (2 scores)
What does omni-channel mean in terms of e-commerce technology?
Question Answer Mark
Type: Web site/App 0.5
Platforms: traditional desktop, tablets, and smartphones,
Activities: engage in search engine marketing, display ads, affiliate
programs, and sponsorships.
Type: E-mail 0.5
Platforms: internal lists, purchased lists
Activities: news letter, update, sales,..
Type: Social media 0.5
Platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Zalo, …
Activities: conversation, sharing, engagement,
Type: Offline media 0.5
Platforms: print, television, or radio
Activities: ads refer customers to Web sites and apps
Total 2
The same customer, shopping both online and offline, can display 1
completely different behaviors in each case. The time of day when
they shop is one of the biggest differences – and we will explore this in
more detail further down – but there are other factors as well.
Unlike offline shopping, where finding and traveling to a physical
store is key, those who purchase online can be more easily inclined to
‘shop around’ – after all, the competition is often only a click away.
For businesses, the challenge then becomes finding ways to keep their
potential online customers’ attention.

Online customers also generally expect a much quicker purchase 1

journey, from finding the products and services they are looking
for, all the way through to checkout. This means businesses
should always try to make the process as simple and fast as
possible – giving customers unnecessary friction could well lead
them to leaving and making the purchase elsewhere.

A common area of frustration for online shoppers is the

quality/lack of customer service and support they get on a
website. In a traditional brick-and-mortar store, staff are always
at hand to help shoppers with their queries, but having an online
version of that is much harder – although not impossible. Having
useful content, FAQ sections and multiple ways for customers to
contact the business are some of the ways of providing them with
as much clarity as possible when they shop online.

Total 2
 Value proposition—how a company’s product or service fulfills the 2
needs of customers. Typical e-commerce value propositions include
personalization, customization, convenience, and reduction of product
search and price delivery costs.
 Revenue model—how the company plans to make money from its
operations. Major e-commerce revenue models include the
advertising model, subscription model, transaction fee model, sales
model, and affiliate model.
 Market opportunity—the revenue potential within a company’s
intended marketspace.
 Competitive environment—the direct and indirect competitors
doing business in the same marketspace, including how many there
are and how profitable they are.
 Competitive advantage—the factors that differentiate the business
from its competition, enabling it to provide a superior product at a
lower cost.
 Market strategy—the plan a company develops that outlines how it
will enter a market and attract customers.
 Organizational development—the process of defining all the
functions within a business and the skills necessary to perform
each job, as well as the process of recruiting and hiring strong
 Management team—the group of individuals retained to guide the
company’s growth and expansion.
Total 2
There are four methods that online advertisers use to behaviorally 2
target ads: search engine queries, the collection of data on individual
browsing history online (monitoring the clickstream), the collection of
data from social network sites, and increasingly, the integration of this
online data with offline data like income, education, address, purchase
patterns, credit records, driving records, and hundreds of other
personal descriptors tied to specific, identifiable persons.
Total 2
Question 2
Omni Channel by literal meaning would mean ‘Available in all 2
channels’. This concept is used primarily in retail sales wherein
channel refers to a selling site like physical store, website,
marketplace, call center, etc.

From a customer view point, this means that a customer can visit any
sales channel like physical store, website, etc. and find same brand
experience while making the purchase.

From a business stand point, it means that I can sell the product to the
customer irrespective of the product being available in the sales
channel where customer is currently in.
Total 2

Question 1. (2 scores)
What is an on-demand services company?
Question 2. (2 scores)
What are the various components of a Website budget?
Question 3. (2 scores)
Question 4. (2 scores)
What are five of the major differences between the early years of e-commerce and
today’s e-commerce
Question 5. (2 scores)
In your opinion, what are some key metrics to track in any e-commerce model?
Question Answer Mark
Providing goods and services is almost instant or in minimal time. The 0.5
service request to destination is performed using an app.
Allows consumers to customize computing capabilities, such as server 0.75
time and network storage, as needed automatically, without requiring
human interaction with the cloud provider.
On-demand self-service allows users to obtain, configure and deploy 0.75
applications themselves using cloud service catalogues, without
requiring the assistance of trained person.
Total 2
- In order to build up a website, we need to spend on key components, 1
including: (1) hardware, (2) software, (3) telecommunication, (4)
hosting service, (5) design, (6) content development, and (7)

- In general, the cost of hardware, software, and telecommunications 0.5

for building and operating a Web site has fallen dramatically (by over
50%) in the last decade, making it possible for very small
entrepreneurs to build fairly sophisticated sites.
- At the same time, while technology has lowered the costs of system 0.5
development, the costs of marketing, content development, and design
have risen to make up more than half of typical Web site budgets.

Total 2
(CTR) click-through rate the percentage of people exposed to an 2
online advertisement who actually click on the banner 
(VTR) view-through rate measures the 30-day response rate to an ad
(CPM) cost per thousand advertiser pays for impressions in 1000-unit
(CPC) cost per click advertiser pays renegotiated fee for each click an
ad receives
(CPA) cost per action advertiser pays only for those users who perform
a specific action

Total 2
 The major differences between the early years of e-commerce (the 1
Innovation stage), the period between 2001-2006 (the
Consolidation stage) and today’s e-commerce (the Reinvention
stage) are:
 During the Innovation stage, e-commerce was primarily
technology-driven. During the Consolidation stage, it was primarily
business-driven. Today’s e-commerce, while still business-driven,
is also audience, customer, and community-driven.
 During the Innovation stage, firms placed an emphasis on revenue
growth, quickly achieving high market visibility/market share.
During the Consolidation stage, the emphasis was on building
profitable firms. Today, audience and social network growth are
being emphasized.
 Startups during the Innovation stage were financed by venture
capitalists, while those in the Consolidation stage were primarily
financed by traditional methods. Today, startups are once again
being financed by venture capitalists, albeit with smaller
investments. In addition, many large online firms are now entering
the market, and acquiring early stage firms via buy-outs.
 During the Innovation phase, e-commerce was, for the most part,
ungoverned. In the Consolidation stage, there was a rise in the
amount of regulation and governmental controls by governments
worldwide. Today, there is extensive government regulation and
 The Innovation stage of e-commerce was characterized by the
young entrepreneurial spirit. During the Consolidation stage, e-
commerce was primarily dominated by the retail giants. Today,
large purely Web-based firms are playing a major role.
 The Innovation phase was characterized by an emphasis on
deconstructing traditional distribution channels and
disintermediating existing channels. During the Consolidation
stage, intermediaries strengthened. Today, there are a proliferation
of small online intermediaries that are renting the business
processes of larger firms.

