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PAT PAT DS350C TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL P/N 031-300-190-020 Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C NOTE: ‘The content of this manual is subject o modifications without notice. PAT does not assume any warranty with regard to this device including the implied ‘warranties of mezchantibility and suitability for particular purpose. PAT shall not be liable for errors contained in this manual nor for incidental or consequential damages related to the furnishing and the use of this book. ‘This document contains propriety information which is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced or translated without the previous ‘written consent of PAT, Copyright 1995 by PATUSA Release # 1.0-09.01.95 KMD. PAT PART¥ 031~300-190-020 ‘Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 GENERAL INFORMATION a IMPORTANT NOTES a SYSTEM DISCRIPTION wa GENERAL FLOW CHART za DEFINITIONS Bt LEVER LOCKOUTS ACTIVATED 4 BLANK CONSOLE DISPLAY st ANTI-TWO BLOCK PROBLEM 64 LENGTH INDICATION PROBLEM ra ANGLE INDICATION PROBLEM 8.1 LOAD INDICATION PROBLEM REPLACEMENT PROCEDURES, 9.0 LENGTH CABLE REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE. 10.0 ANGLE SENSOR REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 11.0 LENGTH SENSOR REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE, ILLUSTRATIONS & DRAWINGS 12.0 SYSTEM LAY.OUT 13.0 CABLE CONNECTIONS Wo JUNCTION BOXES 15.0 CABLE REEL & SUB ASSEMBLIES 16.0 ‘TROUBLE SHOOTING / ERROR CODE LISTING 17.0 CONTACT PAT SERVICE DEPARTMENT Ll 1 General Information ‘The PAT Load Moment indicator "! (LMI) DS 380 C has been designed to provide the crane operator with essential information indispensable for the operation of the crane within the preset design parameters. Using various sensing devices, the PAT Load Moment Indicator monitors various crane functions and provides the operator with a continuous reading of the crane's perform- ance data. The readings continuously change as the crane moves through the motions needed to make the lift. The Load Moment Indicator provides the operator with information about length and angle of the boom, jie height, radius, nominal load and the total load lifted by the crane. As soon as the crane reaches an unauthorised operating state, the Load Moment Indicator DS 350 C warns the crane operator by means of an audible alarm and a signal lamp and the cut-off of all movements that could aggravate the condition of the crane. 1) Lead Moment. genera, tis the producto a force and ts moment arm, speciicaly the product of load and ‘oad radius. is used to determing ine sting capacity of he eran 2 Important Notes The PAT Load Moment Indicator PAT DS 350 C is an operational aid warming the crane operator of an imminent overload or an approaching overhoist condition in order to prevent possible damages of equipment and injury of persons. The system cannot, and shall not, be a substitute for the good judgement or experience respectively of the crane operator or of the application of working methods in the Utilisation of a crane which are proven to be safe, The crane operator is solely responsible for the safe operation of the crane. He must observe and abey all wamings and instructions displayed. Prior to operating a crane the operator must carefully and thoroughly read and under- stand the information in this manual to make sure that he knows the operation and limitations of the LMI and the crane. Proper functioning depends on proper daily inspection and observance of the operating instructions set forth in this manual. Please confer chapter § of this manual. Warning | The display (1) can only assist the crane operator if the LMI is correctly adjusted and the correct load chart and operating code for the respective operating configu- ration have been selected. in order to prevent damages of the equipment and serious or fatal injuries of persons the correct adjustment of the LMI has to be | guaranteed before starting the crane work. IL 3 System description The PAT OS 350 C load moment indicator consists of a central microprocessor unit, operator's conscie, a lengihvangle sensor, pressure transducers and anti two-block switches, The system operates according to the principle of reference/actual comparison. The actual values resulting from the force or pressure measurement are compared to the reference data stored in the central processor memory and evaluated in the microprocessor. When reaching the limits an overload waming signal is generated at the operators console. Simultaneously. the dangerous crane movements such as hoistup, telescope out and boom down are cut-oft The crane-specific data, i.e. load char, boom weights, centers of gravity and dimensions are stored in the memory boards of the central unit. These data represent the reference values for the calculation of the operating conditions. Boom length and boom angle are registered by the lengthVangle sensor installed inside of the cable ree! mounted on the lateral side of the boom. The Soom length is measured by the length sensor rope which also serves for the transmission of the anti two-block switch signal ‘The crane load is measured by pressure transducers mounted to the piston and rod side of the heist cylinder. 3.1. System Function The PAT Load Moment Indicator (LMI) PAT DS350C has an operator's prompting simpli- fying the work with the crane and the LMI. After starting the engine the system executes an automatic test of the LMFSystem, the lamps and the audible signals. In case of an error the respective error code is displayed on the console. After the automatic test the crane operator has to select the operating made corresponding to the operating condition of the crane. Then, the system is ready for operation, 3.2 Operator's console ‘The console has two functions: ~ input of current crane configuration by the operator - display of important data, information and instructions Figure 1 illustrates the display and control elements of the console, ur Com _ maxi100,0001bs ® gact} 40,0001bs 60.0ft i} (> (100.2£t 45.5£t 50.5° Fig. 1 Operator's console 1. Display 11. Button "Hom off* 2, Anti Two-Block alarm fight 12, Without function 3. Load moment pre-warning light 19. Button “Hoist Selection’ 4. Qvetload atarm light 14. Button “Reevings* 5. Warning fight “By-passing? 