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Mental Health's State at the Time of Pandemic

Because of Covid-19 pandemic, a lot of people experience mental health problems. According to World

Health Organization, it affects 19% of the adult population, 46% of teenagers and 13% of children each

year. Why do we need to experience this and how can we cope up to this situation? Why are teenagers

prone to depression? Let's discuss furthermore as we go into my presentation. A pleasant, greetings to

each and everyone of us. I am Dana Pelagio and I am here to present my speech regarding about mental


What exactly is a mental illness or psychological sickness? It is a physical disease of the brain that causes

unsettling influences in thinking, behavior, energy or feeling that make it hard to adapt to the ordinary

demands of life. Research is having a study to reveal the confounded reasons for these sicknesses which

can incorporate hereditary qualities, brain chemistry, mind structure, encountering trauma as well as

having another medical conditions, similar to coronary illness. The two most normal psychological

conditions are: Anxiety Disorders – More than 18% of grown-ups or adults every year battle with some

sort of anxiety issue, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder or panic attacks,

generalized anxiety disorder and specific phobias. Mood Disorders–like depression and bipolar

melancholy, influence almost 10% of grown-ups every year and are portrayed by challenges in

controlling one's mind-set.

Opening up about your mental illness will allow you to express how you truly feel and it gives others a

chance to help you by guiding you through the difficult times. If you are experiencing any form of

depression, or if you constantly experience negative thought patterns, seeking help with our mood and

anxiety treatment programs in Boca will be extremely beneficial for your wellbeing. Visiting a therapist

once a week will also aid in this process and you will start to feel the positive effects of opening up

immediately. Banyan Mental Health also suggests that you lean on your loved ones in times of need and
confide in someone about your struggles. You can talk about your problems with a trusted family

member, friend, mentor, or therapist. Bottling up these thoughts could potentially turn into a bigger issue.

Many individuals experience psychological issues because of numerous reasons, it could be a result of

family issue, abuse, trauma, loneliness and a lot more reasons to mention. With these issues turning out to

be progressively prevalent, it's imperative that we move mental health to the forefront of conversation

topics and have straightforward conversations about how we are genuinely feeling.

Open conversation about mental health can help everybody heal. What individuals don't understand is that

there are various approaches to effectively treat people who experience mental illness and you can carry

on with a typical way of life by figuring out how to appropriately deal with your emotional wellness

problem indications. The condition of your emotional well-being influences how you think, feel, and

ultimately at how you act. It's crucial that we express these feelings with others consistently.

What can you do if someone you know is currently having mental illness? Showing individuals respect

and acceptance removes a significant barrier to successfully coping with their illness. Having people see

you as an individual and not as your illness can make the biggest difference for someone who is

struggling with their mental health. Advocating within our circles of influence helps ensure these

individuals have the same rights and opportunities as other members of your church, school and

community. Learning more about mental health allows us to provide helpful support to those affected in

our families and communities.

As a community we must do more to help our loved ones by supporting them through the dark days and

talking about their mental health will spark the initial action. With suicide rates increasing, we must come

together and find positive ways to involve ourselves in the conversation and ultimately get our loved ones

the help they need before it’s too late.

The Importance of Talking About Mental Health: Banyan Mental Health. (2021, January 29). Retrieved
By: Jean Holthaus, L. (2020, September 10). The Importance of Mental Health Awareness: Pine Rest
Blog. Retrieved from

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