A Pentalogue On Parapsichology

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Is the spirit willing?

A pentalogue on
HIS article started life as a review on extra-sensory perception (ESP) some

T of Test Your Psychic Powers by years ago (Colman, 1987, ch. 7), and
Susan Blackmore and Adam nothing that I have read or heard since
Hart-Davis (1995). The author of the re- then has persuaded me to change it.
view, Andrew Colman, felt that one of In spite of this, Susan Blackmore
the issues he wished to raise was not and Adam Hart-Davis's (1995) unusual
only controversial but also of sufficient and ambitious new book certainly man-
importance and general interest to war- ages to rekindle interest in the
Andrew M. Colman Susan Blackmore rant an open discussion incorporating paranormal without sensationalizing or
more than one opinion, so he ap- distorting the evidence. It is really a
proached the editor of The Psychologist brief introduction to psychical research
with the suggestion of an article-length together with a laboratory manual for
propaedeutic exchange of views, along home use. It covers telepathy, effects of
the lines of Bronfenbrenner, Kessel, Kes- crystals, dreams and lucid dreaming,
sen, and White (1986), in which the dowsing, premonitions and precogni-
fundamental issue could be aired and tion, psychokinesis, ouija and planchette
discussed among several psychologists phenomena, palmistry, and astrology.
with an interest in parapsychology. The Each phenomenon is introduced with
Christopher C. French editor agreed to the suggestion, and this startling anecdotal evidence, followed
article is the result. by a brief though balanced summary of
The opening remarks by Andrew M. relevant research evidence, and (a sur-
Colman were sent to Susan Blackmore prise feature that makes the book
for a response, and then both Colman's unique) a detailed explanation of how
and Blackmore's contributions were to perform a suitably controlled experi-
sent to Robert L. Morris for further ment, together with clear drawings and
comment, and so on, so each of the Blue-Peter-type instructions on how to
separate contributions to the discussion construct a planchette from a margarine
was written in the light of all the ones tub and a ballpoint pen, or how to make
Robert L. Morris Richard Wiseman that preceded it. a deck of ESP cards, a dowsing rod, a
box for testing psychokinetic effects on

Andrew M. Andrew M. Colman

woodlice (no kidding), or other neces-
sary apparatus. The discussions are
Most subjects become more interesting superb and the experiments so carefully
Colman, Susan the more one learns about them, but the thought out and so clearly explained
paranormal seems - in my experience at that this book may well forge general
Blackmore, least - to be a striking exception to this readers into amateur experimenters - a
rule. People who know little about al- delightful thought.
Robert L. Morris, legedly paranormal phenomena are Now the big question which, like a
often intrigued, but the more one learns, 70-year-old rug that has been lying on
Richard the less interesting they seem. They all the hearth for too long, deserves a thor-
dissolve under scrutiny, the scientific ough airing. Blackmore and
Wiseman, and evidence turns out to be either metho- Hart-Davis's (1995) readable and bal-
dologically flawed (for example, many anced little introduction to the
Christopher C. of Rhine's experiments, Targ and paranormal notwithstanding, what is
Puthoff's remote viewing experiments, the point of it all? Why bother carrying
French discuss a most psi Ganzfeld experiments), or out more experiments into these obvi-
merely fraudulent (for example, the ously non-existent phenomena? Take
central dilemma of Soal-Goldney experiments, several other astrology, for example. Numerous em-
experiments from Rhine's laboratory), pirical studies have shown that
research into the and nothing of significance is left to ex- astrology is humbug - the Gauquelin ef-
plain. That, at least, was the view I fects are irrelevant to conventional
paranormal. formed when I reviewed the evidence astrology, may be interpretable as

