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Quarter 4 - Module 1
Science – Grade 4
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 1: Soil
First Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education- Region III

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer/Illustrator/Layout Artist
Lorylyn C. Fajardo
Content Editor/Content Evaluator/Layout Evaluator:
Joanette G. Rodrigo
Language Editor/Language Evaluator:
Charito N. Laggui
Management Team: Gregorio C. Quinto
Rainelda M. Blanco
Agnes R. Bernardo
Marinella P. Garcia-Sy
Glenda S. Constantino
Joannarie C. Garcia

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education--- Schools Division of Bulacan

Office Address: Curriculum Implementation Division

Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
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Quarter 4 - Module 1
Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step
as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM.
This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to
ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the
lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that
you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teachers are also provided
to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can best
help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of
this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercise and tests. Read
the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the tasks
in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.

What I Need to Know

This module provides varied activities that will help you

identify the English equivalent of words in the Mother Tongue
or in Filipino. LC Code:

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

 define what soil is;
 identify the different types of soil;
 describe and compare the different types of soil;
 identify the layers of the soil;
 investigate the effects of the soil type on the growth
of mongo seed; and
 identify the factors that affect the growth of plants

What I Know

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter
on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which type of soil is good for plant growth?

a. clay
b. loam
c. sand
d. subsoil

2. What is soil made of?

a. decayed plants and animals
b. minerals
c. rocks
d. all of them

3. What layer of the soil is made up of undisturbed large boulders and
a. bedrock
b. parent rock
c. sub-soil
d. topsoil

4. What caused the formation of soil?

a. pounding
b. rain
c. weathering
d. wind

5. How do seeds germinate?

a. When they are watered every day.
b. When they are exposed to sunlight.
c. When they get nutrients from the soil.
d. When there is enough air, moisture and warmth.

6. Which type of soil is good for pot making?

a. clay
b. humus
c. loam
d. sand

7. What gives the topsoil its dark color?

a. There is humus in it.
b. There are earthworms in it.
c. There are dirty substances in it.
d. There are black colored rocks in it.

8. Which is the lowest layer of the soil?

a. bedrock
b. parent rock
c. sub-soil
d. topsoil

9. In which condition will the plant grow well?
a. b.

c. d.

10. Why is soil important?

a. It is where we step.
b. It is where we build our houses.
c. It is the loose particles of the earth.
d. It is needed by plants in making food.

What’s In

Directions: You have come across these words in your

previous lesson. There are three words in
each box. These words are related with one
another. Make a good sentence out of these
words. Write your answers in the provided
answer sheet.

travel light 1.

reflection 2.

refraction 3. _________________________________
bending _________________________________

light 4. _________________________________
raindrop rainbow _________________________________

energy 5. _________________________________
sound _________________________________

B. Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct word. Choose your answer
from the box.

solid light of the sun volume noise sound waves

1. The softness or loudness of sound is called _____________.

2. The colors of the rainbow come from _____________.
3. Sound travels fastest in __________ medium.
4. The movement of sound is called ________________.
5. Any undesirable sound which disturbs the activities of human or animal
life is called ___________.

What’s New

What comes into your

mind when you see the
word land or soil?

Directions: List words related to land or soil that begin with each letter
of the alphabet. Try this in 10 minutes.









What is It

Soil is the loose upper layer of the Earth where plants grow. It covers
most of the land part of our planet. You can find plants, animals and other
organisms on the soil. It consists of a mix of organic materials such as
decayed plants and animals, broken pieces of rocks, and minerals. We
live on the soil and it helps us in many ways.
Different types of soil have different characteristics. Each soil type
differs in color, texture, odor and its ability to hold water.
There are three different types of soil in our environment. They are:

Types Common
of Soil Characteristics

Particles are packed together

Clay tightly. It is sticky when wet and
has the finest texture.

It is a mixture of sand and clay.

It contains large amount of
decaying plants and animals. It
has a fine texture.

Sand Particles are coarse and loose.

