Photovoltaic Plants Generation Improvement Using L

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Photovoltaic plants generation improvement using Li-ion batteries as energy


Article · June 2011

DOI: 10.1109/ISIE.2011.5984478


19 1,018

5 authors, including:

Hector Beltran A. Luna

Universitat Jaume I Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


Gerardo Vázquez Guzmán E. Belenguer

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Universitat Jaume I


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Photovoltaic Plants Generation Improvement
Using Li-Ion Batteries as Energy Buffer
♠ ♠
H. Beltran♦, M. Swierczynski♣, A. Luna , G. Vazquez and E. Belenguer♦

Universitat Jaume I. Dpt. Industrial Systems Engineering and Design – Av. Sos Baynat s/n, E-12071 Castelló – Spain

Aalborg Universitet. Institute of Energy Technology – Pontoppidanstræde 101, DK-9220 Aalborg – Denmark

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Dpt. of Electrical Engineering – Colon, 1, 08222 Barcelona – Spain

Abstract – this paper analyzes the PV power plants operability

improvement obtained when introducing energy storage (ES)
systems which allow decoupling the power received from the sun
on the photovoltaic (PV) panels from the power injected by the
power plant into the grid. Two energy management strategies
are presented and analyzed, using Li-ion batteries as the energy
storage buffer. The generated power redistribution and its
variability reduction are All the results obtained in this paper
are based on one year long simulations which used real
irradiance data sampled every two minutes.

Fig. 1. Combined PV+ES system topology.

than actual production [11-13]. This will help TSOs to have
Most of renewable energy systems (RES) present the big an improved and easier system balance since RES power
handicap of producing power intermittently [1]. For a future production forecast will be more predictable. Besides, grid
further development of RES, as well as the promising level ES will be particularly important in matching supply
implementation of viable and stable intelligent microgrids [2] and demand over 24 hours time periods in both the EPS and
and distributed generation (DG) philosophy, energy storage local microgrids.
(ES) systems turn to be a key technology, together with a On the demand side, further improvements have to be
flexible demand response, and a spot pricing [3,4]. performed too [10]. Demand response programs which send
Nowadays, intermittent energy sources are limited to at most market pricing signals to consumers can be a very effective
25–30% of the electricity produced for assuring the grid way of managing the variations in electricity production. For
proper operation without introducing such measures [5-7]. example, intelligent ES devices can be set to store energy
Meanwhile, some situations have already been experienced in when electricity is being produced beyond current demand
countries such as Denmark or Spain when wind electric (and prices are low) and conversely, set to distribute energy
production has been, during periods of several hours, well when demand is high (and prices are high). This practice is
above this percentage [8]. Nonetheless, not all renewable called energy arbitrage [14, 15].
sources are intermittent. Those systems which can be This paper focuses on the case of PV plants since they are
considered continuous include: biofuels, hydroelectric, tidal truly intermittent and, although representing a low percentage
and geothermal power as well as some which can be still on the electric production in most of the countries nowadays,
considered prototypes: energy tower, high altitude airborne their quick installed power increment may force them to have
wind turbines, and space-based solar power satellites. to cooperate in the grid operation offering some ancillary
Regarding solar photovoltaics (PV), although technically services and, for that reason, some ES system (ESS) has to be
intermittent, they produce mostly during peak consumption integrated within these plants, as depicted in Fig. 1. This
periods (i.e. daylight), reducing the need for global peak paper analyses the operability improvement obtained with
power generation. Unfortunately, peak demand periods in the this combination (PV+ES) along one year.
residential sector do not correspond with peak availability of The paper starts with a brief summary on ES technologies
solar energy, weakening the idea of autonomous PV systems and its selection. Then, the PV power plant integrating an
in this sector, which motivates the development of new and ESS and the lithium ion battery model used for the study are
more effective ES and energy recovery systems [9, 10]. presented in section III. Section IV is devoted to the different
Grid level ES will allow DG and grid operators (TSOs) to energy management strategies which can be implemented in
send excess electricity contained over the Electrical Power such a system. Thereupon, its performance and some
System (EPS) to temporary electricity storage sites which will simulation results are presented in section V. Finally, some
become energy producers when electricity demand is greater conclusions remarks are introduced in section VI.

