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Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp.

695-705 (2004) 695



Jeng-Hsiang Lin* and Cheng-Chiang Weng

Developed herein is a spectral approach for evaluating the dynamic vehicle load
due to the passage of a vehicle moving at constant speed along a rough bridge surface.
Based on the approach, a simple closed-form solution for predicting the variation of
dynamic vehicle load on a bridge deck is derived. Numerical examples of the appli-
cation of the solution to a simply-supported bridge are presented. Four different classes
of pavement roughness (including: very good, good, average, and poor pavements)
and three different vehicle speeds (speeds of 60, 100, and 140 km/h) are used in nu-
merical analysis. The Dynamic Load Coefficient (DLC), a parameter used to charac-
terize the magnitude of dynamic vehicle load, is estimated. The effects of vehicle
speed and pavement roughness on the variation of dynamic vehicle load are
investigated. It is concluded that if the effect of engine motion on vehicle vibration is
disregarded, both the DLC and standard deviation of dynamic vehicle load are pro-
portional to the square root of the pavement roughness coefficient S(n0 ) for a speci-
fied vehicle speed.

Key Words: dynamic vehicle load, bridge, pavement roughness, DLC.

I. INTRODUCTION the dynamic vehicle load causes subtle problems and

contributes to fatigue, surface wear, and cracking of
The dynamic force induced by vehicle-bridge concrete that leads to corrosion (Anon, 1992). It con-
interaction resulting from the passage of vehicles tinually degrades bridges and increases the necessity
plays a significant role in the design of a bridge of regular maintenance. Thus, the determination of
structure. In practice, to allow for such a dynamic the dynamic vehicle load resulting from the passage
effect, it is required that the static vehicle force be of a vehicle across a span of a bridge is a problem of
increased by a dynamic allowance factor, called the great interest for bridge engineers. The need to de-
impact factor, in design. Many codes, including velop an approach and derive a simple closed-form
AASHTO, specify the factor as a function of span solution to predict the dynamic vehicle load for ap-
length only (AASHTO, 1992). However, it has been plications of bridge design is apparent. To solve the
observed that the dynamic force, called the dynamic problem of vehicle-bridge interaction, two sets of
vehicle load on a bridge, depends on dynamic prop- equations of motion can be written, one for the ve-
erties of the vehicle, dynamic properties of the bridge, hicle and the other for the bridge. To couple math-
vehicle speed, and bridge-surface roughness. ematically the motion of the vehicle and the bridge,
Recently, there has been an increasing interest in and the interactive force existing at the contact point be-
concern about bridge design forces. The dynamic tween the two subsystems is considered in analysis.
force is an important parameter in bridge design and The main objective of this study is to develop a
evaluation. In addition to the importance in design, spectral approach for evaluating the dynamic vehicle
load due to the passage of a vehicle moving at con-
*Corresponding author. (Tel: 886-2-89415132; Email: stant speed along a rough bridge surface. A simple closed-form solution for predicting the variation of
J. H. Lin is with the Department of Architecture, Hwa Hsia In-
stitute of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan 235, R.O.C.
dynamic vehicle load on bridge pavement is derived.
C. C. Weng is with the Department of Civil Engineering, Na- In this study, the vehicle is replaced by a simple, linear,
tional Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, R.O.C. damped spring-mass system which moves on a bridge
696 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 5 (2004)

