Sweetest Kulu Form

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Fiction Evaluation Form

(Picture Books, Folklore, Modern Fantasy, Contemporary Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Multicultural Books)

Your Name: Ki’Aunah Radford

Book Title:Sweetest Kulu
Author:Celina Kalluk Illustrator:Alexandria Neonakis

Genre:Inhabit Media; English edition Publisher/Year:April 6,2016

Grade group Pre K


STYLE and Language: Explain the language used – word choices, sentence length, dialogue, rhythm, rhyme.
Explain unexpected insights or interesting information the reader learns from the story. Give examples form
the book for each one:

Word choice:soft

Ex.Melodies of wind arrived

Sentence length:long

Ex.Sweetest Kulu, on the day you were born, all of the arctic summer was there to greet you. Smiling sun
shone so bright and stayed through the night, giving you blankets and ribbons of warm light.



Ex. You had many wondrous and grand visitors!

Rhyme:perfect rhyme

Ex.They shared thoughts, feelings, and the best wishes with you, darling Kulu.

Insights/interesting information: Kulu had a lot of animals around him from birth to now and they showed so
much love.

Ex.Adventurous snow bunting gifted you seeds for you to plant and grow with, reminding you to always
believe in yourself, happy kulu.

CHARACTER – Who is the main character? Explain the character’s personality traits. How can the reader
relate to the character, become involved in the story?
Who are the supporting characters? Give examples of each from the book.

Main character:Kulu

Ex.Happy Kulu

Personality traits:Loving sweet kind gentle

Ex.You became a best friend, baby Kulu, loving to give.

How reader can relate to main character:The reader can relate to the main character when they were a baby
and came into the world with a whole loving army.

Ex.Narwhal and Beluga saw the natural gift to the world that you are.

Supporting characters:Animals

Ex.Fox, so thoughtful and swift, came to tell you to get out of bed as soon as you wake, and help anyone who
may need help along the way,admired Kulu.

1. PLOT: (Explains the major events in the story.) Summarize the plot

The plot of the story is told from a mother's perspective speaking to her baby Kulu while showing respect for

2. SETTING – Explain the place and time of the book.

THEME- What is the story’s theme or lesson?

Setting:The setting takes place in the arctic during daytime and nighttime

Theme:The story's lesson is it shows how animals in the arctic and the gifts of the land that us
humans and animals share.

ILLUSTRATION –Analyze the illustrations in the book (see Chapter 4 for details on the categories below.)
Choose a 2-page spread in the book to answer the following:

What Style (realism, surrealism, expressionism, impressionism, naïve, cartoon art)?


Illustration and Text: explain how illustration and text combined to tell the story.

Then, explain what illustrations show that text does not explain?

The illustrations and text tells the story in a more understanding loving moving way. The illustrations show
more compassion which the text doesn't the text really just tells the story and what's happening.

Page design --Describe:

The Borders: Shard and soiree shaped

Use of white/dark space:Dark spaces

Text placemen:Top or bottom on either left or right of the pages

Font size:Medium

Placement of illustrations:Covering both pages

3. CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORIES – CHOOSE 2 of theories below and evaluate the book according to the
developmental theories. (How the book fits the developmental stage and age?)


Name the stage Sensorimotor and the age birth to 2yrs

Explain ONE cognitive development trait from the stage:

Infants explore and learn about their world through (senses)tasting, touching, smelling,
manipulating objects and movement.

Give examples from the book show how the book fits that trait and cognitive stage:

For example in the book baby Kulu was hugging Caribou which is a deer. To know where he is at
and lead the way.


Name the stage TRUST versus MISTRUST and the age Infancy

Explain ONE social development trait for this stage:

Infants receiving positive care, with needs met will think of the world as safe and dependable and

learn to Trust.

Give examples from the book that support that social development trait and of this stage:

For example in the book the polar bear taught baby Kulu to treat animals with respect and never to
scold them.


Identify the Age __________________________________

Explain ONE emotional development trait for this age:

Give examples from the book to illustrate that emotional development trait and this age:

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