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Students’ names: ___________________, _____________________

A- Read about the lifestyle of Leo and Tania and work in the activities below.

Leo Tania

Eats breakfast ✘
Eats a lot of fat
Eats meat
Drinks a lot of alcohol
Has a lot of friends
Eats a lot of fruits and vegetables ✔
✔= yes ✘= no

B- Answer these questions

1. Why do you think Leo and Tania wake up with a headache in the morning?
2. Who do you think is thinner? Why?
3. Do you think drinking alcohol is as bad for your health as smoking?
4. Who do you think will live longer, Leo or Tania? Why?
5. Who has a healthier life style? Why?
C- Write sentences with the comparative or equative form of each adjective, use your
own ideas
Example: friendly: Leo / Tania
Leo is friendlier than Tania
important: drinking water / eating fruit and vegetables
bad for you: junk food / smoking
good: a cup of coffee / a glass of wine
boring: going to the gym / cycling

D- Do you have a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle? Explain your reasons.


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