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Pentakill Kayle does the lewd with bodyguard Ezreal

Love confession from Kayle.

Tsundere Kayle.

Kayle gets new bodyguard who is Ezreal, doesn’t like him, thinks he’s useless because she’s a big
stronk lady, but then he can protecc her from rabid fans and gets sent to the hospital and Kayle now
realizes how important he actually is to her.

Establishing shot of Kayle singing at concert, looks out over crowd and doesn’t see Ezreal, which
makes her sad.

Cut to after concert, with Kayle waving to the rest of the band as she walks into her trailer, removing
her overdesigned outfit, including throwing off wings, and heading into shower.

Comes back out of shower with casual outfit that covers her arms cuz tattoos are hard. When she gets
back into the room, Ezreal is there, and Kayle rushes to hug him. They hug and Ezreals tells her he’s
back and feels fine.

Kayle at his quick recovery, and Ezreal, being madlad, lifts up his shirt to show his scar, making Kayle
blush like a motherfucker.

Ezreal notes that it’s weird that Kayle is so concerned for him since she never seemed to like him much
and she gets really demure and starts to blushily confess that the fact that he risked himself for her and
that made things change a lot and that she now sees how important he actually is to her and the band.

Ezreal is touched and hugs her again, and Kayle moves to kiss him and confessions happen.

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