Sex Consoles Friend

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Consoling in strange circumstances Consoling a grieving mother_________________________ Life is more dramatic than drama; some events are unbelievable

and appear to be crazy, and perverted. The persons in this real life incident are not perverted, but normal human beings and in some strange circumstances occur to fulfill thei r inner carnal dreams or desires. It is an account of real life incidents. In the early morning, I heard noises from the corridor of our Hostel when I was studying in University. I learnt to my shoc and surprise our classmate Gandhi , was found dead in his room, obviously committed suicide. An arsenic bottle was found besides the bed. Gandhi was married six months earlier to Madhusmita, st udying M.A English literature. No one could understand the reasons for his suici de. The body was sent for postmortem. His parents came next morning to the Hoste l after travelling overnight by car from their hometown. His father went along w ith our friends to the mortuary to complete the formalities and ta e his sons bod y. I was as ed to ta e care of Gandhis crying mother. I too her to the University G uesthouse; she sat on the bed crying. I cajoled her, to ta e bath and she went t o the bathroom, I brought brea fast from the hostel Mess and coffee in a flas . She refused to have brea fast, but on my repeated requests and insistence had a cup of coffee. She was continuously crying, tears dropping down her chee s. I was at loss, not nowing how to console her. I stood next her, placed my hands on her shoulders . She instantly leaned on to my chest burying her face. I hugged her, and then I put my hand on her head stro ing to console her and thought, let her cry out. My fingers ran into her thic sil y soft hair, one hand around her, and with other hand I stro ing her hair.

Her crying, gradually reduced to sobs, but she was holding me tightly. Her large breasts were pressing against my chest, and her whole body touching mine. I wa s wearing a lungi, and I was ashamed that despite the circumstances my body chem istry was beyond my control. I was aroused, my coc was hard, erect, throbbing a nd pressing at her mound. To my surprise, Gandhis 44 yr old mother was also press ing herself, against my hard coc , I loo ed at her bac , there was no doubt in m y mind, that she was thrusting her self against my hard coc feeling my hard mal eness. I cupped her soft big arse chee s with my hands, and her fingers were di gging into my bac , her hair not got untied, her beautiful soft thic wavy, cur ly soft smooth hair cascading spread onto her bac beyond her thunderous thighs, the soft ness of her sil y hair touching my hands further aroused my carnal des ire. I too her face into my hands. I could see in her eyes the desire to be ta en, to be owned, to unite, an unmista able need. I issed and lic ed all over her fa ce, her nec , and her chee s and finally ran my tongue over wet juicy thic her lips. She opened her mouth as my tongue slipped into her. She too my lower lip into her mouth and started suc ing, all the time pressing her against me. Our to ngues entwined, exploring, exhaustive and exhausting lip loc ed nectar suc ing iss. There was no need for words, and there was no doubt in my mind, I led her to the bed, and we lay on the bed facing each other, as I was stro ing and feeling her big breasts. She removed her blouse and bra, and thrust one of breast into my m outh. I suc ed on her engorged hard jutting nipple, while stro ing the other nip ple and squeezing it. Her hand reached between my thighs and too my long, thic , hard, and turgid coc into her hands, feeling its hardness. Oh! I cant wait, dear. Do it. Come into me.

. I got up, too off her saree and petticoat, as she raised her bottom inviting me as I entered her inviting juicy cunt with all my energy, savagely, filled her c unt, and loo ed into her eyes. The banal desire in her eyes was unmista able, he r hands on my hips pressing me against her. I loo ed into her eyes, too her br easts into my hands fondling them.

She came, finally, as if a volcano erupted, as if an earth qua e occurred, her w hole body in frenzied uncontrollable spasms, as she dug her nails into my bac s cratching, drawing blood. I said amma, amma, ammaaaaaaaa, as I ejaculated my hot loads of sperm into her cunt. We lay still, till our bodies gradually slowly ret urned to normality. She issed me all over my face, her eyes glowing with conten tment and satisfaction. She went to the bathroom and came bac hugged me issing me all over my face, Shiva, You filled me, filled the void in me, and fulfilled me. You gave me such a wonderful life time experience, made me forget everything, experiencing the ult imate bliss and unbelievable pleasure of submission. I sat on the bed and she p ut her head in my lap and lay down on the bed, my hands caressing and fondling h er big breasts. Do you now, what could be the plausible reason for my son to end his life? I said, I dont now. Padma said, He couldnt fuc his wife, the first night Is that so? Amma I said It is, He is not li e you. I wish he were a man li e you with vigor and virility and had a coc li e yours, so big and beautiful.. I wish you are my son. Yes, I am your son, amma If I were your son really, I would not have married any o ther girl, I said. Why, shiva, she as ed ta ing my already erect and hard coc in her hands. Because, If you were my mother, I would have married you You, silly, you cant marry me, if I were your mother, but you could be my lover fo rever, I would have been your ept woman, lifelong mistress. You can impregnate me. Padma was 44 yr. old, tall, very fair, with oily smooth unblemished s in, beauti ful oval face, high chee bones, full lips, her beautiful huge breasts still firm , conical, extending out of her small frame, narrow waist and wide and big botto m. Her long hair was thic , oily, curly, soft, jet-blac , shining, reaching her thunderous smooth banana trun li e thighs. She as ed do you li e me You are beautiful and sexy and exciting amma, I said stro ing her hard jutting bro wn nipples with my tongue and fingers her breasts became hard and her nipples gr ew bigger and hard. But, Shiva, do you thin I am crazy woman, a slut offering an d giving herself to a man on a day, when my son is dead, moaning instead of mour ning and groaning instead of grieving. No, Padma, You are not crazy; I understand your need to have your son in you, yo u want your son in you, you wanted him into you and you see your son in me. Sinc e you could not ta e him into you, you have ta en me, allowed me to enter you, e xplore your depths, opened up yourself, your body and soul, receiving me into yo u. You understand me so well, Shiva you have put my feelings into words better than I could have expressed. Shiva, I could have helped him, my son, with love, I c