 “Perfect markets” in which direct market relationships with 1

consumers, the decline of intermediaries, and lower transaction
costs resulted in intense competition and the elimination of brands,
are being replaced by imperfect markets. Imperfect markets are
characterized by a strengthening of brand name importance,
increasing information asymmetries, price discrimination, and
network effects.
 The early years of e-commerce saw an infusion of pure online
businesses that thought they could achieve unassailable first mover
advantages. During the Consolidation period, successful firms used
a mixed “bricks-and-clicks” strategy, combining traditional sales
channels such as physical stores and printed catalogs with online
efforts. Today, there is a return of pure online strategies in new
markets, as well as continuing extension of the “bricks and clicks”
strategy in traditional retail markets.
 The early years of e-commerce were dominated by the first movers.
In the Consolidation stage, e-commerce was dominated by the well-
endowed and experienced Fortune 500 and other traditional firms.
Today, first-mover advantages are returning in new markets as
traditional Web players catch up.
Total 2
Some possible answers including but not limited to: 2
 Customer acquisition cost (CAC)
 ROAS (return on advertising spend)
 Email/SMS open and click-through rates
 Customer retention
 Average order value (AOV)
 Customer lifetime value (CLV)
 Repeat customer rate.
Total 2


Môn thi: E-commerce
Mã môn học: ……….…Số ĐVHT/TC: ……........
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút Hình thức thi: Tự luận
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Mã đề (Nếu có): 1……………………………........


Question 1. (2 marks)
Describe the unique features of e-commerce technology.

Question 2. (2 marks)
What is packet switching? Why is packet switching so essential to the Internet?

Question 3. (2 marks)
What are the various components of a Web site budget?

Question 4. (2 marks)
What is the Internet of Things (IoT). And what security issues and challenges does it

Question 5. (2 marks)
How can e-commerce technologies be used to improve a firm’s value web?

Cán bộ coi thi không được giải thích gì thêm.

Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: E-commerce
Mã môn học: ……….…Số ĐVHT/TC: ……........
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
Thời gian làm bài: ……… Hình thức thi: ...…......
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Mã đề (Nếu có): 1……………………………........

Question Answer Mark

There are eight features of e-commerce technology that are unique to 0.25
this medium:
1. Ubiquity: available just about everywhere, at all times, making
it possible to shop from your desktop, at home, at work, or even
from your car.

2. Global reach: permits commercial transactions to cross cultural 0.25

and national boundaries far more conveniently and cost-
effectively than is true in traditional commerce.

3. Universal standards: shared by all nations around the world, 0.25

in contrast to most traditional commerce technologies, which
differ from one nation to the next.

4. Richness: enables an online merchant to deliver marketing 0.25

messages in a way not possible with traditional commerce

5. Interactivity: allows for two-way communication between 0.25

merchant and consumer and enables the merchant to engage a
consumer in ways similar to a face-to-face experience, but on a
much more massive, global scale.

6. Information density: is the total amount and quality of 0.25

information available to all market participants. The Internet
reduces information collection, storage, processing, and
communication costs while increasing the currency, accuracy,
and timeliness of information.

7. Personalization and customization: the increase in 0.25

information density allows merchants to target their marketing
messages to specific individuals and results in a level of
personalization and customization unthinkable with previously
existing commerce technologies.
8. Social technology: provides a many-to-many model of mass 0.25
communications. Millions of users are able to generate content
consumed by millions of other users. The result is the
formation of social networks on a wide scale and the
aggregation of large audiences on social network platforms.
Total 2
• Packet switching is a method of slicing digital messages into 1
discrete units called packets, sending the packets along
different communication paths as they become available, and
then reassembling the packets once they arrive at their

• Packet switching is what allows communication between 1

computers in a way that doesn’t require a direct, point-to-
point connection between two computers. A point-to-point
connection wastes communication capacity because the
connection is required regardless of whether data is being
sent. Packet switching allows information to be broken up
into smaller segments, each of which can be routed in
different ways to its final destination. Thus, packet switching
allows better use of network communication lines in terms of
speed and also the amount of data that can be exchanged.
Also, because of the routing and switching, this means that if
one network computer or routing path goes down, a packet
can be sent along another route and not lost.

Total 2
- In order to build up a website, we need to spend on key 1
components, including: (1) hardware, (2) software, (3)
telecommunication, (4) hosting service, (5) design, (6) content
development, and (7) marketing.
- In general, the cost of hardware, software, and 0.5
telecommunications for building and operating a Web site has
fallen dramatically (by over 50%) in the last decade, making it
possible for very small entrepreneurs to build fairly sophisticated

- At the same time, while technology has lowered the costs of 0.5
system development, the costs of marketing, content
development, and design have risen to make up more than half of
typical Web site budgets.
Total 2
- The Internet of Things (IoT) involves the use of the Internet to 1
connect a wide variety of sensors, devices, and machines, and is
powering the development of a multitude of smart connected
things, such as home electronics (smart TVs, thermostats, home
security systems, and more), connected cars, medical devices and
industrial equipment that supports manufacturing, energy,
transportation, and other industrial sectors. IoT raises a host of
security issues that are in some ways similar to existing security
issues, but even more challenging, given the need to deal with a
wider range of devices, operating in a less controlled, global
environment, and with an expanded range of attack. In a world of
connected things, the devices, the data produced and used by the
devices, and the systems and applications supported by those
devices, can all potentially be attacked. IoT poses a number of
unique security challenges. For instance, many IoT devices, such
as sensors, are intended to be deployed on a much greater scale
than traditional Internet-connected devices, creating a vast
quantity of interconnected links that can be exploited. Existing
tools, methods, and strategies need to be developed to deal with
this unprecedented scale.
- Many instances of IoT consist of collections of identical devices 1
that all have the same characteristics, which magnifies the
potential impact of security vulnerabilities. Many IoT devices are
anticipated to have a much longer service life than typical
equipment, which raises the possibility that devices may
"outlive" manufacturer, leaving them without long-term support
that creates persistent vulnerabilities. Many IoT devices are
intentionally designed without the ability to be upgraded, or the
upgrade process is difficult, which raises the possibility that
vulnerable devices cannot or will not be fixed, leaving them
perpetually vulnerable. Many IoT devices do not provide the user
with visibility into the workings of the device or the data being
produced, nor alert the user when a security problem arises, so
users may believe an IoT device is functioning as intended when
in fact, it may be performing in a malicious manner. Finally,
some IoT devices, such as sensors, are unobtrusively embedded
in the environment such that a user may not even be aware of the
device, so a security breach might persist for a long time before
being noticed.

