17myb08-Discrete Mathematics

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R17 –T IV Register No.

Question Paper Code : 1742123


Knowledge Level KL Course Outcome CO
Evaluating K5
Remembering K1 Applying K3

Understanding K2 Analysing K4 Creating K6

Semester IV
Course Outcomes : After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to
CO1: Rephrase real world statements as logical propositions and demonstrate whether the proposition is
satisfy, tautology or a contradiction.
CO2: Infer whether the logical argument is valid from the given set of premises by applying the
inference rules of predicate calculus.
CO3: Show mathematical reasoning and arrive at conclusion about sets and relations.
CO4: Construct the number of arrangements and selections using the principles of counting.
CO5: Avail the concept of Lattices and its Properties.

Max. Marks: 100 Time: 3 Hours

PART - A (10 x 2 = 20 MARKS)

Q. No Questions Marks KL CO
A1. Write the symbolic form:”Good food is not cheap”. (2) K1 CO1
A2. Construct the truth table for P  Q  . (2) K2 CO1
A3. Write the types of quantifier. (2) K2 CO2
A4. “Some person’s are genius” .Write the symbolic form. (2) K3 CO2
A5. If R  1,2, 3,4, 2,2 and S  4,2, 2,5, 3,1, 1,3.Find R  S. (2) K5 CO3
A6. Let A  1,2,3 and R  x, y  / x  y, x, y  A. Find Relation R. (2) K5 CO3
A7. State pigeon hole principle. (2) K2 CO4
A8. In how many ways can 6 persons occupy 3 vacant seats? (2) K2 CO4
A9. Draw the Hasse diagram for [P(A),  ],Where A={a,b,c}. (2) K4 CO5
A10. State any two properties of Lattice. (2) K5 CO5

PART - B(4X8 =32 MARKS)


Show that S : P  Q  Q  R  P  R is Tautology using truth

B1. K2
table. (8) CO1
B2. Prove that P  Q, Q  R, S  R, P  S are inconsistent. (8) K3 CO1
Show that x M x  follows logically from the premises
B3. K3
xH x  M x and x H x . (8) CO2
The relation R defined on the set. R  x, y  / x  ymod m Show that R
B4. is an equivalence relation. The relation over the set of positive integer K4
only. (8) CO3
B5. Find the solution of recurrence relation y n2  6 y n1  8 y n  3n  5 . (8) K5 CO4
B6. Prove that Every finite Lattice is bounded. K4
PART - C (3X16 = 48 MARKS)
C1. Obtain the Principal conjunctive Normal form (PCNF) & Principal K2
Disjunctive Normal form (PDNF) of P  Q  P  R   Q  R  by using
truth table. (16) CO1
C2. Verify the validity of the arguments “All humming birds are richly K3
coloured. No large birds live on honey. Birds that do not live on honey
are dull in colour. Therefore all humming birds are small”. (16) CO2
C3. (i) Show that the function f : R  R defined by f x   3x  1 for x  R is a K4
bijection. (8) CO3
(ii) Let f(x)=x+2,g(x)=x-2,h(x)=3x.Find K4
i  f  g ii  g  h iii  f  g  h iv  g  g. (8) CO3
C4. Solve the recurrence relation an 2  2an1  an  2 n , n  0 by the method K5
of generating function, given a0  2, a1  1. (16) CO4
C5. State and prove the distributive inequality of Lattice. (16) K4 CO5

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