Soil is a system into which energy and matter from the sun,
atmosphere, and living organisms penetrate and interact. It is a system
because it is composed of different parts. Each layer has a special
function to perform.
1. Organic (O- Horizon) is also called the humus layer. It is a thick layer
of plant remains such as leaves and twigs.
2. Topsoil (A- Horizon) is a fairly thin layer composed of organic matter
called humus and minerals. Its dark color is a sign that it is rich in
humus. Humus comes from decaying plants and animals. This is the
primary layer where plants and organisms live.

Layers of the Soil

Organic (O- Horizon)

Topsoil (A- Horizon)

Subsoil (B- Horizon)

Parent Rock (C- Horizon)

Bedrock (R- Horizon)

3. Subsoil (B- Horizon) is located just below the topsoil. It is composed

of loosely arranged rocks, sand and clay. This layer is very rich in
minerals that drain from the topsoil. When the topsoil is washed out,
the subsoil alone cannot support plant life.

4. Parent Rock (C- Horizon) is composed of rocks that are slowly

breaking apart. It is exposed to very little weathering. It does not
contain necessary nutrients and water needed for plant growth.

5. Bedrock (R- Horizon) is the lowest of the soil layers. It is made up of

undisturbed large boulders and gravel. This layer contains materials
good for constructing buildings and making roads. No plant life can
survive in this layer.

What’s More

Independent Activity 1: Know That Soil!

This activity helps you define what soil is. You can also identify the
different types of soil based on their physical characteristics.

Directions: Read the instructions carefully and follow them correctly.

What you need:

3 plastic cups of the same size, shape
and color
3 popsicle sticks
3 plastic spoons
hand lens
3 sheets of white bond paper
hand shovel
permanent marker
a pair of gloves

What to do:
1. Ask for the help of an adult or a person who can assist you. Go to the
different areas in your yard.
2. Collect three samples of soil and place them in separate
3. Label each sample A, B and C.

4. Scoop at least two tablespoons of soil from each sample.

5. Place each sample on a separate bond paper.
6. Using a hand lens and a popsicle stick, observe each sample.
7. Write your observations on the table below.
8. After you completed your task, clean the place where you worked.

Soil Characteristics
Soil Color Texture Odor

Independent Assessment 1
Directions: Answer the following questions based on the activity you have

1. What common characteristics

did you observe from your

2. Do the samples have the same color, texture and odor? Why do
you think so?

3. Based on what you have 4. How would you define soil in

read, what do you think is the your own words?
type of soil you observed? ________________________
_________________________ ________________________
_________________________ ________________________
_________________________ ________________________

Independent Activity 2: Fast or Slow?
Directions: Here is another activity on soil. This time you are going to find
out which type of soil absorbs water fast and which absorbs
water slowly.

What you need:

3 pieces of clear plastic cups with the same size, shape and color with
fine holes at the bottom
stop watch
3 plastic spoons
3 samples of soil
3 clear jar or glass of the same size

What to do:
1. Fill each plastic cup with the different samples of soil. Make sure that
each cup is 3/4 filled.
2. Label the cups as A, B and C.
3. Place one cup in each jar so that they snugly fit.

4. Ask for the help of your parents or siblings to pour ¼ cup of water in
each cup at the same time.
5. Ask them to record the time when the water is completely absorbed by
the soil.
6. Observe the samples again.
7. Record your observations using the table below.

Characteristics Observation No. of
Cup Before After the water
Color Texture adding adding is
water water absorbed

As soon as you are done with your task,

please tidy your area and return the
materials used in their proper places. Do not
forget to wash your hands thoroughly.

Independent Assessment 2
Directions: Answer the questions that follow.
1. What did you observe when ___________________________
you added water to each soil ___________________________
sample? ___________________________

2. In which cup was water ___________________________

absorbed the fastest? How ___________________________
fast was it absorbed? Why do ___________________________
you think so?

3. In which cup was the water ___________________________

absorbed the slowest? How ___________________________
slow was it absorbed? Why do ___________________________
you think so?

4. What changes did you observe ___________________________
in the appearance or texture of ___________________________
each soil sample after you ___________________________
poured water in them?

5. What does this activity prove? ___________________________


Your next activity will help you find out the

factors that affect the growth of seeds. You
are going to use mongo seeds. Prepare
them ahead of time. Soak the mongo seeds
in water overnight. Got it?