Total 2
- A value web is a networked business ecosystem that uses e- 0.5
commerce technology to coordinate the value chains of business
partners within an industry, or at the first level, to coordinate the
value chains of a group of firms.
- A value web coordinates a firm’s suppliers with its own 1.5
production needs using an Internet-based supply chain
management system. Firms also use the Internet to develop close
relationships with their logistics partners. For instance,
Amazon relies on UPS tracking systems to provide its customers
with online package tracking, and it relies on the U.S. Postal
Service systems to insert packages directly into the mail stream.
Amazon has partnership relations with hundreds of firms to
generate customers and to manage relationships with customers.
In fact, when you examine Amazon closely, you realize that the
value it delivers to customers is in large part the result of
coordination with other firms and not simply the result of
activities internal to Amazon. The value of Amazon is, in large
part, the value delivered by its value web partners. This is
difficult for other firms to imitate in the short run.
Total 2

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(ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (ký, ghi rõ họ tên)

ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 192A NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020

Môn thi: E-commerce
Mã môn học: ……….…Số ĐVHT/TC: ……........
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
Thời gian làm bài: 75 phút Hình thức thi: Tự luận
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Mã đề (Nếu có): 2……………………………........


Question 1. (2 marks)
Describe the major types of e-commerce.

Question 2. (2 marks)
What is the Internet of Things and how is it being created and enabled?

Question 3. (2 marks)
What is a content management system and what function does it serve? Give some
examples on CMS.

Question 4. (2 marks)
Identify and describe the five main steps in establishing a company’s security plan.
Question 5. (2 marks)
Define value chain and explain the difference between a firm value chain, an industry
value chain, and a value web.

Cán bộ coi thi không được giải thích gì thêm.

ĐÁP ÁN HỌC KỲ 2A NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020

Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: E-commerce
Mã môn học: ……….…Số ĐVHT/TC: ……........
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
Thời gian làm bài: ……… Hình thức thi: ...…......
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Mã đề (Nếu có): 2……………………………........

Question Answer Mark

There are six major types of e-commerce:
 B2C e-commerce involves businesses selling to consumers
and is the type of e-commerce that most consumers are likely
to encounter.
 B2B e-commerce involves businesses selling to other
businesses and is the largest form of e-commerce.
 C2C e-commerce is a means for consumers to sell to each
other. In C2C e-commerce, the consumer prepares the product
for market, places the product for auction or sale, and relies
on the market maker to provide catalog, search engine, and
transaction clearing capabilities so that products can be easily
dis- played, discovered, and paid for.
 Social e-commerce is e-commerce that is enabled by social
networks and online social relationships.
 M-commerce involves the use of wireless digital devices to
enable online transactions.
 Local e-commerce is a form of e-commerce that is focused on
engaging the consumer based on his or her current geographic

Total 2
No discussion of the future Internet would be complete without 1
mentioning the Internet of Things (IoT), also sometimes
referred to as the Industrial Internet. Internet technology is
spreading beyond the desktop, laptop, and tablet computer, and a
new technology that assigns levels of priority to packets based on
the type of data being transmitted beyond the smartphone, to
consumer electronics, electrical appliances, cars, medical devices,
utility systems, machines of all types, even clothing—just about
anything that can be equipped with sensors that can collect data
and connect to the Internet, enabling the data to be analyzed with
data analytics software.

IoT builds on a foundation of existing technologies, such as 1

RFID, and is being enabled by the availability of low-cost
sensors, the drop in price of data storage, the development of
“Big Data” analytics software that can work with trillions of
pieces of data, as well as implementation of IPv6, which will
allow Internet addresses to be assigned to all of these new

Total 2
A content management system (CMS) is software that help users 0.5
create, manage, and modify content on a website without the
need for specialized technical knowledge.

A content management system is made up of two core parts: 1

- A content management application (CMA): this is the part that
allows you to actually add and manage content on your site.
- A content delivery application (CDA): this is the back-end (or
behind-the-scenes) process that takes the content you put in the
CMA, store it properly, and make it visible to your visitors.

Example on CMS: Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Wix, TYPO3. 0.5

Total 2
Five main steps when developing a security plan include: (1) 0.5
Perform a risk assessment; (2) develop a security policy; (3)
develop an implementation plan; (4) create a security
organization; and (5) perform a security audit.
- A security plan begins with risk assessment—an assessment of 1.5
the risks and points of vulnerability.
- Based on your quantified list of risks, you can start to develop a
security policy— a set of statements prioritizing the information
risks, identifying acceptable risk targets, and identifying the
mechanisms for achieving these targets.
- Next, consider an implementation plan—the steps you will take
to achieve the security plan goals. Specifically, you must
determine how you will translate the levels of acceptable risk into
a set of tools, technologies, policies, and procedures.
- The security organization educates and trains users, keeps
management aware of security threats and breakdowns, and
maintains the tools chosen to implement security.
- Access controls determine which outsiders and insiders can gain
legitimate access to your networks. Outsider access controls
include firewalls and proxy servers, while insider access controls
typically consist of login procedures.
Total 2
A value chain is the set of activities performed that transforms 0.5
raw inputs into
final products and services.

- A firm value chain is the set of activities a firm engages in to 1.5

create final products from raw inputs. The key steps and support
activities in a firm’s value chain are inbound logistics, operations,
outbound logistics, sales and marketing, and after sales service.
- With an industry value chain, the chain broadens to include six
generic players: suppliers, manufacturers, transporters,
distributors, retailers, and customers.
- A value web coordinates a firm’s suppliers with its own
production needs using an Internet- based supply chain
management system. It is a networked trans business system that
coordinates the value chains of several firms.
Total 2

TP.HCM, ngày … tháng …… năm ….

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(ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (ký, ghi rõ họ tên)

ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 192A NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020

Môn thi: E-commerce
Mã môn học: ……….…Số ĐVHT/TC: ……........
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
Thời gian làm bài: 75 phút Hình thức thi: Tự luận
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Mã đề (Nếu có): 3……………………………........


Question 1. (2 marks)
Why is a multidisciplinary approach necessary if one hopes to understand e-
Question 2. (2 marks)
Discuss the origins of, and the key technology concepts behind, the Internet.

Question 3. (2 marks)
What is CGI and how does it enable interactivity?

Question 4. (2 marks)
What is a VPN and what is its value to an organization?

Question 5. (2 marks)
Define and describe the transaction broker business model. And discuss the eight
components of the business model for this type of firm.

Cán bộ coi thi không được giải thích gì thêm.

ĐÁP ÁN HỌC KỲ 2A NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020

Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: E-commerce
Mã môn học: ……….…Số ĐVHT/TC: ……........
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
Thời gian làm bài: ……… Hình thức thi: ...…......
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Mã đề (Nếu có): 3……………………………........

Question Answer Mark

The phenomenon of e-commerce is so broad that a 0.5
multidisciplinary perspective is required. There are two primary
approaches to e-commerce: technical and behavioral.
Technical Approaches 1.5

Computer scientists are interested in e-commerce as an

exemplary application of Internet technology. They are
concerned with the development of computer hard- ware,
software, and telecommunications systems, as well as standards,
encryption, and database design and operation. (0.75)

Behavioral Approaches
From a behavioral perspective, information systems researchers
are primarily inter- ested in e-commerce because of its
implications for firm and industry value chains, industry
structure, and corporate strategy. Economists have focused on
online con- sumer behavior, pricing of digital goods, and on the
unique features of digital electronic markets. (0.75)

Total 2
• The Internet has evolved from a collection of mainframe
computers located on a few U.S. college cam- puses to an
interconnected network of thousands of networks and
millions of computers worldwide.

