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The Yang and Weiss thing made me imagine a scenario with Jaune and Weiss instead, after the

fall of
Beacon when they've all met up again. They're staying at an inn with a really shitty water system which
forces Jaune and Weiss to shower together. It's the first time they've been a lone in a really, really long
time and some feelings start to come out. They talk about Jaune's crush and Weiss finally understands
why he liked her, how it wasn't all because of her name, and Pyrrha gets mentioned too, letting Jaune
went about the kiss which has really fucked with his head ever since it happened. That leads into the
topic of experience and reveals Weiss' extreme lack of it.

Fuck I wanna read a fic like that

More feelings come out until finally they share a kiss together under the guise of Weiss getting her first
one, but it makes even more emotions well up and one kiss becomes many. Eventually, they're sitting
on the floor with Jaune guiding Weiss down onto his cock slowly and gently.
Put a picture in my head of either them on the floor, or with Jaune standing behind Weiss, gently
fingering her as she has her arms up around his neck.

Would this be based around them having been a couple previously, or only just establishing a romantic
relationship during that moment? Because the second part of that would work well if they weren't a
couple, Weiss could be a bit of a prude and demand jaune not look at the front of her, which would lead
to him touching her from behind
Which would then coax her into turning around properly

It would be a moment thing.

I had an idea for how they would get into the situation, if you wanted to pursue it

So much has happened in such a short span of time and that makes all the previous feelings talk much
more heavy for both of them. Jaune realizes those feelings he had for Weiss never went away fully, and
she realizes that his "intentions" were always "pure" which makes her see him in a new light more or
less, especially after he explains what happened with Pyrrha.

And please let me hear it.

They're at a location where the hot water for bathing shuts off at, say, 7pm. Weiss could have been
stuck doing something else and thought she had time, but it turns out the shower in her room is broken,
so she heads over to the other room And forces her way in
Suppose she got filthy fighting a Grimm, which is why she was late and why she's so desperate to bathe
The situation might also make her admit that she does actually trust jaune enough to respect her privacy


Which he's both surprised and flattered about

Respecc part I really like.

"You might be an idiot jaune, but you're not a creep"

Gotta have that Weiss lingo.
Oh fair

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