Frida Kahlo Form

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Nonfiction Form (Biography and Information Books)

Your Name:Ki’Aunah Radford Title: I am Frida Kahlo

Author: Brad Meltzer Illustrator:Christopher Eliopoulos
Publisher/Date: Penguin Young Readers group , March 9, 2021
Genre: Biography ,multiculturalism
Grade level pre k to 2nd grade

Explain how the cover and first pages of the book attract and hold the reader’s interest. Give 3examples from
the book

1.The cover and first page attracts and holds the reader by giving bright colors. For example the cover page
has lots of red, orange, green,blue,purple, and brown.

2.The cover and first page attracts and holds the reader by giving a detailed cartoon picture of Frida Kahlo but
in a child’s point of view.

3.The cover and first page attracts and holds the reader by giving a detailed paragraph of what makes a hero.

STYLE AND LANGUAGE – Explain how the book shares information with children. Examples: “little-known
facts;” new vocab sprinkled in the text; and selection of information to create/maintain reader’s interest.
Give 3 examples from the book

1.The book shares information with children by giving children true life experiences starting from childhood
for example, Frida Kahlo at 6yrs old got a disease called polio which made her right leg thinner and shorter
than her left leg.

2.The book shares information with children by giving children a different look at life especially when it might
be tough. For example when Frida was in her room for nine months she created a special place in her room
on her windshield where she would blow on it and draw a door.

3.The book shares information with children by showing children that their parents are their best
cheerleaders. For example Frida's father encouraged her to play sports to strengthen her leg and even taught
her to paint and see the world through beauty.

ACCURACY – up-to-date research, any sources or references provided, no mixing of fact and fiction.

Explain:Frida was more than just a painter; she was also a teacher a professor.

INFORMATION –Explain how the book captures a child’s interest: unusual subjects or viewpoints -
personalized content – new perspectives, first-person accounts, and fascinating comparisons.

Give 3 examples from the book.

1.The book captures a child’s interest by telling children that no matter their situation everyone and their
differences are perfect and that it’s okay to be different.

2.The book captures a child’s interest by giving a timeline with details and actual pictures of Frida Kahlo.

3.The book captures a child’s interest by putting an actual mirror in the book to show that the most beautiful
thing is you just as you are.

ILLUSTRATIONS-- Select a 2-Page Spread to evaluate the book with following:

Media (paints, pencils, pen, watercolors, charcoal, photographs, crayon, acrylics, chalk, oils ): Explain the media choices used:

Paint and photographs

illustration and text combine to share the information:

What does the text explain and how illustrated?

The text explains Frida's life but also tells children that they are most beautiful when they are just themselves which is illustrated
through pictures that goes with the text.

What do illustrations show that text does not explain?

The illustrations show more emotions and clear images which the text does not show that visual side.

Page design – Describe the following: use of borders: Colorful and square shaped

text placement:Both sides of the pages

font size:small and medium

use of information boxes, charts or identification of vocab:a lot of information boxes

use of white and dark space: dark spaces

types of illustrations on placement on both pages:comic illustrations

Child Development Theories –Select 1 theory: Jean Piaget-Cognitive

Identify the stage Preoperational and age level 2 to 7yrs from the theory.

Select one trait from the developmental stage/level.

• Rapid development of concepts (friend, death, birth, good/bad sharing, etc.).

Explain and give 3 specific examples from the book that fit the developmental stage/level.

1. Frida was bullied by her peers for having one leg shorter than the other

2.Frida developed imagination for beauty in life through painting

3.Frida got into an accident and was in a full body cast which made her realize that she wanted to be friends
with people who liked her for her.

1. OVERALL RATING (3 high, 1 low) 1 2 3

Explain the rating: The rating gets a three because it shows children that no matter what differences you have
in life or what life throws you can overcome and become something great.

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