at constant speed. The vehicle is in contact with the moving oscillator problem has been addressed rela-
bridge surface. A displacement is imposed at the lower tively infrequently. It should be noted that neither
end of the vehicle system to model the bridge surface the moving force solution nor the moving force/mov-
roughness and the deflection of the bridge due to dy- ing mass solution could adequately account for the
namic vehicle load. A harmonic engine-induced force complex and important dynamic effects caused by the
is applied to the mass to model the effect of engine compliance of the moving oscillator.
motion. Numerical examples of the application of Recently, more realistic and sophisticated mod-
the proposed solution to a simply-supported bridge els that consider various dynamic characteristics of
are presented. Comparisons of the numerical results the moving vehicle have been used to solve the prob-
and the available experimental results are made to lem of vehicle-bridge interaction (Chu et al., 1986;
validate the accuracy of the developed approach. Hwang and Nowak, 1991; Wang et al., 1991; Yang
and Lin, 1995). Valuable insights on the behaviors
II. LITERATURE REVIEW of vehicle-bridge interaction have been proposed.
However, most investigators have focused their at-
The subject of dynamic responses of bridges to tentions on the deterministic aspect of the problem
the passage of vehicles has been studied for many (Smith, 1988; Timoshenko et al., 1974; Sridharan and
years. Numerous research results, including theoreti- Mallik, 1979; Warburton, 1976; Wu and Dai, 1987).
cal and numerical results (Jeffcott, 1929; Huang and It has been recognized that the load process of a ve-
Veletsos, 1960; Wen and Veletsos, 1962; Luthe-Garcia hicle moving along a rough pavement surface is sto-
et al., 1964; Tan and Shore, 1968; Timoshenko et al., chastic (LaBarre et al., 1970; Dodds and Robson,
1974; Warburton, 1976; Sridharan and Mallik, 1979; 1973; Inbanathan and Wieland, 1987; Marcondes et
Blejwas et al., 1979; Inbanathan and Wieland, 1987; al., 1991) and depends on characteristics of vehicles,
Fryba, 1987; Smith, 1988; Akin and Mofid, 1989; vehicle speed, and pavement roughness (Mannering
Hwang and Nowak, 1991; Wang et al., 1991; Yang and Kilareski, 1990; Ullidtz, 1987). Dynamic inter-
and Lin, 1995), and results of laboratory and field active forces between a vehicle and a rough pavement
tests (Biggs et al., 1959; Fenves et al., 1962a;1962b; surface are essentially random in nature and are as-
Walker, 1968; Swannell and Miller, 1987; Mitchell sumed to have properties of a stationary process. The
and Gyenes, 1989; Green, 1990) have been proposed. forces can be experimentally determined for a par-
Research on the dynamic responses of bridges ticular stretch of pavement (Warburton, 1976). Very
subjected to a moving vehicle load dates back to the few models have been proposed for evaluating the
work of Jeffcott (1929). In the mid-twentieth century, dynamic force due to the complexity of analysis.
approximate solutions were developed for the particu-
lar problem of idealized beam structures. Several of III. EQUATION OF MOTION OF VEHICLE
these classical solutions have been summarized (Ayre
et al., 1951). In past decades, for simplicity, the Figure 1(a) shows a possible profile of the ir-
weight of a vehicle was taken to be the only external regularities on a fixed surface, for instance, a pave-
force acting on the bridge. A moving vehicle force ment surface on a bridge. The height, y r, of the sur-
traveling along a bridge has been modeled as a mov- face above a fixed datum is plotted as a function of
ing “constant” force. The inertia force resulting from distance x along the bridge. An idealized vehicle
vibrations of vehicle mass is neglected (Tan and model of mass m 1 , spring constant k, and damping
Shore, 1968; Fryba, 1999; Timoshenko et al., 1974; coefficient c 0 moving from left to right with constant
Warburton, 1976; Sridharan and Mallik, 1979; speed V along a rough bridge pavement is considered.
Mackertich, 1990; Pesterev and Bergman, 1998a). It Fig. 1(b) shows the simplified vehicle system whose
is noted that the results are only valid for a case when behavior is used to model the behavior of a moving
the bridge surface is smooth or very good. For cases vehicle. The pavement-surface elevation y (d, t) im-
when the vehicle is moving along a rough bridge posed at the lower end of the vehicle can be expressed
surface, the inertia of a vehicle is significant and can- as the sum of the pavement roughness and displace-
not be ignored. A moving-mass model has to be used ment of the bridge. With respect to an observer on
instead (Blejwas et al., 1979; Inbanathan and the moving vehicle, the pavement-surface elevation
Wieland, 1987; Sadiku and Leipholz, 1987; Akin and y (d, t) and the absolute displacement of the vehicle
Mofid, 1989; Pesterev and Bergman, 1998b). The Z (t) are functions only of time. The equation of mo-
moving mass contains a term that depends on the lo- tion of the vehicle is then in the form
cation of the moving vehicle mass in order to take
care of inertial interaction between vehicle and bridge. m 1Z (t)+c 0( Z (t)− y x=d )+k( Z (t)− y x=d)=f(t)−m 1g
Although most research has focused on the moving
force problem or the moving mass problem, the (1)
J. H. Lin and C. C. Weng: Evaluation of Dynamic Vehicle Load on Bridge Decks 697

yr deflection y b (d, t) due to the dynamic vehicle load

Vehicle moving direction
x F(t) (a moving random force with zero mean), and
yr(x) the pavement roughness y r(t). Let
Pavement x
Z (t)=Z 1(t)+Z(t) (3)

y (d, t)=y b1(d, t)+y r(t)+y b (d, t) (4)

k c0
y(d, t)=y r(t)+y b (d, t) (5)

