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Subject Code 19EC402 Subject Name SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS Common To

Dr.S.Nagarajan, Dr.P. Sinthia,

Faculty Name Department ECE ECE,BME,ME
Dr.A. Saranya, Dr. K. mahendran

(PART A – 2 Marks)
Q. No Questions CO Level
Level (1-5)

QA101 CO1 K3 2

QA102 The given signal x(n)= cos(0.1𝜋n) is periodic. Its fundamental time period is 20. CO1 K3 3

A signal x (t ) is said to be periodic if x(t )  x(t  T ) for all ‘t’. The smallest value of ‘ T ‘ for
QA103 which the condition is satisfied is called the fundamental period. Example: sinusoidal signals CO1 K2 3

A signal x(t) is said to be energy signal if

QA104 0 E   CO1 K2 4
A signal x(t) is said to be power signal if
0 P 

QA105 𝑥[𝑛] = 3𝛿[𝑛] + 2𝛿[𝑛 − 1] + 𝛿[𝑛 − 2] − 4𝛿[𝑛 − 3] + 2𝛿[𝑛 − 4] − 3𝛿[𝑛 − 5] CO1 K3 3

Q. No Questions CO Level
Level (1-5)

QA201 CO2 K4 4

QA202 CO2 K4 3

State the conditions for the existence of fourier series.

(i). The function x(t) should be single valued in any finite time interval T
QA203 (ii). The function x(t) should have atmost finite number of discontinuities in any finite time interval T. CO2 K2 4
(iii). The function x(t) should have finite number of maxima and minima in any time interval T.
(iv) The function x(t) should be absolutely integrable.

QA204 CO2 K4 4

QA205 CO2 K2 4
Q. No Questions CO Level
Level (1-5)

QA301 CO3 K2 2

QA302 y(t)=(e-2t-e-3t)u(t) ROC: Re(s)>-2 CO3 K4 3

Initial value

QA303 Final value CO3 K4 3

Property 1: The ROC of X (s) consists of parallel strips to the imaginary axis.
Property 2: The ROC of LT does not include any pole of X(s).
Property 3: If x(t) is a finite duration signal, and is absolutely integrable then the ROC of X(s) is
the entire s-plane.
QA304 Property 4: For the right-sided (causal) signal if the Re(s) = 0, and is in ROC, s-plane then for all CO3 K2 2
the values of s for which Re(s) > 0 is also in ROC
Property 5: If x(t) is a left-sided (non-causal) signal and if Re(s) =0 is in ROC then for all the
values of s for which Re(s) < 0, ais also in ROC.
Any 4 properties--(2 Marks)

QA305 CO3 K4 4
Q. No Questions CO Level
Level (1-5)

QA401 CO4 K4 3

QA402 CO4 K4 4

QA403 CO4 K4 3

QA404 Time shifting property CO4 K4 4

QA405 CO4 K4 3

Q. No Questions CO Level
Level (1-5)
x ( n) 
X ( z) ROC : R1  | z |  R2
QA501 1 1 CO5 K1 2
x (  n) 
X ( z 1 ) ROC : | z | 
R2 R1

Using time shifting property of z-transform,

QA502 CO5 K3 3
X(Z)= Z-K ROC: Entire Z-plane except Z= 0.

For causal signal x(n),

x(0)  lt X ( z )
QA503 z  CO5 K1 2
where X ( z )  z  transformof x(n)

QA504 1.Partial fraction method , 2.Power series method, 3.Convolution method ,4.Residue method CO5 K1 1

QA505 CO5 K3 3
Impulse response h(n)= (n-2)
PART B – 13 Marks

Q. No Questions CO Level
Level (1-5)
(i) (i)

QB101 (a) CO1 K4 4

(8 Marks )
xe (t )  {cost  sin t  cost sin t  cost  sin t  cost sin t}  cost
(ii) (ii)
x0 (t )  {cost  sin t  cost sin t  cost  sin t  cost sin t}  sin t  cost sin t
(iii) (5 Marks )
(i) Time period of 2 cos10t  1 is T1  2   sec
10 5

