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Ltnoduye-4. Meok oreavatieg IN PBocess uns. 7 3) i LEVo.D ons opors 5 Sed Fox Concentrsaring +e Qiwved Sol\uvien Ml £Maving, excesa_ wore ely Tne ‘net of S' pes at evaposares: DPhysical and chernicay Psopesties c€ Solurion being concentsared Id) Physicar and cherstcat psopesties of vapour __ being concemeated. 7 innernod EF opersarien. Ly Sing e tect Evapowares CSEE). 2) Muiipie E€Cect Evaposaresy Cmee’ | a)eonwosd feed mee | by) Baclewasd feed mee. ©) Pawaryey Feed mee li Dileimare. eetecr e@vapewaros CSE): I USed vohen sequined Capacity i ran I) When Cogr oF Stearn ig \e Com paged bo evapotAres Cog - Leann el ena ve Condenser 7 Feed 6, + Pop Hear exchanger rules Steaw 7. ees >¢onden Sarre. I! Concentrortd peed ver yeieations: speck eed ceropecars Ite 2 €S Tse SOPs He Gecrieo as | ——* Icy = Boilios pony oF So\Uriod 2S woeit apes ero PUsares or2d Srearm Lem pena ru enresing ¥ 1 evo Dowa = I oncedrsared psoduct and Sse\urica =f A Tes_ ave Somme composgitien and permperaruse Th: puessuse Se Pi, whic is vopous geurie - 8) Gew coecticient oncepk Of ovewalt \neay earans eo lrg ged 40 ca\eulation oF ware of \veat *panster 9 a4 |p evaposotex and pig sare 2qparic \ H I\neak amanstes ie woTirres as. Eee Q - VAST = VU Cte -T1 ee a co it = Vo 2 Ee Yow Eos 1\As4e pact y_ opesarien wsins, ___[mose na: ceeck wot educe Steam Ces —_—— 0) | Poswasd - Geced Eee - es i |feed and Srearm oon eOreming ot Saros i a | Ainsethion. , ra , Noe iy vagourt ae L Ay | ae: | Steam Te LF ee | 7 + Pa | eisaanl { Ss cEnrened aad I Bear FBO rear foo a y - conces | Ut eeeeer spend Seer orsore 1 pasduct - Skream Economy = kq_ oe wores evoposored kg OF Syeard Supplied, a aEeed and vapour genesored Slows ot Same die, : aa Mog. sNSed When Feed \s hot os when inal coocenty area Peeduer cnay damage or hide tempesorure, Boiling Co\ny ecweases Ewom efteckr ta ercecs, PP fl Backward Reeds Peed Boing Prem lower pyessuwe to nigh ev ws egaurse. ® al SS ESSA Sp L 2 + Advonragesy when ves Reed 1a cod Used wren codcentwared Prcduet \s wp iapry Viscous = » tHighes +emMpersature In Cawly ecteckts weduce igcosity ANd give -weasonoble hear psanscer GoefEicienr: Pasoret piel clk eke neem eee repeat feed 1S [jg were anaveo —Enem each efCect however [ropes “D, prer each e€ect 1S Stil used Ee added and concenrsatecl preduer a -Tpusa sieo Crexhods Fos see» rc ‘ vapour WY IT bby \\s eed | te eee SS a es — conden Sore. CSD TS, 4s Te Me conceorsared Lag ula cL> Te OE 0. LAVAS Q= VAST fg = Reed Frou sate: Le Liquid fied woke - Ve Vopous How ake. Satusated steam © eaving does Nok e yore ware Conraing Solids) lee ¢ vopous \ ax wate ‘8! leg is ondensed Steam leaving Te, Saya msored serdperote: assumed to oe OF hand _enyrolpy \nc. bear Gives OFF oly ire lobenr neat rear aeemy = 62) Ye _equilibsium wire Viquid Ty:Tu. —__lvapou's Riz Sorusayed Vapour psessu 2. ] | of compo sivicd fe Vquid Maresias balance at Steady Strate. As Lev —¢3> 2 a Solid balance B.