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Josh Kinney and Richard Steven

Colorado Engineering Experiment Station, Inc.

54043 WCR 37
Nunn, Colorado 80648

Introduction gas flow performance of an orifice meter. This can be

and is done in many different ways. However, for this
Orifice plate meters are one of the most widely used paper, only two methods are of importance. These are the
technologies in industry for gas flow metering. This is straightforward gas-to-liquid mass flow rate ratio and,
due to their relative simplicity, the extensive publicly unfortunately, a rather abstract term commonly called the
available data sets that led to several orifice plate meter “Lockhart-Martinelli parameter.” The gas and liquid
standards [1, 2, 3, and 4] and the fact that they are a . .
relatively inexpensive method of gas metering. However, mass flow rates are denoted by m g and ml , respectively.
it is common in industry for gas meters to be installed in The liquid-to-gas mass flow rate ratio (sometimes simply
applications where the flows are actually wet gas flows, .
i.e., flows where there is some liquid entrainment in a ml
called the “mass ratio”) is denoted by:
predominantly gas flow. This is usually done out of .
economic necessity or due to the fact that the system mg
designers were not aware at the conceptual design stage
Fortunately, it is not necessary for a technician using an
that the gas flow would have entrained liquid. Therefore,
orifice meter with wet gas to have an understanding of the
with the orifice plate meter being such a popular gas flow
precise scientific meaning of the Lockhart-Martinelli
meter, it is by default possibly the most common wet gas
parameter in order to apply the results of the research,
flow meter.
which utilize this parameter. This term is typically
The effect of wet gas flow on an orifice plate meter denoted by “ X LM ,” which is defined as follows:
configured for gas flow service is complicated. There are
ongoing research programs worldwide aimed at .
improving the understanding of the reaction of the ml ρg
X LM = (1)
differential pressure meter family (of which the orifice .
mg ρl
plate meter is a member) to wet gas flow. Most of the
research results are published in conference papers.
However, it is not always immediately obvious to the where ρg and ρl are the gas and liquid densities,
technician in the field using an orifice plate meter with
respectively, of the wet gas flow. Note that for a
wet gas how this information can be practically applied.
measured pressure and temperature, and known gas and
This paper attempts to review the current scientific
liquid properties, the gas and liquid densities of a wet gas
knowledge from a practical user’s standpoint.
flow should be calculated from fluid property tables or
software. This information is known independently of
What is Wet Gas?
any flow meter. Therefore, for a set pressure and
A practical and universally accepted definition for the temperature, the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter is directly
term “wet gas” flow has proved illusive over the last proportional to the “mass ratio.” The Lockhart-Martinelli
decade and despite various suggestions, no standards parameter can simply be thought of as a measure of the
board has released a technical report or standard that has “wetness” of the flow. For a set pressure and
temperature, the higher the Lockhart-Martinelli
universally agreed upon definition for wet gas flow. In
fact, many in the industry now feel there is no need for a parameter, the “wetter” the flow (i.e., the more liquid
precise definition and the term should remain an all mass flow relative to a unit mass of gas flow).
encompassing general term and the details of any new
research development should simply state the scope for What Does Wet Gas Flow Look Like?
which that product or research is applicable. Hence, for
the purpose of this paper, the definition of wet gas flow is The way that a liquid phase is dispersed in a gas pipe flow
simply said to be “a two-phase flow of gas and liquid is called either the “flow regime” or “flow pattern.”
where the predominant phase is that of the gas.” Figure 1 shows a famous generic sketch of typical wet gas
flow patterns in round, horizontal pipes. Figure 2 shows a
All the same, it is necessary to quantify the relative famous generic sketch of typical wet gas flow patterns
amount of liquid in a gas flow if we are to discuss the wet when the fluid is moving vertically upward in round
pipes. Vertically downward flow patterns, where gravity As conditions continue to change for a set mass ratio
and flow do not appose each other, are usually considered (e.g., increasing pressure and flow rate), these waves can
mist flows, although little research is published on the become large compared to the diameter of the pipe. This
matter. Information in the literature on inclined pipe flow flow is sometimes called “semi-slug flow.” If there is a
patterns is very rare. high enough mass ratio, the waves can be large enough to
completely fill the cross sectional area of the pipe and this
condition is called “slug flow.” Semi-slug flow and slug
flow are not stable flow patterns and, therefore, these
conditions are not the best conditions for flow metering.
Finally, if for any set mass ratio, the pressure and gas
flow rate values are large enough, the gas will flow
through the center of the pipe with entrained liquid
droplets and a liquid “ring” flowing along the periphery
of the pipe. As the pressure and gas flow rate continue to
increase to extreme values, the liquid ring will diminish
and then disappear as all the liquid is entrained in
continually smaller liquid droplets. In reality, it is not
possible to know the details of the annular ring thickness
