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Group 8




Jl.Lingkar Selatan Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul

Yogyakarta Telp.(0274)387656, Fax : (0274)387646

Website :

Tutor : apt. Aji Winanta, M. Sc

Chairman : Raihan Alfito Ramadhani 20210350121

Secretary : Regilang Lazuardi Imani 20210350009

members of the group : 1. Ayu Puspita Nugraheni 20210350040

2.. Rizka Arbaini Saputri 20210350051

3. Apip Purwaji 20210350058

4.. Dewi Rembulan Jelita 20210350092

5. Auliyaa Afifah 20210350098

6. Syifa Aulia Agustina 20210350103

7. Muammar Rifky Yuwana 20210350110

8. Mullah Muhammad Agwa 20210350123

9. Hira Aldiana Zahra 20210350125

10. Faiza Rahmah 20210350126

11. Sonia Desty Fitrianingrum 20210350129


The writers give thanks to Allah SWT for all His graces and gifts so that the authors
can complete the plenary discussion paper entitled "Papers Plenary Discussion Block 4
Scenario 3" as a discussion of the plenary discussion scenario that has been given. Salawat
along with greetings are always lavishly poured out to our lord, the great prophet Muhammad
SAW and his family, friends and followers until the end of time.

The authors recognize that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore the authors expect
constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement in the future. In completing this
tutorial report, the authors received a lot of help, guidance and advice. On this occasion, the
authors would like to express their respect and gratitude to:

1. Allah SWT

2. Both parents

3. Mr apt. Aji Winanta, M. Sc as group tutor 8

4. Friends in arms

5. All parties who assist the authors in making this paper

May Allah SWT give rewards for all the deeds given to all those who have supported
the authors and hopefully this paper is useful for us and the development of science. May we
always be protected by Allah SWT. Aamiin.

Yogyakarta, 11 Maret 2022

Drafting Team

Table of Contens
Table of Contens............................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER I.........................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Background.................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Purpose and Objectives...............................................................................................................5
CHAPTER II.......................................................................................................................................6
2.1 Scenario.......................................................................................................................................6
2.2 Scenario Analysis........................................................................................................................6
2.3 Seven Jump..................................................................................................................................6
Step 1 Classification unfamiliar of terms.......................................................................................6
Step 2 Problem Definition.............................................................................................................7
Step 3 Brainstorming.....................................................................................................................7
Step 4 Analizying The Problem.....................................................................................................8
Step 5 Learning Outcome..............................................................................................................9
CHAPTER III....................................................................................................................................10
3.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................11
3.2 Bibliography..............................................................................................................................11
3.3 Suggestion.................................................................................................................................12



1.1 Background

Amphetamines areone type of drug that is widely circulated in the community and is
widely known as shabu-shabu. Abuse Amphetamines are caused by the pleasurable
effects they can produce such as euphoria, increased energy and alertness, increased
libido and self-confidence, feelings of increased physical and mental capacity, and
productivity increase

Amphetamines are only available by prescription and should be used with extreme
caution. People who are prescribed amphetamine drugs should also be closely
monitored by a doctor because these drugs have a high potential for causing

The ability to analyze drugs is required by a pharmacist, especially for pharmacists

who work in industry and police laboratories. In drug analysis, the main things that
need to be considered include qualitative and quantitative analysis.

1.2 Purpose and Objectives

1. This paper is written as a discussion of block 4 plenary discussion scenarios in order

to achieve student understanding in theory.

2. Can solve the cases given in the scenario with the method of analysis and
group discussion learning.

3. The achievement of the objectives of the tutorial learning method.


2.1 Scenario

S, a pharmacist who works at the Police Forensic and Toxicology Laboratory, receives a
tablet sample from a raid site at a Night Club. It is suspected that the tablet is a type of
psychotropic amphetamine or its derivatives. To complete the police report, a qualitative
and quantitative analysis was carried out on the tablet.

2.2 Scenario Analysis

a) Psychotropic amphetamine and its derivatives

b) Quantitative analysis of amphetamines

c) Quantitative analysis of amphetamine

2.3 Seven Jump

Step 1 Classification unfamiliar of terms

1. Psychotropics

Are substances or drugs that can trigger hallucinations, illusions, thinking disorders,
sudden changes in feelings, to addiction in users. This drug works by decreasing brain
function and using the central nervous system.

2. Forensic Laboratory (Labfor)

Is a Forensic Laboratory as an element of implementing technical functions located

under Puslabfor under the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police which carries out
the task of conducting criminal technical examinations at crime scenes and/or
criminalistic laboratory examinations of evidence/tested goods by applying forensic

science in the framework of law enforcement services and development science and

3. Forensic

Is a field of science that is used to assist the process of upholding justice through the
process of applying science (science).

