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Answer Key for APRIL/MAY 2021 Examinations

Common To
Subject Code 19MC801 Subject Name Professional Ethics

Faculty Name Department Mechanical All branches
Mr.V.Vijaya Rajan

(PART A – 2 Marks)
Q. No Answers Scheme of evaluation
What is the scope of engineering ethics?
QA101 Any 2 – 2 Marks
ANS: Ehics of workplace, ethics related to product or work

Define ‘value’?
QA102 ANS: Sum of attitudes and behaviors of a person. To the society, values are principles, ideas or actions that are positive, Definition – 2 Marks
constructive and causing good to every human being
Define ‘civic virtue’?
QA103 Definition – 2 Marks
ANS: Duties and rights, as a citizen of village or municipality or a city or country

What are the factors that shape self-confidence in a person?

QA104 Ant 2 – 2 Marks
ANS: Attitudes of parents, influence of friends, of superiors and training in organisation

Define ‘spirituality’.

QA105 ANS: Awareness of spiritual dimension (mind and its development) of nature. It includes faith or Definition – 2 Marks
belief in supernatural power on worldly events.
Q. No Answers Scheme of evaluation
Write the uses of ethical theories.
QA201 Any 2 – 2 Marks
ANS: Understanding moral dilemma, in justifying obligations and ideas and in relating ordinary and professional moral-
Explain the term, ‘moral dilemma’.

QA202 ANS: Dilemmas are situations in which moral reasons come into conflict, or in which the application of Explanation – 2 Marks
moral values are problems, and one is not clear of the immediate choice or solution of the problems.

List the models of professional roles.

QA203 ANS: savior, guardian, bureaucratic servant, social servant, social enabler, game player Any 4 – 2 Marks

Define ‘moral autonomy’.

ANS: self-determinant or independent

QA204 Definition – 2 Marks

List the different tests for evaluating ethical theories.

QA205 ANS: Clear, internally consistent, theory and its defense depend only upon facts, comprehensive, and compatible with List – 2 Marks
moral convictions
Q. No Answers Scheme of evaluation

What is engineering experimentation?

QA301 Explanation – 2 Marks
ANS: the development of a product or a project as a whole may be considered as an experiment.

What are the limitations of codes of ethics?

QA302 ANS: vague wordings, not applicable to all situations, have internal conflicts, they can not be treated as final authority, Limitations – 2 Marks
only a few enroll as members in professional society and non-members can not be compelled, different societies have dif-
ferent codes, codes are said to be coercive

Give two conditions, essential for valid informed consent.

QA303 Conditions – 2 Marks
ANS: Consent is voluntary, all relevant information shall be presented in a clearly understandable form, and consenter
shall be capable of processing information and make rational decisions

What is the importance of Industrial Standards?

QA304 Importance – 2 Marks
ANS: Specification for interchangeability. Standardisation to reduce production costs but with better quality

What are the merits of standardized experimentation?

QA305 ANS: It creates an environment of equality. It is a way to teach learning prioritization.etc., Any 4 – 2 Marks
Q. No Answers Scheme of evaluation

Define the term safety and relate it to risk.

Definition – 1 mark
Relation – 1 Mark
ANS: Safety was defined as risks would be judged to be acceptable

What is the use of risk analysis?

QA402 Uses – 2 marks
ANS: To know risks and benefits, To decide on designs, advisability of product/project, To suggest and modify the
design so that the risks are eliminated or reduced

What is meant by confidentiality and why it is needed?

Definition – 1 Mark
ANS: Confidentiality means keeping the information on the employer and clients, as secrets. It is one of the Need – 1 Mark
important aspects of team work.

Define the term collective bargaining.

QA404 Definition – 2 Marks
ANS: bargain by the union for improving economic interests of the worker members, through negotiation, threatening
verbally, and declaration of ‘strike’

What do you mean by IPR?

QA405 Explanation – 2 Marks
ANS: nformation and original expression that derives its original value from creative ideas, and has commercial value. It
is an intangible asset)
Q. No Answers Scheme of evaluation
What do you mean by globalization?

QA501 ANS: Globalization means integration of countries through commerce, transfer of technology, and exchange Explanation – 2 Marks
of information and culture.

What are the advantages of MNCs to the host country?

ANS: Provision of significant employment and training to the labour force in the host country.
QA502 Transfer of skills and expertise, helping to develop the quality of the host labour force. Advantages – 2 Marks

What are the duties of an engineer as an experimenter, in environmental ethics?

QA503 Explanation – 2 Marks
ANS: Study how industry and technology affect environment, how to fix tolerable and actual pollution levels, protective
measures for immediate implementation, and how to educate people

Define ‘computer ethics’.

QA504 Definition – 2 Marks
ANS: Study and analysis of nature and social impact of computer technology, and formulation and justification of
policies, for ethical use of computers

Define the concept of ‘moral leadership’.

