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College Research Reflection

1. List the campuses you plan on applying to or have already applied to. Highlight the three
most important criteria you used in determining where to apply.

I applied to UC Santa Cruz, UC San Diego, UC Irvine, and UC Riverside. The three most
important criteria I used in determining where to apply were cost, location, and campus

2. Which campus is the one you would most like to attend? Explain why this campus is your first
choice compared to the others.

I would most like to attend UC Santa Cruz. This campus is my first choice compared to
others due to its natural environment and proximity to Silicon Valley.

3. What will be your intended major? How does this major relate to your chosen career? What
resources do these campuses have to support you in this career field?

My intended major will be Computer Science. This major relates to my chosen career
because it imparts technical knowledge that will be helpful to me as a technical writer. All
four campuses have student organizations focused on specific technology fields or
supporting underrepresented students in STEM majors, as well as career fairs.

4. How do the costs of attendance compare at each campus? How do you plan to cover the
costs of attendance if you are accepted?

The costs of attendance are similar. After subtracting my financial aid awards, my annual
costs of attendance ranged between $2,000 and $8,000. I plan to participate in federal
work study to offset these costs, but I am fortunate that my parents have agreed to pay
for the rest.

5. What application types are used by each campus and when are the deadlines? Have you met
all requirements to apply on time?

All campuses use the same UC Application, which was due on November 30. I already

6. Are you required to take any admissions tests to apply? If so, which ones are accepted, and
which ones did you choose to take? How did you make this choice?
No I was not. I chose not to take any admissions tests because the requirements for
these tests were suspended during quarantine and I did not want to invest in test prep

7. Do any of the campuses require letters of recommendation, essays, auditions, or portfolios? If

so, how do you plan on acquiring these documents and what else do you need to do to prepare
for these requirements?


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