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February 2022
Hobbies and free time

1.-What do you normally do to keep busy in your free time?

R/ To keep myself busy in my free time, what I do is investigate information that is related
to safety and health at work

2.- Is it healthy to spend your leisure time doing what you enjoy?

R/ If it is healthy to dedicate my free time to what I like, because it makes me relax and
think about many things in my daily life

3.-Would you rather stay in or go out?

R/ I prefer to stay at home, because I love spending time with my grandmother talking about the
anecdotes that have happened to her in her life and learning a lot from her.

4.-Would you say that you are an outgoing person?

R/ The truth is I don't consider myself an extroverted person because I know how to control

5.- Have you done anything fun in the last few weeks?

R/ yes, i went with my best friend to the beach

6.-How often do you work out in your free time?

R/ Three times a week I exercise when I have my free time

7.-When was the last time you tried something new and exciting?

R/ Almost two months ago

8.-How has the way we spend our free time changed in recent years?

R/ In the way that our free time has changed, it is that when we have it we don't know how

to take advantage of it because everyone at that moment, when we are sharing it, many

people are placed to be on the phone, chatting and many other things and it is to if like the

world has totally changed.

9.-How do you think your free time will change when you have kids?

R/ My free time would change a lot when I have my children, because I will hardly be able
to hang out with my best friend, much less I will not be able to attend parties because I
would have a very big responsibility

10.-Where do you normally spend your spare time?

R/ Normally my free time is spent with my best friend, managing activities for the
neighborhood community and helping those least in need.


1.- Is travelling an important part of your life?

R/ Yes it is a part of my life, since it is one of my dreams to travel to other parts of the

world and meet new cultures and people

2.-How often do you go on trips?

R/ I practically travel every three months

3.-Are you arranging any trips at the moment?

R/ Yes, i am organizing a trip to the city of Barranquilla at the end of next month

4.-Have you ever been abroad? Where?

R/ No
5.-If you were going to travel the world, would you prefer to do it alone or with friends?

R/ I preferred to travel with my friends because I like to spend a lot of time with them and

enjoy our trip more richly.

6.-How has the way we book our holidays changed over recent years?

R/ It has changed in the way that we can now make our vacation reservations through


7.-If you went abroad this summer, where might you go?

R / If I left this summer I would like to travel to the country of Portugal

8.-Do you wish you could travel more?

R/ Of course, if I would like to travel a little more, to learn about other cultures.

9.-If you were going to go backpacking, what would you need to take?

R/ If I had to go on a backpacking beach trip, I would have to bring food.

10.-Do you generally go on holiday abroad or stay in your own country?

R/ I usually do trips in my own country

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