The Psychologist August 1996 361

merely the effects of being born at dif- and one full one
ferent times of the year, and may in any you learn some-
event be artifacts - but the studies were thing new. With
pointless anyway, because the theory is no lids the twigs
self-evidently ridiculous. Mars is associ- still jump over the
ated with aggression because it is red, water; put lids on
but we now know that this is not be- and they don't.
cause of the presence of blood but The inevitable
rather of iron-rich clay of the type we conclusion is that
have used on earth for building red- it works only
brick universities; Venus represents when YOll know
love and beauty because it looks soft the answer in ad-
and pale, but we now know that its vance - and now
white mist is made of sulphuric acid; you have really
the 12 astrological constellations are as- learned something
sociated with personal qualities by about unconscious
virtue of their supposed resemblance to muscular action!
a ram, a bull, twins, and so on, but we Similarly, ex-
now know that they would look quite perimenting with
different from another angle; and any- horoscopes and
way they cannot have their claimed palmistry reveals
effects in far northern latitudes because our willingness to
some of the constellations never even accept generalized
rise there. The qualities of the constella- personality read-
tions are, in any event, beside the point, ings, and just
because the precession of the earth's thinking through a
axis has caused all of them to slip out of controlled test of
place during the centuries since astrol- crystal power may
ogy was devised by the Babylonians; at be enough to
the Spring equinox, for example, the make you laugh at
sun is supposed by astrologers to be in the temptation to
Aries but is nowadays actually in Pi- part with good money for a pretty lump interpretations, including self-deception
sces. of quartz. or innocent cognitive mistakes, as well
What is the point of carrying out What if some psychic claims are as strategies of deception and exploita-
more experiments on this nonsense, or valid? Then doing experiments is the tion by clever frauds. We also
for that matter on other allegedly para- best way to find out. I hope Andrevv investigate the various factors that af-
normal phenomena? The energies of Colman is right, and this book forges a fect the fonnation, development and
curious and intelligent researchers, both few more amateur experimenters. Sci- maintenance of belief systems. Our ap-
amateur and professional, could surely ence is not just for scientists. Everyone proach thus overlaps considerably with
be better spent on less futile pursuits, can benefit from thinking experimen- Sue Blackmore's and our other col-
such as investigating why people be- tally - especially about something they leagues in this debate.
lieve such things - an interesting care about. We also research the possibility that
research area in which the other con- Finally there are all those psychology there are genuinely new means of envi-
tributors to this discussion have made students who hate experimental design ronmental interaction still to be
important contributions. I don't expect and statistics. Using parapsychological uncovered. This is done by exploring
that the other contributors will neces- practicals I have watched the arguments some of the most promising evidence
sarily agree with my conclusion, but I change from 'Yes it is!' 'No it isn't l ' to from other researchers and doing our
find it hard to imagine what their 'Could she have heard something 7' or best to improve upon it, and we are en-
counter-arguments will be. If someone 'Might he be guessing7' to 'How can we couraged by our own results as well as
seriously hypothesized that the moon is find out? ... '. This is why I bother. those of other research units. Methodol-
made of Gorgonzola, would we devote ogy continues to improve, as does our
resources to testing it scientifically? If
not, then why astrology and other pre-
Robert L. Morris ability to deal with potential fraud in-
terpretations. Our reading of the recent
posterous doctrines and theories of the Andrew Colman appears to argue that literature appears to differ from An-
paranormal? studies of an effect are pointless if the drew Colman's. One problem of course
theory behind it 'is self-evidently ridicu- is that opinions about how well or
Susan Blackmore lous'. Unfortunately, it is not alvvays
easy to achieve a consensus on the ab-
poorly a set of studies has been con-
ducted or what constitutes a serious
Why bother7 My answer is the reason surdity of a theory, and also, I don't rather than trivial flaw can be some-
we wrote the book. Twenty-five years think we should confuse an effect with what subjective, as any editor, reviewer
ago I was convinced that telepathy was its interpretation. The evidence for an or reviewee knows all too well. This is
real, astral bodies could fly, and scien- effect is independent of a given theoreti- especially a problem in studies of com-
tists were denying the truth. The reason cal interpretation of the effect. This is plex systems, and we have much to
I changed my mind was not the lack of why researchers such as ourselves at learn in this area. I have yet to read a
laboratory evidence, nor the sceptics on Edinburgh prefer a bottom-up ap- study with no Haws at all. Perhaps
TV. It was doing experiments for my- proach, starting with the available data readers can suggest one.
self and finding out I was wrong. and evaluating various alternative inter- It is clear that if any new means of
Imagine you have learned to dowse, pretations of those data. interaction do exist, they are not readily
and felt the twigs mysteriously jump in We start with the consensually accepted observed in our daily life. Thus much of
your hands as you approach water. It is finding that many people have experi- our work is aimed at examining special
not unreasonable to conclude that ences, or observe events, which they circumstances reported to be conducive
dowsing works. But when you do an cannot explain conventionally. Our re- to their manifestation. We look at indi-
experiment with five empty buckets search includes evaluating conventional vidual differences and situational