978-1-4244-9312-8/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 2063

ES is the capability of storing electricity or energy and The system considered in this paper is a combined PV+ES
releasing it for use during other periods when the use or cost power plant whose overall topology can be observed in Fig.
is more beneficial. ES became already a dominant factor in 1. It consists of a 40kW PV plant integrating an ES system
economic development with the widespread introduction of composed by Lithium ion batteries whose characteristics are
refined chemical fuels, such as gasoline, kerosene and natural gradually modified to perform the analysis. This system
gas in the late 1800s. Unlike other common ES systems used represents a prototype to be constructed in the coming months
earlier, such as wood or coal, electricity has always been used in a Spanish southern location.
when generated. To the moment, it has never been stored on a The goal of this kind of combined distributed generation
major scale, a trend which may soon change e.g. the U.S, the plants is to incorporate ES capabilities which will allow
2009 stimulus plan enhances research on energy storage and offering ancillary services to the network operator [11], not
how it may be used with the new plans for a Smart Grid [16]. available nowadays in standard PV plants. It is analyzed in
Electricity is transmitted in a closed circuit and, for this paper the operation of the ES system as a buffer which,
essentially any practical purpose, cannot be stored as by being charged and discharged continuously, will
electrical energy. This means that changes in demand could complement the PV instantaneous production so that a
not be accommodated without either cutting supplies (as by defined power value at the point of common coupling (PCC)
brownouts or blackouts) or by storing the electric energy in can be offered or assured. If it cannot be achieved at any time
another medium [17, 18]. As previously introduced, even it is envisaged with a certain and increased probability.
renewable energy must be stored in order to make it reliable In this sense, the control scheme of the plant is based on a
and sustainable [19] (e.g. wind blows intermittently and power reference to be followed according to:
hence some form of ES is required to compensate for calm
ܲ௥௘௙ = ൫ ܲாௌ + ܲ௣௩ ൯ (1)
periods, or the case of solar energy which is not effective on
cloudy days so ES must be available to compensate for the Being Pref the power reference (to be established by TSO
loss of sun energy). depending on strategy), Ppv the instantaneous power provided
Focusing on ES technologies, those systems in commercial by the PV panels (depending mainly on location and weather)
use today can be broadly categorized mainly as: mechanical, and PES the currently received/ delivered ES power, the one to
chemical or electrochemical and electromagnetic. Those most be controlled, which is in turns:
important and developed nowadays are listed in Table 1. ݀‫ܧ‬ ܲ
Discharge: ܲாௌ > 0 ↔ ாௌൗ݀‫ = ݐ‬− ாௌൗ∈ (ܲ ) (2)
Amongst the different storage technologies available on the ௗ ாௌ
ܲாௌ < 0 ↔ ݀‫ = ݐ‬−ܲாௌ ·∈௖ (ܲாௌ ) (3)
market, only few of them are able to meet requirements Charge:
established for specific applications and connection to PV Where:
plants. Requirements set for ES are: fast reaction time, high • EES – currently stored energy (available energy)
efficiency, maturity of the technology, possibility of freely • ∈௖ – charging efficiency
sizing storage power and capacity, efficiency, maintenance • ∈ௗ – discharging efficiency
ease and relatively long cycle life [27-29]. Lithium ion
batteries are meeting all those requirements and, moreover, it To predict the battery behavior and its performance under
is likely that their performance will be significantly improved different operational conditions a model of Lithium Ion
due to large research effort which is being performed battery was developed.
especially focused on its potential application to electric
vehicles [30]. Besides, their dynamical properties seem to fit 1. Lithium ion Battery model
perfectly for solar variations and some experience has already The modeling approach is directly based on a battery
been gained with them in the field of wind power [20-22]. equivalent circuit; hence, the Lithium ion battery is modeled
The Lithium ion battery model developed for this study is as a State of Charge (SOC) controlled voltage source and its
introduced in the following section III. equivalent impedance, as can be seen in Fig. 2, where R
represents the conducting resistance and the resistance from
Electro- Electro-
Mechanical Chemical
chemical magnetic

Pumped-Hydro Biofuels Fuel cells Capacitors

Compressed air Liquid nitrogen Batteries Ultracapacitors

Flywheels Biogas Flow batteries
ting magnetic
Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit based lithium ion battery model.