15. Button ‘Counting downwards" 6. Button "Tare" 16. Kay switch for by-passing 7. Without furetion 17. Bypass Anti 2-Block lockout 8. Without function 18. Normal operation 3. Bulton“Operating Modes* 19. By-pass LM! lockout 10, Button “Counting upwards” ULL Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C 1.1 GENERAL FLOW CHART WHAT'S WRONG ? Is their a display on the console? | YES No Go To Section # >| 41 code | Ws theiran error code | a) Go To Section # 16 displayed ? i eee No Determine the problem from the following. ‘Anti-Two Block Lever lockouts Activated | Functioning improperly pees + Go To Section # 3 Go To Section # 5 y ¥ ¥ (~ Incorrect Length Incoreeet Angle Incorrect Load Displayed Displayed Displayed Aeoiaae natn y. v ¥ Go To Section #6 Go To Section #7 Go To Section #8 ‘Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350.C 2.0 DEFINITIONS L Pressure Transducer: The pressure transducer transforms hydraulic pressure into an electric analogue voltage signal. Two pressure transducers are connected, one to the rod side ofthe lift cylinder and one to piston side ofthe lift cylinder. The pressure transducer is connected to the junction box with a four conductor double shielded cable. ‘The power supply voltage is +5 and -5 volts. ‘The output signal is 0.000V at 0 pressure, and 1.0V at maximum pressure (4410psi) 2. The Length-Angle Transducer: The length-angle sensor (LWG) is a combination of two sensors located in the cable reel housing, fited at the base section of boom. They continuously measure the length and angle of the main boom. A reeling drum drives a potentiometer, which is the length transducer. Part of the length transducer is the length cable, a two conductor cable (core and shield) securely fixed to the boom head. It is connected through a receptacle to the anti-rwo block switch located also on the boom head. On the opposite end it is ‘connected to a slip ring assembly in the cable reel ‘The angle transducer is a pendulum driven potentiometer located in the cable reel housing. The angle ‘transducer is fitted in a small enclosure filled with oil ‘The power supply to both transducers is a common +5V. ‘The output signal for the length transducer is +SOOMV completely retracted, and +4,5V at 10 tums of the potentiometer. ‘The ourput signal for the angle transducer is + 125V at 0 degrees, and +1.875V at 90 degrees 3. _Amti-Two Block Switch: The anti two-block switch stops the movement of hoisting up, telescoping out and boom down functions when the hook block comes in contact with the anti-two block weight. In working conditions the switch is closed when the hook block contacts the weight the switch ‘opens, The switch transmits a 4.7k signal when in a closed position. The weight at the anti-wo block switch Keeps the switch closed until the hook block strikes it 4. Console: The console serves two purposes. One, it serves a8 a complete processing center for all sensors located on the machine. Two it provides a display of all pertinent information within the LMI. All ‘geometrical information, boom length, boom angle, radius and tip height is continuously displayed. It also provides the actual load and the maximum load permitted by the load chart. The bar graph provides a ccontinuos display of percentage of total permissible moment. Furthermore it has an alarm horn and a warning light for overload, and a prewaming light when 90% of total permissible moment has been achieved. Ithas on operating mode selection switch enabling the operator to select various crane ‘configurations. It has a reeving selection switch allowing the operator to select proper parts of line. It also thas a warning light for ant-two block conditions and an override key switch for overload and anti-two block conditions. Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C 3.1 LEVER LOCKOUTS ACTIVATED PROBLEM ‘The lever lock-out system of the crane is "ACTIVATED". Crane functions of "hoist up, telescope out and boom down" are stopped. Are console LMI Fault lights on? Is the Anti-Two Block light on ? No ES NO YES Go To Section # 16 Tum and hold the momentary over-ride key switch on the console to position # 19 order to by-pass the LMI lockouts. Try the crane functions now. Refer to drawing HILT in section IU, Are they functioning now ? Engage the "Master Over-ride key located at the junction box behind the operators cab. YES Are they functioning now ? YES Check supply voltage at PPM/PAT END interface terminal under dash. Refer to manufacture wiring Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C 4.1 BLANK CONSOLE DISPLAY PROBLEM Nothing displayed on the console screen. Check crane supply voltage at the PPM/PAT interface terminal located under dash. Measure between terminals # 1 (12/24v) and # 2 (GND). NOTE: System requires a minimum of 10v for proper operation. See drawing # 12.2 in section # 12 Reference crane manufactures drawings for proper wiring and fuse location. Possible internal problem | Refer to section # 17 peceaec Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C 5.1 ANTI-TWO BLOCK PROBLEM PROBLEM Function of Main Boom Anti-Two Block System is faulty. Ifa Jib configuration is being used ensure that the boom nose "Jumper Cable” is installed, If theirs still a fault, Refer to section # 5.4 Verify that the hock is lowered into a safe working position and that the anti-two block weight is suspended from the switch or the red "BYPASS" flag is installed Verify that the boom nose “Jumper Plug” is installed at the receptacle. Refer to drawing # 12.1 in section # 12 WORKING PROPERLY ? Remove “Jumper Plug” at boom nose and check the function of the anti-two block swith with an ohm meter between terminals #3 and # 4 of the receptacle. Verify that 4.7k ohm resistor has been installed between terminals # 4 and #5 in the "Jumper Plug" Switch Closed Remove and inspect receptacle wiring. Continued on nest page, Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C 5.2 ANTI-TWO BLOCK PROBLEM Continued from previouse page PREVIOUS PAGE Reinstall "Tamper Plug’ at boom nose and open cable reel. Remove core and shield from terminals X1 and X2 at the slip ring assembly and measure the resistance across the wire ends, You should see 4.7k ohms. Refer to drawing # 12.1 in section # 12, Short circuit in boom length cable. Refer to replacement procedures in section # 9, Disconnect wire # 5 and # 6 from terminal #7 and #8 at the cable reel. Measure the resistance with an ohm meter between terminals #7 and # 8. Refer to section # 12, Check continuity through the slip ring assembly by measuring between terminals #1 and #7 and then #2 and # 8, Refer to drawing # 12.4 im section # 1 Continued on next page. Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C 5.3 ANTI-TWO BLOCK PROBLEM PREVIOUS PAGE Clean slip ring assembly contacts and recheck continuity. Replace if necessary. Reconnect all wires at cable reel. In the Junction box behind the cab remove wire #9 and # 10 from terminal # 15 and # 16 and ‘measure across the two points with an ohm meter. A closed circuit should show 4.7k ohms. Refer to section # 12.1 in section # 12. Faulty wiring between cable reel and junction box. Check all wiring and connections. Replace if necessary Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C 5.4 ANTI-TWO BLOCK PROBLEM Working in a JIB configuration. Ensure that the hook is lowered into a safe working | “condition and chat the anti-two block weight is suspended from the switch or the RED "BY PASS" flag is installed. WORKING PROPERLY ? Remove "Jumper Cable" from JIB receptacle and with an ohm meter check the function of the switch by placing test leads om terminals # 4 and #5 of the receptacle. Refer to section # 12.7 im section # 12. Switch Open) Refer to section # 5.2 and trouble shoot main boom "Anti-Two Block circuit. Switch Closed W / 4.7K ohm resistor. ‘CORRECT ? Check all wiring and the function of the switch, Replace if necessary. Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C 6.1 LENGTH INDICATION PROBLEM PROBLEM ‘The displayed boom length does not coincide with the actual ‘measurement between boom heel pin and boom nose sheave wheels, With main boom fully retracted check mechanical adjustment of the length potentiometer in cable reel by carefully turning potentiometer axle counter-clockwise uuntil it stops. Refer to section # 15.3 in section # 15, Check supply voltages between terminals 1 (GND) and 3 (+5v). With the boom fully retracted measure the output voltage of the length sensor at terminal # 2, it should be 500m. Was a large adjustment needed ? YES If voltage is If voltage is not correct, correct, proceed. refer to replacement procedure # 11, Extend and retract the boom while ensuring that the axle of the potentiometer turns at the same rate as the gear wheel. Replacement of gear wheel and potentiometer assembly could be Recessary. Refer to section # 17. Continued on next page, Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C 6.2 LENGTH INDICATION PROBLEM Continued from previous page PREVIOUS PAGE (( extend and retract the boom while measuring the length signal | between terminal # 1 (GND) and # 2 (SIG). You should sce a gradual increase and decrease with the movement of the boom, Refer to section # 16.7 in section # 16. CORRECT ? ‘Again with the boom fully retracted, measure length signal at the junction box behind the operators cab between terminals # 11 (GND) and # 12 (SIG). The voltage should be the same as those measured in the cable reel. REFER TO SECTION #17 Refer to replacement procedures in section # 11. Faulty wiring between cable reel and junction ‘box. Check cables and connections. Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C 7.1 ANGLE INDICATION PROBLEM PROBLEM Angle indication does not reflect the correct position of the boom Ensure that the cable reel has not been damaged or moved out of alignment. If repair is needed, Refer To Section # 17 Place the boom at *0" degrees and open cable reel cover. First check the supply voltage by measuring between terminals # $ (GND) and # 6 (+5v) of the terminal block. Refer to section # 7.3 in section # 7. Go to the junction box located behind the cab and measure between terminals # 11 (GND) and # 13 (+5v). Refer to drawing # 16.10 in section # 16 YES At the cable reel check the output signal of the sensor by measuring between terminals # 5 (GND) and #4 (SIG). Refer to diagram # 16.10 in section # 16, NO CORRECT ? Faulty wiring is between cable reel and Junction box. Check all wiring and connections. Replace if necessary. Continued on next page. Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C 7.2 ANGLE INDICATION PROBLEM Continued from previous page PREVIOUS PAGE At the cable reel remove wire # 4 from the left side of the terminal block and recheck the angle sensors output signal by measuring between terminal # 5 (GND) and # 4 (SIG). Refer to diagram # 16.10 in section # 16. Reconnect wire # 4 at cable reel terminal block and go to the junction box located behind the cab and measure between terminals # 11 (GND) and # 14 (SIG). The signal should be the same as that measured in the cable reel Refer to section # 16.4 in section # 16. Refer To Angle Sensor Replacement Procedures in Section # 10 ‘CORRECT ? Refer To Section # 17 Faulty wiring is between cable reel and Junction box. Check all wiring and connections. Replace if necessary. [Trouble Sheoting Manual 0S 350 © _TERWINAL BLOCK eooeee 000000000000 FIGURE 2: Terminal Block wiring. FIGURE 5: Angle Sensor breckout, 7.3 8.1 LOAD INDICATION PROBLEM PROBLEM Load indication does not reflect the correct weight Verify that the proper operating code has been selected for the present cranes configuration CORRECT? Ensure that the displayed boom length is correct, Refer to operators manual for the proper operating code setting With the boom fully retracted open cable reel and reset the length potentiometer. Refer to section # 6. CORRECT ? Measure radius and compare with the indication om the console Check the boom angle with an inclinometer at low and high boom angles. Verify that the indication on the console is within 5 of a degree of actual. Refer to section # 7. 