and average droplet size, so these flow patterns are
collectively called “annular mist flow,” “annular
dispersed flow,” “dispersed flow,” or “mist flow.”
Figure 1. Horizontal, Wet Gas Flow Patterns
Vertically upward wet gas flow has fewer flow patterns
than horizontal wet gas flow. If there is not a high
enough gas dynamic pressure (i.e., the combination of
pressure and gas flow rate), there is not enough energy in
the gas flow to cleanly drive the liquid phase up the pipe
against gravity in a semi-steady / steady way. The liquid
then tends to periodically fall downward on itself. This
occurrence is commonly called “churn flow” due to the
energetic mixing of the phases. Churn flow is highly
unstable and it is strongly advised that metering not
attempted in this flow pattern. However, if the flow does
have a high enough gas dynamic pressure, the flow
pattern will be a semi-steady or steady annular mist flow
(or the equivalent terms listed above). Again, as the
pressure and gas flow rate continue to increase for a set
Figure 2. Vertically Upward Wet Gas Flow Patterns
mass ratio, the liquid annular ring will diminish in depth
and liquid entrainment as the gas core increases, with the
The majority of the wet gas flow pattern map literature is
average droplet diameter reducing until all the liquid is
for horizontal flow and vertically upward flow. Even
entrained in droplets.
then, there is not a great deal of literature available. Most
knowledge comes from practical experiments. The
Note, that at very high gas dynamic pressures (i.e., high
mathematical models that exist are still in their infancy
pressures and gas flow rates for set mass ratios) for either
and do not predict the flow patterns well across various
horizontal or vertically upward wet gas flows, the mist
parameter changes (e.g., pipe diameter, line pressure,
flow could have such small average droplet size that the
mass ratio, pipe orientation, etc.).
liquid could be called atomized and the resulting flow
could be called a “pseudo-single phase flow” or a
In Figure 1, there are several types of horizontal wet gas
“homogenized flow.” That is, the wet gas flow starts to
flow patterns. The first is “stratified flow” (sometimes
behave like a single-phase fluid, since the two phases are
called “separated flow”). This is usually prevalent at low
so well mixed. This is a common assumption among
flow rates and low pressures. Here, the liquid flows along
some in the industry but a warning is given here that it is
the bottom of the pipe (like a river) with the gas phase
very rare for a wet gas industrial flow to reach the
flowing above the phase interface. This is a common
extreme conditions required for an orifice meter to behave
flow pattern and orifice meter wet gas performance
with wet gas flow as it does with single-phase flow.
research has been conducted for this flow pattern.
However, under different conditions, e.g., faster flow
It should be noted that slug flow and a special pipe flow
rates and higher pressures, for a set mass ratio, this
condition called “severe slugging” are not always the
stratified flow has waves at the interface. This is
same phenomenon. Slug flow, as described above, where
sometimes called “wavy flow” or “wavy stratified flow.”
the slug (i.e., the liquid mass that fills the cross section of Orifice Plate Meter Wet Gas Flow Performance
the pipe) is caused by the interaction of the gas phase with
an unstable liquid / gas interface can be relatively steady The original work on the response of orifice plate meters
and the slugs only have moderate kinetic energy. It is to wet gas flows was carried out by Schuster [5] in the
unlikely that a slug flow pattern could cause significant late 1950s. By the early 1960s, Professor Murdock [6]
damage to an orifice plate. However, “severe slugging” is had written a seminal paper on the topic and then Dr
a term often used that describes a different more Chisholm developed these ideas and published a series of
problematic phenomenon. In industrial pipe flows that technical papers on this and related subjects over a period
can have wet gas flows at low points in pipe work (or of twenty five years from 1958 to 1983. Two of these
during shutdown periods), excessive liquid quantities can papers [7, 8] are most important with regard to the topic
gather in the pipe work. As the flowing gas is blocked by of wet gas metering with orifice plate meters.
this occurrence, the pressure behind the blockage can rise
considerably and result in a large liquid column or “slug” Much of the research up until 1977 was conducted by the
being propelled downstream at high velocity. The impact power industry, which was more focused on wet steam
of such a slug with high kinetic energy on pipe work flow, although there were wet natural gas flow data sets
components can cause significant damage. Orifice plate used by Murdock and Chisholm. After 1977, interest in
meters have been buckled by such impacts. Figure 3 wet gas flow metering seemed to wane but by the late
(courtesy of Chevron, Inc.) shows an example of an 1980s, the oil and gas industry was reviving this old
orifice plate bent by a liquid slug. Such strike damage on research and adopting it as the starting point for future
orifice plates has led to the “wok with a hole” plate research. In general, though, the new researchers
description. assumed that orifice plate meters could not be good wet
gas meters because the plate would likely act as a dam,
causing liquid holdup upstream of the plate and instability
in the meter readings. However, none of the early
research from Murdock and Chisholm suggested such a
problem existed. Nevertheless, the oil and gas industry
research concentrated on Venturi and cone-type
differential pressure meters.