Time period of sin(4t  1) is T2  2   sec

4 2

T1 2
The ratio of two periods is  5
T2  5
The ratio of two periods is a rational number.
Therefore, the sum of two signals are periodic and the period is given by
 
T  2T2  5T1  2   5    sec
2 5
(i) (5 Marks )
(ii) (ii) Linearity:

y (n)  x(n)  nx(n  1)

y (n)  T [ x(n)]  x(n)  nx(n  1)
For an input x1(n),
QB101 (b) y1 (n)  T [ x1 (n)]  x1 (n)  n x1 (n  1) CO1 K4 3
For an input x2(n),
y2 (n)  T [ x2 (n)]  x2 (n)  n x2 (n  1)
Weighted sum of outputs is given by
ay1 (n)  by2 (n)  ax1 (n)  an x1 (n  1)  bx2 (n)  bn x2 (n  1)
Output due to weighted sum of inputs is
y3 (n)  T [ax1 (n)  bx2 (n)]  [ax1 (n)  bx2 (n)]  n[ax1 (n  1)  bx2 (n  1)] (3)
y3 (n)  ay1 (n)  by2 (n)
Therefore, the system is linear.
Time invariance:
y(n) T [ x(n)]  xn  nxn  1.
If the input is delayed by k units of time then the output is ,
 
y (n, k )  T [ x(n  k )] = x n  k  nx n  1  k .
Output delayed by k units of time is,
y(n  k )  xn  k   (n  k ) xn  1  k .
y ( n, k )  y ( n  k )
Therefore, the system is time –variant. (2)
The output depends on present input and future input . Therefore, the system is non-causal.
If x(n) is bounded {i.e., | x(n) |  } for all ‘n’, the output is unbounded as ‘n’ increases.
Therefore, the system is unstable. (2)


QB102 (a) CO1 K4 4

N 2
 1  n 
Energy  lt  x(n)  lt    
 3  
n0 
N  N 
n N

N  1 2  N
 1 

1 1 9
 lt      lt          J
 3   n  0  9   n0  9 
N 
n 0 
N   1 8
2 n
1 N
1 N
Power  lt
N   ( 2 N  1)

n N
x ( n )  lt
N   ( 2 N  1)
    0 watt
n0  9 
(i) Elementary continuous Time Signals

1) Unit step
2) Unit ramp
3) Unit impulse
4) Rectangular Pulse
5) Triangular
6) Signum
7) Sinc
QB102 (b) 8) Gaussian CO1 K4 3
9) Sinusoidal
10) Exponential
-Definition , representation of each signal (7)

(ii) N1= 4 N2=16 N3= 8 and

Fundamental time period is N = 16
The signal is periodic (6)

(i) Linearity:

yn   x(n 2 )
y (n)  T [ x(n)]  x(n 2 )
For an input x1(n),
y1 (n)  T [ x1 (n)]  x1 (n 2 )
For an input x2(n),
y2 (n)  T [ x2 (n)]  x2 (n 2 )
QB103 (a) Weighted sum of outputs is given by CO1 K4 3
ay1 (n)  by2 (n)  ax1 (n 2 )  bx2 (n 2 )
Output due to weighted sum of inputs is
y3 (n)  T [ax1 (n)  bx2 (n)]  [ax1 (n2 )  bx2 (n2 )]
y3 (n)  ay1 (n)  by2 (n)
Therefore, the system is linear. (2)
Time invariance:
y ( n)  x ( n 2 )
y (n)  T [ x(n)]  x(n 2 )
If the input is delayed by k units of time then the output is ,
y(n, k )  T [ x(n  k )]  x((n  k ) 2 )
Output delayed by k units of time is,
y (n  k )  x(n 2  k )
y (n, k )  y (n  k )
Therefore, the system is time –variant. (2)
The output depends on future input . Therefore, the system is non-causal.(1)
If x(n) is bounded {i.e., | x(n) |  } for all ‘n’, the output is bounded. Therefore, the system
is stable. (1)
(ii) y (n)  x(n) 
x(n  1)
a b
ay1 (n)  by2 (n)  ax1 (n)   bx2 (n) 
x1 (n  1) x2 (n  1)
Output due to weighted sum of inputs is
y3 (n)  T [ax1 (n)  bx2 (n)]  [ax1 (n)  bx2 (n)] 
[ax1 (n  1)  bx2 (n  1)]
y3 (n)  ay1 (n)  by2 (n)
Therefore, the system is non-linear. (2)
ii)The output depends on present input and past input only. Therefore, the system is causal.
If the input is delayed by k units of time then the output is ,
y (n, k )  T [ x(n  k )]  x(n  k ) 
x(n  1  k )
Output, delayed by k units of time is,
y (n  k )  x(n  k ) 
x(n  1  k )
y ( n, k )  y ( n  k )
Hence the system is time-invariant. (2)
If x(n) is bounded {i.e., | x(n) |  } for all ‘n’, the output is bounded. Therefore, the system
is stable. (2)
(i) (i) Periodic ; N=15 ( 5)
(b) (ii) Odd Symmetry (2) CO1 K4 4
(iii)Power = ¼ Watts (6)