leading wires, R1 and C1 represent effects caused by mass The duration and value of the constant power step used as
transport, and R2 and C2 represent effects caused by the power reference can be varied along the year, adapting it to
charge transfer and the electrochemical double layer. the average expected irradiation of each month. In fact, not
Parameters of the equivalent impedance are also function of only one but several different steps can be introduced along
the SOC [23-25]. To each parameter of the equivalent circuit, the day in the power reference, as depicted in Fig. 4 for a one
specific physical phenomena can be ascribed. Model day period, in order to reduce the size of the ES adapting
parameters are obtained by performing Electrochemical these steps to the PV production. However, these multiple
Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) for different values of SOC constant steps references do reduce the constancy of the final
[25]. There is a straightforward relation between the model combined plant power output. In the upper Fig. 4, it can be
and real batteries because all the coefficients and parameters appreciated the curves corresponding to the PV panels power
were obtained experimentally [23]. It is also to note that production, the batteries power exchange and the reference 2
according to [23], although the model was developed for a step power curve. On the lower Fig. 4, the evolution of the
specific type of battery, it can be valid for other kinds of SOC of the ES along the day simulation can be observed.
lithium ion batteries. Finally, it is to point out that the model The main goal of this control strategy would be providing a
used in this paper does not include characteristics such as: more constant and more predictable solar production which
influence of temperature, ageing or self-discharging. could be better traded. Hence, this strategy seems appropriate
The battery model together with a battery power controller for clear days when the total irradiance can be forecasted and,
were developed in the Matlab/Simulink environment (block hence, the guaranteed constant output power easily
diagram in Fig. 3). The power controller regulates the battery calculated. It is important to point out that the power
current in order to obtain the required power. Charging reference to be followed along the day will probably be
/discharging current limits and maximum SOC limitations are traded on power markets and communicated in advance to the
also included in the model. TSO in future scenarios.
For example, in one first example reported in [26] the
IV. CONTROL STRATEGIES FOR THE PLANT plant output power value is transmitted to the electric power
company 24 hours in advance. It is also stated in that
When operating a combined PV+ES power plant some new example, analyzing a wind power plant (WPP) with ES that
services can be offered to the network operator thanks to the the required battery power to follow the reference is 60% of
buffer capability introduced by the ES system [11]. This is the WPP output power (51MW wind turbines with 34MW
the base for future ancillary services provided by solar plants. NaS batteries). According to that, this strategy requires high
A first step is to rearrange the plant production and improve power and capacity levels to minimize SOC saturations.
its predictability by defining one specific controlled power
reference to be injected by the plant to the grid. Two main 2. Fluctuations reduction control
energy management strategies are presented here defining This second control strategy is based on the production
different power references which have been implemented and smoothening by a much more frequent reversed exchange of
tested in the digital model under consideration. energy between the batteries and the PCC than in the previous
strategy. It flattens the power delivered by the combined plant
1. Constant output power control to the EPS at the maximum according with the ES capacity.
This energy management strategy is based on establishing a The outlook of the power exchanges in a whole day time with
constant power reference to the plant which it should provide completely intermittent solar production due to clouds
to the EPS by combining its PV production with the batteries presence can be observed in Fig. 5. An ES system with 0.5pu
energy reserve, which is known by means of the SOC level. power and 0.5pu energy capacity (in a 1 hour range) is
considered in this case. The upper Fig. 5 shows the PV power
as well as the combined plant power production. The lower
Fig. 5 depicts the SOC of the ES system along the whole day,
responding to the ES power demands.
Hence, this strategy seems appropriate not for clear days
but mostly for cloudy days when the total irradiance depends
strongly on clouds and, hence, the plant output power cannot
be guaranteed. So, the goal for this strategy is that of
flattening the PV production in order to reduce the
intermittent solar power spikes which could disturb the EPS
and reduce quality service. This strategy tends to decouple the
power injected by the plant to the EPS from the PV
Fig. 3. Block diagram of the battery system. instantaneous production.

Fig. 4. A constant output control example, with 2 steps. Fig. 5. A fluctuation reduction control example.

3. Other strategy complements changes or instantaneous changes which could be required by

Two complementary actions can be added to these control the TSO and are wanted to be in a controlled way), and on the
strategies. One first action would be the control of the ES other hand to the fast and very frequent power variations
SOC. By defining a preferred SOC which should be achieved encountered in the fluctuations reduction strategy produced
within a certain period of time, defined as Tau, the system by climatic phenomena (variations desired to smooth).
would suffer a modification on its power reference since it Only the preferred SOC complementary control has been
will have to recover in that Tau time the preferred level for considered in this paper.
the SOC. Therefore, the equation governing the combined
power plant operation when this preferred SOC is defined is: V. SIMULATION RESULTS
൫‫ܧ‬ாௌ − ‫ܧ‬ாௌ௠௔௫ ∙ ܱܵ‫ܥ‬௙௩ ൯ In order to analyze the PV power plant operability
ܲாௌ = ൫ ܲ௥௘௙ − ܲ௣௩ ൯ + (4)
߬ improvement obtained along a year when introducing an ESS,
Where: a set of simulations considering time periods of 365 days
• Pref – power required at the PCC have been carried out. Real irradiance solar data have been
• Ppv – solar photovoltaic power used in the analysis. Those have been adapted to a 40kW PV
• EESmax – capacity of ES power plant to get an estimated, but realistic, PV generated
• ܱܵ‫ܥ‬௙௩ – preferred state of charge power curve along the year. Besides, different lithium ion
• ߬ – storage charge time constant batteries, with their corresponding energy capacities and
The first part in (4) is responsible for the output power instantaneous power limitations, have been simulated.
reference tracking, being the second part responsible to However, for the sake of clarity and brevity of the paper, only
maintain the SOC as close as possible to the preferred value. the case of battery rated 0.5p.u in of the PV plant nominal
The balance between those two tasks is determined by storage power and with energy enough so as to supply the maximum
time constant which shows how fast the control should make PV production during 2hours is presented. Charging and
the ES to reach that preferred SOC. discharging efficiencies are considered equal to 1, the
And a second complementary action would be the power preferred SOC is 0.5 and the storage charge time constant
gradient limitation control. This additional control, which can fixed to 12h (the average time of darkness along the year
be integrated too in any of the two strategies previously along which the system can recover the initial SOC
introduced, is focused on limiting the power changes in the configuration to restart its daily operation).
plant power reference to some extend within a certain time So, plant behavior on the one side and probability distribu-
(limit dP dt ). In this way, these power gradient limitations tion and the power injected frequency domain response under
could be applied on the one hand to the reference step such configuration on the other side, for the two different
changes in the constant power strategy (the programmed control strategies considered, are here explained.