362 August 1996 The Psychologist

factors, we vary conditions to examine abilities cannot be solved by arguing am not implying that the autoganzfeld
their effects upon results, and we try to about whether such phenomena are studies (Bem, 1994; Bem & Honorton,
develop testable models such as the theoretically possible. Instead, I agree 1994; Hyman, 1994), say, are tainted
noise reduction model that lies behind with Bob Morris's comments on the dif- with fraud but other subtle methodo-
some ESP research such as the Ganzfeld ficulties of achieving a consensus on the logical problems are a real possibility. I
studies. absurdity of a theory and believe that will wait and see.
If any tmly new means of interac- the best way of establishing whether
tion do exist, we shall learn most about
their nature through a multi disciplinary
such abilities are genuine is through
carrying out well designed experiments.
Andrew M. Colman
approach with diverse but complemen- Psi proponents argue that these data Bob and Chris say that we can't always
tary methodologies, and through have already been collected and do in- reach a consensus about which theories
research procedures that have meaning deed support the existence of some are absurd, and Richard says that the
for the participants. If no new means form of 'anomalous cognition' (e.g., reality of paranormal phenomena can-
exist, then such an approach is also nec- Bem & Honorton, 1994). Although I do not be decided by theoretical debates. I
essary, to build a clear picture of how not endorse these conclusions, the data agree, though I would maintain that <;l.e-
we have been misleading ourselves or are certainly intriguing and deserving monstrably self-contradictory theories
have been misled by others. And this of further investigation. can and should be rejected out of hand,
picture must be clear to the public as but I don't agree that the lack of consen-
well as the sophisticated researcher. In
order to be persuasive, any research
Christopher C. sus forces the conclusion that we should
therefore always do the research. We
programme must give the purported ef-
fect the best opportunity to occur, yet
French have no option but to choose which
problems to pursue. It would be bad
under adequately controlled conditions. I too disagree with Andrew Colman's science to treat all hypotheses, even ab-
This has rarely been done. The failure of claim that further parapsychological re- surd or illogical ones, on an equal
trivial but well controlled experiments search is pointless, even though I footing; in fact, it would be impossible,
is no more persuasive to the public than suspect that paranormal forces do not because we have limited resources. The
the success of exciting but poorly con- exist. The simple truth is that I may be sensible approach is to pursue promis-
trolled studies. wrong. The list of 'preposterous doc- ing hypotheses and to ignore worthless
One last point. We prefer to avoid trines and theories' which the wider ones. Chris is of course right that today's
terms like 'paranormal'. However some scientific community initially rejected preposterous doctrines are sometimes
researchers (e.g., Irwin, 1994) define only to subsequently embrace is a long tomorrow's accepted facts, but that
paranormal events as those that are one, e.g., Wegener's theory of continen- merely shows how hard it is to form a
presently unexplained but are assumed tal drift, Mayer's law of conservation of judgement, not that judgement should
to be eventually explainable through energy, and Boltzman's kinetic theory of or could be avoided. We have no alter-
scientific advances in' our under- gases. Although this list may be long, native but to choose what hypotheses to
standing of the natural world. By this however, the list of apparently crackpot test - we do it all the time.
definition, scientists should find explo- ideas which have not been subsequently
ration of paranormal events of
considerable potential importance. If we
validated is much longer.
On 31 December 1995 the Independent
choose to ignore such effects or dismiss on Sunday published a vitriolic attack on Bern, o.J. (1994). Response to Hyman. Psychologi-
