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Group Reflection Document -- 10 Marks

Describe the first ideas that came up for discussion

when your group started the project.

The first idea that came up was The Hare and The
Tortoise. (The title was chosen by Zachary and
Jaden, as Raul was absent)

Describe how the group agreed to break up the

project into smaller tasks.

The animation is going to be 3 minutes long:

● Zachary is doing the Title page and the Group

Reflection Document
● Jaden is doing the five pictures in the
storyboard/sequence images and end credits.
● Raul is doing Presentation

What different things did your group try out as you

went along with your project?

Our group tried out:

● Mit Scratch
● Google Docs and Google Images
Group Reflection Document -- 10 Marks

What changes did the group make and why did you
make them?

Changes that were made in the group:

● Due to one member of the group not being able
to contribute (internet problems) there was
reorganisation of assigned tasks.
● Subsequently, all three members were able to
communicate via telephone and now know what
they have to do.

Describe the group’s biggest challenge for this

project and how you overcame it.

Our group's biggest challenge was communicating

online due to loss of internet connection.

Describe an improvement you would make if you

had more time for the project.

An improvement we would make is to make the

animation longer and have champion music when
the tortoise won.
Group Reflection Document -- 10 Marks
Group Reflection Document -- 10 Marks
Group Reflection Document -- 10 Marks
Group Reflection Document -- 10 Marks
Group Reflection Document -- 10 Marks
Group Reflection Document -- 10 Marks
Group Reflection Document -- 10 Marks

End Credits

Starring The Hare and The Tortoise

The Animators

Zachary Keith
Jaden Joseph
Raul Lewis

Special thanks to Google Images

Group Reflection Document -- 10 Marks

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