1. Results for the constant output strategy 2. Results for the fluctuation reduction strategy
Further simplifications in the simulation parameters For the case of the fluctuation reduction control strategy,
variability have been taken into account for each control some simplifications have been considered too since different
strategy in order to keep clarity and brevity in the paper; for degrees of fluctuation reduction can be achieved. A medium
the case of the constant output power strategy, results degree of flattening, trying at the same time to smooth the
comprehending just the case of introducing a single power large PV oscillations due to irradiance variability and to
step in the daily reference are here introduced. Besides, minimize the power exchange between the plant and the grid
among the multiple possibilities and combinations of length before the sunrise and after the sunset has been implemented
and power value of this reference power step which would as can be appreciated in Fig. 7, where the same time period as
balance the batteries, input and output energies, along each for the previous strategy has been registered.
day just the case of a 0.75pu step lasting 8 hours per day is Both Fig. 7 and Fig. 9 represent for this strategy the same
presented. Simulation results for this configuration are variables as Fig. 6 and Fig. 8 did for the constant power
depicted in Fig. 6 and Fig. 8. While Fig. 6 represents the plant control strategy. It can be appreciated already in Fig. 7 the big
interacting powers (upper figure) and the ES system energy difference in the behavior and performance of the plant. Here,
level (lower figure) for a random 6-day period within the year since the power reference is softer the plant has no problem to
(depicted every 2 minutes, sampling period) which contains follow it (in fact, reference and total final production are
clear and cloudy days, Fig. 8 represents both the frequency superposed, upper Fig. 7) and the range of energy it uses to
domain response and the probability distribution of the power follow this reference and, hence, filter the initial solar power,
injected for the whole year, respectively. is much smaller (only around 14kWh in front of than 50kWh
The constant power control strategy performance can be for the previous strategy). Regarding Fig. 9 and its
appreciated in Fig. 6. From the initial solar power (linearly corresponding results, the upper figure shows how the
dependent on irradiance) the doted red line is obtained as the frequency response is largely modified for high frequency (as
final PV+ES power plant production which tries to follow the desired to avoid with this strategy) although the cumulative
dashed green line. The large variations in the ES SOC are due probability is hardly changed.
to the pretended goal of following the reference power, quite
an energetic demanding curve. These energy fluctuations tend VI. CONCLUSIONS
to reestablish during night hours (power reference equal to
zero) the preferred SOC, as can be appreciated in the lower The aim of this paper was to analyze the PV plants
Fig. 6. Regarding Fig. 8, the effect of this strategy on the generation improvement possibilities that can be obtained
frequency content of the generated power can be appreciated when integrating some ES system, more precisely Lithium
to be low. However, it is clearly observed in the lower Fig. 8 ion batteries, in the plant. The study and simulation results
how effective it is when trying to improve the cumulative showed that the proposed PV+ES combined plant topology
probability and making the production more predictable. can achieve an advanced performance capable to reduce the

Fig. 6. Constant output strategy performance. Fig. 7. Fluctuation reductions strategy performance.

Fig. 8. Constant output power strategy results. Fig. 9. Power fluctuations reduction strategy results.

PV production variability and hence, improving its months should allow us to confirm the validity and technical
predictability. In particular, two different control strategies viability of our proposal.
have been simulated producing different results. While the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
constant power control strategy allows a clear reorganization
of the production, making it more constant and predictable, This work was supported in part by the projects ENE 2008-
the power fluctuations reduction control strategy only 06841-C02/ALT and TRA2009-0103 of the Spanish Ministry
improves the high frequency variations and not an of Science and Innovation and in part by the project
Besides, power and energy requirements on both strategies P1•1A2008-11 of the Fundació Caixa Castelló-Bancaixa..
differ significantly one from the other. So, different ES
technologies could be applied in one or the other strategy. REFERENCES
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