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Comparative Medicine Vol 62, No 5

Copyright 2012 October 2012

by the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Pages 395–399

Original Research

A Rat Model of Cigarette Smoke Abuse Liability

Petros Ypsilantis,1,* Maria Politou,1 Constantinos Anagnostopoulos,2 Alexandros Kortsaris,2 and Constantinos Simopoulos1

We sought to develop a rat model of cigarette smoke exposure (CSE) that created cotinine serum levels comparable to those
of smokers and induced conditioned place preference (CPP) suggestive of cigarette smoke abuse liability. Rats were exposed to
sidestream cigarette smoke delivered semicontinuously for 2 periods of 20 (group S20), 40 (group S40), or 60 (group S60) min daily
for 12 wk. Serum cotinine concentration in blood samples was determined at 1 and 20 h after CSE. A biased (black versus white
chamber) CPP paradigm was used. In the high CSE group (group S60), serum cotinine at 1 h (250 to 300 ng/mL) was comparable
to average cotinine levels reported for addicted smokers (around 300 ng/mL). Cotinine levels at 20 h after CSE were higher than
the smoker–nonsmoker cut-off value (greater than 14 ng/mL) in all smoking groups, with the S60 group having the highest levels.
All rats preferred the black chamber to the white chamber during the preexposure CPP test. The time spent in the white chamber
was increased compared with 0-wk values in group S40 at 8 wk, group S60 at 4 and 8 wk, and the control group at 4 and 8 wk but
not at 12 wk; however, the shift in CPP was significantly higher at 8 wk in group S60 compared with other groups. In conclusion,
interrupted 2-h daily CSE for 8 wk induced serum cotinine levels in rats comparable to those of smokers and induced CPP sugges-
tive of cigarette smoke abuse liability.

Abbreviations: CPP, conditioned place preference; CSE, cigarette smoke exposure.

The devastating consequences of smoking on health have been its cessation. In toxicity studies, animals are exposed to tobacco
studied extensively in numerous clinical and animal studies over smoke for various periods, which depend on the side effect un-
time. This chronic habit leads to dependence on tobacco smoke, der investigation.18,25,27 Smoke exposure timetables usually do not
with nicotine, a main active ingredient of tobacco products, being involve weekends for practical reasons, and addiction of animals
recognized as the basic addictive substance.32 to tobacco smoke is not assessed in current models.
The known health benefits of smoking cessation motivate In our opinion, an ideal animal model of cigarette smoke abuse
smokers to quit tobacco use. However, unaided efforts usually liability suitable for the study of smoking cessation resembles
are unsuccessful, resulting in smoking relapse. The fight against the clinical situation in terms of chronic daily inhalation of ciga-
nicotine addiction may be undermined by potential weight gain rette smoke sufficient to attain blood nicotine levels compara-
after smoking cessation, potentially discouraging those attempt- ble to those of smokers and in cessation of the CSE period after
ing to quit smoking and contributing to relapse. During the past achieving tobacco smoke abuse liability. In the present project,
few years, research has been focused on 2 main areas of inter- we sought to establish such a model in rats by defining the daily
est toward this direction: understanding the underlying biologic timetable of CSE to induce serum levels of cotinine, nicotine’s
mechanisms related to nicotine addiction to effectively design major proximate metabolite, comparable to those of smokers and
therapeutic strategies to support those who wish to quit smok- by determining the minimum total CSE period required to induce
ing and investigating the hormonal and molecular mechanisms abuse liability to cigarette smoke. We assessed the CSE period by
responsible for weight gain after smoking cessation. using a biased conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm.8
So far, animal models used to study the consequences of smok-
ing cessation involved the administration of nicotine as a sole
Materials and Methods
agent until addiction was achieved.23 However, nicotine-ad-
Animals. Male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus; n = 42; age, 5 to 6
ministration models do not completely represent the toxic and
mo; weight, 380 to 420 g) provided by our laboratory’s inhouse
addictive effects of cigarette smoke, given that smoke contains
breeding colony were used. They were the 20th inbred generation
more than 4000 chemicals whose actions or coactions have not
of Wistar rats obtained from the conventional breeding facility
been thoroughly evaluated yet.1 Cigarette smoke exposure (CSE)
of the Democritos National Center of Physics Research (Athens,
animal models have been used in studies investigating the met-
Greece). Colony health status was monitored semiannually, and
abolic changes conferred by smoking10-12 but not in those after
rats were found to be free of Mycoplasma spp., adventitious virus-
es, respiratory and enteric bacteria, and ecto- and endoparasites.
Received: 20 Feb 2012. Revision requested: 03 Apr 2012. Accepted: 13 May 2012. The rats were housed in polycarbonate cages, 3 rats per cage, at 20
Laboratory of Experimental Surgery and Surgical Research and 2Laboratory of
to 22 °C, on a 14:10-h light:dark cycle and were given commercial
Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis,
Greece. pelleted diet (4RF25, Mucedola, Milan, Italy) and tap water ad
Corresponding author. Email: libitum. The facilities were in accordance with Directive 86/609/