them prematurely, then we yield the astrology by Richard Dawkins. Judging cal Bulletin, 115, 25-27.
floor to the charlatans and the gullible, by the following week's letters page, Bern, D.J, & Honorton, C (1994). Does psi exist?
Replicable evidence for an anomalous process of in·
we all remain tmly ignorant, and sci- many readers clearly felt that Dawkins formation transfer. Psychological Bulletin, 115, 4-18.
ence has failed the public. I think was rejecting astrology simply on the Blackmore, S. & Hart-Davis, A. (1995). Test Your
Andrew Colman would agree with this, grounds that he personally thought it Psychic Powers. London: Thorsons.
and I suspect that some of our apparent was nonsense. It was easy to see how Bronfenbrenner, u., Kessel, F., Kessen, W. &
disagreement may arise because we em- such impressions could arise. Dawkins White, S. (1986). Toward a critical social history of
ploy different definitions of the term wrote: 'How do I know that there is no developmental psychology: A propaedeutic discus-
'paranormaL truth in astrology? Well, of course I sion. American Psychologist, 41,1218-1230.
don't know. I can't prove that there is Collins, H.M & Pinch, T.]. (J982). Frames of
Meaning: The Social Construction of Extraordinary
Richard Wiseman nothing in horoscopes' (p.17). Dawkins
would have helped his case consider- Science. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Coiman, A.M (1987). Facts, Fallacies and Frauds
I believe that parapsychological re- ably by referring to the 'numerous
in Psychology. London: Hutchinson.
search is worthwhile for two reasons. studies which have shown that astrolo-
Hyman, R (1994). Anomaly or artifact> Comments on
First, it represents an excellent opportu- gers simply cannot do what they say Bern and Honorton. Psychological Bulletin, 115, 19-24.
nity to evaluate and develop the they can. The Chair of Public Under- Irwin, H. (1994). An Introduction to Parapsychol-
methods used by science to decide upon standing of Science did little to enhance ogy (2nd edn). London: McFarland.
the reality of reported phenomena. For the public understanding of science and Rosenthal, R (1978). How often are numbers
example, criticisms of some psi studies much to reinforce the view of scientists wrong? American Psychologist, 33,1005-1008.
have helped uncover subtle methodo- as arrogant and closed-minded.
The idea that we can reject claims Dr Colman is a Reader in the Department of
logical and statistical artifacts which can
Psychology, University of Leicester Leicester LE1
cause spurious results in both parapsy- without considering the empirical evi- 7RH. Dr Blackmore is a Senior Lecturer in the
chological and psychological studies - dence is simply not good science. There Department of Psychology, University of The
see, e.g., Rosenthal's (1978) discussion is plenty of good empirical evidence West of England, St Matthias, Oldbwy Court
of possible sources of bias in data collec- that the moon is not made of cheese, Road, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 21P Professor
tion/ recording. At a sociological level, but some of the more recent evidence Morris is Professor of Parapsychology in the De-
Collins and Pinch (1982) have examined presented in parapsychology is not that partment of PsychOlogy, University of
scientists' reactions to claims of psychic easy to dismiss, as recognized by well- Edinburgh, 7 George Square, Edinburgh EH8
9/2. Dr Wiseman is a Senior Lecturer in the
ability and used these to illustrate how informed sceptics like Ray Hyman. The
Psychology Division, University of Hertfordshire,
science deals with novel and unusual history of parapsychology, however, College Lane, Hatfield ALlO 9AB. Dr French is a
ideas. leads me to be cautious in accepting it Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychology,
Second, believe that . the debate at face value. I was taken in by the Soal- Goldsmiths College,University of London, New
concerning the existence of psychic Goldney data as an undergraduate. I Cross, London SE14 6NW.

The Psychologist August 1996 363

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