Rare, brief descriptions of wet gas flow orifice plate

performances at very low mass ratios were released by
McConaghy [9] in 1989 and Ting [10] in 1995. These
papers discussed the effect of extremely small mass ratios
that were at or below the minimum values included in
Murdock and Chisholm’s datasets. McConaghy and Ting
agreed that for very small liquid content, the gas orifice
plate meter would give a lower gas flow prediction than
the actual value (i.e., the reference gas meter used in their
tests). Ting stated:
Figure 3. Orifice Plate Buckled by a Slug Strike
While in Wet Gas Service “McConaghy studied the effect of low liquid entrainment
rate for 4” and 8” meters at β = 0.6. A relatively large
Buckled orifice plate meters have unknown single phase under-measurement error of up to 1.0% was detected at a
performance (as all plate damage is unique) and all wet Reynolds number range of 3 to 8 million. Lower
gas flow performance is based on knowing the single measurement errors were detected at β = 0.2.”
phase baseline performance. Also, note that in natural gas
production environments, wet gas flows tend to have
entrained particulates, so wear of the sharp leading edge
of the plate bore can be an issue. A damaged orifice plate
meter will have unknown single-phase performance
characteristics, so the baseline for wet gas flow
performance is also lost. It is important that the condition
of the plate be checked regularly when in service with wet
gas flow. (Removing a buckled orifice plate from an
orifice fitting can be a very time consuming and awkward
Figure 5. Sketch of Chisholm’s DP Meters Gas to
Liquid Density Ratio Wet Gas Effect