%ee Li we WY fKpe Lex C Wee), = C4). Hear balance i Wear fF Wearing = Heap in F H@bio + Year to iQ Bese Skea conc: lig . vapour Condensed Sear. Los ASSuUMI\Ag Do eat loss due to Badiation and Cod Veckion. FP. her S.Ws = Lie vive Sh — cey. Bur ScHs-bad- oh pe. Pher Sh 2 Lite Vly ew Heat twang Cessed ID evavororox is Qo Ae Q> SCus-hs> = SX ¢ DA ST = LA CTS-T) == te). Later \neot ch) at Satusared temperature of Nears i Rsory year rable. A_Cootinuous SEE Comtemrsares Gora leah oe] wet. Sayr Sue or BN +O a E10. comtenrsovion of 1.5 wt't. the vapcus spam oF the evovocarsy 1S ar \ol.axe kya ana srr Supclied ia Satusared oF 143-3 “eng - vetrey wl ~ mi CALCOIALE AOU of Water evaponorrd quid product sreara sequined aod eso Eesans Few OBCA of eVOPpmorer Assume snot {rig Aieticory—be ciluye Solutieg and ence colution has Same beiliag pointe o% thar o¢ ware~ ——— ata Coe ay Bikes Atay Heat leg ch LS Dw or Bp s 2269 lal Sor 143.3 pa « 9230 cane Sas eeeeeeererercee (Sarvsared bemmpewsatuse - Sream = 363-2 K. _ Chior: Sioce liquid pa Some tennpera- ruse, sat of Peed boiling im +vapemores an be taken __lenynal oy of Vguid product ie. Ws _ jac On - = floverau ©. 8 = 4 |e tomy, ean — [dors Liv =o. - | limp of Sovids [| e.%e 2 Ls VY | qozo.x sol = L-x 0-015 | L_= Go4e kalh Viz Booty leglh- bs “ear balance: i: p eine vey e U.S ye F.tpe. CTe-T + SA t-ber wily Qoiay Alax CBN B73) + Sx 2230 = 6048 xO + BORG 22S7 ~ aSeseee chee aod leq Ge OA br. a Biden yh /AR OTs 2m), - Alo 22230 = Itoy XA X C283 .9- 343) a A= NAG em. 2 F\Efbect OF Dmessuwe Opmial\es On evapowsoroy ‘ Oo Ppessation: ‘| NlleeGect of Eeed tempewater i Paelearing feed eduees toe size oF evavaxary and ence Wear eeangees azea mequimed Dlleceer of pxessuses ‘ Lasgo T= Heat trranstes owea And Capiray ul | cost clecweases , Incwease OT by Deducinga owe. Nevere. aePsessuse Aeeweases af cern pevature & ee incweoSes and Seat kwanster Owed HAecweases. Seebeck of Sream psessusve. USiNg Nigh osecsuse Satusated Steam Aneweoses | ine OT whic Aecseases Size and Coste of - apesakor ~ # || caicwation mmetned Cow mee: SEE - As ig 1OSt — Aecweaces Brearm econemy, TO avoid Hole Mee is used. Vopouw leaving 48 xecny. ewed and seuged.