8.2 LOAD INDICATION PROBLEM (PREVIOUS PAGE If indicated angle is incorrect a mechanical adjustment can be made at the angle sensors mounting bracket in the cable reel. Refer to section # 10 for additional information regai g the angle sensor Check supply voltages to the Piston and Rod side pressure transducers cables. Disconnect the cables from the transducers and measure between pin "B" (GND) and pin *A* for (+5v). Also measure between pin "C” and pin "B" for (-Sv), Be sure to perform this check on both cables. Refer to drawing # 16.8 & 16.9 in section # 16 for proper test lead placement and voltage readings, CONTINUE ONLY IF PROBLEM STILL EXIST Check supply voltages at the junction box behind the cab. Measure between terminals # 2 (GND) and # 1 for (+5v) and then between # 2 (GND) and # 3 for (-5v). If voltages are correct, then fault is located in wiring or connections Inspect and replace if necessary. Refer to drawing # 16.8 & 16.9 in section # 16. YES Refer to section # 17 ‘Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C STEP 9 LENGTH CABLE REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE ACTION Remove damaged cable from the reel Using a 10mm socket or wrench open the reel cover and disconnect all wiring from the left side of the terminal block. Loosen and remove the strain relief with the cable from the bottom of the reel, Remove the reel from its mounting brackets. Disconnect the wire ends on terminals X1 and X2 at the slip-ring assembly. ‘On the back side of the reel remove the strain relief at center axle of the drum and pull the remaining cable out ofthe reel ‘At the boom nose remove the remaining cable from the anchor poll and receptacle. ‘start installing the new cable atthe reel by pulling it through the hole and pipe on the side of the reel, Install a new strain relief and feed approximately one foot of cable through the center axle tothe slip ring, Dismantl the cable near the slip ring and reconnect the shield to terminal X1 (Shield must be covered with shrink wrap or electrical tape) and center core to terminal X2 (Core has & protective covering that needs to be removed a 1/4” a the end for proper contact with wire end). Install cable reel back to the boom mounts. By turning the drum clockwise continue to load the remaining cable. Set cable reel pretension by turning the drum counter-clockwise 5 to 8 turns, Reconnect cable atthe anchor poll and boom nose receptacle, Continued on next page... 9 Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C 9 LENGTH CABLE REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE Continued from previous page ‘STEP ACTION 12, With the boom fully cetracted reset the length potentiometer by carefully turning the axle at the gear wheel counterclockwise until it stops. Check to see thatthe length, angle and radius display correctly. Verify that the Anti-Two Block works property. 13, Minor adjustments to the mounting bolts may be needed to ensure proper spooling and angle indication. (Uneven layers can cause improper length indication) Suggested Equipment For This Task: 10mm socket or wrench ‘Small flat tip screw driver Wire strippers Side cuners ‘Needle nose pliers Electrical tape / plastic tie swaps Trouble Shooting Wanual 0S 3606 FIGURE 1: Ramove caver. ; REMOVE PUSH BACK SPREAD SHIELD fe UTER SHIELD TO.FORM conouctor THOUGH INSULATION OPENING HOLE IN. SHIELD FIGURE 2: Wire Preparation. 9.3 ‘Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C STEP 10. 10 ANGLE SENSOR REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE ACTION Using a 10mm socket or wrench open cable reel cover. Refer to figure # 1 in section # 10.3. Desolder wires # 4, 5 and 6 from their same corresponding numbers on the right side of the terminal block. Refer to figure # 2 in section # 10.3. ‘Remove any plastic tie straps that may be securing the wires. Using a 5mm allen wrench remove both bottom bolts from the angle sensor bracket. Take hold of the sensor and remove the top left bolt which extends through the sensor to the cable reel housing, Refer to figure #3 in section # 10.3. Install new sensor with previously removed bolts. (Thread damage could occur if bolts are over tightened. Care should also be taken to ensure that the wires extending from the rear of the sensor do not get pinched during this process) Feed wiring around center axle to the terminal strip and secure with plastic tie straps to avoid any possible contact with gear assembly Resolder the new wires to the terminal strip. Wires are numbered 4, 5, 6, and are to be attached to the same terminal numbers on the right side of the terminal block. ‘Tum the system on and check angle indication at the console display. ‘With an inclinometer measure the boom angle and compare with console indication, [factual and indicated angle indications are not the same make adjustments to the angle sensor bracket by loosening the three bolts that secure it and rotating the assembly left or right. (Indication should be with in a tolerance of plus or minus 5 tenths of degree) Reinstall cable reel cover. (Thread damage can occur if cover bolts are over tightened) ‘Continued on next page. 101 Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C 10 ANGLE SENSOR REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE ‘Continued from previous page STEP ACTION 12, Ifangle indication is still not correct refer to section # 16.1. Suggested Equipment For This Task: L. 10mm socket or wrench ‘Smm allen wrench ‘Small flat tip screw driver Soldering iron Inclinometer 102 Trouble Shooting Menual OS 380 6 eo ANGLE SENSOR EIR: 28 eo FIGURE 3: Angle Sengor breakout, ‘Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C 11 LENGTH POTENTIOMETER REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE STEP 10. ACTION With a 10mm socket or wrench remove cable reel face cover, See figure # 1 in section # 11.3. Using a phillips screw driver, remove the retainer bracket which secures the gear wheel, Refer to figure # 2 in section # 11.3. Remove the gear wheel from the potentiometer axle by pulling it straight out with your fingers. Refer to figure # 3 in section # 11.3. ‘At the slip ring assembly, remove the wire ends from terminals # I and #2. Now remove the retainer ring at the center of the slip ring assembly. (This will allow you to remove both sides ofthe slip ring from the axle). Refer to figure # 4 in section # 11.3 With a phillips screw driver, remove the four screws that secure the mounting plate. Refer to figure #3 in section # 11.3. Using a soldiering irom, remove wires # 1, 2 and 3 from the same corresponding terminal block numbers, (These wires are the last thing Holding the assembly in place). Refer to figure # 5 in section # 11.3, Install the new length potentiometer assembly by securing the mounting plate with the four phillips screws. (Ensure that the grounding wire is also reconnected at the lower right mounting screw). Resolder wires # 1, 2 and 3 to the same corresponding pins at the terminal block, (Be sure that wires are secured in a way that they cannot become caught in the gear wheel). Refer to figure # 5 in section #11.3. Install