• The history of the Internet can be divided into three phases:

the Innovation Phase (1961–1974), the Institutionalization
Phase (1975–1995), and the Commercialization Phase (1995
to the present).

• Packet switching, TCP/IP, and client/server technology are

key technology concepts behind the Internet.

• The mobile platform has become the primary means for

accessing the Internet.

• Cloud computing refers to a model of computing in which

firms and individuals obtain computing power and software
applications over the Internet, rather than purchasing the
hardware and software and installing it on their own

• Internet protocols and utility programs such as HTTP, SMTP

and POP, SSL and TLS, FTP, Telnet, Ping, and Tracert
provide a number of Internet services.

Total 2
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a set of standards for 1
communication between a browser and a program running on a
server that allows for interaction between the user and the server.

CGI permits an executable program to access all the information 1

within incoming requests from clients. The program can then
generate all the output required to make up the return page (the
HTML, script code, text, etc.), and send it back to the client via
the Web server. For instance, if a user clicks the My Shopping
Cart button, the server receives this request and executes a CGI
program. The CGI program retrieves the contents of the shopping
cart from the database and returns it to the server. The server
sends an HTML page that displays the contents of the shop- ping
cart on the user’s screen. Notice that all the computing takes
place on the server side (this is why CGI programs and others
like it are referred to as “server-side” programs).
Total 2
What is a VPN and what is its value to an organization? 0.5

- A security plan begins with risk assessment—an assessment of 1.5

the risks and points of vulnerability.
- Based on your quantified list of risks, you can start to develop a
security policy— a set of statements prioritizing the information
risks, identifying acceptable risk targets, and identifying the
mechanisms for achieving these targets.
- Next, consider an implementation plan—the steps you will take
to achieve the security plan goals. Specifically, you must
determine how you will translate the levels of acceptable risk into
a set of tools, technologies, policies, and procedures.
- The security organization educates and trains users, keeps
management aware of security threats and breakdowns, and
maintains the tools chosen to implement security.
- Access controls determine which outsiders and insiders can gain
legitimate access to your networks. Outsider access controls
include firewalls and proxy servers, while insider access controls
typically consist of login procedures.
Total 2
The transaction broker business model is most commonly found in the 2
financial services, travel services, and job placement services
industries. The eight elements of a business model are value
proposition, revenue model, market opportunity, competitive
environment, competitive advantage, market strategy, organizational
development, and management team.

The primary value proposition for a transaction broker is the saving of

time and money. These sites also often provide timely information and
opinion. They offer the consumer the opportunity to increase their
individual productivity by helping them to get things done faster and
more cheaply.
The revenue model for these firms is based upon receiving
commissions or transaction fees when a successful business deal is
completed. Online stock trading firms receive either a flat fee for each
transaction or a fee based on a sliding scale according to the size of the
transaction. Job sites charge the employers a listing fee up front, rather
than when the position is filled as traditional "head hunter" firms have

The market opportunity for transaction brokers in financial services

appears to be large due to the rising interest in receiving financial
planning advice and conducting stock transactions online. Demand is
also increasing for job placement help that is national and even global
in nature and for purchasing travel services quickly and easily online.
However, there is some market resistance due to consumers' fear of
loss of privacy and loss of control over their personal financial

The competitive environment for financial services has become fierce

as new entrants, including the traditional brokerage firms that have
now entered the online marketspace, have flooded the market. In order
to compete effectively, online traders must convince consumers that
they have superior security and privacy procedures. The number of job
placement sites has also multiplied, and the largest sites such as
Monster, which have the greatest number of job listings, are the most
likely to survive. Consolidation in all of the transaction broker markets
is presently occurring, making the market opportunity and competitive
environment for new firms looking to enter the marketspace bleak.

The market strategies for such firms typically include expensive

marketing campaigns to convince consumers to switch from their
current provider or to choose their company over other more well-
established competitors, also a daunting task in the present economic

Achieving a competitive advantage is crucial to firms trying to enter

these industries. Possible strategies are to lure well-known names in
the industry away from their present positions to head a new endeavor,
giving the firm instant credibility in the market. Experienced,
knowledgeable, and well-known employees may be able to give a new
firm a competitive edge.

New companies may have to start out recruiting a specialized highly

skilled staff, with an organizational development plan that is far more
advanced than the typical startup. A strong management team will
attract investors and convince investors and consumers alike that a new
firm has plenty of market-specific knowledge and the experience
necessary to implement the business plan.
Total 2
TP.HCM, ngày … tháng …… năm ….
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(ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (ký, ghi rõ họ tên)

ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 192A NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020

Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: E-commerce
Mã môn học: BUS1104 Số ĐVHT/TC: 3
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút Hình thức thi: Tự luận
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Mã đề (Nếu có): 1……………………………........


Question 1. (2 scores)
What is e-commerce? How does it differ from e-business? Where does it intersect
with e-business?
Question 2. (2 scores)
What is web client? What advantages does client/server computing have over
mainframe computing?
Question 3. (2 scores)
What are the basic capabilities of a web server?
Question 4. (2 scores)
Presenting the scope of e-commerce crime and security problems, the key dimensions
of e-commerce security, and the tension between security and other values?

Student can choose either of the following questions (5 or 6) to do:

Question 5. (2 scores)
What has been the effect of e-commerce technologies on general interfirm rivalry?
Question 6. (2 scores)
Define CTR, CPM, CPC, CPA, and VTR.

Cán bộ coi thi không được giải thích gì thêm.

ĐÁP ÁN HỌC KỲ 2A NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020
Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: E-commerce
Mã môn học: BUS1104 Số ĐVHT/TC: 3
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút Hình thức thi: Tự luận
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Mã đề (Nếu có): 1……………………………........

Question Answer Mark

E-commerce is the use of the Internet, the Web, and apps to transact 0.5
business. More formally, digitally enabled commercial transaction
between and among organizations and individuals

E-business takes place within a firm and involves information systems 0.75
under the control of the firm. Unlike e-commerce, e-business does not
involve commercial transaction across organizational boundaries
where value is exchanged.
The intersection occurs where the needs of e-business and e-commerce 0.75
merge during the areas of technology infrastructure.
Total 2
A Web client, on the other hand, is any computing device attached to 0.5
the Internet that is capable of making HTTP requests and displaying
HTML pages. The most common client is a Windows or Macintosh
desktop computer.

