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Integration of Industrial Systems

OSI Model

1. What is the difference in operation between a switch and a router?

The main difference between a routing switch and a router is in its hardware
structure as the switch incorporates the functionality of a router but uses
hardware routing whereas typical routers use software routing. Speaking of its
operation, a hub combines an Ethernet network segment; A switch connects
multiple Ethernet segments more efficiently, and a router can perform the same
functions and much more, plus routes TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol) packets between multiple LANs and/or WANs.

2. Explain in detail the process that allows a user to send information to internet.
Example: To start with, data is entered by means of a keyboard… Finally, web server
shows requested webpage to the user.

To explain the process of sending information over the internet, we will carry out
the following example with myself and the teacher. I want to send an email to
Professor Daniel; I compose a message in a mail application and then I hit
send. The mail application then passes the message to the application layer,
which chooses a protocol (SMTP) and passes the data to the presentation
layer. The presentation layer then compresses the data and passes it to the
session layer, which will initiate the communication session.
The data will then reach the sender's transport layer and be segmented there.
Then those segments will be broken into smaller pieces, packets, at the
network layer and into even smaller pieces, frames, at the data link layer. The
data link layer will then send the frames to the physical layer so that they can be
converted by the physical layer into a sequence of bits made up of 1s and 0s
that travels through a physical medium, such as a cable.
When Professor Daniel's computer receives the sequence of bits through a
physical medium (for example, his Wi-Fi), the data will travel through the same
series of layers, only now on his device and in reverse order.
3. Complete the following table on IP addressing:

Host IP address Default Network Broadcast Private or

subnet mask address address public?

Explain each of your answers briefly.

4. Do some research on the web and complete the table with a layer-by-layer description
of two industrial communication technologies.

Layer /
Case 1 Case 2

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