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Samantha Marin

ENGL 1302 03R

Mrs. Lupita Strong
I was trying to communicate the importance of having a perfect pronunciation and why

ESL students should improve it. In my submission, I talk about how people believe that learning

an additional language can be hard, but how it is even harder to learn how to speak it and how to

have a proper pronunciation of this one. Also, I mentioned that not having a good pronunciation

can affect you while speaking to other people since it would cause for other to not be able to

understand what you are trying to say. However, changes can be made, and with time and

dedication improvement can be achieved. I give some strategies that can be used for ESL

students to practice or to use if they need them. I also included some strategies for professor to

use in case of having ESL students or to incorporate into their class to help other students learn

an additional language. During my artifact, I used a school where ESL students are trying to

communicate with other students, and they have difficulties doing so. I would be starting with

the ESL students trying to study and having notes on their first language, which would look

amazing. Then. The following day, the same student would be giving a speech and would fail to

send the message that he wanted to for not having a proper pronunciation and would result in his

classmates not understanding him and the point of the speech. Through this, I tried to say that

you may have a good idea or that you probably want to express something, but sometimes it is

not possible because your pronunciation is too vague, and people don’t understand you. Then,

want you must do is not be sad but to improve it by using the strategies that I proportionate in my

In my artifact, we would be seeing an ESL teenager in his room who would be sitting at a

desk with a bunch of notes written in his first language. I would be using a teenager since my

audience is mostly ESL high school students. The notes would be looking great and would show

that he had a lot of ideas and much to say. He would look happy because he seems to have it all

under control and ready for his presentation. Then, we would be changing the scene and know

we would be at a school because once again, I am talking about high school students. Also, I

prefer to do it that way for the audience to feel more identifiable and to make the sense that there

are not the only ones passing for the same, but that there are other teenagers that are struggling as

them. The teenager would be behind a podium, and he would be about to give out a speech. He

would be getting his notes out as he practices in his room because everybody takes something

with them when giving a presentation just in case, we forget something. He would be not looking

at the audience but instead, he would be looking at his notes, I choose that one because shy

students tend to not make eye contact with others while speaking. Then, he would start, but his

pronunciation would be so bad that he would stop every time to correct himself and it would be

hard for others to understand him. Suddenly, everything that he had planned to say would

disappear and he would not find the right words to say it, and the notes would not help much

since these ones would be written in his first language. After what he had lived, he would notice

that if he had practiced speaking in another language with others would have help him develop a

better pronunciation.

It would help ESL students make conscious of what they should do and why it is

important to practice speaking in another language with others. It would work by putting a

teenager in the same situation that all ESL students have been or in one that they can be if they

don’t nothing about it. The audience that I would be approaching this time would be ESL high
school teenagers. These students are willing to move into a new place and learn its culture but

are not sure how to do that. They are willing to do all of this just to have a better opportunity in

life and a better future. I know all of this because it is the same process that passed already since

I was a child.

My own experience and some sources helped me get an idea of what I wanted to do and

how I would do it. I passed in a similar situation and I can ensure that it is horrible to feel

insecure, unable to express and communicate your feelings and not be understood. Then, I would

ask myself would everyone be passing through the same situation? If so why haven’t someone

done something about it? What can be done? Would actually be beneficial? So, I decided to help

others overcome this problem and help them improve while they learn another language.

I didn’t use any article for the use of color, but I did want to maintain neutral colors, and

blue since it is a masculine color and it means trust and confidence which need to be used while

learning an additional language. I used some articles and sources that would say that using

teenager to represent teenager help them feel more comfortable and identifiable and that they

would be willing to watch either a video, ad, or image more often if it would have a teenager or

someone around their age. Some others said that teenagers that have problems communicating

with each other tend to not make eye contact, that they seem nervous, that they would look

down, etc. so I decided to include it in my video. These articles did help me get some ideas on

what I could include and why.

What I have learned about engagement is that we need to know our audience and the things that

they would like and know. That we need to use things that are meaningful for them and that we

need to work on something that would make them enjoy and have a better and clear

understanding of what are we talking about. Research is important to have you work complete
and to find some more ideas that you can incorporate into your essay. Sources are a great method

to accomplish this, and to find arguments that would support your research. However, I have

learned that we need to verify the sources and analyze if the information in them is veridic and

real. We live in an era where fake news are almost everywhere and we don’t want our research to

be full of lies and fake statements. Another thing that I learned was that we should try to use

many of them as possible and cover every single angle of a story because if we only use one, we

would only be giving out one point of view.

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