Advantages of client/server computing have over mainframe 1.5

computing are: with client/server computing, it is easy to expand
capacity by adding servers and clients. Client/server networks are less
vulnerable than centralized computing architectures.

If one server goes down, backup or mirror servers can pick up the
slack: if a client computer is inoperable, the rest of the network
continues operating.

Moreover, processing load is balanced over many powerful smaller

computers rather than being concentrated in a single huge computer
that performs processing for everyone. Both software and hardware in
client/server environments can be built more simply and economically.

Total 2
Web server software refers to the software that enables a computer to 0.5
deliver web pages written in HTML to client computers on a network
that request this service by sending an HTTP request
Web servers provide some additional basic capabilities such as the 1.5
- Security services: These consist mainly of authentication services that
verify that the person trying to access the site is authorized to do so.
For websites that process payment transactions, the web server also
supports SSL and TLS, the protocols for transmitting and receiving
information securely over the Internet. When private information such
as names, phone numbers, addresses, and credit card data needs to be
provided to a website, the web server uses SSL to ensure that the data
passing back and forth from the browser to the server is not
- FTP: This protocol allows users to transfer files to and from the
server. Some sites limit file uploads to the web server, while others
restrict downloads, depending on the user’s identity.
- Search engine: Just as search engine sites enable users to search the
entire Web for particular documents, search engine modules within the
basic web server software package enable indexing of the site’s web
pages and content and permit easy keyword searching of the site’s
content. When conducting a search, a search engine makes use of an
index, which is a list of all the documents on the server. The search
term is compared to the index to identify likely matches.
- Data capture: Web servers are also helpful at monitoring site traffic,
capturing information on who has visited a site, how long the user
stayed there, the date and time of each visit, and which specific pages
on the server were accessed. This information is compiled and saved in
a log file, which can then be analyzed. By analyzing a log file, a site
manager can find out the total number of visitors, the average length of
each visit, and the most popular destinations, or web pages.

Total 2
While the overall size of cybercrime is unclear, cybercrime against e- 0.5
commerce sites is growing rapidly, the amount of losses is growing,
and the management of e-commerce sites must prepare for a variety of
criminal assaults
There are six key dimensions to e-commerce security: integrity, 0.5
nonrepudiation, authenticity, confidentiality, privacy, and availability.
Although computer security is considered necessary to protect e- 1
commerce activities, it is not without a downside. Two major areas
where there are tensions between security and website operations are:
• Ease of use—The more security measures that are added to an e-
commerce site, the more difficult it is to use and the slower the site
becomes, hampering ease of use. Security is purchased at the price of
slowing down processors and adding significantly to data storage
demands. Too much security can harm profitability, while not enough
can potentially put a company out of business.
• Public safety—There is a tension between the claims of individuals
to act anonymously and the needs of public officials to maintain public
safety that can be threatened by criminals or terrorists.

Total 2
Inter-firm rivalry (competition) is one area of the business environment 2
where e-commerce technologies have had an impact on most
industries. In general, e-commerce has increased price competition in
nearly all markets. It has been relatively easy for existing firms to
adopt e-commerce technology and attempt to use it to achieve
competitive advantage vis-à-vis rivals. For instance, e-commerce
inherently changes the scope of competition from local and regional to
national and global. Because consumers have access to global price
information, e-commerce produces pressures on firms to compete by
lowering prices (and lowering profits). On the other hand, e-commerce
has made it possible for some firms to differentiate their products or
services from others. Amazon patented one-click purchasing, for
instance, while eBay created a unique, easyto-use interface and a
differentiating brand name. Therefore, although e-commerce has
increased emphasis on price competition, it has also enabled
businesses to create new strategies for differentiation and branding so
that they can retain higher prices.

Total 2
- Click-through rate (CTR) the percentage of people exposed to an 2
online advertisement who actually click on the banner
- Cost per thousand (CPM) advertiser pays for impressions in 1,000-
unit lots
- Cost per click (CPC) advertiser pays pre-negotiated fee for each click
an ad receives
- Cost per action (CPA) advertiser pays only for those users who
perform a specific action
- View-through rate (VTR): Percentage of times an ad is not clicked
immediately but the website is visited within 30 days

Total 2

TP.HCM, ngày … tháng …… năm ….

Người duyệt đáp án Người làm đáp án
(ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (ký, ghi rõ họ tên)
ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 192A NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020
Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: E-commerce
Mã môn học: BUS1104 Số ĐVHT/TC: 3
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút Hình thức thi: Tự luận
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Mã đề (Nếu có): 2……………………………........


Question 1. (2 scores)
What is marketspace?
Question 2. (2 scores)
What are the eight key components of an effective business model?
Question 3. (2 scores)
What is the difference between a mobile app and a native app?
Question 4. (2 scores)
What is a VPN and what is its value to an organization?

Student can choose either of the following questions (5 or 6) to do:

Question 5. (2 scores)
Why is it less risky to steal online? Explain some of the ways criminals deceive
consumers and merchants.
Question 6. (2 scores)
What are the five main elements of a comprehensive marketing plan? What are some
different platforms used for each?

Cán bộ coi thi không được giải thích gì thêm.

ĐÁP ÁN HỌC KỲ 2A NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020

Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: E-commerce
Mã môn học: BUS1104 Số ĐVHT/TC: 3
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút Hình thức thi: Tự luận
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Mã đề (Nếu có): 2……………………………........
Question Answer Mark
Marketspace is the area of actual or potential commercial value in 2
which a company intends to operate

Total 2
They are: value proposition, revenue model, market opportunity, 2
competitive environment, competitive advantage, market strategy,
organizational development and management team.

Total 2
A mobile web app is an application built to run on the mobile web 1
browser built into a smartphone or tablet computer. In the case of
Apple, the native browser is Safari. Generally it is built to mimic the
qualities of a native app using HTML5 and Java. Mobile web apps are
specifically designed for the mobile platform in terms of screen size,
finger navigation, and graphical simplicity. Mobile web apps can
support complex interactions used in games and rich media, perform
real-time, on-the-fly calculations, and can be geo-sensitive using the
smartphone’s built-in global positioning system (GPS) function.
Mobile web apps typically operate faster than mobile websites but not
as fast as native apps.
A native app is an application designed specifically to operate using 1
the mobile device’s hardware and operating system. These stand-alone
programs can connect to the Internet to download and upload data, and
can operate on this data even when not connected to the Internet.
Download a book to an app reader, disconnect from the Internet, and
read your book. Because the various types of smartphones have
different hardware and operating systems, apps are not “one size fits
all” and therefore need to be developed for different mobile platforms.
An Apple app that runs on an iPhone cannot operate on Android
phones. As you learned in Chapter 3, native apps are built using
different programming languages depending on the device for which
they are intended, which is then compiled into binary code, and which
executes extremely fast on mobile devices, much faster than HTML or
Java-based mobile web apps. For this reason, native apps are ideal for
games, complex interactions, on-the-fly calculations, graphic
manipulations, and rich media advertising.