gear wheel onto potentiometer axle, (Care should be taken when aligning the drive gear and potentiometer axle. Damage to the clutch assembly or gear wheels can lead to an incorrect length indication). Refer to figure # 3 in section # 11.3. Continued on next page... ‘Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C 11 LENGTH POTENTIOMETER REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE Continued from previous page. LL 2 13. i 15, 16. V7. ACTION Secure the gear wheel retainer bracket with the remaining two phillips screws, Feed length cable wires through both top and bottom slip ring assembly while aligning bottom slip ring stop post with hole located in length potentiometer mounting bracket. Refer to figure #4 in section # 11.3. Reconnect core to terminal # 1 and shield to terminal # 2 on the top slip ring contacts, Refer to figure #6 in section # 11.3, ‘With the boom fully retracted, use a small screw driver and turn potentiometer center axle screw counter clock wise until it stops. This is the zero point setting. Refer to figure # 5 in section, #113. ‘Verify that the console displays the proper length indication, ‘Boom length should be measured from the boom heel pin to the boom nose center sheave wheel pin. [If length indication is not correct refer to section # 17, Suggested Equipment For This Task 10mm socket or wrench, Small flat ip screw driver ‘Small phillips head screw driver Digital multimeter 5. Retainer ring pliers Soldering iron Needle nose pliers na Trouble Shoaiing Manual OS 380 6 SLIP cee TERMINAL AGURE 2: Toegie, the various components, of the Cable Reel AXEL: TERMINAL BLOCK LENGTH SENSOR FIGURE S: Length Sensor breakout. FIGURE 6: Slip-Ring bracket. @/°@ Le) STEEL SETS ears Toect va “sunesusenvi a | sala Guviowo S90) NS) SESESSE) Notuvwodyoo IN3NAINOI 1¥d Téi-00)-008- 180 Nd. 2068 Sa ‘NYHOVIG ONIAIA anamtiood Te si] in ee goss “39v'9] RASTA eee BN wm inoue med cor I nS aay Fava a) ‘ma AS aa i f sain S| gl & iC Aa I BANSSId | IwNssd as NOLSIg | A ue Hsva_¥aann| TWA Nees “1004 La aN 3OW.NSINT AVEO, L No anusyaewn aovi0A aataises Mod Ine WLS S507 NOLLOAN J “eRUNND fowrox svn one SEM) ay ABS \g3an3__n9/3 SNOD_ Sa] av3K Woe NO Nouns 824 we? «bhi psondiiss 7 od YW waar or [pee ro ey Sere a eee 412.1 _WvaDvIT Fwormioais | Hd ACEI |] SY two 208 068-208-080-01: ‘2-CONDUCTOR CABLI Tae aE REV) ERN DESCRIPTION DATE ITEM| PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION lad | I 1 ‘068-000-110-051 [CABLE REEL ACCY. SCREW/CAPTVE 7 i : a a a ae peer oe = tererrar Seana ; er ee eer (oe a Seema ee eee eee ee ee re ee oe stacey Sa 7S Se eee | eee 1 i SHIELD 3 : 5 6 ee 7 iHigh Frequency iAtenuator SL | isenetec., 9 trom ((7) trem pce = clea ECE ceca Oana Tie} KT208 CABLE REEL = MOUNTED ON THE LEFT SIDE OF BOOM ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM. Salad eee i feet — eee CABI pe —_—_= ose SH fhoss nat Coun, comanToR 1 a {| DO Pen ISS cmeae P oe Shula. 12.4 12.5 Engineering Bill Date Number Title Model Revision ECO Number Date of Last Eco Basic List No Similar To Drawn By Checked By Approved By Revised By Tree Nunber 12/08/94 17:15:55 AC20007 +0.M. FOR CONSOLE DS 350 c ALL MODELS ITEM PART NUMBER 1| 024-000-100-078 2] 024-351-300-010 3 4 5| 024-000-100-080 6 7 8/ 024-000-050-223 9] 024~351-300-103 10] 024-351-300-040 11] 024-351-300-063 12] 024~351-300-001 13] 024-351-300-002 14] 000-205-270-308 15] 024-000-050-226 16] 000-205-370-308 17} 000-208-030-030 19] 050-350-100-001 20] 050-350-110-049 21] 024-000-050-174 22] 000-205-270-308 23| 000-205~270-312 24) 050-350-110-213 DESCRIPTION HOUSING, CONSOLE/cU, DS350C BOARD, DS350C, DATA’ PROM MODUL HOUSING, DS350C, BACK COVER,- FOR STRAIN RELIEF & TERM. MTG. COVER, DS350C, SIDE PANEL FOR CIRCUIT BOARD ACCESS BOARD, DS350C CONNECTION, 8- DIGITAL INPUTS, 3+1+1 RELAYS BOARD, DS350C POWER SUPPLY BOARD, DS350C ANALOG BOARD, DS350C PROCESSOR BOARD, DS350C cPU SCREW, 3mm X smm, FLATHEAD RETAINING PLATE, BOARDS SCREW, 3mm X 8mm WASHER, 3mm KEY, DS350G & DS350C CONSOLE ALARM, BUZZER, DS150 & DS350c COVER, DS350C, PANEL TO ACCESS DATA PROM MODULE SCREW, 3mm X 8mm, FLATHEAD SCREW, 3mm X 12mm, DS350C- DATA PROM COVER MTG. SWITCH, KEY, DS350C CONSOLE/cU, 12.6 RNPAPRE EE 12,7 —) Hed (ACE |} Engine ‘ing Bill Date : 08/18/94 Number JII24000 | Title B.0.M. FOR SWINGAWAY JIB | Model CN 180, VARIOUS | Revision | ECO Number Date of Last ECO Basic List No Similar To | Drawn By :ROD EAVES Checked By : Approved By Revised By Tree Number RICK FISK (PAT) | ITEM PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 | 031-002-060-017 |A2B SWITCH, 40’ CABLE 1 2| 0830v032 5/16-18 X 1 1/2 S.H.C.s. 2 3] 32zasop122 ‘TIE WRAP 9 4} 3287z30 RECEPTACLE, 6 PIN L 5| 3287232 6 POSITION, PIN INSERT z 6| 3287224 REDUCER, PG 16-9 L 7| 3287226 STRAIN RELIEF, PG 9, 4-6mm- YELLOW 1 al 3287229 HOLE PLUG, PG 16 i] 9| 0g62voo4 SCREW, 10-24 X 3/8 R.H.M.S. 4 10} 3643v007 #10 LOCK WASHER | 4 y B “430734 NIVUIS NI WVaOVIC -> Q3L3NNOD GISIHS YILNO Wowloa b> > J GVIHS OL JoMds — a. QIJIHS OL JONds wl T3INSY3NNI q @1aiHS_YaLNO NOW dIISSIO 13.1 Fy t sora] 2/1 10z/1_ va “oNnAsIaAMWD aniio aawiouo soo NOILY#OdNOD INGNGINOT Ive 1 =G0R-iF0 a NONNYD = “Sd “aioo + 3 Ssv TVS 3 “|{— an aT TON Sera ~ 560=G91801TEN ITV _S80-91 Mid» HONS "¥O1 earns oe @ 440 LD SIT Jaa NIVUIS NI O3193NNOD GINS YIINO Noshs9S30 Bann tava N “IN3M3OVI4SIO_JANLSION 404 '3SV399_IAILONGNOO-NON Aldd¥ '3ANL YNRIHS ONITIISNI ONY NONIVIEIO | Nua [ARa 13.2 Nolidia 533d Noltanios3a “INIM3OV1dSI0_JUNLSION 404 ‘3SV3ND “3ALDNGNOD-NON Aldd¥ “3ENL ANRIHS ONTTTVISNI ONY SYOLONGNOD ONRIIGTOS NIL ‘01 | Nua [Aaa 3.3 Tors! va “ounEsUAARVD anita auviowo ses! Paead oH unnsare ‘wy 41 94 “4328 NO Noluaht9s30 “3003 @U93NNOD a13I 13.4 Rad II [Noli di9S30 Engineering Bill Date 06/22/94 0 5 __F/N:UFBOIBOX Number Title Model Revision ECO Number Date of Last ECO Basic List No Similar To Drawn By Checked By Approved By Revised By Tree Number UFBOTBOX B.O.M. FOR JUNCTION Box ROD EAVES RICK FISK (PAT) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 031-300-100-800 031-300-100-787 031-300~100-7a8 031-300-100-786 031-300-100-6e3 031-300-100-687 931~300-100-6a6 031-300-100-739 123-429-909-730 031-300-100-801 031-300-100-798 000-214-210-016 000-214-210-011 031-300-100-175 031-300~100-176 123-429-910-630 031-300-100-796 031-300-100-173 031-300~100-024 950-000-060~001 031-300-100-915 031-300-100-794 021-441~110-811 021-441-161-216 021-441~131-011 031-300-100-146 003~051-910-002 TRING DIAGRAM, J.B. ASS‘Y. | SUNCTION BOX ASS’Y., U.P. |ASS’Y., PANEL, 6 3/4 X 4 7/8 ASS‘'Y., TERMINAL RAIL 6 1/8 |TERM. STRIP ACCY., END. BLOCK |TERM. STRIP ACCY., END PLATE TERM. STRIP ACCY., BLOCK, AK MARKING TAPE 1-50 (HORIZ.) SCREW, #8-32 X 1/2", PHILLIPS WASHER, LOCK, #8 DECAL, WIRING DIAGRAM, UF, JB NUT, PG 16 NUT, PG 11 WASHER, LOCK, #4 NUT, #4-40 HEX SCREW, #4-40 X 3/4", PHILLIPS CONNECTOR ASS’Y.,7 PIN FEMALE CONNECTOR ACCY., GASKET #16 CONNECTOR ACCY., COVER, DUST KEY, SET, A2B & C.U, KEYSET CABLE ASS’Y., PRESS. TRANS. 