Figure 5 shows a sketch of Chisholm’s findings at higher

mass ratios. The x-axis is the Lockhart-Martinelli
parameter, i.e., for a set gas-to-liquid density ratio, a
Figure 4. Low Mass Ratio Flow Results Through 2”
direct measure of the liquid content in the gas. The higher
Diameter Orifice Plate Meters
the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter, the greater the liquid
content of the flow. The y-axis shows positive bias on the
Ting then showed wet gas data for 2” diameter orifice
actual gas flow rate due to the presence of the liquid.
plate meters with three beta ratios (i.e., β = 0.37, 0.54, This is sometimes called the “over-reading.” Here, the
0.68). The tests were run with air and water at the low
uncorrected gas flow rate value predicted by the orifice
Reynolds number of 90,000 and the low pressure of 4 .
psig. The maximum mass ratio was approximately 0.13. meter is denoted as “ m g , Apparent .” The “over-reading” of
Figure 4 shows the results. Like McConaghy, Ting found
the orifice meter with wet gas is:
a small under-prediction of the gas flow rate (i.e., a
negative bias usually now called an “under-reading”). .
The maximum under-reading was approximately -1.5%. m g , Apparent (2)
Over − Re ading =
It should be noted however, that due to the extremely low .
pressure, the maximum Lockhart-Martinelli parameter
that the maximum mass ratio of 0.13 converted to was or
⎛ . ⎞
0.005. Ting suggested such a wet gas flow was possible ⎜ m g , Apparent ⎟ (2a)
Over − Re ading % = ⎜ − 1 ⎟⎟ *100%
downstream of inefficient separators or if liquid was to ⎜ mg

condense out of a flowing gas stream. Ting reported a ⎝ ⎠

visual description of the flow pattern: “No liquid
accumulation in front of the orifice plate was observed for Chisholm and Murdock stated that as the liquid content of
the beta ratios tested. Water streaks were seen flowing a gas flow increased, so did the over-reading of an orifice
over the orifice plate to the other side.” That is, there was plate meter. Chisholm went on to show that when all
such a low liquid quantity that none of the flow patterns other conditions were held constant, the pressure
described above could form. increased (i.e., the gas-to-liquid density) while the over-
reading reduced. Recent research has shown the
Murdock and Chisholm tested orifice meters with much Chisholm wet gas orifice plate meter correction factor
higher mass ratios / Lockhart-Martinelli parameters and published in 1977 agrees extremely well with modern wet
the results were different from those of McConaghy and gas orifice meter data from CEESI. Figure 6 shows
Ting’s later, low mass ratio tests. The Murdock and results for a 4” diameter, 0.5 beta orifice plate meter
Chisholm tests were for 0.005 ≤ XLM ≤ 0.3; i.e., the tested with wet natural gas at CEESI.
majority of the data were for a mass ratio an order of
magnitude higher than the McConaghy and Ting trace
liquid tests. There is no overlap between Murdock and
Chisholm’s earlier work and the work of McConaghy and
CVX COP 4", 0.5 Beta Orifice Meter
2½” to 4.” There is little information on the effect of
All Data with Separated DR g/l, Corrected by Chisholm applying Chisholm’s correction to other pipe diameters.

35 Note that the over-reading originates from the fact the

30 liquid in a flow of a set gas mass flow rate increases the
25 DR g/l 0.018 Uncorrected
DR g/l 0.018 Corrected
DP amount read by the meter. That is, the DP is higher
than expected for the gas flow alone. It is very important
% Error

DR g/l 0.045 Uncorrected

DR g/l 0.045 Corrected
10 DR g/l 0.083 Uncorrected
that meter users understand that wet gas causes unusually
5 +2% DR g/l 0.083 Corrected high DPs and that the DP transmitters should be selected
0 accordingly to avoid possible DP transmitter saturation.
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
A good rule of thumb for wet gas flows with XLM ≤ 0.3 is
to size the DP transmitters to twice the upper range limit
expected for the gas phase alone.
Figure 6. 4” Diameter, 0.5 Beta Orifice Plate Meter
Data The Liquid Mass Flow Rate

