Goldilocks and The Three Bears Form

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Fiction Evaluation Form

(Picture Books, Folklore, Modern Fantasy, Contemporary Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Multicultural Books)

Your Name:Ki’Aunah Radford

Genre of the Book:Folktale
Book Title:Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Author:Gennady Spirin
Publisher:Two Lions
Date:January 5, 2012
Illustrator:Tony Palazzo


STYLE and Language: Explain the language used – word choices, sentence length, dialogue, rhythm, rhyme.
Explain unexpected insights or interesting information the reader learns from the story. Give examples form
the book for each one:

Word choice:Formal

Ex.Once upon a time, there were three little bears- a papa bear,mama bear, and a little baby bear.

Sentence length:Short and long

Ex.Every morning they ate porridge for breakfast. Papa Bear had a great big bowl.


Ex.One morning Papa Bear said, “This porridge is waaaaaay to hot.”


Ex.”Yes, it is,” said Mama Bear. “Yes, it is” said Little Bear.So the three bears took a walk while it cooled off.


Ex.After breakfast, they sat in their three special chairs. Papa bear had a great big chair. Mama bear had a
middle sized chair. And little bear had a tiny little chair just right for him.

Insights/interesting information:Interesting information is goldie locks got into the house by sneaking
through the window.

Ex.After they left, a little girl named Goldilocks peeked in the window. “Mmmm,” she said, “that porridge
smells very good and I'm very hungry.” so she climbed inside.

CHARACTER – Who is the main character? Explain the character’s personality traits. How can the reader
relate to the character, become involved in the story?
Who are the supporting characters? Give examples of each from the book.

Main character:Goldilocks

Ex.Goldilocks ate it all up

Personality traits:Outgoing, Loving, and bold

Ex.Then she tried sitting in the three chairs. First she sat in the great big chair. “Too hard!” she said.

How reader can relate to main character:The readers can relate to the main character when they enter
someone else's home, especially someone that they don't know.

Ex. First she tasted the porridge in the great big bowl.”Too hot!” she said. Then she tasted the porridge in the
middle sized bowl. “Too cold!” she said. Finally she tasted the porridge in the tiny little bowl. It was neither
too hot nor too cold.

Supporting characters:The three bears

Ex. At night the bears slept in their three special beds.

1. PLOT: (Explains the major events in the story.) Summarize the plot

The plot of the story is goldilocks is far away from home and walks past the house of the three
bears. First she sits in their chairs then eats their porridge. Then lies in the little bear's bed which
she finds the most comfortable.
SETTING – Explain the place and time of the book.
THEME- What is the story’s theme or lesson?

Setting: In the daytime in a house

Theme: The story's theme or lesson is that your actions have consequences in life.

ILLUSTRATION –Analyze the illustrations in the book (see Chapter 4 for details on the categories below.)
Choose a 2-page spread in the book to answer the following:

What Style (realism, surrealism, expressionism, impressionism, naïve, cartoon art)?


Illustration and Text: explain how illustration and text combined to tell the story.

Then, explain what illustrations show that text does not explain?

The illustration and text combined tells the story by showing detailed imagery of the text so you're
not only reading it children can see what they are reading.

Page design --Describe:

The Borders: The boarders are square shaped and sharpened but some are covered with the image
Use of white/dark space:Use of both but more white than dark

Text placemen:The text is placed on the right side of the pages except a few

Font size:25 or medium

Placement of illustrations: The illustrations are placed on just about both sides of the page in the

2. CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORIES – CHOOSE 2 of theories below and evaluate the book according to the
developmental theories. (How the book fits the developmental stage and age?)


Name the stage: Concrete Operational and the age: 7-11yrd old

Explain ONE cognitive development trait from the stage:

Reasoning includes two-way thinking (more than one point of view).

Give examples from the book show how the book fits that trait and cognitive stage:

An example from the book would be when Goldilocks has more than one point of view on the
porridge temperature, The chair sizes and the beds.


Name the stage: INDUSTRY VERSUS INFERIORITY and the age:School age

Explain ONE social development trait for this stage:

Children develop inferiority when they

• are not successful with tasks at school and home

Give examples from the book that support that social development trait and of this stage:

For example Goldilocks was far away from home when she ran into the bears home which wasn’t
successful in her mind by the way she ran away after the bears found her in their home.


Identify the Age __________________________________

Explain ONE emotional development trait for this age:

Give examples from the book to illustrate that emotional development trait and this age:

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