Knowled Difficulty
Q. No Questions CO ge Level Level (1-
(Blooms) 5)

QB201 (a) CO2 K4 4

Magnitude of F {$(t)}= 1

Phase angle of X(jΏ) = 0 (6)

QB201 (b) CO2 K4 4

F{ 𝒆−𝒂𝒕 𝒖(𝒕)} = 1/ a + jΏ

P hase angle of X(jΏ) = - tan-1 Ώ/a (7)

QB202 (a) CO2 K4 3


QB202 (b) CO2 K4 4


Magnitude spectrum of a triangular pulse is shown below .

QB203 (a) CO2 K4 4


-2t -6t
(i) x(t) = 0.25e u(t)-0.25e u(t)
= 0.25 (e-2t-e-6t) u(t) (9)

QB203 (b) (ii) The conditions are

a) f(x) must be absolutely integrable over a period. CO2 K4 4
b) f(x) must have a finite number of extrema in any given bounded interval, i.e. there
must be a finite number of maxima and minima in the interval.
c) f(x) must have a finite number of discontinuities in any given bounded interval,
however the discontinuity cannot be infinite. (4)
Q. No Questions CO Level
Level (1-5)


QB301 (a) CO3 K4 4

Time convolution

QB301 (b) CO3 K3 3


Initial value Theorem


Final value Theorem


QB302 (a)
CO3 K4 3



(i) (4)
QB302 (b)
CO3 K4 3
(ii) (5)

(iii) (4)

QB303 (a)
CO3 K4 4





QB303 (b)
CO3 K4 4



Q. No Questions CO Level
Level (1-5)
(i) sampling theorem proof & diagrams (8)
(ii) To reconstruct the continuous time signal x(t) from sampled signal g(t), we should be
QB401 (a) CO4 K4 4
able to recover X (ω) from G(ω). This recovery is possible of there is no overlap between
successive G(ω). this is possible if ωs > 2ωm or fs > 2fm
If the condition ωs > 2ωm is satisfied, x(t) can be recovered exactly from g(t) using an ideal
low-pass filter whose characteristic is shown in Fig. 10.3d with a gain Ts and cutoff
frequency greater than ωm and less than (ωs− ωm ).
Consider the frequency spectrum of sampled signal g(t) which has been obtained by
sampling x(t) with a sampling frequency fs < 2fm. The frequency spectrum of G(ω). When
fs < 2fm, the signal is said to be under-sampled. When the high frequency interferes and
appears as low frequency, then the phenomenon is called aliasing.
The effects of aliasing are as follows:
1. Distortion in signal recovery is generated when the high and low frequencies
interfere with each other.
2. The data is lost and it cannot be recovered.
Different methods are available to avoid aliasing:
1. To increase the sampling rate fs so that fs > 2fm.
2. To put anti-aliasing filter before the signal x(t) is sampled.