Eq. (2) can be further decomposed into two equations:

Simplified vehicle model m 1Z 1(t)+c 0 Z 1(t)+kZ 1(t)=c 0 y b1(d, t)+ky b1(d, t)

f(t) z(t)
m 1Z (t)+c 0Z (t)+kZ(t)=f(t)−m 1g+c 0 y (d, t)+ky(d, t)
yb m1
x=d=Vt k c0
Moving direction
F(t) yr
yb y=yb+yr
Note that the bridge deflection y b1 (d, t) due to the
moving constant force m 1 g and the vehicle displace-
x ment Z 1 (t) in Eq. (6) are deterministic functions;
f(t), y(d, t), and Z(t) in Eq. (7) are a random function.
If y b1 (d, t) is known, Z 1 (t) of Eq. (6) can readily be
solved by any available method.
Fig. 1 Road roughness and analytical model: (a) probable pro- OF VEHICLE DISPLACEMENT
file of road roughness; (b) simplified vehicle model;
(c) analytical model of a bridge subjected to dynamic ve-
hicle load If the equation of motion of a vehicle is ex-
pressed with reference to the static-equilibrium
position, the vehicle displacements in future discus-
where Z , Z , and Z are absolute acceleration, velocity, sions will be referenced from the position, and the
and displacement of the vehicle, respectively. f(t) and response of the vehicle that is determined will be the
m1g are the engine-induced force and the vehicle grav- dynamic “random” response. The analytical model
ity force, respectively. The symbol d expresses the of the dynamic vehicle-bridge interactive system is
moving distance of the vehicle on the bridge from shown in Fig. 1(c). Therefore, total response of the
left side, i.e.,d=Vt. vehicle, such as: displacement, spring force, etc., can
Rearranging the order of Eq. (1), the equation be obtained only by adding the appropriate static
of motion of the vehicle then becomes the form quantities to the results of the dynamic analysis. If
the static responses due to the vehicle gravity force
m 1 Z (t)+c 0Z (t)+k Z (t)=f(t)−m 1g+c 0 y x=d+k y x=d are temporarily ignored in the analysis, Eq. (7) then
becomes the form
m 1Z (t)+c 0Z (t)+kZ(t)=f(t)+c 0 y (d, t)+ky(d, t)
Since y (x, t)= y (x=d=Vt, t), Eq. (2) falls into the typi-
cal form of a linear single-degree-of-freedom system. (8)
The inputs to the suspension system include the
time varying parameter y (d, t), the engine-induced If y(d, t) and f(t) have respectively power spec-
force f(t), and the vehicle gravity force m 1g. Note tral density function S yy(d, ω ) and Sff(ω ) with respect
that y (d, t) can be expressed as the sum of the to time, the relation of the power spectral density
bridge deflection yb1(d, t) due to the moving vehicle function of the vehicle response S zz(d, ω ) and of the
gravity force (a moving constant force), the bridge inputs is then given by
698 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 5 (2004)

Table 1 Pavement classes based on principal road spectra

ω1 ω2
Pavement class S(n 0) Standard Standard
Mean Mean
deviation deviation
Very good 2-8
Principal Good 8-32 2.05 0.487 1.44 0.266
roads Average 32-128
Poor 128-512
S(n) measured in units of 10 −6 (m 3/cycle), n 0=1/2π (cycle/m)

