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Name : Ms. PARI M RATHOD Reg. No. : 204502060

Age : 4 Years Gender : Female Reg. Date : 20-Apr-2022 10:30
Ref. By : Dr. A D Vachhani Reported Date : 20-Apr-2022 11:02
Location : Tele No. : 9737235827
Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval


Macroscopic examination
Colour Brown
Consistency Semi solid
Mucus Present + Absent
Pus Absent Absent
Blood(Gross Examination) Absent Absent
Parasites Absent Absent
204502060-Ms. PARI M RATHOD-4 Years-Female

Chemical examination
Stool Occult Blood Weakly positive Negative
Reaction Acidic
Reducing Substance Absent Absent
Microscopic examination
Pus Cells 6-7 /hpf Absent
Red Cells Occasional
/hpf Absent
Macrophages Occasional Absent
Cysts Absent Absent
Trophozoites Absent Absent
Ova Absent Absent
Fat Droplets Absent Absent
Epithelial Cells Absent Absent
Starch Granules Present Present
Vegetable Cells Present Present
Fungal Elements Absent Absent
Bacteria Present Absent
Remarks: Test performed on received sample. Kindly correlate clinically to rule out pre-analytical error in sample
collection and storage.

This is an electronically authenticated report. Page 1 of 2

Dr. Bhumika Nandasana Dr. Mayur Kansagara Kripali M Kansagara

MB DCP (Pathology) MD (Pathology) MSc (Medical Micro.)
Name : Ms. PARI M RATHOD Reg. No. : 204502060
Age : 4 Years Gender : Female Reg. Date : 20-Apr-2022 10:30
Ref. By : Dr. A D Vachhani Reported Date : 20-Apr-2022 11:02
Location : Tele No. : 9737235827
------------------ End Of Report ------------------
204502060-Ms. PARI M RATHOD-4 Years-Female

This is an electronically authenticated report. Page 2 of 2

Dr. Bhumika Nandasana Dr. Mayur Kansagara Kripali M Kansagara

MB DCP (Pathology) MD (Pathology) MSc (Medical Micro.)

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