QB401 (b) CO4 K4 4



QB402 (a) CO4 K4 4




QB402 (b) CO4 K4 5

a) b) c)
QB403 (a) CO4 K4 5

d) e)

QB403 (b) (i) (7) CO4 K4 4

The required sampling rate is 5000 samples per second. The maximum frequency of the given
signal is 5000 Hz. The sampling rate is not equal to twice the maximum frequency content of the
given signal and occurs. The given signal cannot be recovered. fs=5000 Hz,
2fm=10,000 and fs < 2fm (6)

Q. No Questions CO Level
Level (1-5)
(i) Convolution Property -4 Marks
(ii) Scaling Property - 3 Marks
QB501 (a) (iii) linearity Property -3 Marks CO5 K3 3
(iv) Shifting in time domain Property -3 Marks


QB501 (b)
(i) X ( z )   x( n) z
n  
CO5 K4 3
 e j 0 n  e j 0 n 
x(n)  sin 0 nu (n)    u ( n)
 2j 
j 0 n  j 0 n

e e   n 1   j 0 n  n   j 0 n  n 
X ( z)    z  e z   e z 
n0  2j  2 j  n  0 n0 
1   j  0 1 n   j  0 1 n 
  (e z )  
2 j  n  0 n0
(e z ) 

If | e j 0 z 1 | 1 and | e  j 0 z 1 | 1 , the above series converges. That is for | z | 1 , the
series converges and we get,
1  1 1 
X ( z)   j 0 1
  j 0 1 
2 j 1  e z 1 e z 
1  1  e  j 0 z 1  1  e j 0 z 1 
  
2 j  (1  e j 0 z 1 )(1  e  j 0 z 1 ) 
1   e  j 0 z 1  e j 0 z 1 
  j 0 1  j 0 1 2 
2 j  (1  e z  e z  z )
(sin0 ) z 1
 ROC :| z |  1
1  2(cos0 ) z 1  z  2


z  transform of x(n) is   x ( n) z
n  

Set of values of Z for which the series converge is referred to as ROC.

 If x(n) is a causal finite sequence then the ROC is the entire z-plane except at z = 0.
 If x(n) is a anti causal sequence of finite duration then the ROC is the entire z-plane except
at z = ∞.
 ROC cannot contain any poles.
 If x(n) is a finite duration two sided sequence the ROC is entire z-plane except at z = 0 and
z = ∞.
 If x(n) is a causal infinite sequence then the ROC is outside a circle in z plane.
 If x(n) is a anti causal sequence of infinite duration then the ROC is inside a circle in z-
 If x(n) is infinite duration two sided sequence the ROC is a annular ring in z-plane .
. (3)

y (n)  y (n  1)  2 y (n  2)  x(n  1)  2 x(n  2)

Taking unilateral z- transform

 1
     
Y ( z )  z Y ( z )  0.5  2 z 2Y ( z )  z 1 (0.5)  0.25  z 1 X ( z )  2 z 2 X ( z ) 
sin ce x(n)  u (n) & x(1)  0 ; x(2)  0

QB502 (a)
  
Y ( z )  2 z 2Y ( z )  z 1Y ( z )  z 1  z 1 X ( z )  2 z 2 X ( z )  CO5 K4 3
  
Y ( z ) 1  2 z 2  z 1  z 1  X ( z ) z 1  2 z 2 
Y ( z)
z 2
2 z  z  2 1
 X ( z) 2 
z z z

sin ce x ( n)  u ( n) & X ( z ) 
z 1
Y ( z)
z2 z
 

z  2  1
z 2
( z  1) z2 z
z ( z  2) z z ( z  2)  z ( z  1)
Y ( z)   
( z  2)( z  1)( z  1) ( z  2)( z  1) ( z  2)( z  1)( z  1)
2z 2  z

( z  2)( z  1)( z  1)
Y ( z) 2z  1 A B C
   
z ( z  2)( z  1)( z  1) ( z  2) ( z  1) ( z  1) 2
1 1
A   ; B  ; C 1
3 3
1 1
 z z
Y ( z)  3  3 
( z  2) ( z  1) ( z  1) 2
y (n)  inverse z  transformof Y ( z )
1 1
y (n)  u (n)  (2) n u (n)  nu(n)
3 3


Solving using partial fraction, A=1, B=2.