S ZZ(d, ω) = Σ Σ H r*(ω)H s(ω)S rs(d, ω) ,

r s
to dynamic vehicle load F(t) and the pavement
roughness, respectively.
r, s=y(d, t), f(t) (9)
where H r*( ω ) is the complex conjugate of H r( ω ).
In general, the engine-induced force f(t) exhib- In general, the manner of variation of a bridge
its a harmonic form and little correlative with the surface as a function of distance is assumed to be a
pavement roughness and the moving distance of zero-mean stationary random process. The power
vehicle. spectral density function of y r is approximated by an
For uncorrelated inputs, S zz(d, ω ) can be ex- equation of the form (LaBarre et al., 1970)
pressed by the relation
2 2 S(n 0)( nn ) – ω1 , n ≤ n 0
S ZZ(d, ω) = H y(ω) S yy(d, ω) + H f (ω) S ff (ω) S yryr(n) = 0
S(n 0)( nn ) – ω2 , n ≥ n 0

where where n is the spatial frequency and S(n0) is the pave-

k + ic 0ω ment roughness coefficient, which is suggested by
H y (ω ) = (11) LaBarre. n 0, ω 1, and ω 2 are the parameters of spec-
(k – m 1ω ) + ic 0ω
tral shape. The pavement roughness is determined
and by surface condition of the approach and the bridge.
According to Dodds’s research (Dodds, 1973), the para-
H f (ω ) = 1 (12) metric values for typical principal roads were given
(k – m 1ω ) + ic 0ω
for four different classes of pavement (Table 1).
Sun and Deng (1996) proved that there exits a
The time spectral density function Syy(d, ω ) is a
definite relationship between the two kinds of spec-
Fourier transform of the time autocorrelation func-
tra expressed by distinct frequencies, that is
tion R yy(d, τ ) and can be expressed by the form
∞ S yry r(n)=2 π VS yryr( ω ) (17)
S yy(d, ω) = 1 R yy(d, τ )e – iωτ dτ (13)
2π –∞
and the time angular frequency ω can be expressed
where the time autocorrelation function R yy (d, τ ) is by
defined by
ω =2 πnV (18)
R yy(d, τ )=E[y(d, t)y(d, t+ τ )] (14)
Thus, the spectral density S y ry r( ω ) can then be ex-
To find R yy(d, τ ), substitute Eq. (5) into Eq. (14) to pressed by
1 S(n )( ω ) – ω1 , ω ≤ 2π Vn
R yy(d, τ )=E[(y b(d, t)+y r(t))(y b(d, t+ τ)+y r(t+ τ ))] 2π V 0 2π Vn 0
S yryr(ω) = 0
1 S(n )( ω ) – ω2 , ω ≥ 2π Vn
(15) 2π V 0 2π Vn

where yb and yr represent the deflection of bridge due (19)