In Figure 6, the solid points are the uncorrected orifice The Achilles heel of most DP meter wet gas corrections is
meter gas flow predictions and the hollow points show the that the liquid mass flow rate is required to be known
prediction after the application of the Chisholm equation: before it can be applied. The Chisholm correlation is no
. different. This information is not at all easy to come by in
. m g Apparent real applications. Two common methods for obtaining
mg = (3)
1 + CX LM + X LM
2 the liquid flow rate in natural gas production are to either
use test separator history or apply a wet gas tracer dilution
where technique. Here, tracer chemicals (usually fluorescent
1 1
⎛ρ ⎞ 4 ⎛ ρl ⎞ 4
dyes) are injected into a wet gas at a known rate. At a
C = ⎜⎜ g ⎟⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ (3a) distance judged suitably far downstream to have allowed
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ρl ⎠ ⎝ ρg ⎠ fully-mixed flow to be achieved, samples are taken. The
relative intensity of the fluorescence of the liquid sample
It can be seen that without the Chisholm equation and the injection tracer provides an indication of the
correction, some of the higher Lockhart-Martinelli liquid flow rate. Further details of this technique are
parameter value datasets have over-readings up to outside the scope of this paper.
approximately +35%. After the Chisholm correction is
applied, all the data are corrected to less than ±5% error in Worked Example of Applying the Chisholm Correction
the gas flow rate. The majority of the data are corrected
to within ±2%. Chisholm produced his correction factor The following example shows how the Chisholm wet gas
by modeling separated flow. It should be noted that the orifice plate equation can be applied in the field for the
data that have a “corrected” result >+2% are for flow case of a known liquid mass flow rate. An actual test
patterns that are described as annular mist flows and that point from a 4” diameter, schedule 40, 0.5 beta ratio
have DPs >500” Water Column (“WC”). This is a orifice plate meter tested at the CEESI wet gas test loop is
relatively large DP and, in practice, if an orifice meter used.
experiences DPs >500” WC, the beta ratio should be
increased to reduce the DP to <500” WC. If this is done, This wet natural gas at 43.8 bara (635.3 psia) and 306°K
the Chisholm equation corrects the over-reading to give a (910F) has a gas density ( ρ g ) of 32.9 kg/m3 (2.06
gas flow rate within ±2% of the actual gas flow rate value.
In Figure 6, the only exception to this rule is the lowest lbm/ft3) and a liquid density ( ρ l ) of 718.2 kg/m3 (44.84
pressure (or gas-to-liquid density) tested. Here, it was the lbm/ft3). An operator in the field would know such
lowest velocities at the lowest pressure that produced the information. The liquid injection reference meter
poorest results. A camera at CEESI identified the indicates that the liquid mass flow rate is 1.98 kg/s (4.37
problem to be slugging flow in the test section. That is, lbm/s). In the field, this would be information obtained
this was an unsteady flow and all meters would give some independently from the orifice plate meter and Chisholm
error under this inherently unsteady flow pattern. This equation (e.g., from the test separator history or a tracer
was a poor flow condition to attempt to measure. dilution technique). The reference gas meter indicates
that the actual gas mass flow rate is 1.60 kg/s (3.53
Chisholm’s wet gas correction for orifice meters, lbm/s). A meter operator in the field would not know this
therefore, worked if the DPs were kept below 500” WC gas flow rate information. The resulting differential
(i.e., a reasonable request in the field) and the wet gas pressure produced across the orifice plate meter by the
flow was steady. It should be noted, however, that wet gas flow is measured as 44,160 Pa (177.6” WC).
Chisholm’s correction was formulated from test data for Applying the standard dry gas calculation method with
orifice meters in wet gas where the meter diameter was this differential pressure gives a gas mass flow reading
. Comments on the Published Research and his Worked
(i.e., m g , Apparent ) of 2.14 kg/s (4.72 lbm/s). Here, we see Example
that the presence of the liquid has caused the meter to
over-read the actual gas mass flow rate. The difference Note the measured differential pressure was 177.6” WC.
between the uncorrected gas mass flow rate prediction Steven, et al. [11], suggest the Chisholm equation is only
and the actual (or reference) gas mass flow rate is 33.7%. applicable if the differential pressure is less than 500”
Of course, in the field, the operator only knows the gas WC, so this example is within this limit.
and liquid densities, and the raw differential pressure and,
therefore, the uncorrected gas flow rate prediction Note that Chisholm created his correlation from orifice
. meter data with a pipe diameter range of 2.5” to 4.” This
( m g , Apparent ). He or she, as yet, does not know the example is for a 4” diameter meter. The effect of
actual gas mass flow rate. Now, if the liquid mass flow extrapolating the diameter value in either direction is not
rate is available through an independent source, the well understood. Chisholm used multiple datasets with
Chisholm equation can be applied to find the gas mass several types of liquid. Researchers currently believe that
flow rate. orifice plate meters are relatively resilient to the effect of
changing the liquid properties on wet gas flow over-
The gas to liquid density ratio is: readings. Hall, et al. [12], showed 2”, schedule 80, 0.515
beta orifice meter wet gas data for natural gas with
different mixes of water and hydrocarbon liquid. It was
2.06 lbm / ft 3
Density Ratio = = 0.0458 found that the liquid phase had little effect on the wet gas
44.84 lbm / ft 3 over-reading, but all the 2” diameter pipe data (regardless
of the ratio of water and hydrocarbon liquid) tended to
agree and give a smaller over-reading than the data for the
Applying Equation 3a gives: 2.5” to 4” diameter pipe data. This resulted in the
Chisholm correlation over correcting the gas flow rate to
1 1 1
give an under prediction. Figure 7 shows this result as
⎛ρ ⎞ 4 ⎛ ρl ⎞ 4
⎟⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ = (0.0458)4 + ⎛⎜
1 1 ⎞4
C = ⎜⎜ g ⎟ = 2.62 shown by Hall.
⎜ρ ⎟
⎝ ρl ⎠ ⎝ g⎠ ⎝ 0.0458 ⎠
200 psia Uncorrected
Now, with Equation 1 used in Equation 3 with this value 200 psia Chisholm Correction
of “C,” we get: 50 400 psia Uncorrected