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Vol 62, No 5
Comparative Medicine
October 2012

EEC, which refers to “the protection of animals used for experi-

mental and other scientific purposes.”13
Experimental design. We randomly assigned 24 rats to 3 smok-
ing (groups S20, S40, and S60) and a nonsmoking control group
(group C) that consisted of 6 rats each. Rats in the smoking groups
were exposed to interrupted sidestream cigarette smoke for vari-
ous periods on a daily basis for 12 wk. Three rats at a time were
confined in a white smoking chamber for 2 periods of 20 (group
S20), 40 (group S40), or 60 (group S60) min each, with a 60-min
interval between exposures. The color of the chamber was that
of the ‘nonpreferred’ side (white), as defined through a preex-
posure, black compared with white chamber, CPP test. Rats in
the control group were confined on a daily basis in an identical
chamber without smoke for 2 periods of 60 min, with a 60-min
Figure 1. The smoke-exposure system.
interval, for 12 wk. Blood samples were collected around 20 h
after the first smoking session at 0, 5, and 9 wk during the CSE
period, as well as 2 d after the end of the CSE period, to determine side. CPP tests were considered to be biased and were conducted
serum cotinine concentration. Every 4 wk, rats were subjected to in the same manner.
a biased CPP test to assess abuse liability to cigarette smoke. In Determination of serum cotinine concentration. Blood samples
a separate set of smoking control experiments, 3 groups of 6 rats were collected from the tail artery under sevoflurane anesthesia.
each (groups SC20, SC40, SC60) were assigned to 1 wk of CSE Collection of blood samples for cotinine measurement in rats that
exposure as described earlier, and blood samples were collected underwent CSE was performed at 1 h after CSE (that is, 1400).
at 1 h after the last day’s smoking session to determine cotinine Control samples were collected between 0800 and 0900, approxi-
levels. The experimental protocol was approved by the Animal mately 20 h after their last session. Serum was separated by cen-
Care and Ethics Committee of the local Veterinary Service and trifugation at 3000 × g for 20 min and then stored at −70 °C until
was in compliance with Directive 86/609/EEC.13 later analyzed. The concentration of cotinine was determined by
CSE system. The system used to expose rats to sidestream ciga- using a commercially available ELISA kit (Cotinine Direct ELISA,
rette smoke consisted of a ventilator, a smoke-generating cham- BioQuant, San Diego, CA) according to the manufacturer’s in-
ber, and a whole-body CSE chamber that were serially connected structions. The lower limit of detection was 1 ng/mL.
via silicone tubes interlined by Heimlich valves (Becton Dickin- Statistical analysis. Data were analyzed by using SPSS 13.0 sta-
son, Franklin Lakes, NJ) to avoid smoke regression (Figure 1). The tistical software (SPSS, Chicago, IL). Data were expressed as mean
ventilator (Veterinary anesthesia ventilator model 2000, Hallowell ± SE and underwent repeated-measures ANOVA followed by
EMC, Pittsfield, MA) was set to provide 150 mL of air every 10 s. the Student t test for comparisons between 2 groups or the Least
The smoke-generating chamber consisted of an acrylic cylinder Significant Difference test for multiple comparisons. A probabil-
(radius, 8 cm; height, 27 cm) corresponding to 5430 cm3 total vol- ity of less than 5% (P < 0.05) was considered to be statistically