J. H. Lin and C. C. Weng: Evaluation of Dynamic Vehicle Load on Bridge Decks 699

VI. ENGINE-INDUCED FORCE are disregarded. Eq. (22) may be rewritten as two
The engine-induced force exhibits generally a
∂ 2 yb1 ∂yb1 ∂ 4 yb1
2 + c ∂t + EI ∂x 4 = δ (x – d)m 1g
harmonic form and can be expressed as m (24)
f(t)=A 0sin( ω 0 t+ θ ) (20)
∂ 2 yb ∂yb ∂ 4 yb
m 2 + c ∂t + EI ∂x 4 = δ (x – d)F(t) (25)
where A 0 and ω 0 are the amplitude and the circular ∂t
frequency of engine force, respectively. The phase In other words, the total deflection y b (x, t) of the
angle θ is a random variable in the range of 0 to 2π. bridge due to the moving vehicle force is expressed
The one-sided spectral density of engine force as the sum of the deflection y b1 of the bridge due to
f(t) can be expressed by the form the moving constant force m 1 g and the deflection y b
(as shown in Fig. 1(c)) due to the moving dynamic
A 20
S ff (ω) = δ (ω – ω 0 ) (21) vehicle load F(t). Note that y b=yb1+yb, y b1 is a deter-
ministic function, and y b is a random function.
VII. DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF BRIDGE The first, Eq. (24), is valid for mean determin-
istic values of random function y b (x, t), p(x, t), and
1. Equation of Motion of Bridge Y j (t) while the second, Eq. (25), is valid for their
centred “random” components.
Consider an elastic uniform straight bridge of
length L and mass per unit length m subjected to a 2. Response of Bridge to Static Vehicle Load
viscous damping force c per unit length per unit ve-
locity and a transverse force p(x, t) per unit length. The statistical characteristics of the first order
The end-support conditions for the bridge are (mean value of y b) can be obtained from Eq. (24).
arbitrary. The equation of motion of this bridge sys- The solution of the equation may be calculated as a
tem can readily be derived by considering the equi- response of the bridge to a moving constant load m 1g.
librium of forces acting on the differential segment For the case of a simply-supported bridge, the solu-
of the bridge and introducing the basic moment-cur- tion of Eq. (24) can be expressed in the following
vature relationship of elementary beam theory. Thus, form (Fryba, 1999)
the transverse deflection y b (x, t) of the bridge satis- jπ x
∞ sin
yb1(x, t) = v0 Σ
fies the following partial differential equation L
j=1 j 2 ( j 2 ( j 2 – α 2 ) 2 + 4α 2 β 2 )
∂2y ∂y ∂4y
m 2b + c b + EI 4b = p(x, t) (22)
∂t ∂t ∂x jπ Vt
⋅ { j 2( j 2 – α 2)sin
where y b (x, t) is the transverse deflection of the bridge
at time t and distance x from its left-hand end and EI jα( j 2( j 2 – α 2) – 2β 2) – ωbt
is the constant bending stiffness of the bridge. – e sinω j′t
( j 4 – β 2) 1/2
For a moving vehicle load at constant speed V,
p(x, t) can be replaced by jπ Vt –ω t
– 2 jαβ(cos – e b cosω j′t)} (26)
p(x, t)= δ (x−d)P(t)= δ (x−d)(m 1g+F(t))
Here the following notation has been introduced:
= δ (x−d)m 1 g+ δ (x−d)F(t) (23)
(m 1g)L 3
v0 = (27)
where F(t) is a stationary Gaussian random process
with zero mean; m 1 g is the vehicle gravity force (a is the static deflection of the bridge at the middle span
constant force); the total vehicle load on the bridge under a constant load m 1g at the same point,
P(t) is a stationary Gaussian random process with a
mean value of m 1g. α= V (28)
Let the external load p(x, t) be a non-stationary 2 f1 L
process with mean (deterministic) value m1g and with
is the dimensionless speed parameter where is the
a centred (random) value F(t). It is assumed that F(t)
first-mode natural frequency, and
is independent of the mean deterministic deflection
β = ωb = ϑ
of the bridge, i.e., the inertial forces in the vehicle
due to the mean deterministic deflections of the bridge 1 2π
700 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 5 (2004)

is the dimensionless damping parameter where ω b= The formal solution to Eq. (34) is given by the con-
c/2 m is the circular frequency of damping of the volution integral
bridge, ω 1=2 π f 1 and ϑ is the logarithmic decrement
of damping. Y j(t) = G j(t – θ )h j(θ )dθ (37)
3. Response of Bridge to Dynamic Vehicle Load
where the impulse response function is
The statistical characteristics of the second or-
der (variation of y b ) can be obtained from Eq. (25). e
– 0.5β j t β 2j
h j(t) = sin(ω j 1– t)
One form of solution of Eq. (25) can be obtained by β 2j 4ω 2j
separation of variables, assuming that the solution has ωj 1–
4ω 2j
the form
t≥0 (38)

yb(x, t) = Σ
ψ j(x)Y j(t) (30)
Substituting Eq. (36) into Eq. (37), the modal ampli-
tude Y j(t) may then be written as
In other words, it is assumed that the free-vibration
motions consist of a series of constant shape ψ j (x) t L
Y j(t) = 1 ψ j(x)δ(x – d)F(t– θ )dx h j(θ )dθ
and the amplitude of which is varying with time ac- 0 mL 0
cording to Y j (t). For the undamped free vibration
analysis considering the boundary conditions at the ψ j(d) L
ends of the bridge segment, the undamped angular = F(t– θ )h j(θ )dθ (39)
mL 0
frequencies ω j and the mode shapes ψj(x) of the bridge
can readily be evaluated. Thus, y b(x, t) can be obtained in the form
For a simply-supported bridge, the undamped

angular frequencies ω j and the modes ψ j (x) of the yb(x, t) = Σ ψ j(x)Y j(t)
bridge can be given by
∞ ψ j(x)ψ j(d)
ω j = ( jπ )2

m (31) = Σ
j=1 mL 0
F(t– θ )h j(θ )dθ (40)

and Based on random vibration theory, the spectral den-

sity function of y b (x, t) can then be given by
ψ j(x) = 2sin( j π x ) (32)