— ineseases Stearn € conormy, Reeasise Aecweoses For Mest to last: conten tration oF Nguid Ineseases Foor Most ho loor. Te decweose iN con ceMtwariog —inewease Feed cate. ‘ \ \ SF EEE esaruse Asep in Mees Arapuor of eat teansteewed oq St eccece. j [oe MCE? U7 |__ Gu e WsA OT, as J [_srz Ts- Ti— (Sp of sointion) A A Issany oe Wear ssuming, No BPR Neglecting Sensibte Near nece- 2) 4 irks bog Poior . Same orgeunt 7 log near Ewen “rondensed steam is aiven. cau Ge + U2Ao Te —cay Land cesensd a Ge = Ve Ag AT, —ex> (ant eth ear'l = — [oe Gye Go= he — | Oar eT = U2Ar BT, = Ve Ag ST =) —T aan TH CoromMenciadr Paacrice aAMe awea of ai effects llase quod and hence % A Dou enUe Als eas Ola 2 a cep Lat \o MEE arse tipnar ro 'U- Appsoni rqorey sovesSery PsoPpos- ATX 1 Oh ce BT + Ata & OT. — Ce), eat 2 Ta- T3CT -T) H | orn - cer x WN, =¢#) { ee a UD, Usuaee: [Late = cor x es. =<8) | i Nell Uy ae +e STs = SAT XX ale eee a\ee el 4 yo we 4 *|capaciry of TEE. Rough eByimare of Capaciry Eow Tee Compase to SEE Can be obtained py adding values of ngs oa each evagosatow je. J He Bit Wer Ga = WAT, + VoA2 OTe + VaAgdTs — Cis) EE _A8surp prion is nade snar vatue oe ‘4 is I] ISame ar eae eefeer and toe varue of ‘A’ arre eguiar them the Above equation wi ecorme- | Qe LA SAT —cuy. Natl ence ZhY = Te -Ts BE MEE Is sed Wr Ae Same awed ‘A’ Same yaiwe SF DY aga Same 'ST' Hern > VA OT 12) By = AT. \. # | careularinn Fos Mees IID genesoal \o MEE He vars FS be Carculared ase NIABea OF Hear Hwaner im each |tFeck o 2)| Amount of Stearn pew hous +o be Su Ned uy 18k eeeeck . - >| Amount of Vvopous \taving eacn etbece . 7 |The above things Can be carcutored by lthe data of + lin each ectecr ey camsying [grea _pacssume oe 1S¥ erteg. ‘nol pwessuse (oO Leino f \ Vapous space of \Osk etFeck- ceed Coodivions And irs Flew wore re 1% lecte gua) concenssavion in he liquid leaving the ee s [physical Psopesties Such as _entho\py and heat | eopasty ot at liguid anda voapous Bees —ploverar hear teanstew coeceicient 'u' jo each To festece ane arreo'S oF e2acny etheck ave | Quan logsumed +o be equor \Wtoslai ne, rAeHHOd ology Fos Careulating Aesign aspects of TEE: fos he lenovo aessuse 1M tMe \askr |eftecr Atrermine TNE yo jeer etter CTE boiling point outer Concenrsahen and [Wociling point [sige is present ahen aAerermige ir Using [Pubzing ‘Aine pier). 2) Derewmine TOrAl acnoudt ‘oy Cassying our overra\ of worer evapo sored me then tos Oe then comsy our *orot to Obtain Waid leaving 11, kee, Ly py der Soeiere Bets concentzaren ! 