Score Report: TEST: 076 Physical Education Total Score: 552 Status: Pass Minimum Passing Score: 520

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KIMBERLY M REVILLE Test Date: July 02, 2021

BURKE NY 12917

See Page 2 for an explanation of how to read your score report.

Your scores have been reported directly to the NYSED and are automatically added to your certification
application file. This score report is for your records only.

TEST: 076 Physical Education TOTAL SCORE: 552


Component Performance Index

001 Individual Growth and Development ++++
002 Health-Related Fitness +++
003 Movement Concepts, Skills, and Activities +++
004 Physical Education Curriculum and Pedagogy ++++

005 Pedagogical Content Knowledge +++

This barcode contains unique candidate


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General Information
This report provides your scores for the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations™ (NYSTCE®) that you took on the test
date indicated on the report. For each test that you took, the report specifies the minimum passing score, whether or not you met the
minimum passing score, your total test score, and your general performance on each competency of the test.
Total Score and Test Status
The total test score is based on the number of selected-response questions answered correctly and the score(s) on the constructed-
response question(s) on the test. The minimum passing score for each test was established by the New York State Commissioner of
Education with input from New York State educators and is designed to reflect the minimum level of knowledge and skills required to be
an effective educator in New York State public schools.
To achieve consistency in reporting, total test scores are converted to a common scale. These scaled scores range from 400 to 600,
with a scaled score of 520 representing the minimum passing score. If your test status is reported as "Pass," your total scaled score is
520 or higher. If your test status is reported as "Did Not Pass," your total scaled score is below 520. The total score is reported to you in
order to provide information that you can use, along with the information on the rest of the report, in preparing to retake the test.
Use of Test Scores
Candidates are not obligated to provide potential employers with copies of NYSTCE score reports.
Detailed Performance Information
Performance indices are provided for each competency of the test. These indices are designed to help you understand your areas of
strength and weakness. Performance indices for the competencies noted with an asterisk (*) are provided as guides only and may not
be used as predictors of future performance on these competencies because of the small number of test items on these competencies.
Performance Index Definitions
++++ Performance on the skills and knowledge is well above the level represented by the minimum passing score.
+++ Performance on the skills and knowledge is just at or above the level represented by the minimum passing score.
++ Performance on the skills and knowledge is just below the level represented by the minimum passing score.
+ Performance on the skills and knowledge is well below the level represented by the minimum passing score.
Reading Your Score Report: A Sample
Below is a sample score report.
Test Date: September 1, 20XX
TEST: 003 English Language Arts TOTAL SCORE: 500

Component Performance Index

001 Reading Literature +
002 Reading Informational Text ++
003 Writing Arguments +
004 Writing Informative and Explanatory Texts +
005 Writing Narratives +
006 Researching to Build and Present Knowledge ++
007 Speaking and Listening +++
008 Language +

009 Pedagogical Content Knowledge +

According to this sample score report, the candidate did not pass the test. The candidate’s total scaled test score of 500 did not meet
the minimum passing score of 520. The candidate’s highest results were for the Speaking and Listening competency (+++ or at or
above the level represented by the minimum passing score) while the lowest results were for the Reading Literature, Writing
Arguments, Writing Informative and Explanatory Texts, Writing Narratives, Language, and Pedagogical Content competencies (+ or
well below the level represented by the minimum passing score).
Reporting of Scores
Your test scores have been reported to the New York State Education Department (NYSED), where they will be added to your
certification application file automatically. Keep this official score report in your permanent records, as you will not be able to obtain a
replacement copy from NYSED. Your test scores have also been reported to the New York State institution that you indicated when you
registered, unless you provided written notification when you registered that your scores should not be released to that institution.
Retaking a Test
Candidates who do not pass a test may retake it as often as necessary until a passing score is achieved. Consult the NYSTCE website
at for information about registering.
Format of Report: Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Evaluation Systems, Pearson, P.O. Box 226, Amherst, MA 01004.
Used with permission by the New York State Education Department.
Report Content: Copyright © 2015 New York State Education Department.
NYSTCE, New York State Teacher Certification Examinations, and the NYSTCE logo are trademarks of the New York State Education
Department or Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). Pearson and its logo are trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries of
PAGE 2 of 2 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). Rv 1/15

KIMBERLY M REVILLE Test Date: July 14, 2021

BURKE NY 12917

See Page 2 for an explanation of how to read your score report.