QA505 ANS: leading people to achieve goals and objectives, motivate them to move through morally desirable ways, leading Definition – 2 Marks
creatively in application, extension and putting values into practice and sustain professional interest among social di-
versity and cross disciplinary complexity
(PART B – 8 Marks - Either Or Type)

Q. No Questions Scheme of evaluation
Notes on
QB101 (a) Write short notes on Honesty and Integrity Honesty – 7 Marks
Integrity – 6 Marks


QB101 (b) Explain the role of yoga in Professional Ethics. Explanation – 13 Marks

Explanation on
QB102 (a) Explain the scope and importance of Professional Ethics. Scope – 6 Marks
Importance - 7 Marks

Importance of
Commitment - 7 Marks
QB102 (b) (i) Outline the importance of commitment in detail
Empathy – 6 Marks
(ii) Explain the importance of empathy

Importance of
(i) Interpret the importance of service learning in detail
QB103 (a) Service learning – 7 Marks
(ii) Outline the importance of civic virtue in detail
Civic virtue – 6 Marks

Time management – 7
(i) Explain how time can be managed in detail
QB103 (b) Marks
(ii) Compare and contrast self –respect and respect for other
Comparison – 6 Marks
Q. No Questions Scheme of evaluation
Moral issues – 4 Marks
QB201 (a) Enumerate on Moral issues and types of inquiry Types of inquiry – 9


Explanation on Any two

QB201 (b) Discuss any two theories on Ethics
theories – 13 Marks

Skills and explanation – 13

QB202 (a) List and explain the skills required to handle moral problems/issues in engineering ethics.


Ethical theory – 8 Marks

QB202 (b) Discuss on the choice of ethical theory to study a problem, with an example
Example – 5 Marks

Types of inquiries and

QB203 (a) Discuss on three types of inquiries, giving an example each.
example – 13 Marks

Definition – 2 Marks
What is professionalism? Discuss the motives for professionalism and the models for professional
QB203 (b) Motives – 5 Marks
Models – 6 Marks
Q. No Questions Scheme of evaluation

Comparison – 13 Marks
QB301 (a) Compare the engineering experiments with standard experiments.


QB301 (b) Explain the code of ethics to be followed by an engineer Explanation – 13 Marks

I. Identify how can engineer become a responsible Experimenter. Identification – 7 Marks

QB302 (a)
II. Construct the code of ethics for Engineers. Code of ethics – 6 Marks


QB302 (b) Explain the characteristics of Morally Responsible Engineers. Explanation – 13 Marks

Definition – 2 Marks
QB303 (a) What is research ethics? Discuss the models of research ethics with suitable examples. Discussion with an
examples – 11 Marks


QB303 (b) What are the steps in confronting the ‘moral dilemma’? Steps – 13 Marks
Q. No Questions Scheme of evaluation

QB401 (a) Discuss in detail the ‘risk benefit analysis’ Discussion – 13 Marks


Importance with example

QB401 (b) Discuss on the importance of Collective Bargaining with suitable example.
- 13 Marks

QB402 (a) Discuss in detail testing strategies for safety. Discussion – 13 Marks


Explanation – 6 Marks
QB402 (b) Explain “Employee Rights” and its role in a Business Organisation
Role – 7 Marks

Discuss the testing strategies for safety with suitable examples. Mention the difficulties in assessing the Discussion – 7 Marks
QB403 (a)
personal risks. Difficulties – 6 Marks


QB403 (b) Discuss on the ‘intellectual property rights’. Discussion – 13 Marks

Q. No Answers Scheme of evaluation

Consultant – 7 Marks
QB501 (a) Write in detail about Engineers used as Consultant and advisor.
Advisor – 6 Marks


QB501 (b) Discuss in detail about the moral and ethical issues involved in use of computer technology. Discussion – 13 Marks

QB502 (a) Discuss the role of engineers in weapon development with suitable examples. Discussion – 13 Marks


What is environmental ethics? Explain the various disasters. Develop a scenario to explain about envi- Definition – 2 Marks
QB502 (b)
ronmental ethics to be followed as an engineer Explanation – 11 Marks

Discuss on the participation in professional societies.

QB503 (a) Discussion – 13 Marks


QB503 (b) Explain the role of engineers as managers. Explanation – 13 Marks

(PART C – 15 Marks - Either Or Type)

Q. No Questions Scheme of evaluation

What are the spiritual traits to be developed for excellence in an organization? Discuss with List – 5 Marks
QC101 (a)
suitable examples. Discussion – 10 Marks

self-confidence and its importance –
(i) Explain in detail about self-confidence and its importance 8 Marks
QC101 (b)
(ii) Explain about character and its importance character and its importance – 7

Q. No Questions Scheme of evaluation

QC201 (a) Compare the interpretation of Kohlberg and Gilligan, with an illustrative example. Comparison – 15 Marks


Distinguish between causal responsibility, moral responsibility and legal responsibility with
QC201 (b) Comparison – 15 Marks
an example each.

Q. No Questions Scheme of evaluation

QC301 (a) What are the safety lessons one can learn in the ‘Challenger’ case? Discussion – 15 Marks

Explain the Bhopal gas tragedy. Discuss the violation of moral ethical and professional Explanation – 5 Marks
QC301 (b)
codes of standards in it. Write the conclusion to avoid such disaster in future. Discussion – 10 Marks

Q. No Questions Scheme of evaluation

QC401 (a) Write a brief report on the ‘Three-Mile Island’ and ‘Chernobyl’ accidents. Discussion – 15 Marks


Explanation with example – 15

QC401 (b) Explain the basic attitudes toward responsibility with suitable examples.

Q. No Questions Scheme of evaluation

Explanation with example – 15

QC501 (a) Does globalization solve the global issues? Why or why not?


QC501 (b) Discuss on the philosophical views of nature. Discussion – 15 Marks

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