Get Smarts Module 8 pg75 &pg76

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Get Smarts Students’ Book Pg75

剧场 下午 傍晚
在家 购物中心
Get Smarts Students’ Book Pg75
Get Smarts Students’ Book Pg75

In the afternoon

In the morning

In the evening
Get Smarts Students’ Book Pg75
The simple past tense shows that you are talking about something that has already happened,
normally used for a past activity or a past state of being(过去式了).

last week
Plural last month.
last year.
Singular in 2012.(2012年)
Two years ago.
Get Smarts Students’ Book Pg76

可怕 搞笑 闷 好吃/ 爆米花

Look and Say the words
Get Smarts Students’ Book Pg76
Get Smarts Students’ Book Pg76
Get Smarts Students’ Book Pg76
Get Smarts Students’ Book Pg76

Get Smarts Students’ Book Pg77

Questions form for Negatives form for

“was and were” “was and were”
Was I at school on Monday
Was David here yesterday
Was the cinema open on Saturday
Were Kate and Jane late yesterday
Was I in the football team last year
Were all my friends at my party
Was it hot last week
Nick wasn’t/ was not in class yesterday.
It wasn’t/ was not warm yesterday.
Tina and Jim weren’t late.
Etty wasn’t on the bus.
We weren’t at the match yesterday.
Our teachers weren’t pleased with us.
I wasn’t at the restaurant.
Copy the rule in your grammar book
Simple past tense of the verb “be” 15-7-21
-normally used for a past activity or a past state of being(过去式了).
Subject Past Tense Negative form
I Was Was not/ Wasn’t
You Were Were not/
We Weren’t
Plural nouns
He Was Was not/ Wasn’t
Singular nouns
Holidays’ Homework(15/7)
1. Gets Smart Workbook pg60 &61
2. Writing(Place and Time Preposition,
3. Copy the exercise(fill in the blanks
with was and were) in grammar exercise
book & complete.
Place and Time Preposition, Adjectives 15-7-21
1.At shopping centre 7. Boring
2.Theatre 8. Delicious
3. In the afternoon 9. Popcorn
4. In the evening 10. At night
5. yesterday 11. restaurant
6. Scary
Copy this exercise in your grammar book
Thursday Module 8: Fill in the blanks with was and were. 15-7-21
1 I__________crossing the red light when the accident
took place .
2 Sheena__________at home yesterday.
3 You__________busy on Monday.
4 I __________so happy yesterday.
5 They__________ working on their chemistry project.
6 She__________ in USA last month.
7 Did she say what she __________ doing?
Thursday 15-7-21
8 They__________in front of the garden.
9 We__________at school last Sunday.
10 Where __________they playing?
11 The boys __________climbing on the tree.
12 Reena and Meena__________ late for school.

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