S ybyb(x, ω) = 1 R ybyb(x, τ )e – iωτ dτ
respectively. The modes ψ j(x) satisfy the orthogonal 2π –∞
∞ ∞ ψ j(x)ψ j(d)ψ k(x)ψ k(d)
L = S FF (ω) Σ Σ H j(ω)H k(– ω)
ψ j(x)ψ k(x)dx = Lδ jk (33)
j=1 k=1 ( m L) 2
where δ jk is the Kronecker delta function. where S FF( ω ) is the power spectral density function
Substituting Eq. (30) into Eq. (25), multiplying of F(t);
through by ψ j (x), integrating over x, and using the
orthogonal conditions, leads to the uncoupled equa- R ybyb(x, τ )=E[y b(x, t)y b (x, t+ τ )] (42)
tion of motion for Y j (t)
H j(ω) = 1 (43)
Y j + β jY j + ω 2j Y j = G j(t) (34) (ω j – ω ) + iβ jω
2 2

where Let

βj= m (35) Sy byb(x, ω )=S FF( ω )B(x, ω ) (44)

∞ ∞ ψ j(x)ψ j(d)ψ k(x)ψ k(d)

and B(x, ω) = Σ Σ
j=1 k=1 ( m L) 2
G j(t) = 1 ψ j(x)δ(x – d)F(t)dx (36)
mL 0 ⋅ H j(ω)H k(– ω) (45)
J. H. Lin and C. C. Weng: Evaluation of Dynamic Vehicle Load on Bridge Decks 701

VIII. DYNAMIC VEHICLE LOAD SPECTRUM Since the dynamic vehicle load F(t) is defined
The dynamic vehicle load can be experimentally
determined for a particular stretch of pavement. As F(t)=c 0( Z − y )+k(Z−y)=f(t)−m 1Z (46)
the process of pavement roughness is a stationary
Gaussian random process with zero mean, the load is the spectral density function of F(t) can then be ap-
essentially random in nature and is assumed to have proximately given by
properties of a stationary Gaussian random process
with zero mean. A comprehensive description of the S FF( ω )=Sff( ω )+m 12 ω 4S zz(d, ω ) (47)
dynamic vehicle load can be obtained using power
spectral density function, called dynamic vehicle load Substituting Eqs. (13) and (21) into Eq. (10) with in-
spectrum. troducing Eqs. (19), (45), and x=d, gives

2 2 2
( H y(ω) B(d, ω) + H f (ω) )S ff (ω) + H y(ω) S yryr(ω)
S ZZ(d, ω) = 2 (48)
1 – m 12ω H y(ω) B(d, ω)

Tr(ω) = m 12ω H y(ω)
Substituting Eq. (48) into Eq. (47), the one-sided dy- (54)
namic vehicle load spectrum, S FF( ω ), is then given
by The mean square of F(t) is related to S FF( ω ) by the
S FF( ω )=T f ( ω )S ff( ω )+T r(ω )S yryr( ω ) (49)

