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Divine interests

AN: This is something I've been wanting to see or read ever since I played through Dragon
commander the first time, but almost no one writes Divinity fanfics anymore. So I decided to write
one myself. I've always liked lizards, and when I found out Dragon commander had lizard as a
choice of wife, I became very creepily happy. So when I started playing and realized that I loved
how the lizards thought, I became even more happy, but then came the awkwardness: I really
wanted Prospera as my wife, not Carmilla. Prospera and my characters thoughts were literally the
same, I never gained any negative points with the lizards during my entire time playing. So when
“my” Carmilla said that she didn't love me and that I could get a mistress, I almost squealed in
happiness and immediately made it canon, in my head, that Prospera and my character were lovers.

So this is what I imagine interactions between Prospera, my Dragon and the rest of the crew might
have happened. This will not follow the game word for word and characters being a little OOC is
almost guaranteed.

Also, please point out any spelling errors that you can find, I suck balls at proofreading my own

Now then, please enjoy.

XXXXX (This is a line break)

Ever since the first time I met with Prospera, I knew I would get along much better with her then
any of the other councilors. While Oberon gave off an aura of fidgety uptightness, Falstaff one of
greedy selfindulgence, Yorrick one of fanatic zealousy and Trinculo one of science craving
madness, Prospera gave off a pure radiance of superiority. While at first glance this might be seen as
arrogance, for Prospera it made sense, her posture, her expression, and even her eyes, gave me a
sense of someone who knew that she was smarter and more logical than the other races, but that she
wouldn't rub it their faces.

When she brought up her first official grievance about the state of Rivellon, it became even more
clear to me that she would be the councilor that I would agree with the most.

“Commander, it has come to my attention that there are more classes in the schools of Rivellon that
teaches faith then there are about science. I would like to make the preposition that religious
schooling should be either heavily lowered or removed from the curriculum and that biology,
chemistry and physics should take it's place.”

I was stunned that there were someone else, one of my own councilors even, that agreed with my
stance towards religious teachings. I could have kissed her then and there but, to avoid a diplomatic
incident, refrained from it and just chuckled while Yorrick tried to prove that even a skeleton could
turn red while shouting with rage.

“Yorrick, calm yourself!” I said with a commanding tone. “While was not expecting this issue to be
brought up so soon after you all came here, I agree with you Prospera. Religious teachings in school
will be cut by 60 percent and will be replaced with biology, chemistry and physics respectively. Any
objections or alterations to this preposition can be brought to me when this meeting is over.”

As I finished speaking, Trinculo started to dance with joy and Yorrick resumed his screamed, but
this time it was less objections and more curses directed to both me and Prospera about our
'sacrilegious disrespect' towards the Seven. I only chanced a glance towards Prospera, as I tried to
ignore the rising urge to kick Yorrick's head off of the Raven, and saw that while her expression
remained stoic, her eyes were positively beaming at me. I couldn't help but smile and decided at that
moment that I very much enjoyed seeing that look directed at me, and vowed to try and see it again.


“Would you mind walking with me to the bridge, Prospera? I have a few things I wish to discuss.” I
also wanted an excuse to avoid Falstaff and Yorrick, since they had looked ready to tackle me to the
ground and beat me senseless until I gave up my 'heathen ways'. They were of course welcome to
try, but I would not be held responsible for any injuries sustained from the 50 000 feet drop off the

“Not at all Commander, I was planning to go there anyways, and company such as yourself is
always welcome” Prospera said while giving me a look that told me she knew perfectly well that
wanting to discuss something with her was not my only reason for her walking with me.

“Are they following us?” I asked quietly, as we walked through one of the many corridors in the

I saw her let her forked tongue quickly slip out and taste the air, and after apparently deciding that
the taste was foul, she equally quietly answered “Yes, they are hiding and I can't pin point their
location, but they are definitely there.”

I couldn't help but chuckle at their behavior, but then turned my attention to the, to me at least,
beautiful lizard to my right. She really was quite attractive, with her tall, curvy body only partially
hidden by her baggy robes, slender limbs and eyes like refined jewels, I imagined that she turned
many heads, both lizard and other.

“So, Commander, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?” she asked, breaking me out of my

“Yes, that. I wanted to ask you about your opinion on the hierarchy in Rivellon, I have had some
thoughts about some pretty drastic changes I might implement when I become a true king. One of
these ideas have to do with me actually stepping down from power after the war and making
Rivellon a republic. Since you are the most logical of my councilors I wanted your take-” I was then
cut off by the revelation that Prospera was not walking beside me anymore, and was instead
standing a few feet behind me, a shocked look on her face.

“Prospera? What's the...” I trailed of as I looked at her face, more specially her eyes. The look was
back again, but this time it was not just her eyes that were shining; as her shocked expression faded,
her whole face broke in to a wide, almost awed smile. I couldn't help but stare. If I thought her
attractive before, then this was making her breathtaking.

“D-do...” She cleared her throat “do you really mean that, Commander?” She asked, almost

I didn't hesitate. “Yes, I really do. Rivellon would be an even greater nation if the people were to
able to choose their own leader.”