4. Toxicology

Is a field of science that studies the harmful effects that chemicals or substances can
have on humans, animals, and the environment.

5. Amphetamines

Are stimulant drugs (can only be obtained with a doctor's prescription) which are
usually used only to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults
and children.

Step 2 Problem Definition

1. What are the characteristics of amphetamine and its derivatives?

2. How do amphetamine work?
3. What qualitative analysis was used for amphetamine types and their derivatives?
4. What quantitative analysis is used for amphetamines and their derivatives?
5. Name and explain the classification of psychotropic drugs!
6. What are the side effects of amphetamines?
7. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Gas Chromatography
Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) !
8. What is the Basic Principle of Gas chromatography (GC)?

Step 3 Brainstorming

1. Amphetamines are a class of stimulants. The stimulant group is a type of drug that
can stimulate body functions and increase enthusiasm for work.
2. Amphetamine acts by stimulating the central nervous system, and the
sympathetic system by following the effects of naturally produced endogenous


3. The GC-MS method is one of them. Gas chromatography mass
spectrophotometry (GC-MS) is an acronym for gas chromatography mass
4. The gas chromatography mass spectrometry (MIM)
5. Can affect the central nervous system, diarrhea, weight loss, headaches,
menstrual pain.
6. The GC-MS method has a higher sensitivity and specificity than with other
methods and disadvantages is Gas Chromatography techniques are limited to
volatile substances.

Step 4 Analizying The Problem

1. Amphetamines are a class of stimulants. The stimulant group is a type of drug that
can stimulate body functions and increase enthusiasm for work.Amphetamines are in
the form of white crystal powder, odorless, slightly bitter in taste, and accompanied
by a thick taste, soluble in water and have a melting point of 285-287 degrees Celsius.
Its molecular formula is C9H13N, with a molecular mass of 135. The basic form of
amphetamine is volatile at room temperature and has been used as an inhalant, but is
no longer commercially available in the US.
2. Amphetamine acts by stimulating the central nervous system, and the sympathetic
system by following the effects of naturally produced endogenous substances.
Therefore, they are called sympathomimetics. In addition, amphetamine works by
increasing the activity of dopamine and noradrenaline in the brain. This way of
working will relieve the symptoms of narcolepsy and help people with ADHD to
focus more on their activities. This drug is also sometimes used to control appetite
and control weight. Able to help sleep, amphetamine works by releasing
neurotransmitters that have been broken down through transporters. This is why
this drug is used to control appetite and control weight. Increased concentration of
neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.
3. The GC-MS method is one of them. Gas chromaography mass spectrophotometry is
abbreviated as GC-MS. This apparatus is a hybrid of gas chromatography and mass
spectrometry. A new GC (gas chromatography) tool is used to identify the sample to
be analyzed, followed by an MS (mass spectrometry) tool. The combined use of GC
and MS is used to separate and identify the components of a mixture. Only
separation occurs in GC to obtain the desired component; however, if it is equipped
with MS (which acts as a detector), it will be able to identify the component since it
can read the molecular weight spectrum of a component, and there is a reference in
the program.
4. Name and explain the classification of psychotropic drugs!

psycotropics are drugs used by doctors to treat mental disorder (pysche) which
according to Law No. 5 of 1997 concering psychotropics are divinted into 4 groups,
namely :

a. group I is a psychotropic with a vey strong additictive power, it is prohibited
to be used for theraphy and only for the benefit and development of science.
like ; MDMA/ecstasy, LSD and STP
b. group II is a psychotropic with additictive power/strong but useful
for treatment and research. e.g. amphetamine, methylphenidate,
c. group III is a psychotropic with moderate addictive power and useful for
treatment and research (lumibal, buprenosia, pentobarbital,
d. group IV is a type of psychotropic which has mild addictive power and is
useful for treatment, such nitrazepam (BK, mogadon, dumolide),

5. The gas chromatography mass spectrometry (MIM) instrument was used to

determine amphetamine levels using the MIM (multiple ion monitoring) technique to
obtain the total ion chromatography results with the dose as the mooring time while
the ordinate is the relative abundance of the calibration curve that has been obtained
6. Can affect the central nervous system, diarrhea, weight loss, headaches, menstrual
pain. In small or moderate doses, it can affect the central nervous system, by causing
euphoria, increasing body temperature or hyperthermia, and can disrupt mood or
even improve mood.
Common effects: palpitations, nervousness, restlessness, headache, dry mouth,
stomach cramps, diarrhea, constipation, decreased appetite, weight loss, insomnia,
More serious side effects: severe dizziness, numbness, delusions and hallucinations,
fast pulse, serotonin syndrome, stroke, seizures, thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
Inhaling amphetamines through the nose can also damage the nasal passages and
cause nosebleeds. Meanwhile, if you inject amphetamine, it can increase the risk of
tetanus, infection, vein damage, and blood clots.

