Dorkmeleon Notes

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Chapter 1:

Ilia is down in the dumps and upset after Blake leaves the WF.

Gets harassed while on a mission in Vale, can’t defend herself without drawing unnecessary

Jaune saves her.

Ilia is confused at first why a human would help a faunus like her, but when he smiles at her she
goes doki doki.

In Ilia’s mind’s eye, Blake’s face gets scribbled out as a big, strong, knight in shining armor takes
her place.

Chapter 2:

Ilia daydreams while Adam chews her out for being late.

Tries to requisition spying gear from the hideout’s inventory while refusing to explain how she
wants to keep track of Jaune better.

Ignores her new mission from Adam in favor of checking in on Jaune, only to find out about Pyrrha
training him, her obvious feelings for him, and Jaune’s feelings for Weiss.

Ilia despairs but quickly picks herself up, determined not to be clam-jammed again, and taking
some solace that at least she has the right bust size for Jaune to be interested in her.

Chapter 3:

Skirt and dress shopping so that Ilia can make herself more like Jaune’s apparent “type”. More
jokes about chest size, maybe? Tries to avoid being seen by anyone because of embarrassment.
Takes pictures of herself in the dressing room mirror.

Runs into Jaune again, either inside the store or right outside it, in which case they literally bump
into one another.

Lots of blushing, lots of checking out the Arc-bod, and lots of reminders of shirtlessness.
Exchanging of scroll numbers/information, at which point Jaune sees the picture that Ilia took of
herself. Walk through the city, with Ilia lightly brushing against Jaune more and more until she’s
actively pushing herself against him as subtly as she can manage.

A call from the White Fang comes in and Ilia gets distracted. The news are serious, possibly
regarding her whereabouts or preparations for docks encounter.

Distracted due to trying to avoid having Jaune overhear anything she’s saying to the WF member on
her scroll, she doesn’t notice when a car comes screaming around a corner towards her, and Jaune
has to pull her out of the way and hug her to his chest.

Chapter 4

More blushes and mind gremlin shenanigans occur.

Possible meeting with Adam again, either at the end or start of chapter, about Ilia’s requisitions that
she has to aggressively bullshit her way out of.

Purpose of chapter: Establish contact between Jaune and Ilia, give her opportunity to touch/be
touched by him again, reinforce feelings of being saved, show that WF are taking serious actions
and that Ilia is unavoidably involved with them.

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