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Weekly Home Learning Plan for Modular Distance Learning

1st Grading Period

Week 2 (September 20-25,2021)
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

8:00 - 9:00 Daily Routines

9:00 - 9:30 Short Exercise/Family Bonding

Wednesday TLE 7 TLE_IACP7/8UT-0a-1 Perform activity “WHAT I HAVE Modular print and Parents to
1:00 – 3:00 LO 1. Prepare electrical materials and tools for the task LEARNED” look for a picture of an submit students output to the
1.1 Prepare a list of electrical tools and materials for a extension cord and Identify the Adviser on the schedule.
specific appropriate electrical Materials
Job and appropriate electrical tools
used. (Page 20.)

Wednesday MAPEH 9 Describes the musical elements of selected vocal and Perform activity “WHAT I CAN DO” Modular print and Parents to
9:30-11:30 (MUSIC) instrumental music of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque –Composition Word Painting submit students output to the
music; follow/use Rubrics as guide on your Adviser on the schedule.

Tuesday Science 10 Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes, Perform “APPLY WHAT YOU HAVE Modular print and Parents to
1:00 – 3:00 earthquake LEARNED” activities submit students output to the
epicenters, and major mountain belts to Plate Tectonic A. Directions: Study the given Adviser on the schedule.
Theory picture below. Tell what
landform or feature of the
Earth’s crust was shown.
Tell what human activity
and natural activity can be
possible on the given
B. Make a short
advertisement to feature
a known landform in your
locality. Tell what
landform is presented,
type of crust and possible
human activity that can be
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Follow rubrics as guide in
doing the activity.

Thursday Agri- crop 11 (TLE_AFAACP9- 12ASMO-Ia-b-1) Perform activities on a Long Bond Modular print and Parents to
9:30 – 11:30 1. Identify work tasks in line with farm operations; paper: submit students output to the
2. Determine place for safety measures in line with farm PRACTICE TASK 2: SPOT THE Adviser on the schedule.
operations; DIFFERENCE!
3. Determine time for safety measures in line with farm In this activity you are going to
operations; and, identify which individual is wearing
4. Prepare appropriate tools, materials, and outfits in line proper PPE while applying
with job requirements pesticides. Assess the images and
note the difference/s. List down
the different PPE you’ve seen in the
pictures. Write your answers in the
table below.
Direction: This time, you are
going to assess the risk and
make the necessary change/s to
control hazard in a workplace.
Operating a tractor is a good
example because it is a very
dangerous farm task. Given the
pictures below, you are going to
identify the hazard, assess the
risk and provide safety
measures. Write your answers
in the table provided.
Scoring Rubrics are provided as

Tuesday Agri- crop 12 Prepare nursery tools, farm implements, and simple Instruction: Make a photo Modular print and Parents to
9:30 – 11:30 equipment (TLE_AFAACP9- 12PNO-IIa-16) documentation or a video submit students output to the
LO 1.1: Prepare tools, farm implements, and simple presentation of how you maintain Adviser on the schedule.
equipment according to work requirements; specific tools available in your
LO 1.2: Perform basic pre-operative checking of tools, farm house. Submit your output to your
implements and equipment in accordance with teacher through messenger, email
manufacturer’s manual and Phil GAP (Philippine Good or any possible online platforms.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Agricultural Practices) standard; and, RUBRICS are provided on the

LO 1.3 Perform segregation and treatment of tools with wear Modules use its Guide on creating
and corrosion according to maintenance plan and procedures your Photo Documentation or
standards. video Presentation.

Prepared by: Noted:


Subject Teacher School Head

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