Total 2
A virtual private network (VPN) is a technology that creates safe and 0.5
encrypted over a less secure network, such as the Internet
A virtual private network (VPN) allows remote users to securely
access a corporation’s local area network via the Internet, using a
variety of VPN protocols. VPNs use both authentication and
encryption to secure information from unauthorized persons (providing
confidentiality and integrity).
The primary use of VPNs is to establish secure communications 1.5
among business partners—larger suppliers or customers, and
employees working remotely. A dedicated connection to a business
partner can be very expensive. Using the Internet and VPN as the
connection method significantly reduces the cost of secure
Total 2
Stealing online allows criminals to remain anonymous and lowers the 2
risk of being caught when compared to walking into a bank and
robbing the establishment.
Criminals are able to deceive customers and merchants by placing
fraudulent online orders, stealing information, and using viruses and
malware to shutdown e-commerce sites

Total 2
The five main elements of a comprehensive multi-channel marketing 2
plan are: website (traditional Website), traditional online marketing
(search engine marketing, display marketing, email and affiliates),
social marketing (social networks, microblogging sites, blogs/forums,
video marketing and game marketing), mobile marketing (smartphone
and table sites and apps), and offline marketing (television, newspapers
and magazines).

Total 2

TP.HCM, ngày … tháng …… năm ….

Người duyệt đáp án Người làm đáp án
(ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (ký, ghi rõ họ tên)

ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 192A NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020

Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: E-commerce
Mã môn học: BUS1104 Số ĐVHT/TC: 3
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút Hình thức thi: Tự luận
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Mã đề (Nếu có): 3……………………………........


Question 1. (2 scores)
Describe the major themes underlying the study of e-commerce?
Question 2. (2 scores)
What is packet switching? Why is it so essential to the Internet?
Question 3. (2 scores)
What is a Content Management System (CMS) and what function does it serve? Give
some examples on CMS.
Question 4. (2 scores)
Discuss the difference between a simple logical and a simple physical website design.

Student can choose either of the following questions (5 or 6) to do:

Question 5. (2 scores)
Briefly explain how public key cryptography works.
Question 6. (2 scores)
What is lead generation marketing?

Cán bộ coi thi không được giải thích gì thêm.

ĐÁP ÁN HỌC KỲ 2A NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020

Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: E-commerce
Mã môn học: BUS1104 Số ĐVHT/TC: 3
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút Hình thức thi: Tự luận
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Mã đề (Nếu có): 3……………………………........

Question Answer Mark

E-commerce involves three broad interrelated themes: 0.75
- Technology: The development and mastery of digital computing and
communications technology is at the heart of the newly emerging
global digital economy we call e-commerce. To understand the likely
future of e-commerce, you need a basic understanding of the
information technologies upon which it is built. E-commerce is above
all else a technologically driven phenomenon that relies on a host of
information technologies as well as fundamental concepts from
computer science developed over a 50-year period

- Business: While technology provides the infrastructure, it is the 0.5

business applications—the potential for extraordinary returns on
investment—that create the interest and excitement in e-commerce.
To truly understand e-commerce, you will need to be familiar with
some key business concepts, such as the nature of digital markets,
digital goods, business models, firm and industry value chains, value
webs, industry structure, digital disruption, and consumer behavior in
digital markets, as well as basic concepts of financial analysis

- Society: With around 267 million Americans now using the Internet, 0.5
many for e-commerce purposes, and more than 3.3 billion users
worldwide, the impact of the Internet and e-commerce on society is
significant and global. Increasingly, e-commerce is subject to the laws
of nations and global entities. You will need to understand the
pressures that global e-commerce places on contemporary society in
order to conduct a successful e-commerce business or understand the
e-commerce phenomenon. The primary societal issues we discuss in
this book are individual privacy, intellectual property, and public
welfare policy

Total 2
Packet switching is a method of slicing digital messages into discrete 0.5
units called packets, sending the packets along different
communication paths as they become available, and then reassembling
the packets once they arrive at their destination
Packet switching is what allows communication between computers in 1.5
a way that doesn’t require a direct, point-to-point connection
between two computers. A point-to-point connection wastes
communication capacity because the connection is required
regardless of whether data is being sent. Packet switching allows
information to be broken up into smaller segments, each of which
can be routed in different ways to its final destination. Thus, packet
switching allows better use of network communication lines in terms
of speed and also the amount of data that can be exchanged. Also,
because of the routing and switching, this means that if one network
computer or routing path goes down, a packet can be sent along
another route and not lost.

Total 2
A content management system (CMS) is software that help users 0.5
create, manage, and modify content on a website without the need for
specialized technical knowledge.
A content management system is made up of two core parts: 1
- A content management application (CMA): this is the part that allows
you to actually add and manage content on your site.
- A content delivery application (CDA): this is the back-end (or
behind-the-scenes) process that takes the content you put in the CMA,
store it properly, and make it visible to your visitors.

Example on CMS: Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Wix, TYPO3. 0.5

Total 2
A logical design includes a data flow diagram that describes the flow 1
of information at your e-commerce site, the processing functions that
must be performed, and the databases that will be used. The logical
design also includes a description of the security and emergency
backup procedures that will be instituted, and the controls that will be
used in the system.

A physical design translates the logical design into physical

components. For instance, the physical design details the specific
model of server to be purchased, the software to be used, the size of
the telecommunications link that will be required, the way the system
will be backed up and protected from outsiders, and so on.

Total 2
The sender encrypts a message using the recipient’s public key, and 2
then sends it over the Internet. The only person who can decrypt this
message is the recipient, using his or her private key. However, this
simple case does not ensure integrity or an authentic message

Total 2
The process of attracting/generating leads (potential customers who 2
later can be contacted and converted into customers through sales calls,
email, or other means) for businesses, using multiple e-commerce
Total 2

TP.HCM, ngày … tháng …… năm ….

Người duyệt đáp án Người làm đáp án
(ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (ký, ghi rõ họ tên)
ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 3A NĂM HỌC 2018 - 2019
Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: Thương mại điện tử
Mã môn học: BUS1104E.183A01E……….…
Số ĐVHT/TC: ……........
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Thời gian làm bài: 75 phút; Hình thức thi: Tự luận
Mã đề (Nếu có): 1


CÂU 1. (2 điểm)
Describe 8 features of e-commerce technology.
CÂU 2. (2 điểm)
List some issues of traditional taxi in Vietnam in 2013. After that, find out functions
in Grab taxi could help users overcome identified problems.
CÂU 3. (2 điểm)
What are some features could annoy customers in an e-commerce web site?
CÂU 4. (2 điểm)
In order to grow up the amount of visitors, what should “Dien May Xanh” corporate should
do based on the information conducted from Similar Web?

