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Fiction Evaluation Form

(Picture Books, Folklore, Modern Fantasy, Contemporary Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Multicultural Books)

Your Name:Ki’Aunah Radford

Book Title: An ABC equality Author:Chana Ginelle Ewing
Illustrator:Paulina Morgan Genre: Picture book (pre-first grade)
Publisher/Year:Frances Lincoln Children's Books; Illustrated edition (September
3, 2019)


STYLE and Language: Explain the language used – word choices, sentence length, dialogue, rhythm, rhyme.
Explain unexpected insights or interesting information the reader learns from the story. Give examples form
the book for each one:

Word choice: Straight forward

Ex. Yes is an affirmative response otherwise known as consent. When you say yes, it means that you agree
with an idea or action.

Sentence length:Long

Ex.Human beings have a set of rules to keep each other safe. Justice is when everyone that those rules
protect receives fair treatment, and no human being receives an advantage or disadvantage because of a
category like class or gender.


Ex.Sometimes the sex given by the doctor at birth might not fit with how that person feels. A “male” baby
may have been assigned the “boy” category, but their feeling inside may be that of a “girl,” or perhaps no
gender assignment at all.

Rhyme:Eye rhyme

Ex. A value is an expression of how to live a belief. A value can serve as a guide for how you behave around
other human beings. live your beliefs out loud.

Insights/interesting information: The book talks and names transgrender terms

Ex. Get to know she,he,zir,they,and more.

CHARACTER – Who is the main character? Explain the character’s personality traits. How can the reader
relate to the character, become involved in the story?
Who are the supporting characters? Give examples of each from the book.

Main character: no main character

Personality traits: the book traits a lot of honesty, love, compassion, and difference.

Ex. Everyone has different beliefs

How reader can relate to main character: Personal self or life connections

Ex.Race is a category to describe human beings based on where their family comes from and the way they
look such as skin color and hair.

Supporting characters: none

1. PLOT: (Explains the major events in the story.) Summarize the plot

The plot of this story starts with different ideas and subjects surrounding social justice to the
younger children also no matter of gender, race, age etc.
2. SETTING – Explain the place and time of the book.
THEME- What is the story’s theme or lesson?

Setting: The setting takes place in the new generation world 2022 era generation

Theme: The theme of this story is that all people, no matter their race, color, gender, disability,
where they come from or who they are, all have the right to be treated fairly.

ILLUSTRATION –Analyze the illustrations in the book (see Chapter 4 for details on the categories below.)
Choose a 2-page spread in the book to answer the following:

What Style (realism, surrealism, expressionism, impressionism, naïve, cartoon art)?

Cartoon art

Illustration and Text: explain how illustration and text combined to tell the story.

Then, explain what illustrations show that text does not explain?

Page design --Describe:

The Borders: The boards on the book are round and the color on the page covers the
borders too.

Use of white/dark space: This book uses a lot of dark spaces

Text placemen: The text placement is on the bottom corner of each page.

Font size: The font size is medium and small

Placement of illustrations: The placement of illustrations is in the middle of each page

3. CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORIES – CHOOSE 2 of theories below and evaluate the book according to the
developmental theories. (How the book fits the developmental stage and age?)


Name the stage__________preoperational___________________ and the age____2 to 7 years


Explain ONE cognitive development trait from the stage:

One cognitive development trait stage is rapid development of concepts through

friends,death,birth,good/bad sharing, etc.

Give examples from the book show how the book fits that trait and cognitive stage:

An example from the book that fits this trait is multicultural.Human beings create culture around
shared beliefs,values,music,place of birth, and even food. Multiculturalism acknowledges the many
unique cultures on earth.


Name the stage ______Intiative vs Guilt____________________________ and the


Explain ONE social development trait for this stage:

One social development trait for this stage is that children ask lots of questions.

Give examples from the book that support that social development trait and of this stage:

An example from the book is that a question is the opposite of a bief. When you're uncertain if
something exists or when you don't understand an idea, then you ask a question and can learn.


Identify the Age __________________________________

Explain ONE emotional development trait for this age:

Give examples from the book to illustrate that emotional development trait and this age:

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