5.3 Daily Changes

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Describe the environmental conditions that might explain the changes in temperature
during the day.
Changes in Earth's energy balance can be caused by a variety of natural and human events,
including: variations in the sun's energy reaching Earth. The reflectance of the Earth's
atmosphere and surface changes. Incoming and outgoing energy regulate daily air temperatures
at the Earth's surface. The air temperature rises during the day as energy gains outnumber energy
losses from the Earth's surface. The air temperature drops throughout the night as the Earth's
surface loses more energy than it receives. Thus, Earth’s surface temperature is regulated by
solar heating, which goes on at dawn and off at dusk. The surface heats up during the day and
cools down at night. When warm or cold air moves across the surface during unusual wind
events, exceptions arise. Changes in surface temperature heat or cool the air above, creating
movement (wind).

3. (a) Assume that you are an animal that is not able to leave the rock pool.
What characteristic would you need to be able to survive in the rock pool?
(b) Justify the need for each suggested characteristic.
Characteristic Justification
Ability to strongly attach to rocks When the tide goes out, animals with this
characteristic can cling to the rocks with their
shells, protecting them from predators and
preventing their bodies from drying out.
water retention ability Animals with water retention ability have a
structure in their bodies that can keep some
water inside their shell due to the tight fit,
preventing it from drying out. It possesses a
powerful foot muscle that holds the rock,
making it difficult for birds to break free.
ability to blend into a rock pool environment For example, the most common species was
Bathygobius cocosensis. This species was
discovered in rocky pools of various kinds.
However, individuals of this species can
change color from creamy white to dark
brown with scattered black and light blotches,
helping them to blend in with a variety of

1. To be able to determine the potential changes in temperature during the day, you must
first comprehend what the sun produces. The spectrum of sunshine contributes to the
temperature of the environment. The temperature will shift dramatically depending on
how that radiation is influenced in the atmosphere. The amount of radiation emitted by
the sun that reaches the top of the atmosphere. Several wavelengths are altered by
molecules in the atmosphere after entering the atmosphere. The solar energy that
reaches the earth's surface is represented by the lower line with all of the squiggles up
and down.

2. Rock pools can be found in all major biomes around the world, and they are primarily
filled by precipitation. Rock pool clusters are among the world's most enduring and
ancient freshwater environments. The form and hydrology of rock pool habitats are
generally determined by interactions between climate and geology, with hydroperiods
varying from a few days to a year. The average pool volume is modest, resulting in
highly variable environmental conditions, low conductivity, and significant changes in
pH and temperature. Desiccation poses a threat to creatures dwelling in rocky intertidal
zones. The transition to an undersea habitat (if movable), constraining activity (lower
metabolism), and clinging more securely to the rocks, as well as tough shells and the
ability to store water, are all adaptive traits.


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