. 400 psia Chisholm Corrected

40 800 psia Uncorrected
. m g Apparent
mg = 800 psia Chisholm Corrected

2 30
⎛ .
⎞ ⎛ .

% Error

⎜ ml ρg ⎟ ⎜ ml ρg ⎟
1 + C⎜ . ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ . ⎟⎟
⎜ mg ρl ρl
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ mg ⎠ 10
Now, if we know m g , Apparent , ρ g , ρl , C , and if we -10
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 -2% 0.4 0.5

. Xlm
know the liquid mass flow rate, m l , we can iterate the
Chisholm equation for the only unknown, i.e., the actual Figure 7. BP 2” Diameter, 0.515 Beta Orifice Meter
. Wet Gas Data from CEESI - Uncorrected
gas mass flow rate, m g . That is: and with Chisholm Correction
. 4.72 Hall pointed out that Chisholm’s correlation is a data fit
mg = and, hence, new data fits can be made on the model
⎛ 4.37 1 ⎞⎟ ⎛⎜ 4.37 ⎞
1 + 2.62⎜ . 0.0458 ⎟
created by Chisholm for orifice meters out of Chisholm’s
+ .
⎜ 0.0458 ⎟ ⎜ m ⎟ data range. For Hall’s very limited 2” diameter data set, it
⎝ mg ⎠ ⎝ g ⎠ was found that the following correction factor worked
The result is m g equals 3.57 lbm/s (i.e. 1.62 kg/s). That 1 1