σ F2 = S FF (ω)dω (55)
or in matrix form 0

If the S FF( ω ) is integrable, the closed-form solution

S ff (ω) of σ F2 can be evaluated by the formal integration of
S FF (ω) = T f (ω) Tr(ω) (50)
S yryr(ω) Eq. (55). Unfortunately, it is limited in practical
cases. Thus, the values of σ F2 must be evaluated by
where numerical processes and a cut of frequency, ω , must
be applied on this numerical integration. For conve-
2 2
H y(ω) B(d, ω) + H f (ω) nience of numerical calculation, the S FF( ω ), in this
T f (ω) = 1 + m 12ω
2 study, has been evaluated at equal frequency incre-
1 – m 12ω H y(ω) B(d, ω)
ments ∆ω , successive values of the function being
(51) identified by appropriate subscripts. The value of the
integral can then be obtained approximately by sum-
and ming these ordinates multiplied by appropriate
2 weighting factors.
H y (ω )
Tr(ω) = m 12ω
2 (52)
Note that as the constant flexural rigidity, EI, of the
The magnitude of dynamic vehicle load depends
bridge approaches infinite, Eqs. (51) and (52) can be
on the characteristics of vibrations of the bridge, the
further simplified. The simplified versions of Eqs.
pavement roughness, the vehicle speed, and the sus-
(51) and (52) have been developed by the authors (Lin
pension system of the vehicle. A parameter used to
and Weng, 2001) for dynamic vehicle loads on “rigid”
characterize the magnitude of the dynamic vehicle
pavement, due to the passage of the vehicle moving
load is the ‘Dynamic Load Coefficient’ (DLC), which
along a rough road surface and can be respectively
is defined as
expressed as
2 RMS dynamic vehicle load σ F
T f (ω) = 1 + m 12ω H f (ω)
4 DLC = = (56)
(53) Static vehicle load m 1g
and Under normal operating conditions, DLC’s of
702 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 5 (2004)

0.1-0.3 are typical for the case of vehicle-road pave- 160

Std. dev. of dynamic vehicle load (kN)

ment interaction (Ervin et al., 1983; Hu, 1988; Classes of pavement roughness
Zone 1: Very good
Magnusson et al., 1984; Sweatman, 1980; 1983). Zone 2: Good
120 Zone 3: Average
Note that the DLC is an important parameter in de- S(n0)=128×106
Zone 4: Poor
sign and evaluation. The variation of dynamic ve- (unit: m3/cycle)
Zone 4
hicle load causes subtle problems and contributes to 80
fatigue, surface wear, and cracking of concrete that
leads to corrosion. Sweatman (1983) measured val- Zone 3 32×10−6
ues up to 0.4 for particularly poor tandem 40
suspensions. According to Hahn, measured peak dy- Zone 2 8×10−6
namic vehicle loads usually exceed the root mean
Zone 1 2×10−6
square (RMS) levels by a factor of about 3. This is 40 80 120 160
consistent with a Gaussian probability distribution.
Vehicle speed (km/hr)

X. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES Fig. 2 Standard deviation of dynamic vehicle load versus vehicle
speed for four different classes of pavement roughness
The proposed solutions are useful in evaluating
the variation of dynamic vehicle load and the DLC
for a specified vehicle speed and pavement roughness. roughness on the standard deviation of dynamic ve-
Numerical examples of a simply-supported bridge are hicle load are shown in Fig. 2. As shown in this
presented as follows. figure, the standard deviation of dynamic vehicle load
increases with the increases in vehicle speed and
1. Parameters Considered in Analysis pavement roughness. In the figure, Zones 1 to 4 cor-
respond to very good, good, average, and poor
In analyses of numerical examples, the param- pavements, respectively. Fig. 2 also shows that, for
eters of vehicle weight, suspension stiffness, and sus- a specified vehicle speed, as the value of pavement
pension damping were, respectively, taken as 294 kN, roughness coefficient S(n 0) increases four times (e.g.
3220 kN/m, and 9 percent of the critical damping. the value of S(n 0 ) changes from 2×10 −6 m 3 /cycle to
The vibration frequency of the vehicle system was 8×10−6 m 3/cycle or from 8×10 −6 m 3/cycle to 32×10 −6
equal to 10.4 rad/s (1.65 Hz). Three different ve- m3/cycle), the standard deviation of dynamic vehicle
hicle speeds were considered, 60, 100, and 140 km/ load increases two times. This observation indicates
hr. that, for a specified vehicle speed, the standard de-
It is assumed that a road profile is a realization viation of dynamic vehicle load is proportional to the
of a random process that can be described by a power square root of the pavement roughness coefficient
spectral density function. Four different classes of S(n 0 ). This conclusion can be further demonstrated
pavement roughness (including: very good, good, from Eq. (55) with the help of Eqs. (49) and (19). As
average, and poor pavements) for principal roads were shown in Eq. (49), if the effect of engine motion on
used in the analyses. In the parametric study, the road vehicle vibration is disregarded, the spectrum SFF( ω)
spectra suggested by LaBarre et al. were used to is proportional to the pavement roughness coefficient
model the road pavement roughness. The parameters S(n0). Then, the variance σ F2 of dynamic vehicle load
n0, ω 1 , and ω 2 in Eq. (19) were taken as 1/2π (cycle/ is also proportional to the pavement roughness coef-
m), 2.05, and 1.44, respectively. The effect of en- ficient S(n 0). In other words, the standard deviation
gine motion on vehicle vibration was disregarded in of dynamic vehicle load is proportional to the square
numerical analyses. root of the pavement roughness coefficient, S(n0), for
The bridge was modeled as a simply-supported a specified vehicle speed. It is noted that, in general,
bridge. The mass per unit length m and flexural ri- the effect of engine motion on dynamic vehicle load
gidity EI of the bridge were taken as 11000kg and is small due to significant difference between the fre-
120×10 6 kN m 2, respectively. The modal damping quency of engine motion and of vehicle vibration.
ratios were assumed to be 0.02. Span length of 40 m Figure 3 shows the relation between the DLC
was considered in this study. The first three modal and vehicle speed for four different classes of pave-
frequencies of bridge vibration were 3.3, 12.9, and ment roughness from very good to poor conditions.
29.1 Hz. As shown in Fig. 3, the DLC depends on vehicle speed
and pavement roughness. The DLC increases with
2. Numerical Results the increases in vehicle speed and pavement
roughness. If the effect of engine motions on vehicle
The effects of vehicle speed and pavement vibrations is disregarded, the DLC is also proportional
J. H. Lin and C. C. Weng: Evaluation of Dynamic Vehicle Load on Bridge Decks 703