She urged, Fuc me I started fuc ing. Oh, my son, fuc me fuc your mother, fuc e, my son, she was repeating the same words again and again, while moving her se lf up to meet each of my stro e.

ould have taught him to fuc . Its so simple; because he couldnt fuc his wife duri ng first three nights, he thought he was impotent.

He should have told me, come to me, I would have made his coc big and hard, she too my coc into her hands stro ing it. He could have fuc ed me. I would have h elped him to enter my cunt, and fuc . I would have taught him how to fuc a woma n. she said. Kneeling down, She too my coc into her hands issed the beautiful big pin no b ran her tongue along the shaft, lic ed my scrotum and balls, then too the coc into her mouth suc ed, Shiva, Your coc is so enormous, magnificent, long, th ic and beautiful I pulled her up by her hair, as ed her to bend. She obeyed, bent, her ass high u p, her legs spread wide, resting her hands on the bed, and her hair fell down on both sides of her shoulders touching the floor. Her cunt spread wide and inviti ng. I entered her juicy cunt, doggy style. Oh! Shiva, you filled me up to my belly button. Fuc me hard. I fuc ed and fuc ed leisurely enjoying each and every stro e. ntly, her whole body in ecstatic spasms, her cunt muscles all ng my coc , squeezing my coc , I stood still, allowing her to wn multiple orgasms and then allowed my self to ejaculate hot ce into her cunt.

She orgasmed viole of a sudden grippi enjoy the long dra loads of thic jui

We lay on the bed, I too her into my arms, her head buried on to my chest, the she loo ed into my eyes, her eyes expressing shyness, satisfaction and soft ness . She said, I want to have a son li e you. I wish today you have already done it . Somehow I feel it, because it is the right time for me. I said, Amma, I dont no w, but I promise you I try my best to impregnate you to give you my son or daugh ter. She smiled, Shiva, you are a man, any woman could feel safe, protected, sat isfied and forever happy. You now how to ma e a woman happy and live for the mo ment. It was the lunchtime; I went out brought lunch for both of us, had a light lunch and she relaxed in my arms. After some time, she got up, washed her face, chan ged her saree and started combing her hair. I too the comb and combed her hair and she arranged her hair into beautiful bun. While we were tal ing, her husband came. He as ed me to come to their hometown by train and accompany Padma. He to o Gandhis body in a taxi, to their village. We were alone again in the room. Pad ma said, she wanted to ta e bath shampoo her hair. I went to the station to arrange train tic ets for me and Padma in 1st class cou pe and came bac to the guest house. Padma opened the door, loo ing fresh after ta ing the bath and rest, her hair left loose. I too her into my arms, issed h er and said, you loo beautiful and sexy. I smelled her hair and said, arrange yo ur hair into a braid. She smiled, and said, Not now. What everyone will thin of me? We went to the station, got into the coupe. I got down onto the platform to buy water bottles and some fruits. It was 7.30 PM, the train started, and after TTE chec ed the tic ets, I loc ed the door and saw Padma arranging her hair into a l ong braid. She got up, and I encircled her from bac , her long braid onto her fr ont. We were in front of the mirror. Padma, you loo younger in long braid

Was he impotent? How do you now amma? He thought so. Perhaps he was. He wrote a letter to his wife, a wee e showed it to me. I was planning to ta e him to a doctor.