ume into which one cigarette (tar, 8 mg; nicotine, 0.6 mg; carbon significant.
monoxide, 9 mg) at a time was constantly kept lit. Smoke then
was delivered to an acrylic white chamber (length, 40 cm; width, Results
20 cm; height, 25 cm) of 20,000 cm3 total volume and exhausted All rats survived the 12-wk experimental period.
through a hole. The level of carbon monoxide inside the CSE Serum cotinine levels. Serum cotinine levels at 1 h after CSE
chamber was kept between 150 and 250 ppm by transient inter- ranged between 147 and 167 ng/mL (mean ± SE, 160.0 ± 4.1 ng/
ruption, if necessary, of the diluted sidestream smoke delivery. mL) for group SC20, 171 and 221 ng/mL (195.8 ± 11.2 ng/mL) for
The carbon monoxide concentration in air samples collected from group SC40, and 248 and 305 ng/mL (276.5 ± 12.7 ng/mL) for
the chamber interior at 15-min intervals was determined by using group SC60.
a portable carbon monoxide analyzer (piCO Smokerlyzer Breath At 20 h after CSE, serum cotinine concentration in all smoke-
CO monitor, Bedfont Scientific, Kent, UK). Rats were exposed to exposed rats was increased above 14 ng/mL, which is the cut-off
cigarette smoke between 0900 and 1300. value for being defined as a smoker.20 Cotinine concentrations
CPP test. The CPP apparatus consisted of 2 acrylic chambers, a were significantly (P < 0.001) higher in group S60 compared with
black and a white, that were connected by a door (height, 10 cm; groups S20 and S40. Cotinine returned to preexposure levels 2
width, 7 cm). The dimensions of each chamber were the same d after completion of the smoke-exposure period (Figure 2). No
with that of the CSE chamber (length, 40 cm; width, 20 cm; height, changes were noted in the cotinine levels of control rats (data not
25 cm; volume, 20,000 cm3). Each rat was placed individually in shown). Serum cotinine concentration did not differ among time
the apparatus, at the level of the interconnecting door, and the points within each smoke-exposed group, suggesting that the
time the rat spent in each chamber was recorded for a period of CSE setup induced a reliable and reproducible increase in serum
10 min (600 s). The chamber in which the rat spent less than 300 s cotinine.
was designated as the nonpreferred side. CPP. During the preexposure CPP test, all rats preferred the
Before commencement of the CSE period, rats underwent a black over the white chamber (Figure 3 A). The time spent in the
preexposure CPP test to determine their place preference. There- white chamber was significantly increased in group S40 at 8 wk
after, CSE (and control exposure) took place in acrylic chambers (P < 0.05) and group S60 at 4 wk (P < 0.05) and 8 wk (P < 0.001)
identical in color and dimensions as those of the nonpreferred but not at 12 wk of exposure. Similarly, the time control rats spent


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Cigarette smoke abuse liability model

Figure 2. Mean serum cotinine concentration (n = 6) of rats at 20 h after

daily smoke exposure during the CSE period (0, 1, 5, 9 wk) and at 2 d
after cessation of the CSE period (C2d). Error bars represent standard
errors. Values of 1 ng/mL or less are denoted as 1 ng/mL (minimum
detection limit). The dotted line depicts the 14 ng/mL cut-off limit for
being considered a smoker. CSE, cigarette smoke exposure; *, significant
(P < 0.001) difference between S20 and S40.