5 18,204 and 374 eftecr- 1 [et xqwios make the Asgumprion tat Vi eVa2Va Me on etfecr 112aMds t cut Solid baance lover eden ef€ecr- 3). ESyimoate rempesarure ATP it~ using te equ AT, Sta , AT oxen caslier, A0Y erfecr tnar Nas extaa nearing load ,gucln of cord _Feed requ a osHonatreay Las: Otis tis iO Aner efteck bY Cew Ata sees \ocwease OTa and accosdinaly deewease OT LO _sermai nio etfecr So thot FAT can be Mararai ned Sarne. Anen careutate BP in eae e€€ecr . ie ay a Using hear and Maremma Baran \q ede ettey § Catculare te Amountk of wares vaporized Oo Also sare at liquid in eacm effece VE the \ amount of vapovize Aiffevs appseciabiy Brom 5 Hose assume in Step @ roe sepear +O grep 2 Qanda 4 using the ameoudt of vapours Cay culabed Wo _srep-@, Vy Ca\culate Value of $Q* sransfeweed 1D eacln eFfect \ Using Saye eQuorisn GQ. DAST Cor eat effect Carculare Agseas Ar, Az AS, AneM Carculeire “average \ Va\ue Arm by \ Arm 2 CA\+ Aa + As) ==" cies 5 eS SE +oeSe Aven ase wWEeasSonoyw close 40 each other tne Calculaiens ase Cammplered Ana 1194 + zia\ 1S Mot Meeded. BE pmese Aseas Awe Nor equal 29° setoi aneutd be Perfowmned 24 Fotrous > To straw 294 ssiay, OSe Nev Values of Lita and ts ana Viva Va, Cayeulared by near bolance WO Strep 4 and Cayeulare Oew Solid concen sap. OD im each ef Fecr DY Solid boiance in each efFe- lor Dllocrain news vareg of AT, ATs O72 aver AT, = ATX Ar AT? = ATaxAg e Am Am Faqew BP in eacn ercects PsToasog New OT! varueg Tene Sun Ott OT + OTS shoud be equal G1 ne pyadhinan Submi gc OT2% Ams Ary, MoO AT. 2£& got ay ary VON\ues 25 Her SOViskied - then Caren lare (77 Tepopastionatesy Bead\use ay aq . Tee Vs condition win be EBom Step F Bepear cealcularion Srasriqg wits Sttp 4. Vary tu 7 BIAS Gee Sullidhent So anar whe aAseas (fers measonabty close +0 each orner. a uy i A Foswwasd Feed TEE is weing Used to evopoe- ate Sugas solute amraining © Wel. Soli as OQ Concent sated Covurion o¢ Soll. . the BPR of plurion C independent of pwessuse). can be esi- roored Evo BPR CCD = L4Ge + 6.2202 Uther wis Weigok Ewocriem of VOpoUs 19 Solution. Rorusared Breary at 205-5 koa Csatusatien eernp = 12\.\'c) is being used. the Qwessure 40 Vapour Space oF 374 ereece evapesates i \3.4 koa. Woe Feed wore 1 22680 leqihe at o 264°C. Tre ear OF Salutienn consicewed to be a Negligible. Tre heat Capacity of Maud So\ntion Is_Cps 4riq-2-agx belkg.k . The ovewou heat *BANGRer Coeticiemt have been ecrianated ao 13123 NASt ana 136 Wim cow 18" aNd, ord eeeecy wespectivery. TE Cachm efter has Same Sustace anrea_, Calcuiare heat azanceey arseq £m ware God Sream economy | ee sd >> BPR. 2 b¥S xe + Coan? L4sCo-S> + 6.220.872 = 24nee. Dara: ArUTabed dren peworure tt \B-@ kpg = S).e7"c. AS Cold Feed IS emtewing 1o 1ST eftect +his efted BEGuiweds Marxirguc heat Wierd Te olbtaioed by 1 Nes easing OT A \S* ectecr by 316. However bo Naiovain overway AT Cice- ZATY » AT in 204, 324 ee Fect Gee decweased by vet. ANG and 2% wespecti- Eoppal\pies of vapours 2685S 2665 eoving 1,.2,3 etheers aye Goo kqlka aespectivery. Laren: heat SE condemSarlen of Stears vapour ewer 18+ ana ard are 2208 , 2244 2294 ks1 Nea Bespecivay, Ts 2 SU8FtC Attuacel “baiting Poiot io last e€tece = ShOFt 2445 = S4.nse. Considesing BPR Ov eral) TAB. fs tary + Vo tV3 Solid THAR. F.