Independent Activity 3: My Needs to Grow

Directions: Perform the activity carefully.

What you need:

a handful of presoaked mongo seeds
6 pcs. of clear plastic cups with tiny holes at the bottom
6 pcs. popsicle sticks
2 sets of 1 cup each of the three types of soil samples
graphing paper/ chart
clear plastic ruler
2 cups tap water

What to do:

1. Prepare 6 clear plastic cups of the same size.

2. Place equal amount of soil in each cup. Prepare two cups per type of
soil according to the illustration. Each cup will contain seeds and will
be watered during the activity.

3. Mark each cup with the same type of soil as:

4. Plant five pre-soaked mongo seeds overnight in each cup.

5. Sprinkle one tablespoon of tap water in each cup.
6. Place set-up A inside your house. Do not expose them to sunlight.
7. Place set-up B outside where they are exposed to sunlight.
8. Observe the set-ups for the next two days.

Use the table below to record your observations.

Table 1
Growth of the Mongo Seeds
Observe how many mongo seeds sprout each day.
Set- Types of soil Observations
up Used Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
With Sunlight

Without Sunlight

1. Observe the plants carefully without touching
or moving them.
2. Record the number of leaves that comes out
every day and measure the height of the
plants from root to tip using a transparent ruler
in centimeter (cm).
3. Observe the color of the leaves.
4. Copy the table below on your Science
notebook and record all your observations.

Table 2
Validate if days of observation can produce the expected results
Set- of DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3
up Soil Color Color Color
No. of Height No. of Height No. of Height
Used of the of the of the
leaves in cm leaves in cm leaves in cm
leaves leaves leaves
A Without sunlight

B With sunlight

Independent Assessment 3
Directions: Answer the questions based on the activity you have

1. In which cup did the seeds sprout first? Why do you think is this so?
2. In which cup and set-up did the seeds sprout the last? What do you
think is the reason behind this?
3. In which cup did the mongo seeds grow best? Why?
4. What do you think helped the mongo seeds sprout fast?
5. What does the activity show?

Remember, when doing experiments, you need to

deal with variables. Variables are factors or elements
that are likely to vary or change.
Controlled variable refers to the things, materials or
conditions that remain constant or the same in the
Independent or manipulated variable refers to the
things, materials or conditions that are varied or
changed in the experiment.
Dependent or responding variable refers to the
things, materials or conditions that respond to the

Use this rubrics to rate yourself in doing your activities.
5 4 3 2 1
Materials Materials are 1 or 2 3 or 4 5 or more No
complete needed materials materials materials
materials are absent are at all
are missing
Directions Independently Follows Needs Attempts Did not
follows written constant to do the perform
directions directions assistance activity the
correctly in without activity
following following
directions the
Questions Answered all Got 1 2 or 3 4 or 5 Did not
the questions incorrect incorrect incorrect answer
correctly answer answers answers the
Independence Performed the Performed Needed Let Let
activity the constant others do others do
without the activity help from most of the
help of others with a little others the activity
help from activity
Cleanliness The place There was Some Visible Not clean
was clean little litter materials litter was at all
and tidy and were not found in
materials returned in the area
used were place
well kept

What I Have Learned

Let us check if you understand the lesson about soil.
A. Directions: Fill the table with the correct information.

Question Category Characteristics

What is soil?

Soil is

B. Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct words to complete the

There are three types of soil. They are (1)_______, (2)_________, and
Soil also has layers, namely: (4) ________, (5) ________, (6) ______
(7) __________, and (8) ___________.

C. Directions: Draw a happy face if the statement is correct. If it is

not, draw a sad face and write the word/s that make/s the sentence

 word
or makes
 the

1. The topsoil is composed of rocks that are slowly

breaking apart.

2. Humus comes from decaying plants and animals.

3. Soil is formed from the breaking of rocks into

smaller pieces called pounding.

4. Seed germinates because it absorbs moisture from

the soil.