0.4 more complex situations because complete descrip-

Classes of pavement roughness
S(n0)=128×10−6 tions of the motion of both the vehicle and the bridge
Dynamic load coefficient, DLC

Zone 1: Very good

Zone 2: Good (unit: m3/cycle) are maintained in the solution process.
0.3 Zone 3: Average Zone 4
Zone 4: Poor
Zone 3 32×10−6 A0 amplitude of engine force
c0 damping coefficient of vehicle suspension
0.1 system
Zone 2 8×10−6
f engine-induced force
Zone 1 2×10−6
F dynamic vehicle load
40 80 120 160 H frequency response function or transfer func-
Vehicle speed (km/hr)
H* complex conjugate of H
Fig. 3 Dynamic load coefficient versus vehicle speed for four k spring constant of the vehicle suspension sys-
different classes of pavement roughness tem
m1 vehicle mass
n spatial frequency
to the square root of the pavement roughness coeffi- R autocorrelation function
cient S(n 0 ) for a specified vehicle speed. Note that S power spectral density function
the DLC is proportional to the standard deviation of S(n 0 ) pavement roughness coefficient
dynamic vehicle load. Fig. 3 also shows that, for the V vehicle speed
conditions of good and average pavements (Zone 2 Y modal amplitude of bridge vibration
and 3) with vehicle speeds in the range of 60 to 100 yb bridge deflection due to dynamic vehicle load
km/hr, the values of DLC are in the range from 0.05 F
to 0.26. Note that, under normal operating conditions, y b1 bridge deflection due to vehicle gravity force
DLC’s of 0.1-0.3 are typical (Ervin et al., 1983; Hu, m1g
1988; Magnusson et al., 1984; Sweatman, 1980; yr pavement surface elevation
1983). Z vehicle displacement due to dynamic vehicle
load F
XI. CONCLUDING REMARKS Z1 vehicle displacement due to vehicle gravity
force m 1g
This study develops a spectral approach for δ delta function
evaluating the dynamic vehicle load due to the pas- θ random phase angle
sage of a vehicle moving at constant speed along a σ F2 ensemble mean square of F
rough bridge surface. Based on the assumptions of ψ mode shape of bridge vibration
linear elastic and stationary Gaussian random ω0 circular frequency of engine force
responses, a simple closed-form solution for predict-
ing the variation of dynamic vehicle load on bridge ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
decks is proposed. It is concluded that if the effect
of engine motion on vehicle vibration is disregarded, This work was partially supported by the Na-
both the Dynamic Load Coefficient (DLC) and stan- tional Science Council of the Republic of China un-
dard deviation of dynamic vehicle load on bridge der Grant NSC 92-2211-E-146-002.
decks are proportional to the square root of the pave-
ment roughness coefficient S(n 0) for a specified ve- REFERENCES
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