%e = bs xg 22680 x0) = lexO-5 t ba. 4536 Neg nev Fl Sp Va V3 = 18144 Kathe vit Np ee = 2 So ye Np 2 Na 2Va> 6O48 Fale (siaa Ia} (cng ones ‘St ee gece i ee br E . ; Me Gxoeéit —— TL opese eon \6G32- GOXS \oSs4_lkeg\ins — Solid eee ele tses2 orlgg 2 \OSS4 422 Ry + 0. 214 5.36) + 6:22 (olgeys ©: 3S4ee Laie). 22 co. 21a 22 Bas eee te s+ 6.23 uousa se Of = Sor % yIMy — jee Vy OU. Ve ef = 65.96 x 13123 \ Neg 2y23 last 136 A. 2 12.29% + BNE 2\5.58'C Le LOT. = (Q.4az’e - 116 = 1S. a23C iE lara = S4.079°'e.-2 = a2,07¢e . e B.p-r L T, 2 Te- OT, = tay -h2-3q4 36] = loS-ss’c. e Ta = 10S-SS — (10-483 - 116) FO: 2544 = BESTE Te = S6. 87 - ($4074 - 2) - O-661IS = SA \acc. A\So Ts,. 12i.te tse = Tr- BPR) = loS-SS- 0.3544 = 105-19" Teq- T2 -BPR. = SS7- 9 -6815 = SE. 21"C. Fos Cop Cr s ANQ- 2-35% ICpee 4NA- 2-38 Conds BASS \et [kak Cpys 41g - 2-35C0.196)- 3.87 keel kak Cops 414 - 2°38Co 2142 3. 687 ky] kak Cha = ANG - 2:35 60.5) = 201s lerlkq-ic / eae? / peor ananee— Ee ae \8k_eeteck , __ ee “poche ate -Tparare)_* _shS, eg Cpu CT -Tparu rm) Vit Tpuk Ves £3 ——— a ae cTe- Tparured t SASL ~ Cpls C71 = Thera) ce-tiyy Te. Cpe “peGOXS-ASSRCIeF— 09% SxO200 aliX 3-84 C\0S-SS) ta & C226R80- 41)263S =e ~ g2008 + 2aze. Salt = SBSOO8IG. OF ae leven 259 eecect ches et Ten) 4 Vinge = b2 CPle CT2- Tparura) | i 4 Veta. ane elicta. Liter CT t= Tparura) * CR-LD Sa = La cpea CTa=T partum k Cly-LadHe. fona-08 Clos. 85-0) t C22680 -W)) 2244 = Chie L2 2695 aaa 4 La ¥3-684 (BE .8F- OD. I ASL, + SOSA3920— 2244 nesslr- 26SSt2 —_—_ FE i I Los: x B20-2qQl2. | Ato Se 28S4.t Ly = SO8GSA20- 62 loves: arzA ereect: Ls Core CT2-Tparum) + V2 Mg _= Ls CPs CTa- Tpasum) 4 Vata. cyte Boo.24le + Cle Sec) asg4 = FOSS». OSs Cle-4S 36) 2600- maga ta Lemos = FAIA. OS + 2600 Le - IFQS6C0 | | aeqaty - 4sts.zites ise ae\Se de ae OSD EE Boo.2qgl2b aaqat, - Rsorm Co). } 44gq0-S2 4 « SoB4Sq20 + 9334-9) to | Ly 2 1\1398.¢4 4 O:'S2to. Subsvi puriag io (8) : 2294 C333. 644 oO Sales = -N6S331S:.4S —23380.8ale = -S7052686. U1 Q La = 1oqgsq. 64 leg\no. oo Ly ass: ea po S2 ¢19gSa:64) = (9032.63 \kq\lbr - ey eu 22008 = BaSooS26.02 — 2276 -SSEXNFOSA «6S : @ +99682q9 kale = 2-49 \eq\s- lOvessaty Maryerial balance.) Ovess \Sb eeeecr - Vie F-ly = 22680 -\Fose.6S 25999870.16 4 NG2-S8% H4S9S Atha = “\VOS3315.4¢ " y LEI x \ = S647.85 \alhe. = \-S6@ \eq\s. over ond eceect Va ¢ Liebe = \toa2-6S - 10q9SqQ.64 = GOFS. ol \eqlnw + b+ BFE \eg\s. Oven 27 eerece pe , Vac le-lg = \eqSq.