CÂU 5. (2 điểm)
Describe some common strategies if we want to focus on product.
Cán bộ coi thi không được giải thích gì thêm.
ĐÁP ÁN HỌC KỲ 3A NĂM HỌC 2018 - 2019
Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: ………….…….…………….…………..
Mã môn học: BUS1104E.183A01E)……….…
Số ĐVHT/TC: ……........
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Thời gian làm bài: 75p Hình thức thi: ...…......
Mã đề (Nếu có): 1……………………………........

Câu 1 Nội dung đáp án Điểm

ý1 List 8 features in chap 2 of textbook 0.25
ý2 Explain each feature 1.75
Cộng 2
Câu 2
ý1 - Customer issues: longer travel distance, driver’s attitude, long waiting
time, etc.
- Driver issues: customer prioritize car coming soon, too long refund
time at place where parking is not allowed, etc.
ý2 - List Grab app’s functions could help the two objects to solve their
problems. Explain.
Cộng 2
Câu 3
ý1 List 8 features in table 3.10 of textbook. 0.5
ý2 Map each item in the left column to correspondent item in the right
column of the table.
Cộng 2
Câu 4
ý1 - Identify sources generating lots of traffic: Direct and Search 0.25
ý2 - In case of Direct source, the business could focus on two things:
+ Retain old customers: promotion, customer service 1.25
+ Attract new customers: offline marketing activities, affiliate marketing
ý3 - Regarding Search source, we need to explore more by checking
performance of every marketing channels. After that, we may decide if
we should inject money into SEO, FB Marketing or Google AdWords,
for example.
Cộng 2
Câu 5
ý1 List two strategies: low-cost and differentiate 0.25
ý2 Explain how each strategy could help business. 1.75
Cộng 2

TP.HCM, ngày … tháng …… năm 201….

Người duyệt đáp án Người làm đáp án
(ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (ký, ghi rõ họ tên)

ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 3A NĂM HỌC 2018 - 2019

Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: Thương mại điện tử
Mã môn học: BUS1104E.183A01E……….…
Số ĐVHT/TC: ……........
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Thời gian làm bài: 75 phút; Hình thức thi: Tự luận
Mã đề (Nếu có): 2


CÂU 1. (2 điểm)
In order to develop an e-commerce system, a business needs to define some
common objectives as follows.

Provide product
Display goods Personalize product
Engage customers in Accumulate customer
Execute a transaction
conversations information
Provide after-sale Coordinate Understanding marketing
customer support marketing/advertising effectiveness

In terms of system functionality and information requirements, what do we need to

support the company to achieve their objectives?
CÂU 2. (2 điểm)
Describe some steps we need to utilize chance generated from Google Trends.
CÂU 3. (2 điểm)
In order to grow up the amount of visitors, what should “Facebook” company should do
based on the information conducted from Similar Web?

CÂU 4. (2 điểm)
Describe some common strategies if we want to focus on customer.
CÂU 5. (2 điểm)
What is the business strategy that Grab company is utilizing? Explain.

Cán bộ coi thi không được giải thích gì thêm.

ĐÁP ÁN HỌC KỲ 3A NĂM HỌC 2018 - 2019
Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: ………….…….…………….…………..
Mã môn học: BUS1104E.183A01E)……….…
Số ĐVHT/TC: ……........
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Thời gian làm bài: ……… Hình thức thi: ...…......
Mã đề (Nếu có): …2…………………………........

Câu 1 Nội dung đáp án Điểm

ý1 System functionality: map correct items in the first column to the second
one in the table 3.2 in the textbook.
ý2 Information requirements: map correct items in the first column to the third
one in the table 3.2 in the textbook.
Cộng 2
Câu 2
ý1 - Visit Google Trends, choose a location where we want to explore. 0.5
- Visit all links, from the one has the highest search to the lowest link.
ý2 - Choose link that has contain is relevant to your business, or your interest 0.5
ý3 - Generate possible relevant keywords 0.5
ý4 - Build up an e-commerce site 0.5
Cộng 2
Câu 3
ý1 - Identify sources generating lots of traffic: Direct and Search 0.25
ý2 - In case of Direct source, the business could focus on two things:
+ Retain old customers: promotion, customer service 1.25
+ Attract new customers: offline marketing activities, affiliate marketing
ý3 - Regarding Search source, we need to explore more by checking
performance of every marketing channels. After that, we may decide if we
should inject money into SEO, FB Marketing or Google AdWords, for
Cộng 2
Câu 4
ý1 List two strategies: redefine user experience, integration 0.25
ý2 Explain how each strategy could help business. 1.75
Cộng 2
Câu 5
ý1 Introduce Grab company and Delta model. 0.5
ý2 Best-Product. Why or why not? 0.5
ý3 Customer Focus. Why or why not? 0.5
ý4 Complementor. Why or why not? 0.5
Cộng 2

TP.HCM, ngày … tháng …… năm 201….

Người duyệt đáp án Người làm đáp án
(ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (ký, ghi rõ họ tên)

ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 3A NĂM HỌC 2018 - 2019

Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: Thương mại điện tử
Mã môn học: BUS1104E.183A01E……….…
Số ĐVHT/TC: ……........
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Thời gian làm bài: 75 phút; Hình thức thi: Tự luận
Mã đề (Nếu có): 3


CÂU 1. (2 điểm)
Describe the eight most important factors in successful e-commerce site design.
CÂU 2. (2 điểm)
In order to grow up the amount of visitors, what should “Vinamilk” corporate should do
based on the information conducted from Similar Web?

CÂU 3. (2 điểm)
At the present time (2019), Teespring is being a popular e-commerce platform where clients
could easily sell their own-designed products. Could you please explain how the business
operate by describing the relationship between their supply chain and e-selling process.
CÂU 4. (2 điểm)
In order to ‘enjoy’ a product, how many stages does an online buyer generally go through?
After identifying the process correctly, students are required to point out stages in which Woo
Commerce and Mail Chimp could help businesses to implement their Marketing task
efficiently. Explain.
CÂU 5. (2 điểm)
What is the business strategy that Microsoft company is utilizing? Explain.

Cán bộ coi thi không được giải thích gì thêm.

ĐÁP ÁN HỌC KỲ 3A NĂM HỌC 2018 - 2019

Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: ………….…….…………….…………..
Mã môn học: BUS1104E.183A01E)……….…
Số ĐVHT/TC: ……........
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Thời gian làm bài: 75p; Hình thức thi: ...…......
Mã đề (Nếu có): 3……………………………........