⎛ρ ⎞ 5 ⎛ ρl ⎞ 5
is +0.9% difference from the reference gas meter, C = ⎜⎜ g ⎟⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ (3b)
⎜ ⎟
compared to an uncorrected +33.7% from the reference ⎝ ρl ⎠ ⎝ ρg ⎠
gas meter.
Figure 8 shows the performance of equation 3b with the Trace liquids in a gas flow can cause an under-reading of
uncorrected data shown in Figure 7. However, Hall the actual gas flow rate by up to 2%. However, there are
expressly stated that this was an example from only a no correction factors available in the literature.
small dataset and users should apply it to a 2” diameter Considerable liquid mass flow rate with the gas flow will
orifice meter wet gas flow situation at their own risk. cause an orifice meter to over-predict the gas flow rate.
More research is required to understand better the For a liquid mass flow rate known from another source,
response of smaller orifice meters to wet gas. there are correction factors published for horizontal meter
applications. The Chisholm correction factor is widely
considered to be the best, but users should be aware that
200 psia Uncorrected
this is for DPs ≤ 500” WC and for pipe diameters of
200 psia Corrected between 2 ½” and 4.” For within this range and with an
400 psia Uncorrected
accurately known liquid mass flow rate, the Chisholm
400 psia Corrected
40 800 psia Uncorrected correction is said to predict the gas flow rate to within
800 psia Corrected ±2% of the true value. Use of this correlation outside this
% Error

operating range can lead to unspecified additional

uncertainties. As yet, no published correlation is widely
accepted for use with meter diameters outside the range of
10 ½” and 4.”
0 References
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 -2% 0.5
1. International Standard Organization, 5167 Part 2.
2. American Gas Association Report No. 3, Part 1.
Figure 8. BP 2” Diameter, 0.515 Beta Orifice Meter
Wet Gas Data from CEESI - Uncorrected 3. Gas Processors Association GPA 8185-90, Part1.
and with Altered Chisholm Correction 4. American National Standard Institution ANSI/API
MPMS 14.3.1
Finally, it should be noted that little has been said with
regard to vertical flow applications. Little information is 5. Schuster, R.A., “Effect of Entrained Liquids On A
in the public domain with regard to this. It is widely Gas Measurement,” Pipe Line Industry Journal,
agreed that no meter should be installed where there could February 1959.
be churn flow. Annular mist flow installations are more 6. Murdock, J.W., “Two-Phase Flow Measurements
appropriate, but little to no data and correction factors with Orifices" Journal of Basic Engineering, Vol.84,
have been published on the issue. pp 419-433, December 1962.
Conclusions 7. Chisholm, D., "Flow of Incompressible Two-Phase
Mixtures through Sharp-Edged Orifices," Journal of
It is very important to check the plate regularly for Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 9, No.1, 1967.
damage when the orifice meter is in wet gas service. A 8. Chisholm, D., "Research Note: Two-Phase Flow
damaged plate must be replaced. Through Sharp-Edged Orifices," Journal of
Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 19, No. 3,
All published research is for horizontal flow (although tap 1977.
position - whether an orifice meter has flange taps, corner
taps, or pipe taps - appears to make little difference to the 9. McConaghy, B.J., D.G. Bell, and W. Studzinski,
wet gas response). No public information is available for “How Orifice-Plate Condition Affects Measurement
vertical wet gas flow orifice meter installations. If an Accuracy,” Pipe Line Industry Journal, December
orifice meter has to be installed for a vertically upward 1989.
wet gas flow application, it should at least be in a
10. Ting V.C., et al., “Effect of Liquid Entrainment on
situation where annular mist flow exists and not churn
the Accuracy of orifice Meters for Gas Flow
Measurement,” International Gas Research
Conference, 1993.
An operator should check to confirm that the DP
transmitter is not reading the upper range limit of the 11. Steven, R., F. Ting, and G. Stobie, “A Re-Evaluation
device. If it is, the device is likely saturated and the DP of Axioms Regarding Orifice Meter Wet Gas Flow
reading is not reliable. This is a very common problem Performance”, South East Asia Hydrocarbon Flow
with wet gas flow measurement with any DP meter - Measurement Workshop, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
including the orifice meter. March 2007.
12. Hall, A. and R. Steven, “New Data for the Correction
of Orifice Plate Measurements in Wet Gas
Conditions,” South East Asia Hydrocarbon Flow
Measurement Workshop, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
March 2007.

Josh Kinney

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