Step 5 Learning Outcome

1. Explain how to analyze amphetamine or its derivatives using the gas chromatography
mass spectrometry or GCMS method!

- In the MDMA or extacsy analysis method, which is an amphetamine derivative

compound, the analysis uses GCMS. Performed by dissolving the tablet powder with
2 ml of proanalytical pure methanol, then centrifuged for 5 minutes at 1800 rpm.
After that, the analysis was carried out using GCMS by injecting it into the GCMS
instrument. Then analyzed the results of the spectra that have been obtained, the
results of the GC spectra showed the presence of 2 peaks, which means that there are
two compounds contained in the tablet. The first peak was MDMA compound, with a
retention time of 10,875 minutes. The second peak is the caffeine compound with a
retention time of 13.341 minutes.
2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Gas Chromatography Mass
Spectrometry (GCMS) !

The GC-MS method has a higher sensitivity and specificity than with other methods.
The advantages of the GC-MS method compared to other methods among others:

- efficient
- high resolution so that it can be used to analyze very small particles such
as pollutants in the air, mobile phase (gas) flow
- very controlled and steady speed
- a wide variety of detectors that can be used in gas chromatography
(currently 13 types of detectors are known)
- it is very easy to mix the sample vapor into the mobile phase
- quick analysis, usually in just minutes
- does not damage the sample
- high sensitivity so that it can separate various compounds that are mixed
with each other
- and able to analyze various compounds even in low levels/concentration

In addition to the advantages of the GC-MS method, it also has disadvantages,


- Gas Chromatography techniques are limited to volatile substances.

- Gas chromatography is not easy to use to separate large quantities of mixtures.
- The gas phase compared to most of the liquid phase is not reactive to
the stationary phase and solutes.

3. Basic Principle of Gas chromatography (GC) is a type of chromatography used in

organic chemistry for separation and analysis. GC can be used to test the purity of a
particular material, or to separate various components from a mixture. In some
situations, GC can be helpful in identifying a complex compound. In gas
chromatography, the mobile phase is a carrier gas, which is usually a pure gas such as
helium. Stationary is a microscopic stage of a liquid or polymer layer supporting a
pure gas, within a part of a system of glass or metal pipes called columns. The
instrument used to perform gas chromatography is called a gas chromatograph (or
"aerograph", "gas separator"). In the GC spectra, if it is found that the sample
contains many compounds, it can be seen from the number of peaks. Based on known
retention time data from the literature, it can be seen what compounds are present in
the sample. For GC spectra, the most important information obtained is the retention
time for each compound in the sample.


3.1 Conclusion

In order to assist forensics effort in analyzing and identifying illegal substance

abuse, a few qualitative and quantitative analyzing methods has been used to best suit in
certain scenarios.

This entirely depends on the chemical nature of the plant compounds you are
interested in. Polar, typically non-volatile compounds such as sugars or hydroxy-
carboxylic acids are easier to analyze by LC/MS (HPLC coupled to MS). Apolar,
volatile compounds such as terpenes are ideally analyzed by GC/MS. Of course, one
can derivatives polar compounds to make them volatile enough and thus amenable to
GC/MS but from own experience this is not necessarily something you want to do after
you have spent a lot of time and effort on obtaining a crude yet purified plant extract
that (one hopes) contains the compounds one is interested in. Furthermore, you can use
analytical TLC to pilot and develop your HPLC method (column and mobile phase)
trialing silica as well as reversed-phase TLC plates.

In this case, as it seems amphetamine freebase is more volatile as expected even at low
temperatures, therefore the preferred method of analyzing suspect samples of
Amphetamine should be GC-MS as the method is more responsive in analyzing volatile
components compared to it’s similar identification tools.

3.2 Bibliography

Fessenden, Ralph J dan Joan S. Fessenden. 2010. Dasar-Dasar Kimia Organik, Tangerang:
Binarupa Aksara.

Regina Triswara dan Novita Carolia. 2017. Gangguan Fungsi Kognitif Akibat
Penyalahgunaan Amfetamin.Lampung:Majority

Dunika, M. M., 2015. Metamphetamina Rate Analysis in Blood Sample with GC-MS
Method. Chemistry Laboratory, 25 Juli, Volume II, pp. 22-26.

3.3 Suggestion

With the completion of the Plenary Discussion on Amphetamine analysis using Gas
Chromatography Mass Spectrometry , we hope that the writing of this report can broaden
the readers' insight, especially in understanding the whole material.


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