5/ CABLE ASS’Y., 14 COND., 24 PIN STRAIN RELIEF, PG 11, émm |STRAIN RELIEF, PG 16, 12-15mn STRAIN RELIEF, PG 11 CABLE, 4 X 1.5 S.S.(PER FOOT) SWITCH ASS‘Y. W/KEY & CONTACT 14.2 oS TOZL! va “OUNBSHABRIVHD anita Giviow $99) NS) “GpR=001-00F 140 nad hss¥ x08 NoWaNAr | z a f on 1 eve BIRD 2 99 3) a aaa sav eo JOVANIINI Lod AIS 7 NVA i FANSSId NSS Id AD ata NAD o cae = SLIWAS-= iS deve INAGSD “NY ~ SLIAS+ Nace: qNngaa Ne CTSIHS —Noiigi9$30 CABLE REEL ASS'Y 2-CONDUCTOR two. 208 a a 068-208-060-013 PAT EQUIPMENT CORPORATION ORCHARD 1865 Owe i ishcersoure, “A 17201 REV] ERN DESCRIPTION ITEM) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION TT ga a0G= 170-51 [COWL REEL AEST, SOREW/EAPIVE 7 Ges ros=oaom07 TSensoa, ANGLE we 105 Sy s0e=710-cos=002 TSewson, LeNcT" THNSOUCRR LSE 168 S908 0S0= 208-012 | SOREN, ws X 12 REE SOCKET CAF {rom nous SENSOR) 7 aap na7 aromas WAsHOR, AAT te |e Teoscezo=ooeoor leame Rene 7-831 506= 100= 350 TScREW, émem TXT 309= 108-040-954 WASHE rn 3 gea=000= 110-015 TsuP—8Ne, 2 CONDUCTOR. { [io soomerseaz0-o0n Teasle, UENGTH SENSOR, 1 CORE WH { SCREEM (PCR Foo | { EE-SEETIE-TO_| SPRING PACK MOTE eT TES, r Gat=eat=TST=EIS | STRAIN RELEF, 075.5, T2-TEme T omar ewe set SHIEL! CORE zs “High Frequency ‘atenuotor a Getat sot Stow? een (ses ed Bea ‘Wie ang Assy. KT208 CABLE REEL MOUNTED ON THE T SIDE OF BOOM OUTER SHIELD INSULATED AND CONNECTED AS) SHOWN. eet 2-CONDUCTOR i tw 208 oat irae 068~208-060-013 PAT EQUIPMENT CORPORATION | pec mmreme rer 1885 ORCHARD. ORIVE SSS CHAMBERSBURG, PA. 17201 15.2 DESCRIPTION ITEM] PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION [ory] 1)" @aa= 116-057 | Senn ConeTH POT (PRNTED CHET T | BOARD + POTENTIOWETER) LENGTH TRANSDUCER Lge" 100 006-719--006-002 aa] PAT EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 1885 ORCHARD ORIVE CHAMBERSBURG, PA 17201 15.3 REV] ERN | DESCRIPTION [DATE ITEM] PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION ary’ 51-300 106=558 [SOREW, Som ¥ 1-3 110 000=208=040-084 TWASHER, LOCK, tre 1900=207=010=0e4 | WASHER, FLAT, Som '902-030-208=012 |SoReW, wa X72 HEY SOOT OF (FOR ANCLE SENSOR) CAGE, 79760 Teeseeaen esses] mE ergs peatrarie ane a SENSOR = ANGLE Ss sexe fae hoa 006-420-506-001 a EQUIPMENT CORPORATION | -, He ee: SRS, Ghnuserseune, Pa 17201 a 15.4 ps ae 10201 Vd ‘ounasEzaRNvHD = A See SANG G¥VHOWO cog) RES) SSE NOLWYOdYOD INANdINOS Ivd £18-001—-008~ 150. i [smn sive | Wouaieeaa T's NADHS $v 03193NNN_ ONY (nda) 9098 Sd “hissy ‘calyisat dane San 1338" Sav Thviovid onlay [—— ffs ANINN9O0 [Serf coms PTE A annus eee oa] Gael aaa x av3H wood No “WOUR IO UTS I SH NO @3.NNOW T9394 FavI g029AN7 HOLIMS dey NId 9 319¥1d3993g od AWN dey 15.5 VoRLt va “SunesusERvHO 3Al¥a_GuvHOO $991 NOWWYOdYOS INANdINO’ Lv Seva sive WW sess 399] SIH Hd FCC) |i] REV] ERN DESCRIPTION [DATE ELECTR exGE Ta760 CAL DIAGRAM EAE 1/1 (nts) [Pace 1 oF 2 jae - t ec ae A2B_ INSTALLATION = FOR BOOM EXTENSION ‘OPTION Kit Sescerren | one hae] PAT EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 4685 ORCHARD DRIVE CHAMBERSBURG, ‘PA 17201 15.7 Engineering Bill Date : 08/18/94 17:00:00 F/N:JII24005 Number JTL24005 Title :B.O.M. FOR AUXILIARY SHEAVE Model : VARIOUS Revision ECO Number Date of Last ECO Basic List No Similar To Drawn By Checked By : Approved By Revised By Tree Number ROD EAVES RICK FISK (PAT) ITEM PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1] 031-002-060-011 |A2B SWITCH, 5’ CABLE 1 2| 0830v032 5/16-18 X 1 1/2 S.H.C.S. 2 3| 3287230 RECEPTACLE, 6 PIN ee 4| 3287232 6 POSITION, PIN INSERT z 5| 3287224 REDUCER, PG 16-9 1 6| 3287226 STRAIN RELIEF, PG 9, 4-6nm- YELLOW 1 7| 3287229 HOLE PLUG, PG 16 2 8| os62vos4 10-24 X 3/8 R.H.M.S. 4 9| 3643v007 #10 LOCK WASHER 4 15.8 16 Troubleshooting General information {p case of a system malfunction, a code to identity the error scurce will be shown on the display. The code numbers listed in the maifunctions table identify various maifunctions that might occur in the LMI system. In the malfunctions table each arror will be explained and the steps to be taken for their correction will te described, Malfunctions within the microprocesscr have to be repaired by tactory-trained specialist only. Please inform the competent service organisation in case of errors of this kana Operating faults Malfunctions of the LMI-system caused by exceeding preset areas or operating faults of the crane operator are incicated and explained on the LCD cisplay, These code Tames could be E01, £02, £03, £04, E05 and ES, Normally, the operator can repair these faults by himself. Malfunctions table T Eror code | Erce Caves | tminaden E01: MIN. RADIUS | Fallen below he | Fallen below the minimum | Luff down the boom to a | radius range or | racius or exceeding the | radius or angle preset in | angie range maximum angle specified | the load char. | exceeded! in the respective load chart | | due to luting up the boom too far. The maximum radius was | Luff uo the boom to a exceeded orfalion below | racius ot an angie preset in the mnimum angle the load chart. ‘pected inthe respective Jcad chart cue vo tuting down the boom ico far.__| Irearec sting of | a) The selected operating 2) Sat the operaing ove operating made |” mode's iockee, | accordance withthe | | assignmentto the BOd: ERROR OPERAT. MODE |e at i | ‘perating condition, 2b) Check the | modeis notinetuded in |” pragrammation in the the TLK-EPROM, TUK-EPROM 16.1 205 LENGTH PROHIBITED | Prohibited engh range | | {a} Bom has been ‘extended too lar 2¢ not enough, 9.9. coer- ation is oniy admitted upto a certain boom length or ior load charts (fb with the boom Faving to be extendes toa cenain length, ‘The length sensor agiusiment was modified, e.g. cove sid olf the iength sensor reel 2) Cluten between length Senscr pot and drive is detective 4.) Failure of the -6V- supply forthe analog par of the LMbain board. 