Research Essay Assignment

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EV201 Environment and Society in the South Pacific



The Pacific island region have always pride themselves to have some of the cleanest and healthiest natural
environments (marine and terrestrial) on the planet. However this perception is gradually changing mainly
due to the growing negative environmental impacts associated with economically-driven activities coupled
with high population growths across the region.

A core interest of this course is to understand how socioeconomic activities influence the interactions
between pacific societies (humans) with their physical environment. Most of these interactions have
detrimental impacts on the natural environment.


This is an individual task where each student will be required to identify and then conduct a desktop research
on a current environmental issue/problem in a pacific island country of their choice, and present their
research finding in a form of an essay.

Your research must strictly adhere the following phases.

1. Identify and describe a current environmental issue/problem in a pacific island country of your
2. Determine the cause(s) and effect(s) of this problem on the natural environment in that country.
3. Determine how the country’s government and/or NGO’s responded this environmental
4. Outline two (2) possible solutions to the problem that have proven successful in other
countries/parts of the world?
5. Discuss why you think the possible solutions reported in part four (4) will or will not work for
your country of interest.
6. In conclusion, how you are going to deal with this environmental problem if you are given the
mandate by the government to tackle the problem.

Researching information

Since this is an academic essay, you are expected to cite factual information from primary sources i.e.
peer-reviewed journals, books, technical reports etc. to support your points. Please note that Wikipedia
is NOT a primary source. However it may provide some lead to primary sources that it cites but
Wikipedia should never be used as a primary reference source in academia.

Essay Format

The essay MUST have a title, body (this may include subsections with sub-titles), conclusion and
bibliography. The essay must be typed and double-spaced using font-size 12 and a font-type that is

Inserts You are permitted to include pictures/tables/graphs in your essay

Referencing style Use APA style 6th or 7th edition

Length The research essay must be between 2000–2500 words long. This is inclusive of
your bibliography as well as figure and table captions used etc.

DUE DATE: Week 11 – 11:55pm Saturday June 11

EV201 Environment and Society in the South Pacific

EV201 Research Essay – Marking Rubric


Desktop research Structure and development of Grammar &

Content appraisal Formatting Hypothesis or paradigm
(technical approach) argument Spelling


i.e. Percentage 2% 7% 2% 5% 2% 2%
overall mark
attributable to
Meets criteria of reference style The paper is well structured i.e. Excellent, few or consistent Develops new hypothesis from
Outstanding evidence of Outstanding evidence of strict has an appropriate title, body and
used, with very few errors in
some systematic adherence to the six (6) conclusion and bibliography. grammatical or spelling review of existing literature or
80-100 reference referencing
phases of discussion given in
questions or rejects a major
review of literature the instruction sheet. The paper developed a clear mistakes paradigm.
argument and rooting this in well
The paper isinformation.
well structured (i.e.
Strong evidence of strict Meets criteria set by the Develops or enriches hypothesis
has an appropriate title, body and Clear, some grammatical or
Strong evidence of reviewing adherence to the six (6) reference style used, with a
70-79 conclusion and bibliography) and
literature phases of discussion given in organised, developing an spelling errors under direction, or questions or
the instruction sheet. few addressable errors rejects a major paradigm.
argument and rooting this in
Good evidence Good evidence of strict There is a clear organisation to Some evidence of questioning
60-69 adherence to the six (6) Generally meets criteria of the
of reviewing literature the paper’s structure Generally good, a few errors, validity of paradigm or moving
phases of discussion referencing style used, with
given in the instruction some errors throughout the development, but may not towards a new model or hypothesis
inconsistent spellings
Some evidence of Some
sheet. evidence of strict review document. always beof
Evidence logical
or flowing.
of the Little or no originality, accepts
reviewing literature adherence to the six (6)
phases of discussion given in argument, but only adequately literature, whether appropriate or not.
Fails to identify enough of Little evidence sheet.
the instruction of strict structured
Poorly structured argument, no Poor, grammar sometimes No evidence of original thought or
Falls far short of the referencing
40-49 adherence to the six (6)
the literature to yield an style formatting criteria development makes meaning difficult to critical appraisal of the field of study.
phases of discussion given in
informative review of the instruction sheet.
or no of reviewing Insufficient / No evidence of Little or no evidence of interpret,
Falls Inconsistent
far below spelling
the standard Little or evidence of understanding
10-39 Little or no evidence of
literature / incomplete review strict adherence to the six (6) organisation, no logical the literature, nor reporting or
formatting and what style is for submission and is
or grammar
phases of discussion given in
being implemented
0-9 No evidence of literature the instruction sheet. development Unintelligible appraisal.
frequently difficult to follow.

Total Possible Marks: 100 Total Mark: ___________


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