Your scores have been reported directly to the NYSED and are automatically added to your certification
application file. This score report is for your records only.



Component Performance Index

001 Diverse Student Populations ++++
002 English Language Learners ++
003 Students with Disabilities and Other Special Learning Needs ++
004 Teacher Responsibilities* ++++
005 School-Home Relationships* +++

001 Diverse Student Populations ++
002 English Language Learners ++
003 Students with Disabilities and Other Special Learning Needs ++

* performance information for this competency is provided as a guide only

This barcode contains unique candidate

PAGE 1 of 2
General Information
This report provides your scores for the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations™ (NYSTCE®) that you took on the test date
indicated on the report. The report specifies the Safety-Net Requirement, the Passing Requirement, whether or not you passed the test, your
total test score, and your general performance on each competency of the test.
Total Score and Test Status
The total test score is based on the number of selected-response questions answered correctly and the score(s) on the constructed-response
questions on the test. The Safety-Net and Passing Requirements were established by the New York State Commissioner of Education with
input from New York State educators. The Passing Requirement is designed to reflect the minimum level of knowledge and skills required to
be an effective educator in New York State public schools. The Safety-Net Requirement is a temporary requirement implemented by the New
York State Department of Education.
To achieve consistency in reporting, total test scores are converted to a common scale. These scaled scores range from 400 to 600, with a
scaled score of 500 representing the Safety-Net Requirement, and a scaled score of 520 representing the Passing Requirement. If your test
status is reported as "Pass," your total scaled score is 500 or higher. If your test status is reported as "Did Not Pass," your total scaled score is
below 500. The total score is reported to you in order to provide information that you can use, along with the information on the rest of the
report, in preparing to retake the test.
Use of Test Scores
Candidates are not obligated to provide potential employers with copies of NYSTCE score reports.
Detailed Performance Information
Performance indices are provided for each competency of the test, as well as for each of the three constructed-response items. These indices
are designed to help you understand your areas of strength and weakness. Performance indices for the competencies noted with an asterisk
(*) are provided as guides only and may not be used as predictors of future performance on these competencies because of the small number
of test items on these competencies.
Performance Index Definitions
++++ Performance on the skills and knowledge is well above the level represented by the Passing Requirement.
+++ Performance on the skills and knowledge is just at or above the level represented by the Passing Requirement.
++ Performance on the skills and knowledge is just below the level represented by the Passing Requirement.
+ Performance on the skills and knowledge is well below the level represented by the Passing Requirement.
Reading Your Score Report: A Sample

According to this sample score report, this candidate’s total scaled test score of 510 did not meet the Passing Requirement of 520 but did meet
the Safety-Net Requirement of 500, therefore the candidate’s status is considered a Pass. The candidate’s highest results for the Selected-
Response component were for the Teacher Responsibilities competency 004 (++++ or well above the level represented by the Passing
Requirement), while the lowest results were for the Students with Disabilities competency 003 (+ or well below the level represented by the
Passing Requirement). In the Constructed-Response component, the candidate performed at the ++ level (or just below the level represented
by the Passing Requirement) on the assignment that addressed the Students with Disabilities competency, and at the + level (or well below the
level represented by the Passing Requirement) on the other two assignments.
Reporting of Scores
Your test scores have been reported to the New York State Education Department (NYSED), where they will be added to your certification
application file automatically. Keep this official score report in your permanent records, as you will not be able to obtain a replacement copy
from NYSED. Your test scores have also been reported to the New York State institution that you indicated when you registered, unless you
provided written notification when you registered that your scores should not be released to that institution.
Retaking a Test
Candidates who do not pass a test may retake it as often as necessary until a passing score is achieved. Consult the NYSTCE website at for information about registering.

Format of Report: Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved. Evaluation Systems, Pearson, P.O. Box 226, Amherst, MA 01004.
Used with permission by the New York State Education Department.
Report Content: Copyright © 2015 New York State Education Department. NYSTCE, New York State Teacher Certification Examinations, and the NYSTCE logo are
trademarks of the New York State Education Department or Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s).
Pearson and its logo are trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). Rv 5/15

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