in the white chamber was increased at 4 wk (P < 0.01) and 8 wk (P

< 0.05). The white chamber remained the nonpreferred side (time
spent, less than 300 s) in all groups studied (Figure 3 A).
To compare the shift in place preference among groups at each
time point, the relative increase (%) of the initial time spent in the
white chamber was calculated. This percentage was significantly
higher (P < 0.05) in group S60 compared with group S20 and con- Figure 3. (A) Time spent in the white chamber (P values indicate dif-
trol rats after 8 wk of exposure (Figure 3 B). ferences compared with value at 0 wk) and (B) relative shift (%) of the
initial time spent in the white chamber after white compared with black
chamber-biased CPP test of rats exposed to cigarette smoke. Data are
Discussion presented as the mean of 6 rats; error bars represent standard error. The
In the present study, daily exposure of rats to freshly generated dotted line depicts the time limit that characterized place preference.
sidestream cigarette smoke delivered semicontinuously for 120 Total test time, 600 s.
min into a whole-body CSE chamber for an 8-wk period induced
serum cotinine levels comparable to those of addicted smokers people or animals to repeated self-administration of the drug.
and that remained over the smoker–nonsmoker cut-off value The likelihood that the self-administration of a drug will result
throughout the day. The model also led to the development of in persistent use or abuse is associated with its psychoactive or
CPP suggestive of tobacco smoke abuse liability. CNS effects, which can have both positive and negative subjec-
In a cigarette smoke abuse liability animal model, tobacco tive effects; its reinforcing effects; and its ability to induce toler-
smoke inhalation needs to result in serum nicotine levels equiva- ance, craving, and withdrawal-associated effects after repeated
lent to those of smokers. Cotinine has a longer half-life (18 to 20 h) use of the drug.32 A broad range of tests can provide scientifically
than that of nicotine (1 to 2 h)6 and therefore is considered a more validated basis for predicting the likelihood that a drug will be
reliable biomarker for smoking status. In our study, the smok- abused or cause addiction. In the experimental setting, these tests
ing habit was simulated in terms of serum cotinine levels, which include assessment of intravenous self-administration, condi-
were around 250 to 300 ng/mL in the high-CSE rats at 1 h after tioned place preference, and drug discrimination and the mea-
exposure, because these levels are comparable to average blood surement of withdrawal disturbances.22
cotinine concentration reported for addicted smokers (around 300 Abuse liability of animals to cigarette smoke is essential to be
ng/mL).5 Moreover, cotinine concentrations in our rats remained established when addiction-related side effects are to be studied.
above the accepted cut-off limit for being considered a smoker Nicotine is a highly addictive psychoactive substance and can
(14 ng/mL)20 throughout the day, according to measurements in induce enhanced reinforcement, as shown by behavioral tests
blood samples taken 20 h after CSE; data at this time point also in animals, after only 3 d of intraperitoneal,7 7 d of continuous
ensured that rats began subsequent days at a nonzero cotinine subcutaneous,23 or 8 d of intravenous infusion in adult rodents33
concentration. Recent studies in humans have lowered the smok- and after a single subcutaneous injection in early adolescent ro-
er–nonsmoker cut-off point to 3 ng/mL to better discriminate ac- dents.3 Although inhalation of tobacco smoke rapidly elevates
tive smokers from nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke.4 blood nicotine levels,26 abuse liability of rats to cigarette smoke,
Abuse liability is the potential that a drug has for addiction. A as suggested by CPP, took considerably more time to be estab-
drug meets criteria for abuse liability if it produces effects medi- lished in the current study compared with the time needed for
ated by the brain sufficient to lead a substantial proportion of nicotine addiction after its infusion as a sole agent, as reported in


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Vol 62, No 5
Comparative Medicine
October 2012