QB502 (b) CO5 K4 4

𝑍(2𝑧 + )
𝐻(𝑍) = 2 (3)
3 1
(𝑍 2 − 2 𝑍 + 2)
1 𝑛
x(n)= (4) 𝑢[𝑛]

𝑋(𝑍) = ( ) (2)
QB503 (a) 1 CO5 K4 3
𝑍 2 (2𝑧 + )
𝑌(𝑍) = 2 ( 2)
2 3 1 1
(𝑍 − 𝑍 + ) (𝑍 − )
2 2 4
4 1 𝑛 8 1 𝑛
Y(n)= 21 𝑢[𝑛] − 10 (2) 𝑢[𝑛] + 3 (4) 𝑢[𝑛]} (6)

((i) X(Z)= 1 1 (4 Marks)
6(𝑍− )(𝑍− )
2 3
ROC-2 Marks
Pole Zero Plot- 2 Marks

QB503 (b) CO5 K4 4


𝑍(8𝑍 − 19)
𝑋(𝑍) =
(𝑍 − 2)(𝑍 − 3)
x(n)=3(2)𝑛 𝑢[𝑛] + 5(3)𝑛 𝑢[𝑛]} - (6)
(PART C – 15 Marks )

Q. No Questions CO Level
Level (1-5)

QC101 (a) CO1 K5 4

Non Linear
Time Invaraint
Stable (7)
QC101 (b) CO1 K5 4
Non Linear
Time Varaint
Stable (8)
Q. No Questions CO Level
Level (1-5)

QC201 (a) CO2 K3 3


(i) The Fourier transform of
X(t)= 1-t2 ; for ‫׀‬t‫<׀‬1

QC201 (b) = 0 ; for ‫׀‬t‫>׀‬1 is given by

CO2 K3 3

(ii) (07)

Q. No Questions CO Level
Level (1-5)

1. (2)


2. (2)
QC301 (a)
CO3 K4 4
3. (5)



QC301 (b) (10)

CO3 K4 4


Q. No Questions CO Level
Level (1-5)

QC401 (a) CO4 K4 5

Find D0 to D7.
D0 = 2, D1= 0.85 , D2= 0 , D3= 0.146, D4= 0, D5= 0.146, D6= 0, D7= 0.85 ,

QC401 (b) CO4 K4 4

Fourier transform

Fourier spectra


Q. No Questions CO Level
Level (1-5)
 x[n]=nu[n]-nu[n-6]
QC501 (a)  x[n]=nu[n]-(n-6+6)u[n-6]
 x[n]=nu[n]-(n-6)u[n-6]+6u[n-6] CO5 K4 4

Z{u[n]}=𝑍−1 -2 mark
Z{(n-6)u[n-6]}=𝑍 5 (𝑍−1)2 -2 Marks
Z{(u[n-6]}=𝑍 5(𝑍−1) -2 marks
𝑍 6 −6𝑍+5
X(Z)=𝑍 5 (𝑍−1)2 -2 Marks

(ii)𝑋(𝑍) = (𝑍−0.5)(𝑍−0.25)
𝑋(𝑍) = (𝑍−0.5) − (𝑍−0.25) - 3 marks

For Each ROC 2 marks


(i) Standard delay-form difference equation description of this system is

y(n)=3x(n)-3x(n-1)+0.5y(n-1) - 4 Marks
n n-1
QC501 (b) (ii) h(n)=3(0.5) u[n]-3(0.5) u[n-1] - 4 Marks CO5 K4 4
(iii)H(Z)= 𝑍−0.5 , System is Stable and Causal - 3 Marks
(iv) y(n)=3(0.5) u[n] - 4 Marks

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