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Aaliyah Bryant

Chapter 157 of “For Hearing People Only” titled “‘My wife teaches children with

learning problems. Would there be any information to help her better recognize children with

hearing problems or anything related?’” was a short chapter yet very important for resources to

help deaf or hard of hearing children. The chapter starts out with a message from Roger Mindel

who was asking for advice on how his wife can better recognize children with hearing problems.

This chapter explains that there is no shortage of this information and gives different types of

resources for the topic. It also shares many available works for deaf children, early intervention,

and education at the end of the chapter.

Everything in this chapter was new to me. I knew that there are children who had deaf

parents but they were hearing. I’ve always wanted to know how that would affect the child with

deaf parents. ASL sentence structure use the format “Object, Subject, Verb”. The English format

is “Subject Verb Object”. As his parents were signing to him, this child spoke the same way he

was signed. This, to me, is understandable because that was simply how he applied the way he

converse with his parents to his speech. I have also learned about the many different resources

that help deaf or hard of hearing children. These resources such as different websites, NTID/RIT,

ASDC, TRIPOD, GLAD, and so on.

How I can apply this to my life is to simply educate myself. If I were to ever had a

problem like Mindel’s wife at the beginning of the chapter, I would probably check out those

resources. Honestly, I would like to check out those resources just for fun just to see what it is all

about. It is important to learn about deaf culture as a lot of people do not know in general

anything about it. Lack of this knowledge can really cause ignorance which can be really harmful

to deaf and hard of hearing people. So, I feel it would be better to educate myself.

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