2.) Cable between the cent- ral unit and the length | a.) Retractor extend boom [7 to the coneet engin |B.) Retract the soom. |” Check the presiress of | the cable reel (the pe | has to be under ract- | Jen). Open the langih | sensor and carefuty | tum the ‘engin pet ‘counterciockwise to the detent by use of a | screwdriver. &.) Completely reptace the ‘etuteh with the drive ‘wheel and agjust length sensor pot as deserted atb.) | &) Check -SV-votage. if there is no vottage or break down at a charge ‘of $0 ohm approximately, ‘exchange main board. 2.) Check cable as well as connector and the connectors. 1) Length sensor pot detective. ) Slectronic board in the ‘measuring channel defective, sensor defective or exchange, if necessary. slack, | f) Length potentiometer |) Replace length It Colective, potentiometer. No acknowiedge- | Oveicad relay is caught, | Replace relay. I this mentfromthe | defective or is not being | replacement i not satisfac- everiad relay. | driven. tory, the connection board has to be replaced, oo. No acknowiedge- | A2B-relay is caught. Replace relay. if this ment of he anti | defective aris notteing | replacement i nat satistac- two-block switch — | driven, | tory, the connection board relay. I has to be replaced, 100. Ll: ERROR "8 | Fallen below rt | a.) Cable between length | a.) Check cable and LENGTH MIN. forthe measuring | sensor and central unt |” connector as well and channel “Length | defective, not replace, if necessary. felescopie boom’. | conected or water in | ny reoiace length sensor 1°" potentiometer 1) Replace main board or analog board, 16.2 B12: ERROR PR. PISTON MIN Faien below wer | |Sentvalue forthe | cvessurng channel | “pressure | anscucerciston see" 2.) Cable leacing from the central unit to the pressure transcvcers delectve or waterin the connectors 5, Pressure transducer detective, Electronic board in the ‘easunng channel defective, 8.) Check cable and annector as well and replace, f necessary, |b) Replace sressure | transducer |e) Ropiace COU ot anaiog coer E12: ERROR PR. ROD MIN, allen below ic Dbwer limit value for the measuring | channel “pressure | vanscucer roa side’ ) Cable leading rom the tral unit © the Sressure vranscucers Selective or waterin the connector. 2) Pressure transaucer detectv 1.) Check cabie ana Connectors as well and replace, t necessary, ! 2.) Replace pressure Psducer, ©) Electronic board in tha | c.) Replace CPU or analog ‘measunng channel board, defective, i £15: ERROR MIN. | Fallen below ower fit value forthe ‘Measuring channel “angie main boom, | 4) Cable leading from the central unt ‘0 the lengthvangle sensor elective, loose or water in the connectors. | 2) Check sable as well as conrectors and replace, # necessary, |) Angie sensor detective, | ».) Replace angle sensor. ©) Electronic board in the | ¢.) Replace CPU or analog | measuring channel board. defective, WouD saa TT" | fsterence volage a) The otal ofthe sussly |a) Check supey voagoa vour. sm. | sefectve. and the reference vot- | ages sless than 2.7V, 2) A/D converter defectve. |b.) Replace analog board. Sear aR; MEN: | Filer betow ower | a) Cable lading om the |.) Check cable ana SURI. ANG. A | font value forthe |" central unto the slew. |) Genesee 3 enaueha chancel | ng angle sensor detec. | replace, necessary “slewing angle A” | ve, loose or water in the connector. | 5) Sewing angle sensor |b) Replace slewing angle | detective. sensor |) Electric board inthe |<) Replace CRU or analog |" measunng channel board, detective, B18: ERR. MEN. | Fallon below lower [ol nor iA ot. Emer tA SEEW ANG. 2 | nmap ue | | | measuring channel | slewing angle 8” 1220: NO REF ‘Ne analog voltages |.) The inaut vatages are | a) Gheck rane vatage vourace | | too sma. | |b) The voltage converter is |) Replace power suppty | LO seiectve boar 16.3 =2i: ERROR MB | Loperlimt value LENGTH Max. | /or measuring channel “ength ‘etescopie tec | exceeded, 222: ERROR PRES. PESTON MAX. oper it value forthe measuing ‘anrel “presse 4.) Cable ‘eacing ‘rom the central unit ‘9 the i ‘ergttvangle sensor tet. sctive, not connected or waier'n the connectors, 4.) Check cabie and connectors as wall and ‘place, # necessary. 1 Peclace length sensor | pot |) Reclace CPU or analog boara. measuring channel defective, 8.) Catie leading trom she Sentral unt 16 the | ressure tranaducers | Check cable ag well as coanectors and replace, f necessary. transducer cision Gerectve, not | sice excaecec. | connaciod crwaterin | rectors | 5) Pressure ranscucer |b.) Aeclace pressure detective | trarseucer. i (2) Electronic board inthe <.) Replace CPU or analog | ‘measuring channel board. | i fective, 5 £23: ERROR PRES. | Upserlimtvaue a) Cane leading fomthe 1a) Gheceaslowae ROD MAX. |Stenter'gpeett@, Senwaluntie the | |" cannectare as well and. | Gharnel sressure | pressure transducers | replace, i necessary | ransducer rod defective, not | |soP scenes, | concider materi | | the connectors. | i |b.) Pressure transducer | b) Replace pressure | detective transducer ©) Slectronic boardin the | «.) Replace CPU or analog | measuring channel board, i detective. | EE eaoe [leering foe 0) Soeacase MAX. ANGLE forthe measuring | canta unto tha lengh-| "connects as well ard | channel ange angie sensor defective, | replace, fhecessary. pansrer"” | osecrwaterinthe | | exceeded. | connectors. | | 5. Aral sereor detective |.) Replace ange senso, |e)eneronc unin te |e) Reciace CPU sranacg | | measuring enannel | boars | defective. l 3722; ERROR REF. /Aetereoce votage | a) The total cl he supply | a) Ghack supply votages our. Max. | defective, Upper iit value forthe measuring | channe! slewing [tral excoces, B2A: ERR. WAX. | SLEW. ANG. A mi borcence ak | Sarl cores Sv |b) 80 converter defective. |b.) Replace analeg board 2) Cale acing toms a) hese caba ne corrals heseee | aeeabe es | tanglrsenar aac: | Sines aatetan ‘ve, loose or water in | te connectors. |) Slewing angle sensor bj Replace slewing angle defective, sensor | ¢.) Electronic board inthe | | Ineaserng cranes ceecive ©.) Replace CPU or analog boare 16.4 [peer it vas Jos Eroran Ten eroraa tora messurng | channelslewing | | ange 5 exceeded. | |nerinine syatern | [Besiace system progam regan. | | Pane maa, mone Wrong asian |The sytem programinihe | Reglace EPROM ole SYST. PROM CAT NogamintheLM. |\Mi does rotcarespone’ | netcm acme | fotheprocammings nine | [aa ceren a9" WRONG ‘Wreng aster |The astem pregram he S¥ST.