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Objective is to offset high freight cost and other externalities to select international markets
with a view to enhance our export competitiveness in these countries.

Exporters of all products to notified countries shall be entitled for Duty Credit scrip
equivalent to 2.5% of FOB value of exports for each licensing year commencing from 1st
April, 2006.However New additional Markets notified in Appendix 37C of HBP v1 shall be
entitled for Duty Credit scrip on exports w.e.f 1.4.2008.Exports made by EOUs / EHTPs /
BTPs who do not avail direct tax benefits / exemption shall be eligible. Following exports
shall not be taken into account for computation of entitlement:

a. (i) Export of imported goods covered under Para 2.35 of FTP;

(ii) Exports through transshipment, meaning thereby that exports originating
in third country but transshipped through India;
b. Export turnover of SEZ units or supplies made to such units or SEZ products
exported through DTA units;
c. Deemed Exports;
d. Service Exports;
e. Diamonds and other precious, semi precious stones;
f. Gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals in any form, including plain
and studded Jewellery;
g. Ores and Concentrates, of all types and in all forms;
h. Cereals, of all types;
i. Sugar, of all types and in all forms;
j. Crude / Petroleum Oil & Crude / Petroleum based Products covered under ITC
HS codes 2709 to 2715, of all types and in all forms;
k. Items, which are restricted or prohibited for export under Schedule-2 of Export
Policy in ITC (HS);

l. Cement, all types and in all forms

Entitlement Exporters of all products through EDI enabled ports to notified countries (as in
Appendix 37C of HBP v1) shall be entitled for Duty Credit scrip equivalent to 2.5% of FOB
value of exports for each licensing year commencing from 1st April, 2006. However
additional Markets notified in Appendix 37C of HBP v1 shall be entitled for Duty Credit
scrip on exports w.e.f 1.4.2007.

Sr.No Market Country
Countries in Latin American Block
1 L 001 015 ARGENTINA
2 L 002 039 BOLIVIA
3 L 003 073 CHILE
4 L 004 109 ECUADOR
5 L 005 317 PARAGUAY
6 L 006 319 PERU
7 L 007 427 URUGUAY
8 L 008 433 VENEZUELA
Countries in African Block
9 A 001 011 ANGOLA
10 A 002 035 BENIN
11 A 003 041 BOTSWANA
12 A 004 050 BURKINA FASO
13 A 005 053 BURUNDI
14 A 006 057 CAMEROON
15 A 007 061 CANARY IS
16 A 008 063 CAPE VERDE IS
17 A 009 067 CAFRI REP
18 A 010 069 CHAD
19 A 011 085 COMOROS
20 A 012 087 CONGO P REP
21 A 013 115 ETHIOPIA
22 A 014 116 ERITREA
23 A 015 117 EQUTL GUINEA
24 A 016 135 FR S ANT TR
25 A 017 141 GABON
26 A 018 143 GAMBIA
27 A 019 167 GUINEA
28 A 020 169 GUINEA BISSAU
29 A 021 199 COTE D'IVOIRE
30 A 022 227 LESOTHO
31 A 023 229 LIBERLIA
32 A 024 231 LIBYA
33 A 025 241 MADAGASSCAR
34 A 026 243 MA;AWO
35 A 027 249 MALI
36 A 028 255 MAURITANIA
37 A 029 257 MAURITIUS
38 A 030 265 MOROCCO
39 A 031 267 MOZAMBIQUE
40 A 032 269 NAMIBIA
41 A 033 289 NIGER
42 A 034 339 REUNION
43 A 035 345 RAWANDA
44 A 036 347 SAHARWI A.DM RP
45 A 037 349 SAO TOME
46 A 038 353 SENEGAL
47 A 039 355 SEYCHELLES
48 A 040 357 SIERRA LEONE
49 A 041 363 SOMALIA
50 A 042 371 ST HELENA
51 A 043 385 SWAZILAND
52 A 044 399 TOGO
53 A 045 407 TUNISIA
54 A 046 417 UGANDA
55 A 047 459 CONGO D.REP
56 A 048 461 ZAMBIA
57 A 049 463 ZIMBABWE
Note: The export performance of notified markets under Para of
Policy shall be regularly reviewed and the list of countries in
Appendix 37 C may be modified from time to time, in terms of Para
3.9.5 of the Policy.

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