Câu 1 Nội dung đáp án Điểm

ý1 List 8 features in table 3.11 of textbook. 0.5
ý2 Map each item in the left column to correspondent item in the right 1.5
column of the table.
Cộng 2
Câu 2
ý1 - Identify sources generating lots of traffic: Direct and Search 0.25
ý2 - In case of Direct source, the business could focus on two things:
+ Retain old customers: promotion, customer service 1.25
+ Attract new customers: offline marketing activities, affiliate marketing
ý3 - Regarding Search source, we need to explore more by checking
performance of every marketing channels. After that, we may decide if
we should inject money into SEO, FB Marketing or Google AdWords, for
Cộng 2
Câu 3
ý1 At the first glance, students need to point out that Teespring has to stock a
number of goods which are easily to customize. Besides, the company set
up a professional e-commerce system which really help clients to sell 0.5
corporate products. That is, users could modify on available templates of
the company, and then sell it to potential customers.
ý2 In order to selling products in Teespring platform, clients need: 1.5
- Set up e-stores in Teespring platform. This step requires users to
purchase some products from the company. In other words, purchase
orders will be forwarded to production team of Teespring.
- Customers purchase products. When the system receives orders, finished
products will be packaged and then shipped to address of customers from
the company’s stores.
- Delivering goods. This stage is based on third-party organizations.
- Transaction complete. Depending on the payment mode that customers
selected, they are required to completely pay for their orders when their
desired products arrive.
Cộng 2
Câu 4
ý1 There are five steps, including Need recognition, Search, Compare
alternatives, Purchase and Post-sale.
ý2 Since Word Press (WP) could help e-sellers design a professional web
sites, hence they could attract potential customers at the Alternatives step.
If we add Woo Commerce plugin to our WP site, clients could purchase
our products easily. Moreover, this plugin could help us to track order 1
status. Therefore, Woo Commerce could help us at the Purchase stage.
Finally, WP users could easily communicate with shop owner. This could
enhance Post-sale activity of a business.
ý3 Mail Chimp is a system which help us to implement a marketing
campaign as well as measure its performance easily. Submitting e-mail
register form on ‘right’ FB group could help marketers to reach customers
easier. In other words, it is an active Search. 0.75
The process of identifying customers demand could be implemented
through a survey targeting at a set of leads. With Mail Chimp, we could
do it quite simple.
Cộng 2
Câu 5
ý1 Introduce Microsoft company and Delta model. 0.5
ý2 Best-Product. Why or why not? 0.5
ý3 Customer Focus. Why or why not? 0.5
ý4 Complementor. Why or why not? 0.5
Cộng 2

TP.HCM, ngày … tháng …… năm 201….

Người duyệt đáp án Người làm đáp án
(ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (ký, ghi rõ họ tên)

ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 3A NĂM HỌC 2018 - 2019

Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: ………….…….…………….…………..
Mã môn học: BUS1104E.183A01E……….…
Số ĐVHT/TC: ……........
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Thời gian làm bài: …… Hình thức thi: ...…......
Mã đề (Nếu có): ……………………………........


CÂU 1. (2 điểm)
The figure below is a result of a request to Google Trends in Vietnam on 30th July, 2019.
As a business man, what should you do to utilize chance generated from that?

CÂU 2. (2 điểm)
In order to grow up the amount of visitors, what should “Dien May Xanh” corporate should
do based on the information conducted from Similar Web?

CÂU 3. (2 điểm)
At the present time (2019), Teespring is being a popular e-commerce platform where clients
could easily sell their own-designed products. Could you please explain how the business
operate by describing the relationship between their supply chain and e-selling/buying

CÂU 4. (2 điểm)
In order to ‘enjoy’ a product, how many stages does an online buyer generally go through?
After identifying the process correctly, students are required to point out stages in which Woo
Commerce and Mail Chimp could help businesses to implement their Marketing task
efficiently. Explain.

CÂU 5. (2 điểm)
What is the business strategy that Grab company is utilizing? Explain.

Cán bộ coi thi không được giải thích gì thêm.

ĐÁP ÁN HỌC KỲ 3A NĂM HỌC 2018 - 2019

Ngành/Lớp: ……………….….…….……………
Môn thi: ………….…….…………….…………..
Mã môn học: BUS1104E.183A01E)……….…
Số ĐVHT/TC: ……........
Ngày thi: ………………....……………………….
KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Thời gian làm bài: ……… Hình thức thi: ...…......
Mã đề (Nếu có): ……………………………........

Câu 1 Nội dung đáp án Điểm

ý1 - Visit all links, from the one has the highest search to the 0.5
lowest link.
ý2 - Choose link that has contain is relevant to your business, or 0.5
your interest
ý3 - Generate possible relevant keywords 0.5
ý4 - Build up an e-commerce site 0.5
Cộng 2
Câu 2
ý1 - Identify sources generating lots of traffic: Direct and Search 0.25
ý2 - In case of Direct source, the business could focus on two
+ Retain old customers: promotion, customer service 1.25
+ Attract new customers: offline marketing activities, affiliate
ý3 - Regarding Search source, we need to explore more by
checking performance of every marketing channels. After that,
we may decide if we should inject money into SEO, FB
Marketing or Google AdWords, for example.

Cộng 2
Câu 3
ý1 At the first glance, students need to point out that Teespring has
to stock a number of goods which are easily to customize.
Besides, the company set up a professional e-commerce system
which really help clients to sell corporate products. That is,
users could modify on available templates of the company, and
then sell it to potential customers.
ý2 In order to selling products in Teespring platform, clients need:
- Set up e-stores in Teespring platform. This step requires users
to purchase some products from the company. In other words,
purchase orders will be forwarded to production team of
- Customers purchase products. When the system receives
orders, finished products will be packaged and then shipped to 1.5
address of customers from the company’s stores.
- Delivering goods. This stage is based on third-party
- Transaction complete. Depending on the payment mode that
customers selected, they are required to completely pay for their
orders when their desired products arrive.
Cộng 2
Câu 4
ý1 There are five steps, including Need recognition, Search,
Compare alternatives, Purchase and Post-sale.
ý2 Since Word Press (WP) could help e-sellers design a
professional web sites, hence they could attract potential
customers at the Alternatives step.
If we add Woo Commerce plugin to our WP site, clients could
purchase our products easily. Moreover, this plugin could help 1
us to track order status. Therefore, Woo Commerce could help
us at the Purchase stage.
Finally, WP users could easily communicate with shop owner.
This could enhance Post-sale activity of a business.
ý3 Mail Chimp is a system which help us to implement a
marketing campaign as well as measure its performance easily.
Submitting e-mail register form on ‘right’ FB group could help
marketers to reach customers easier. In other words, it is an
active Search.
The process of identifying customers demand could be
implemented through a survey targeting at a set of leads. With
Mail Chimp, we could do it quite simple.
… 2
Câu 5
ý1 Introduce Grab company and Delta model. 0.5
ý2 Best-Product. Why or why not? 0.5
ý3 Customer Focus. Why or why not? 0.5
ý4 Complementor. Why or why not? 0.5
Cộng 2

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