-PROM TLE program in the LMI. | LMI dees net correspond to the programming of the | Replace EPROM 2 of | system program. data =PROM 2, E41: ERROR ror in the internat | | Replace RAM penmnN REE cc i |: Replace CPU-board. 242: ERROR Enorinthe first | ~ Replace CMOS-RAM EXTERNAL RAM 1 | part ofthe extemal (pare | Repiace CPU-boerd. B43) ERROR [Error the eecand |; Replace CMOS-FaM EXTERNAL RAM 2 | pastolihe extemal spunea [eel Replace CPUboan B45: ERROR RED. | Redundancy enor |The A/D converter ofthe | Replace GPU board aso convener |inthe AO processor board aed the | conversion fecuncent A/D convert in the CPU prove chergert resus fe46: aRRoR exr. |Enorinihe AD | The AD converter | Replace CPU beard A/D convenren |somenerued — |uPboosctthoceu | e08 Board does not provide an | EOC sgnal | Errors in the crane | No valid data in the crane | Load crane data EEPROM data EPROM orin |data EEPROM, Memory | wih vali aia, Sncge the EEPROM. | module ncomectly by.” | memory modus forthe assed. Delecive crane | respacive meray pe. data PROM. | Respace crane data | ROM. 252: ERR. LOAD | Evorinthe load | oad cher PROM [Resta LMI, Repiace cE, EPROM char PROM. | defectve. | crane cata PROM. Eworin he care | Grane data EEPROM | By-pasa memory module dala EEPRGM. | dolecive. Memory module_| sccorsing to memory ype. : ineomecty by-passed. | Replace scare data EEPROM, Error inthe sefal | No veld data on te serial _| Weta data ono the seval Gcleereos crana data crane Gaia EEPROM. | crane data EEPROM by EEPROM Memory mecuie detecive, | means a tha est program. | then restart he Lal, Load j | serial crane data EEPROM | wth valid data. Replace | memery mocue. Enorin seral Na vald data ihe sara | Wete data onto the seral analog board | analog board EEPROM. | analog board €=PHOM by EEPROM |Araiog board defectve, | means of ta fost program, then restart the LM Replace analog board, 16.5 E7i: ERROR incomect acknowi- | 1. relay or main board or | Replace 7 vay, wan ee sdgement of he. | connection board delecive, | Geen orev slay nthe asiog | Sear. | | 272: ERROR incoect acinow. |2. ray or main beard | Regace 2 uy 7an linear se Sdgementol'he 2. | connecion Seard defecive, Gseniey sont a vay anita araieg sears { iconestseiow |. rlay or van board oy | Fagaco SOR) TaN aaar Scgemert atime 3. correcson board celecive, [conan eee Ta ay ane anaicg seats a incovect scirowt | 3 lay ran Gourde Aalace Say jaztay xa acgerentat ne 4. | connection seard selective, Denes lay an the analog nection boar sear | Theeasuring a) Cabie leacing ‘romina a.) Check cabie ane SLEWING ANG: Granreis “siewng | central unitio the siew- |” connector as wall and angie A* and 19g angie senscr defec- | replace, f necessary. (‘slewing angle & live, 008 or water in [rave no distance | the connectors. 930 deg, |) Slewing angle sensor 2) Replace siewng angie ( celecave. sensor | ©) Bectoric beard in be |<.) Replace CPU or analog measuring chanel |” beard elective, I 81: ERROR CANT | Maximally Maximaty admited cant of | Check outggers and admited cartot |theccane axceaded | macy hoi ecient the crane was because of outriggers not | necessary exceeded, having been comeciy | paced. saa: Ennon | Ereratcuiggew [at ant ona elon Conpmay OGOa he comzocun | oubiggers is net competely | cutggers andlor sonecty extended or not fly set | set the cyancers sno the orto the ground. | ground. fza3: Emon Error when Combination of the boom | Correct ihe combination of TELECOMBINATTON | telescoping elements dees rot the boom elements, correspond tothe |presenptions. 4 264; ERROR Error operating |The selected operating | Check he programmaion Jopmar. nope | mode ‘mode's natincudet nthe | nthe DATATE)EPSOM. |SaTa‘eeenont 286: ERROR [Prohibited length |e. (ch Snore TELE PERCENT | range 16.6 LENGTH SENSOR 10KOhm/10 TURNS —O> CABLE REEL TERMINAL —{#} Junction Box TERMINAL —#H WIRE NUMBER P.AT. DS 350C LMI MAIN BOOM LENGTH SIGNAL VOLTAGE TO A/D ‘CONVERTER No. of Turns | on Length Poteniomater No. of Turns on Cable Real “INPUT” Signal at Terminal $12 in Junction Box 0.50¥ 0.90 1.30V, 1.70¥ 2.10V 2.50V 2.50V 3.50V 3.70V 4.10V, 4.50 ERGE 7570 SAE [ease oF 1 PAT _DS_350C LMI PAT EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 1865 ORCHARD DRIVE CHAMBERSBURG, PA_17201 16.7 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER (PISTON SIDE) 300 GAR MAX. | (4410 PSI) i tye \ # } JUNCTION BOX TERMINAL i PRESSURE 1 #f WIRE NUMBER 1 | FROM PISTON SIDE OF LIFT CYLINDER ow PAT. OS 350C LMI PISTON PRESSURE TRANSDUCER SIGNAL VOLTAGE "INPUT" Pressure / Bar Signal at Terminal #4 in Junction Box © Zero Point (no pressure) input Signal should be less than 25mv. exGE Ta780 T SAE [pace 1 oF + t are | a PAT_DS_350C (MI ‘BISTON PRESSURE MEASURING CHANNEL | sesciarion — aoe he t CHANNEL” g2 PAT EQUIPMENT CORPORATION ped 1665 ORCHARD ORIVE CHAMBERSBURG, PA” 17201 16.8 PRESSURE_TRANSOUCER (Roo. SIDE) CONVERTER 3h rd Pd 2 {7 Jo.owenoy Ly AVS 307 300 GAR MAX. (4410 PSI) {+} PRESSURE fF WIRE NUMBER FROM ROD SIDE OF LIFT CYLINDER JUNCTION BOX TERMINAL P.AT, DS 350C LMI ROD PRESSURE TRANSDUCER SIGNAL VOLTAGE "INPUT" Pressure / Bor Signal at Terminal #9 in Junction Box 0 50 100 150) 200 250 300 © Zero Point (no pressure) Input Signal should be less than 25mvV. CAGE. T9760 ROO. PRESSURE MEASURING. CHANNEL CHANNEL #3, jae; ET PAT DS _350C LMI PAT EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 1865 ORCHARD DRIVE CHAMBERSBURG, PA _ 17201 16.9 BOOM ANGLE SENSOR PENDULUM —O— CABLE REEL TERMINAL {F}— JUNCTION Box TERMINAL ANGLE SENSOR oh MER Bie a + 10 ao | 4 - CONVERTER Li ra su Fix CARL OF HE mG SSroxoueT) Lg soy PAT. OS 350C LMI BOOM ANGLE SIGNAL VOLTAGE PAT. OS 350C LMI BOOM ANGLE SIGNAL VOLTAGE exGE Ta7e0 | *neur™ Signal at “INPUT” Signal af social | “minal #4 sod, | Terminal #14 tn Tontion Bex ia Turton Sox 30° 1.87, 40" 2.56 85° 1.93, 35° 2.63 ae 2.00 ac 270 a a7 as a7 70 214 20° 2.84 65° 2.21 1s 2.91 60" 2.28 10° 2.98 a a8 = £5 ca 2a e s2 45° 2.49 pack 1 OF! ace PaT DS _350C LMI = BOOM ANGLE MEASURING CHANNEL SeSSriGR —ORE a i GHANNEL BS PAT EQUIPMENT CORPORATION |zeeacmreerree ero, 1685 ORCHARD DRIVE CCHAMBERSGURG, PA 17201 SSS | 16.10 ‘Trouble Shooting Manual DS 350 C 17.0 CONTACTING PAT SERVICE DEPARTMENT CONTACT PAT EQUIPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT Monday thru Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm est. OFFICE - 717 - 263 - 7655 FAX - 717 - 263 - 7845

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