“I-I... Commander, you have no idea how long I've waited to hear those words from one of our
leaders! I know this may seem sudden or out of place, but I would like to personally give you the
support of the entire lizard population, we have wanted a republic ever since we were able to vote
on anything. If you go through with this plan, then consider every lizard in Rivellon on your side.”

I was speechless...


… and then I was hit in the head by a flying wrench, coming from behind a suspiciously loud crate.

'That's it, there are going to be a pair of dwarf- and undead-shaped holes under the Raven in a
minute.' I thought while turning towards the crate. “Prospera, would you mind turning around while
I take a moment to remove some excess weight from the Raven?” I could hear the shuffling from
behind the crate stop.

“Not at all Commander. In fact, I was never even here to see anything that happened.”

“Thank you, Prospera” I started walking towards the now dead quiet crate, cracking my knuckles as
I stood right before it. “Now, if anyone would, by chance, be hiding behind this very inconspicuous
box, I would suggest you run within the next six seconds. If someone were to stay behind the box
after those seconds, then be prepared, 'cause this box is going out the window.” As I finished talking
to the 'box', I started counting the seconds out loud.


“Two...” I heard Prospera say from behind me.

“Three...” The shuffling was back and I could hear the telltale sound of bones clinking.

“Four...” I let some of my Draconic power seep in to my voice, giving it a, hopefully, terrifying dual
layered timbre.

“Fiv-” I was interrupted by the sound of Yorrick' and Falstaff's quickly retreating footsteps.

I turned back to Prospera and saw that she was valiantly resisting the urge to giggle. I on the other
hand had no such reservations and let out a large laugh at the whole situation, witch made Prospera
let go and laugh along with me.


As I entered the bar of the Raven, there was only one thing going through my mind;

'Must. Resist. Urge. To stab. Catherine. Must. Resist. Urge. To throw. Catherine. Into. Incinerator.
She. Makes. Logical. Points... Sometimes.' ”Hello Catherine! I fixed that payment issue you brought
to me earlier, women and men now have the same pay.” The fake cheerfulness I put in my voice
was one of the most disgusting things I had ever had to use. Sure Catherine was right about the
unfairness of having differing pays between men and women, but dear lord, she was such a grade A
bitch about it.

All Catherine gave me in response was a stern nod of what I thought was approval, but could just as
easily been a failed attempt at a headbutt. Before I had the chance to contemplate the ramifications
of wringing the skags' neck, Scarlet jumped to her rescue and distracted me with yet another
instance of gays being treated poorly. This made me forget about the bitch for a moment while we
talked about homosexual oppression, at least until Scarlet did a complete halt on the subject and
decided that talking about me was much more fun.

“So, Commander, what do you think about the councilors you so often 'frequent' with, Edmund and
Henry have a bet going about who will be the first to fly off the Raven and I was thinking of maybe
joining in.” Scarlet said, giving me her patented 'Sexy-and-adorable-puppy-eyes-of-doom'.

This was why Scarlet was my favorite of the generals, she had straightforwardness of Catherine and
the 'politeness' of Henry, but she was never condescending like Catherine was or as aggressive as
Henry. She was, in short, a very fun person to talk to... and that was why I didn't mind giving her an
advantage in the bet.

“Well, if Yorrick doesn't stop insulting and cursing me every time I disagree with him, then he will
personally get test if Dragon fire is hot enough to melt bone before the end of the month...” I started
rubbing my chin as I spoke. “Although Falstaff is also on thin ice at the moment, he said some very
interesting things about my mother during our last meeting, and should he ever repeat the words
then I will promptly shove him into the barrel of a Devastator and launch him to kingdom come.”

“Heh, so my money's going on Yorrick, never really liked him anyways. I overheard that Edmund's
got his on Oberon, but I have no idea who Henry's 'cheering' on.” She finished with a chuckle.
“What about Prospera then? I have to know what you think of the only one of your councilors
offering you the female perspective.” Scarlet asked as we finally sat down at a table by the wall.

I couldn't help the smile that came to my face as I got a reason to talk about Prospera. “I genuinely
like her, she's strong willed, an amazing debater, a bloody genius and has the patient of a saint when
dealing with the others. She has actually never insulted anyone or anyone's race directly during our
meetings,” I got a whistle from Scarlet at that “she's also the one that I agree with the most on
political questions, I've never really disagreed with any proposition she has brought up. Out of
anyone on this ship, other than you and Maxos, she's the one I talk to the most, and she's just so
elegant and beauti-” I stopped myself before I finished the sentence. Looking over at Scarlet, I
could see the most coy grin she had ever given me before. “I mean... she looks nice... y'know?” The
grin was still there.

“Awww, the mighty Commander has a little crush on dear Prospera, that's adorable.” She said as she
pulled me into a hug, that thankfully hid the sporting blush on my cheeks.

Not being able to deny it without digging myself deeper into a hole, I only sighed against Scarlet
and grumbled. “Not a word about this to anyone and I will give you that Dragon ride you requested
when you first got here.”

Scarlet just laughed.

AN: So, thoughts? I really want to write a second chapter to this, but will only post it if I get some
form of positive feedback from this chapter. Yes, I know that's kind of douchy, but I really don't
want to genuinely put effort into a second chapter only to see it ignored. Still, I really enjoyed
writing this and hope that anyone reading this thinks the same.

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