Jawharat Al Kamal - EN

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Jawharat al-Kamal (The Jewel of Perfection)

‫ا َللَّ ُهـ َّم َص ِّـل َو َسلِّـ ْم َع َـل َع ْيـنِ الـ َّر ْحـ َمـ ِة ال َّربَّــانِـ َيـة‬
ِ ‫وم وامل َ َع‬
،‫ـان‬ ِ ‫ِ َوال َياقُـوتَـ ِة املُتَـ َحقِّـقَـ ِة ال َحـائِطَ ِة بِ َـ ْركَ ِز الفُـ ُه‬
Allahumma salli wa sallim ʿalaa ʿayni 'r-rahmati 'r-rabbaaniyati
wa 'l yaaqootati 'l-mutahaqqiqati 'l-haaitati bi-markazi 'l-fuhoomi wa 'l-maʿaniee.
O Allah, blessings and peace be upon the source/essence of Divine Mercy,
the realized ruby that encompasses the center of understanding and meanings,

،‫ـاح ِب ال َح ِّـق الـ َّربَّ ِان‬ِ ‫َونُـو ِر األَكْـ َوانِ املُتَـ َك ِّونَـ ِة اآل َد ِمـي َص‬
،‫البقِ األَ ْسطَعِ بِ ُ ُزونِ األَ ْربَا ِح املَالِئَ ِة لِك ُِّل ُمتَ َع ِّر ٍض ِم َن ال ُب ُحو ِر َواألَ َو ِان‬
،‫الـذي َمـألْتَ ِب ِه كَ ْونَ َك ال َحـائِ ِط ِبأَ ْم ِك َن ِة املَـك َِان‬ ِ ِ‫َونُـور َِك الالَّ ِمع‬
Wa noori 'l-akwaani 'l-mutakawwinati 'l-aadami sahibil haqqir-rabbani
al barqil astaʿi bi muzoonil arbahil maliati li kulli mutaʿarridhin min al-buhoori wa 'l-awaani.
wa noorika 'l-laamiʿu 'Lladhee malaata bihi kawnaka 'l-haa`iti bi-amkinati 'l-makaani.
the light of all created universes, the Adamic possessor of the Divine Truth;
the all-filling light in the rain clouds of gains that fill all the intervening seas and receptacles;
Your radiant light with which You have filled Your creation encompassing all possible places,

‫وش ال َحقَـائِ ِق‬

ُ ‫ا َللَّ ُهـ َّم َص ِّل َو َسلِّ ْم َع َل َع ْ ِي ال َح ِّق ال ِتي تَتَ َج َّل ِم ْن َها ُع ُر‬
ِ ‫َع ْيــنِ املَـ َعار ِِف األَقْـ َو ِم ِصـ َر ِاط َـك التَّـــا ِّم األَ ْسـق‬
Allahumma salli wa sallim ʿalaa ʿayni 'l-haqq allatee tajalla minhaa ʿurooshu 'l-haqaaiqi
ʿayni 'l-ma`aarifi 'l aqwami siraatika 't-taami 'l- asqam.
O Allah, blessings and peace be upon the essence of the Truth from which are manifested the thrones of
realities; the source/essence of the most correct/precious knowledge, Your Complete and Most Straight Path.

‫اللَّ ُهـ َّم َص ِّـل َو َسلِّـ ْم َع َل طَلْ َع ِة ال َح ِّـق بَال َح ِّـق الكَـ ْن ِز األَ ْعـظَ ِم‬
ِ ‫ــك إِ َحـاطَـ ِة ال ُّنـو ِر املُطَــل َْس‬
‫ــم‬ َ ‫َـاض ِت َـك ِم ْن َـك إِلَ ْي‬
َ ‫إِف‬
‫ َصـالَ ًة تُ َع ِّرفُ َنـا بِـ َها إِيَّـــا ُه‬،‫َصلَّـى الل ُه َعلَ ْيـ ِه َو َع َـل آلِـ ِه‬
Allahumma salli wa sallim ʿalaa tal`ati ‹l-haqqi bil haqqi al-kanzil `azham.
Ifaadatika minka ilayka ihaatati 'n-noori 'l-mutalsam.
Sallallahu `alayhi wa `alaa aalihi salaatan tu`arrifunaa bihaa iyyaah.
O Allah, blessings and peace be upon the dawning of the Truth by the Truth, the Supreme
Treasure, Your Outpouring from Yourself to Yourself; the Encompassment of Talismanic Light.
May Allah bless him and his family, a prayer through which You make him known to us.

v1.1 - Jumada II , 1442 AH

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