5. Clay is the best type of soil for growing plants.

What I Can Do

A. Directions: In the activities you did, you have learned the

characteristics of the three types of soil. Can you
describe each type of soil using the graphic

B. Directions: Take a walk around your yard. Observe the plants. Then,
answer the questions that follow.

1. In what type of soil do plants usually grow?

2. Why do you think plants grow well in that soil?
3. What do plants need in order to grow healthy?
4. What might happen to plants if they would be uprooted?
5. Why is soil important to plants?

C. Directions: Draw a plant. Inside each box, write what plant needs in
order to grow healthy.

After giving the things that plant needs to grow,

organize your answers into a short paragraph.



Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the

correct answer. Write the chosen letter on the provided
answer sheet.

1. How do you define soil?

a. It is composed of different layers.
b. It is made up of broken pieces of rocks.
c. It is the most important part of the earth.
d. It is the loose layer of the earth where plants and animals live.

2. How many types of soil are there?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

3. What is the primary layer of the soil where plants and animals live?
a. bedrock
b. parent rock
c. subsoil
d. topsoil

4. What is another name for the layers of the soil?

a. blocks
b. horizon
c. levels
d. stories
5. How do the types of soil differ?
a. color
b. texture
c. size of particles
d. all of the choices are correct

6. Which type of soil is good for making pots?
a. clay
b. humus
c. loam
d. sand
7. In the activity on the growth of mongo seeds, which is the manipulated
a. mongo seeds
b. soil
c. sunlight
d. water

8. Which type of soil is best for plants?

a. clay
b. loam
c. rock
d. sand

9. What does a seed need before it germinates or sprouts?

a. It needs love and care.
b. It needs good temperature.
c. It needs large amount of sunlight.
d. It needs to absorb moisture from the soil.

10. Why is soil important?

a. It is where we step.
b. It is where we build our houses.
c. It is the loose particles of the earth.
d. It is needed by plants in making food.

Additional Activities

A. Directions: Draw the layers of the soil in a short bond paper.

Color it and label each layer.

B. Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct information.

My chosen word is soil.

I know that I know something about __________________________.
First I know that _________________________________________.
In addition, I know that ____________________________________
Finally, I know that _______________________________________
Now, you know something that I know about ___________________

What I Know What’s In
1. b 1. Light travels in a straight line.
2. d
3. a 2. Reflection is when light bounces back to the source.
4. c 3. Refraction is the bending of light.
5. d
6. a 4. A rainbow is formed when the light of the sun passes through the raindrops.
7. a 5. Sound is a form of energy made by vibrations.
8. a
9. b
10. d 1. volume
2. light of the sun
3. solid
4. sound waves
5. noise
What’s More What I Have Learned
Answers in the activities may vary. A.
Question Category Characteristics
What is soil?
What I Can Do Soil is the upper -where plants
Loam loose layer of grow
1. fertile the Earth -consists of
organic materials
2. Fine
-it has three types
3. Mixture of clay -it has different
and sand layers
B. C.
Clay 1. loam 1. topsoil
1. packed 2. clay
2. Finest 3. sand 2.
4. organic
3. Sticky
5. topsoil 3. pounding
6. subsoil
Sand 7. parent rock 4.
1. coarse 8. Bedrock
2. Loose 5. clay
3. granule
1. d 6. a
2. c 7. a
3. d 8. b
4. b 9. d
5. d 10. d
Answer Key

A. Books
Abutay, Lelani R., Dinah C. Bonao, Editha B. Crucis, Jimmie C. Eslabra,
Ester T. Gramaje, Michelle H. Guadamor, Aniani I. Hernandez, Ligaya
G. Ilagan, Ferdinand M. Llamera, Raylene S. Manawatao,
Hermogenes M. Panganiban, Jennifer M. Rojo, Regin Rex P. Tosco,
Job S. Zape. Science Learner’s Material. Published by the Department
of Education, First Edition, 2015

B. Electronic Sources

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
For inquiries or feedback, please write:
Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan
Curriculum of Education,
Implementation Schools Division of Bulacan
Learning Resource Implementation
Management Division System (LRMDS)
and Development
Learning Resource Management
Capitol Compound, and
Guinhawa St., Development
City of Malolos, System
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
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