previous studies.7,23,33 In the current study, the diluted sidestream effects at high or sometimes the same dose.22 The reinforcing ef-
smoke delivery of nicotine and other smoke constituents were fect derived from cigarette smoke inhalation is a complex proce-
sufficient to support the development of CPP in our rat model af- dure, during which the rewarding properties of cigarette smoke
ter 8 wk of CSE. In humans, addiction to nicotine due to cigarette overcome the aversive nature of smoke constituents. A number of
smoking is a progressive procedure, starting with the use of 1 to 2 compounds, including acetaldehyde, act in concert with nicotine
cigarettes daily and followed by a gradual escalation of smoking to potentiate its brain-rewarding function,28,30 whereas others,
frequency. In addition, nicotine overload is known to produce including ammonia, acrolein, and acetone, act as irritant toxins.19
conditioned place or taste aversion.22 Because the rats in the cur- In addition, combustion products are aversive because of eye or
rent study were exposed to cigarette smoke for a standard exten- airway irritation, and repeated nicotine intake may induce toler-
sive daily period from the beginning of the study, they may have ance to its anxiolytic-like effects29 or place aversion due to poten-
experienced nicotine overload that was sufficient to have delayed tial residual anxiogenic effects.8 Furthermore, although repeated
CPP development. Repeated CSE, and therefore nicotine intake, CPP testing enable us to identify the time point with maximal
for 8 wk may then have led to CPP development suggestive of CPP shift, repetition of place conditioning might have affected
abuse liability. In addition, cigarette smoke contains numerous behavioral outcomes.
other compounds, in addition to the well-known addictive agent During the first 8 wk, we also noted an increase in the time that
nicotine,9 whose potential addictive or aversive actions have not control rats spent in the white chamber, which were confined for
yet been investigated thoroughly. 2 h daily to that chamber. This finding suggests an acquaintance
The biased CPP paradigm we used here evaluates the reward- of the animals to the nonpreferred environment after chronic
ing effect of an agent or procedure in terms of an increase in the daily confinement, and this possibility should be considered
time spent in the initially preferred or nonpreferred environment when evaluating addiction by using a biased CPP paradigm. In
(for example, black compared with white chamber) after repeated longitudinal studies involving long-term pairing of a test sub-
pairing with the agent or procedure under investigation. This test stance or procedure with a certain type of environment, one can-
has been previously used to evaluate rewarding effects of nicotine not rule out the possibility that repeated exposure of animals
and other abused agents.7,8,14,21,24 However, the magnitude of the may gradually decrease aversion to, for example, an enclosure
effect of nicotine is generally small and affected by environmen- of a specific color. In addition, diverse ‘natural’ stimuli, includ-
tal stimuli or previous handling history, suggesting its weaker ing food, water, and wheel-running, can condition an increase in
reinforcing effect compared with that of other agents.22 Accord- place preference.2
ing to previous experimental setups, chambers used to evaluate The present experimental protocol involved daily exposure
nicotine-induced CPP differed in both color and floor texture.8,34 of rats to cigarette smoke, whereas this procedure in other rel-
In our study, rats showed a definite preference against the white evant models was interrupted during the weekends for practical
chamber (only a 50- to 150-s stay in the white chamber during a reasons.10,11 Undetectable serum cotinine levels at 2 d after ter-
600-s total test period) during the preexposure CPP test, even in mination of the CSE period confirmed the cessation of CSE and
the absence of a difference in floor texture. Therefore, we presume emphasized the importance of the uninterrupted CSE procedure.
that sufficient time was available for the manifestation of a CPP Although demanding, our time schedule closely resembled the
shift after CSE, especially after having incorporated a biased CPP human smoking habit and excluded the possibility of inducing
procedure by pairing CSE with the less-preferred enclosure. The short-term behavioral or organic effects due to transient cessation
time spent in the nonpreferred white chamber increased after of nicotine intake. Evidence indicates that nicotine withdrawal
8 wk of pairing it daily with 2-h interrupted CSE. According to is followed by behavioral abstinence signs, which appear within
our results, the magnitude of the increase proved to be depen- the first 24 h,23 whereas the hypothalamic expression of orexigenic
dent on the CSE period and subsequently on the dose of addictive neuropeptides increases after only 3 d.17
agents taken in, when compared with shorter exposure periods. In conclusion, we here describe a rat model of chronic CSE that
Accordingly, 4-h daily exposure of rats to tobacco smoke has been induced serum cotinine levels comparable to those of smokers
reported to induce nicotine dependence after 4 wk.28 Several stud- and led to the development of CPP suggestive of cigarette smoke
ies have found a dose-dependent CPP to nicotine-paired environ- abuse liability. This model may be useful in the study of the mech-
ments.8 In addition to the rewarding effect of nicotine in tobacco anism and side effects related to tobacco smoke abuse liability
smoke, the anxiolytic effect of nicotine may have contributed to and smoking cessation.
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