@4-4586 = 6423-64 ko\he = | F384 \eq \s- hes ee SOS i OPT O\AT) = = 2:4 x 2200x108 Q\23xK \S.SS oO = \+SOR% 2244 0% VARs X 1SWWIWSD = Beto q6.64 wm? - Tag 2 Sha = Yo Sa i VUabTa Ua ATs £ = \e6BEX BAS KO® | 1136 % B2:0F9 a ae A i. = 106.2 rH?- Awe Avy Aa FAS = \\2-8 + G6. 64 FOG 2 S S = loS- 2t 2s ane 204 rziay we \nave to To Stans voir ach erteck. make new Solid balance over HOA aviol. Neo ertect, CSo\id balance) _ = aaggo vol = 0326S * an y+ 0-133 over Over 2A etteck ecalid leolane> (020.65 K 01183 = 1OgSG 64% A “— A Ros 0.20% ee ; “a oven 27d ercect CSdid balance — Gio gua . \egSq. 64 e 0.20% = 4Sa6 X AD ~ é teen sir — — i —< : BPR e LIS Rb Scan” : =o ~. BPR s O. S44 is ~. BpRos 6, E3\"c ~. Ber 2 2.435't« iL - DAT = yale) = Si.6F-[O R44 +O. CAI 2.4as) i ~. Hl =66.0207C- = a ~. ~. Bt! = AT, XA) 2 \S-SSXU2B = Nenegse: = Ar | eS. 2} - = ATS = 16.82 nS Ata = 32.38. i 1 . g.p-T-: ~. Tye VQ = 16.64 = Lon ase Te = 104.4S.- 16,837 0.24% = SL.25¢C Ta 2 34.286 - 30,.38- 6,68) - S4.94Sc. ae Ts, = eho ‘ ~ Too = C1. 256 - 0/344 = SE, Q12%C i ~ Te, « S4.24S - 9.63) = Sa clare. ‘ NX o1 ‘ WN \\A\ (Gon Ce. o “AN = 9.95 ys Cee = 3-485 leas Veg ae, [Cre SB. SEF Ka iteqite . [Chae B-F0% keqtteg te, [Cras 3 -0\S Jeg) leqete. \\\N Heat balance llovew \8)_ efFeor 22880 x 9-958 (86.4 - 0} + Sx e000 = (p0Ge0-Li aces ELURS. B49 Co 4e- od, 22QuArAtZs. ast Qavos = Gesassgoo - o6acty + Jonas 22008 4 2280. \2he SBSG0RDa. O28 aes ver 204d evtecr Doce Lik 3.899 ClO4-4a-od + CE-Lide244~cli-leadaccq + Le x2-703 (BF.256 -0), Spay rAok. S2ly + So®4aqaot= 26SSt, -26SSlo + 323.19le AAAH12U -2SS\-Aelo = SoBV3420 aes loves 279 ecfecr ne Lox Bozdg 4 Clete) enq4 = Cx. C\SCS4. 245-6) + Cle-4S26) 2600, Boeiqte + VQ2qyk - 22qQhte =FaIsse. Fa ¢ VQ600lo — WFAS600 *, 22044 - 4970-Sile = ~l'FQR60o0 — 3 Bren cry, C29, 639 Lic [aloo.1es kglhe. = 4FS56 leglo. lee y1tgs- 49 kgihr. = 3-104 tags. So Oey leglhe. = 2:48 leg ls = fer ype Be case. ene olbe = ES. Nes). ee Vac kale: = 1-68 WeqIS- Vas 649%: 44 lee. = 1.84 Neg \ + nen Avs 102-83 om?- I) Aa: }o3.83 m2: Ag: jo2 4 oo? - ; \ Ams 103.25 m7: \ \ A Aiivte \uen comraining lel, Solids is bo Concenryated bo Sol. Solids Gr Ne GALE OC \Ooog 4 \eqlhs. Goruwared Steam or 205 kpa CAlbsolure ig + ( pressured ia available ot 12V"e. Feed Solution ig Gyorloble ot 2te- Desiaqn xne Cvapowator aa, ( ¢ ¢ INSEE - IDTEE Witty Cosusdyd feed assangemenr . { BTEE Wipe bacaward Ceed aQwsangement ( Caiewloke Skream Economy Cow GQ Alysee designe and condude wesuip.O Cos SEE ts 1100 Week, ae DO Foe COGDWawd Eeed TEE Oy, = BlOO , Ua = 2000 a2 Woo CW b> Fos \bockwasd Ceed TES ( Ors 2600 Vo. 2000) Vz =\600 Wimle, Wear iG ‘[eapacity oF Solution cam be assumed to be constant ot AiSo Tkq.k BPR oe so\urton may be Neglecred . Wid efFeck jo Tee 16 operated ab ¥ \a:& koa. Boiling Point of Warer Ar 20s koa i lave and aot sar of OF 12.2 bog ie Gate NO l20S koa 18 2200 lep\kq ond ar 13-37lepd is 2397 eq Lea Foswasd Feed gee 224q and 2042 \es\kq aod “D0 Vapous: Ewer 18 ond eceear of of backwasd feed Ove 2254 and 2314 Neg Veg = 7 coxa ae ths on eae ° tee 204 and 2°94 eggeck a8 S*e,- 3% =a" / | cow - FoswasA Cee Eeed. and Cow \SackWasd Ve, -Se weapecrively. ia 7 boyeso\) OB a p= LEV oa = LEV —e. —— len Solids = Vee A onl so EROS —T L= 0 S56 kale — 2.04 leq\s. —Toex amount of Stearn mequised os coy legis. es 7 [eat \batance —T jed = Crear weed ko aoise Semperar= jHear Suppl use to BP) + Creal used to evapowate). mo: As = ©:Cpe C Te -Ted + vy. mo xX 2200 = 248 Ka ASXCS2Q- Q\Dt BQ BB xB3FF te oy 2-56 \eq\S wm ; UNCT VaDT > ’ 9 | = 2.56 x 2200x108 | TV 00x C\2\-S2)- | = P49 Tavearm economy = AMmeunr oF waren evapovared Amouor of Stream Suppiied = 2.22 = 0-86 2.56 ZBloo 2000 \too I = (2.95.4 = \F-asocc- ATa = \A-Qo"e = 16.62% O1z = Be-enre . B4.nnte, - BPT 3 Ty 2 Te- OT, = \oSiste d [2 + Ti- HTa = So. BSc Ts. s= Ate « Sata. Reor Sbatance LOver \SY ereeck 4 | | SAs 2 ©-CpeCT -Ted> + VIA | SR2200 = 2°FS x 418 C 10S 1S- 2+ Vi X224q -', 22008 - 2B24Qv, = Qe4-60 eR E oo overs oP ecteck — WANG 25 lsCreGne omy a Ve ne. ss Vix 2249 = CE-VYiV4-I8C 86. 23- 103-15) & Vox 2203 - 224qvy — 2293 Ve ~ 6€2-48-VS(-F0-F2) . ae Vy | | p2e4aVi ~ 2363.42Vo - -\Qa-6 oe lover arA eccen, ae | Va Ao = LatpCTs-Ted + var. | Vo % 2243 = COTS -Vy-Vas 4 I e2dg8Va = —394-6S + 14g 18 CGQ - S629) §VaQx2374 BS OMVy NAB O4UV2 | 2377Vs_ ~ |p \43-03 Vi - 21N4 46 Va + 2397 Ve 2 BQ7-65 — cad —wova\ water evaposared, Ni EVair Nig =) Slog) ea worm C2) aatavi >: -\4GS6 + 2963.42 V2 “a | 224q z Substituting tr in ¢s$> C4) [4sos x C1966 $2363. %93V2) — 2149-96V2 + ! email 2394Va = 397-65 Lo OGSE C-\96.6} 2363 .F2V2) — 2149.96Va } 2377V2 I 2393-65 TOTS - 1999. 86V2 + 2379Ve = SSH —cs> Vg 2 Alo-\S tt1AA@g. Bs 2254. + 2263.32 V2 + QORGV2} 224QVE = 5214 1K AGISNAAQVe + Q2NQVQ = Sail- 3s —<¢6). Vag. S4\l-38-46\2-42Vo aaa Subsri turing iy imcsy ~\99q. S6V2 + S4\\-38 - \2-F2V= SBSH HNC NS e—! = 66\2-S8V2 5 -GeS6—24-GO 60-93 e Nats an — a ae oh vot feta SReaituring iia Cs D2gRNORKOEENVE & AVSTS EVO SSH ee OgeV) + ASHES. BQ HSSS. FA. Ths 4866-7 - ABFE: SAVo bstpuring Trin ce BZOHACNSCE. 74-4346. SEV2) ~VBES.F2Va = —ldece (090 4onio. Ft - 9S43aSSS144e-2 SH2V2= “NGKg, = 98484921. S6Vo = -lOF4#S66t- 3h Mos Subberiruring je An ca) MitVa > 0 (92g Fr O- S412 Vo = 2-22. 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