bac and sh

Do I loo young enough to be your wife or mistress? Yes I feel li e an young girl, li e a virgin with you. You are my real man, son and lover. You made me a complete woman, mother, mistress, lover and slave, she said. Padma, you are an ageless beauty. Some women li e you become more beautiful with advancing age, I said fondling her earlobes and issing behind her ears, lic in g them. Her saree pallu dropped to the floor, I removed her blouse and bra, rele asing her huge voluminous heavy firm hanging conical breasts. Her firm jutting b rown nipples were hard in my fingers as I stro ed them, and then lifting her bre asts up stro ing from bottom and said, Padma I wish I can suc mil from your br easts. You can, Shiva, my Lover Son, You impregnate me, and once I give birth to your so n, I can feed my breast mil to both of you forever. I want a son from you, Shiv a. She said. I issed her breasts, suc ing her nipples, and removed her saree, untied her pet ticoat and too off my pants, as ed her to sit down on the berth, her thighs spr ead wide. I started lic ing her engorged big protruding pin wet clitoris, lappi ng up her cunt juice with my tongue, inserted my tongue into her cunt deep and l ic ing allover. I want to eat you, amma Eat me, son, Eat my cunt. I started devouring her cunt, suc ing her juices, slurping, lic ing her all over cunt suc ing her juices, pressing my mouth to her cunt and suc ing, ma ing slur ping noise. Oh. Shiva, you are suc ing all my stored juices, you are emptying al l my ama juices li e a vacuum machine. I got up; she offered her cunt, her hands holding onto the berth. I entered her juice drenched cunt, opening her up, penetrating slowly steadily, and going into her li e a nife in slab of soft butter mound, filling her deep cunt to the bot tom. The train was moving with a rhythmic sound and my coc was moving in her cu nt li e piston, forward and bac ward at a steady pace enjoying each stro e openi ng up her cunt. Every time li e a boring machine boring into a soft rain drenche d earth. Oh Shiva, Shiva, my god, fuc me my son, fuc my cunt, deep, yes yes.. she was m a ing loud noises with abandoned carelessness. Amma, you have beautiful big ass. Padma was thrusting her ass to meet my coc , every time ma ing thapach thapach noise. Finally I increased the momentum matching the increasing speed of the tra in, her cunt was gripping my coc and releasing it, again and again, her orgasmi c response was gradually increasing and then reached its pea as her cunt grippe d my coc tightly for a long time and slowly releasing, her body was on a fire. It was Tsunami waves one after another, gradually her orgasm slowly subsided, as I still was fuc ing at a a high speed and with all my energy. My coc finally e jaculated loads and loads of thic sperm into her cunt. This is what she wants, she wanted to become pregnant that day, I was not to disappoint her. We disenta ngled, and she cleaned my coc with towel and lie down on the berth to allow my sperm to enter her womb and couple with fertile egg. I sat next to her. She smiled and said, Shiva, I never had such an experience in my life. You are an experienced passionate lover. I thin you made me pregnant. I said dont worry, night is still young, we shall have more opportunities to ens ure impregnation. Woman intuitively nows when her hormones are at pea and her egg is ready to receive the sperm. It was on such rare occasion that Padma, want ed and got pregnant 2 After all the guests went Padma came to my room, in the night and we fuc ed. Two

days later, Padma brought her widowed daughter-in-law, 20 yr. old Madhusmitha, who was still a virgin, dressing her up li e a bride, in a traditional way for t he first night. Padma decorated the bed and the room as if it was the first nigh t. Madhu, 56tall, lean, beautiful face, with large expressive anxious eyes, juicy lip s, shy and hesitating virgin, 34-26-38 figure, long smooth hair arranged into a single plait and decorated with jasmine flowers, wearing her wedding anjeevaram sil saree, was brought by padma to my room with a glass of mil . It was the t radition that widowed wife is dressed up with um um on forehead and flowers in braid till all ceremonies till 13th day are performed. Padma said, ma e her happy and ma e her pregnant. I deflowered Madhu that night. After Madhu slept, I went to Padma, who was waiting for me and we fuc ed till w ee hours. I stayed till 13th day ceremony, fuc ing both mother-in-law and daught er-in-law, day and night and returned to the college. I got a phone call from Padma and her daughter-in-law Madhu informing me that bo th were pregnant, impregnated by me. Both were happy. People thought it was Gand hi who made his wife pregnant and it was Padmas husband who made her pregnant. Padma and Madhu both delivered male babies. I continued my visits to their home every month to ma e loving fuc ing. I went t o them 3 days prior to their scheduled delivery date. Both Padma and Madhusmitha became proud mothers delivering boys. And that night I was breastfed by both th e mothers. I visited them often, enjoying them. Padmas husband new about our sec ret affair. Padma and her husband adapted Madhu as their daughter. Madhu later on got marrie d to Padmas younger brother, a widower. I still eep in touch with them, visiting them whenever the occasion arises. Secretly, I was the son Padma lost, I was the husband Madhu lost, fulfilling the vacuum left by Gandhi, and filling the void left, both physically and psycholog ically. Madhu is now an English Professor in a reputed college, living with her in-laws (adapted parents) husband and our children. Send your comments to

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